
Nation’s Tri Athletes: Just ignore the 8’ Bull Sharks

Here’s a picture of the shark: (Now, technically, two 8’ bull sharks were actually caught the same day just hours apart…and both in the same area, but we’ll ignore that minor detail for now.) The first thing you might ask yourself is: ‘Say what? Why are sharks in freshwater?’ Well, the Bull Shark has a long history of taking freshwater road trips.

Swimming with sharks

(It’s Tuesday, and everyone’s looking to get to the weekend, so we’ll keep today a bit entertaining) It’s no secret that I enjoy mixing sharks with my water.

Triathletes vs Great White Sharks

More importantly, the course looked amazing – incredibly scenery along the coast with great roads, crashing waves, barking seals and Great White sharks.

A day with the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme

The Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme (with an ‘e’ at the end, British style…) was founded in 2006 by a group of marine biologists looking to setup a permanent facility in the Maldives to study whale sharks.

Isla Guadalupe Great White Shark Diving – Day 2

The briefing covered a number of topics from environmental concerns with the island (no throwing overboard of trash), to how to enter and exit the cage, to being safe in the water with the massive 2,500 pound great white sharks.

Isla Guadalupe Great White Shark Diving – Day 3

Just want to make sure nobody thinks there’s any harm to sharks here in the event the shark gets a hold of the fish.

Shark Week

Perhaps it’s due to watching Shark Week as a kid that I’ve found myself having a unique attraction to sharks.

A Brief Shark Week (Link Bait) Post of My Shark Adventures

Rest of the story down below in the Great White trip.) For those that have followed for a while you know I love sharks, and there’s no better time to display that love than this week.

Isla Guadalupe Great White Shark Diving – Day 5

Normally the larger sharks (females) arrive around this time of year (fewer of them though), while the smaller but more plentiful males tend to congregate in the September timeframe.

Shark Week Time (Starring Me?!?)

If you’ve been around these parts long enough, you know I like sharks.

Gone…Great White Shark Diving

This protected area is something of a highway interchange of sea-life, and in particular – Great White Sharks.

Giveaway Extravaganza: TomTom Cardio Multisport (with optical HR)

Fricken lasers beams! While I originally asked TomTom for sharks with laser beams on their heads, they balked.

Isla Guadalupe Great White Shark Diving – Day 1

If the food on the rest of the trip is as good as this first meal, it won’t matter how many sharks we see.

Week in Review–January 15th, 2012

Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff! So with that, let’s get into the action! posts this past week: Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this week: Saturday: Week in Review- January 7th, 2012 Monday: Bora Bora Part I- Getting here, sun, swim and run! Tuesday #1: Bora Bora Part II- Sharks, Rays (the Manta kind), Paddle Boarding…and lots of rain Tuesday #2: Headed to CES 2012, what product details do you want- Wednesday: A look at testing with New Leaf Fitness for Garmin device calorie calculations Friday: CES 2012 Health and Fitness Gadget Roundup- Part I Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs: Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet: 1) Custom Garmin Edge 500 Mounts: Every time I (re)stumble into this thread, I’m impressed by the way folks have managed to really make their Edge 500 mount look pretty damn sweet.

2012 Escape from Alcatraz Race Report

The official race literature will note that while there are sea lions, seals, 6 species of sharks, and other assorted animals, none of these will harm you.

Days 11-13 – Maldivian water games, a night and day difference

The larger animals (mantas, ray’s, sharks, etc…) and swarms of fish will hang out here.

One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish

A few minutes later some sharks started casually circling our area.

Shark Week…coming to my local swimming pool

For those of you that don’t know by now (approximately four of you), I love sharks.

A weekend in the snow in NYC…and planes, trains and automobiles.

They didn’t have any straight up sharks without people attached – so I kinda had to make due.

The Week in Review: September 11th, 2010

If I had to pick my favorite, it’d be the Shark one…just cause me and sharks are best buds.

Trip Reports Static Page

Day 3: Great White Sharks – woot!… Day 4: Sea Lions and Great White Sharks – double woot!

My Totally Awesome New Shark Blimp

For those that have read for a while, you know I love sharks – especially great whites.