Tag Archives: Cycling

Garmin Edge 1050 In-Depth Review: Brilliance or Battery?

 As has been the trend for the last 2 years at Garmin, they’ve apparently grown tired of people complaining about their display tech looking like it’s from 1987. Following various Garmin watches getting brilliant and responsive AMOLED displays, it’s … Read More Here

The Peak Design Cycling Case/Mount System: Hands-On

In less than 15 hours the Peak Design mobile mount system Kickstarter will end. I posted about this almost a month ago as part of one of my 5 Random Things, noting that the box of prototypes had arrived, and … Read More Here

Four Days of Swim/Bike/Run Amazingness in Mallorca

I’ve been down in Mallorca since earlier this week, for a jam-packed slate of daily swim/bike/run workouts, with a side boatload of photo and video shooting. This trip was almost exclusively about testing a slate of devices set for review … Read More Here

Getting pulled over by five police vehicles while riding our bikes

I got a bunch of questions about my Strava pic from a ride I uploaded last week, so I figured I’d color in a bit more detail. It would only be appropriate that while on a group ride with the … Read More Here

Getting the Christmas Tree Home via Velib: 2017 Edition

Each year since moving to Paris, we’ve ended up buying our Christmas tree not terribly far away at the flower markets.  While these markets are on the long list of tourism things to see in Paris, for us it’s more … Read More Here

An awesome ride in the Swiss Alps

It’s been a while since I’ve written about a random ride in an epic spot.  But in years past in the deserts of Jordan, or the coast of South Africa, or the Pyrenees, I’ve been lucky to sneak in some … Read More Here

In the bicycle lane with a barrel of wine

I’ve been cramming in lots of workouts over the last week or so, mixing up devices like a merry-go-round, working towards the conclusions of a bunch of reviews.  From the Joule GPS to Barfly mounts to BKOOL and Tacx Genius … Read More Here

Part II: Help me creatively spend $800 on a new bike!

Last week an astonishing number of you weighed in on how I could spend roughly $800 on a new bike.  As you probably remember, the $800 figure is based on a fitness credit I have from the company I work … Read More Here

Help me creatively spend $800 on a new bike!

We’re gonna play a bit of a ‘what-if’ game today, primarily, because I need some real-world assistance in deciding a conundrum.  One of the job benefits for the company I work for is that we get a fitness credit each … Read More Here

The slow march towards more functional triathlon specific bikes

Earlier this week we saw Specialized release their new triathlon bike in Kona as part of the lead-up to this weekend’s Ironman Championships.  For those whose lives don’t revolve around the sport, this may seem like just another bike.  And … Read More Here

The Seattle Century 2011 Ride Report

Since my triathlon season has largely transitioned to running for the rest of the year, I was able to mix things up a bit and enjoy doing a fun century ride with my Dad while I was out in Seattle … Read More Here

A day riding in Colorado with a bunch of really fast former pros

Yesterday I walked through the boatload of new products that CycleOps announced on Tuesday, but today I figured it’d be fun to talk about the rest of the day.  You know, the part after the presentation and Q&A on products. … Read More Here

80 Miles of warm cycling and farming fun

You know what’s nice about not doing an Ironman race this year?  Not having to bike 112+ miles during training.  Yup, with my longest race this year being a Half-Iron with ‘only’ 56 miles as the bike leg, my training … Read More Here

One simple reason why I love watching pro cycling

In light of the world apparently ending on Saturday, and failing that, a bunch of cycling careers getting even more dorked up on Sunday evening during 60 minutes.  So I figured I’d share a brief shot from the Tour of … Read More Here

Enjoying a weekend back in the country

I finally got to enjoy a weekend of Washington DC focused training…and it was great!  Beyond that there was of course much cooking around the house – though none of which I was doing, but rather, The Girl was busy … Read More Here

Using clip-on aerobars on a road bike…how I did it.

If you’re new to triathlon, or are considering jumping into the pool (no pun intended) – you probably at one pointed eyed getting a road bike and using that.  You may have even advanced that line of thinking to also … Read More Here

Steaks, Ducks and Planks

Now that I’m home for a short bit, I’ve been enjoying kicking off the weekend with a bit of cooking – just like last weekend.  After consulting with The Girl, I checked in and see what she wanted.  Turned out … Read More Here

Climbing, Cresting and Cruising

Every time I head up to Skyline drive I’m reminded how much time can be gained or lost anytime hills are involved.  And every time I crest one of the endless peaks there I think to myself: ‘I need to … Read More Here

Behind the scenes of Team HTC-Columbia and the Tour de France Live Tracker

Over the past week and a half of watching the Tour de France, you may have stumbled upon a site that allows you to track Team HTC-Columbia’s riders power, heart rate, cadence and speed data in real-time from your computer … Read More Here

Weekly Mailbag–June 19th, 2010

Here’s this week’s edition of the weekly mailbag.  This is a weekly series where I feature a handful of the e-mailed questions I received from the previous week or so.  I try and pick a wide variety of questions. Some … Read More Here

Baptizing the new bike

I was going to post about all sorts of things this weekend, from the way-too-hot run, to swimming to making homemade pizzas at home.  But…then my new bike came in.  And all that went out the window! After my other … Read More Here

DC Bike to Work Day 2010

Bike to Work Day in the DC area is probably one of the best days out there to get free stuff if you’re a cyclist.  Not sure what I mean?  Well, let me take you along on my journey this … Read More Here

The ‘I got hit by a car during the race’ Rev 3 Knoxville Race Report

Given you’ve probably read the title of this post, you have a rough idea what happens at some point along the way in this story.  That means you also think you know how this story ends, but just for fun … Read More Here

Can you name details about this picture?

For Tuesday I’m going to go with something a little bit different than a normal post.  Last week The Girl and I participated in a bit of an experiment…with our bikes.  This experiment took quite a bit of time actually … Read More Here

Weekly Mailbag – May 1st, 2010

Here’s this week’s edition of the weekly mailbag.  This is a weekly series where I feature a handful of the e-mailed questions I received from the previous week or so.  I try and pick a wide variety of questions. Some … Read More Here