The ‘Anything On My Recommendations’ List Giveaway Results!

Over the weekend I held the ‘Anything on my Recommendations List’ giveaway, which basically meant that as long as I liked the product and it was listed on my Winter 2014-2015 Recommendations Guide – then you could win it.  This ranged from products as expensive as a computerized trainer, to a simple bike computer mount.  You get one toy to choose from the chocolate factory!

All in a total of 4,255 of you successfully entered by the closing time (and after I removed a bunch of duplicates).  From there, it was off to my favorite to find a winner:


So, I then took that number and went off to find a winner that gets to choose whatever the heck they want from the list:


Woot, congrats Gary!  Hopefully the race last weekend went well and you got the ribbon!  I’ll be in touch shortly for you to pick your gadget!

For those that didn’t win – there’s still a ton of sweet deals in the Black Friday/Holiday List post that I have that are still going on a wee bit longer.

Finally, a huge thanks to Clever Training who sponsored all the goods, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) with the VIP program and/or DCR reader exclusive coupon code (depends on product), plus free US shipping.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!


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  1. MattB

    Congrats Gary! Thanks for the chance again Ray.

  2. John M.


  3. morey000

    may the random number generator, always be in your favor…

  4. Babak Niroumand

    Congrats Gary! and Ray, u’re awesome as always.

  5. Rick

    Congrats to Gary! Ray, your Black Friday deals helped me score a Vivofit for $79 .. Thx

  6. Scott E


    Everyone’s a winner coming here to DCR, and picking up sweat deals from Clever Training.

    Happy Holidays, and stay Healthy with all those great events. I had no idea that many events were taking place around the world this time of year.

    (Now if I could only hack that random generator… :-)

  7. John B

    It’s always fun to play.

  8. Andrea

    Congrats, Gary!

  9. Nicholas

    It’s only fun until someone gets hurt!

  10. Congrats to Gary! And, thanks to Ray for giving us all a little bit of hope. :-)

    I managed to pick up a power2max on a Black Friday deal, so I can’t complain. (And, I also managed to get into Flo Cycling’s order #17 so I’ve got new wheels on the way too! :-) )

  11. Andrea

    By the way, I have a feeling that all of us first commenters have been clicking the refresh button like crazy waiting for the result to have responded so fast haha…

  12. Francis C

    Congrats Gary! Happy Holidays to everyone and have a great injury free year next year!

  13. Peronnik Beijer

    Grats, and thanks Ray for this awesome giveaways

  14. Huso

    congrats Gary! merry christmas and a happy new year to you Ray and all fellow athletes!!

  15. unhombrecualquiera

    congrats and thanks for the great giveaways!

  16. KilkennY

    Congrats to Gary.

    And merry Christmas to you all.

  17. Mike

    Congratulations Gary, an unexpected Christmas gift I’m sure!

  18. Tom Burgin

    Nice work! If you don’t get a Kickr you aren’t choosing hard enough. ;)

  19. Dan Lipsher

    Attaboy, Gary. An even bigger attaboy to Ray and the awesome folks at CT! May everyone’s stockings be stuffed with great performances in 2015.

  20. Scott H.

    Congrats, Gary! Kudos to Ray and CT.

  21. Grant

    Big Congrats Gary, you’re a very lucky fella! and thanks to Ray and CT for the chance

  22. kouustas

    Big Time Congrats Gary! Thanks for the chance again Ray.

  23. Patrick

    Congrats Gary.
    Good thing I can take comfort in the nice deal on the 1bandID black friday deal.
    Thanks for enabling us with such a nice opportunity Ray!

  24. Tisztul_A_Visztula

    Congranulations :-), Gary! Don’t b shy and go 4 a brand-new speed sensor letting the other hope 4 a 2nd giveaway competition in the same week. :-)
    No offence meant, just sitting in the bed being ill.

  25. Congrats Gary! One of these days, I will totes win one of these things! But enjoy your prize!

  26. Steve Wilkins

    Congrats Gary…what are you going to choose?