The ‘Anything On My Recommendations’ List Giveaway!

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could pick any gadget that’s on my ‘2014 Winter Sports Gadget Recommendations’ list and call it your own?  Yup, I agree.  And, so does Clever Training.  So they’re offering up to one lucky holiday duck just that.

Be it a new GPS watch, or a super-high end trainer – it can indeed be yours.  It’s like the Price is Right Showcase of sports technology products.  Minus having to guess the price or pay for it.

The rules are simple here, simply drop a comment below with the following:

To Enter: The details of one workout or race that you’ve got scheduled between now and the end of the year.

Simple enough?  Good.

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, December 8th, 2014 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  I’ll be giving you one device of your choosing from the list from Clever Training.  Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, assuming the interwebs work in London for me on Tuesday.  One entry per person.  The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately assuming in stock.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF or now via the VIP program.  Plus, there’s still tons of Black Friday-type deals going on. And most of all, by using Clever Training you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Have a great weekend all!


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  1. Gabriel Eguia

    60 mile race with the bike group on saturday.

  2. Garett

    15x100y on 1:30!

  3. Ian Hall

    I’ve got my usual group bike ride this Saturday. 70K and then the big highlight… Breakfast. :-)

  4. Taylor

    The ‘Amstel Gold Race’ (last 40km) ride with video on my new Tacx Vortex Smart!

  5. Matt D. in Florida

    2,000 yard swim followed by a 5k run just before xmas vacation

  6. Luke Meers

    150km Christmas Eve Eve Bunch training ride.

  7. Stephen Celuzza

    Finishing the Concept2 Holiday Challenge.

  8. Ricky K

    100km Granfondo on trainer in the virtual competition on

  9. Wen

    Just finished my 2nd half marathon last sunday. Resume the training tomorrow and 10k road run this Statursday.

  10. Kevin Lascola

    Hopefully one more long bike ride before the end of the year!

  11. Ian

    3000 yards in pool

  12. Keaton

    I’m doing a 5k run every other morning this week with a few friends to help us all get into the routine again post-race season.

  13. Dylan

    Intending to do a 5K park run before year end – first since stress fracture.

    Otherwise some Sufferfest races to endure.

  14. Jack

    Circuit training, alternating upper and lower body

  15. Daniel K

    My next race isn’t until February when I’ll be running the Hypothermic Half Marathon in Ottawa. For the rest of 2014, I’m trying to get in two to three 10km tempo runs per week with something longer (at least 16 km) on Sundays.

  16. adam zerwick

    Getting ready for the Big Sur International Marathon!! There are definitely some 5ks in the very near future…

  17. I will be running on Wednesday 70′ as 20′ warmup, drills, and strides, then 2 x 15′ at 6:45 pace (slightly slower than half-marathon pace) with 2′ jog in between, then cooldown’ back home.

  18. Jim C

    My 60 min ride tomorrow morning in the garage. Not looking forward to it as I’m whipped tonight.

  19. Michel Gendron

    I want to run outside and roll on my trainer every day of my Christmas break. From December 23rd to january 4th. Great way to survive the holidays!

  20. James Jordan

    The Cotter Uphill Time Trial with the ACTVets Cycling Club.
    The annual event is a 4km climb with 1.5km of undulation and finishes with a 600m downhill sprint to the line.
    Set a personnal best time up the hill to come 2nd in C grade by 6 seconds.
    Ian be ready for next year I am hunting you down :)

  21. Gerard

    A biweekly ladder interval session as ongoing prep for 10k races early next year: starting with 1 min fast/hard, 1 min recovery, 2 mins fast, 2 mins easy, up to 5min/5min, then back down to the 1 min repeat.

  22. Lara

    Nothing special, just some runs around the neighborhood and some bike rides on the trainer. Oh yeah, and some present unwrapping on the 25th!

  23. Yu G

    45 minute runs 4 times a week!

  24. Chris Stepanski

    Xmas Day long run…probably 10 miles…taking in the sites and watching the traffic and chaos of travelers…can’t wait :)

  25. Jerry Hicks

    I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning’s 60-minute recovery ride on rollers in my basement. Wish it were outside though.

  26. Bryan

    Redlands Bicycle Classic. My 1st opportunity to mix it up on the national stage with some of the best racers in the country. Should be a wild ride. Lots of work to do!

  27. Stephen C

    Daily cycle training, Saturday races. and trying to get son back to cycling

  28. Yves

    30 high-intensity x 30 sec stand-up x 30 sec rest
    Tacx Col de la Bonette

  29. brandon F

    Getting all ready for a relaxing 6-8 mile run around my home town on Christmas Day. Haven’t been home since I really fell in love with running!! Watch out Tallahassee

  30. Dave

    Reindeer run 5k in buffalo

  31. Ivan

    correr, correr y correr por la montaña en collserola, Barcelona

  32. Jim trout

    Running 10k resolution run

  33. Rene

    5K run tomorrow – Dec.9th – in northern Ohio

  34. Ivan

    seguiremos corriendo preparandonos para las comidas de navidades, probablemente correré la media maraton de barcelona

  35. maria

    correr por la carretera de las aguas en barcelona

  36. ivan

    correr por la carretera de las aguas con mi esposa

  37. Mike N

    The Run Hard Lexington Half Marathon…our FIRST half marathon here in Lexington, South Carolina, I’m going to push the pace to see if I can come anywhere close to my PR from 15 years ago!

  38. Mike S

    Night training rides couple times a week in So Cal.

  39. Matt

    Maintainence runs for not. Keep off the holiday fruitcake!

  40. Bat

    25k, tonight

  41. Training for my first triathlon, so as well as 25 km of trails I’m going to cycle to the start and home at the end (total 70-odd km) instead of driving it… next week.

  42. Miguel Ramos

    10k run at 5:00 am tomorrow morning!

  43. Scott Bradbury

    Recovering from foot surgery – so I’ll be cleared for running December 23rd..and looking forward to an easy 30 minutes!

  44. Thom Klein

    90-minute tempo ride on the Kinetic trainer this weekend!

  45. Chris Chapa

    Run three miles tonight… easy day.

  46. Mike

    A long weekend run through Rock Creek Park in DC and Maryland.

  47. Mike

    In the midst of the Holiday Challenge – running at least 1 mile everyday from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day.

  48. Phil

    Trainer road workout with some weight lifting afterwards focused on squats and core work.

  49. jason K

    Holiday trip to NYC and a run in Central Park.

  50. Bill Brickey

    This sunday I have an Indoor time trial. It’s a 10k TT done on computrainers, very short but fast and painful! These are held once per month through March so you don’t get too fat & lazy during the off season! Plus all the proceeds benifit the juvenile diabetes research foundation!

  51. Ethan S

    Hill repeats on the massive hill right outside my house. There’s no great place to warm up, but I’ll eventually get these repeats to not blow up Z5 in the first 2 minutes of my workout!

  52. jorge

    60/120 Sprint/jog intervals at Linear park in south Florida, At least 10 times. Trying to cut down my 2 mile run time and improve my PT score.

  53. Jared Ortiz

    Im running a Chritmas Run. Its a 5k on Dec 20th.

  54. Mark

    An hour on my trainer if it arrives this week.

  55. Owen

    Birkbeiner Ski Festival in Edmonton. Cross country ski race.
    55km, 55 km with 25lb pack, 31 km or 13 km choice of distances.
    I’ll be doing the 31.

  56. LacoKis

    Just keep up with the 3 runs a week, one tempo, some intervals and a weekend long run.

  57. Brad

    Barely a 4k with Yazoo here in Nashville. Beer for me and toys for kids!

  58. Karen

    “Do what I can” runs until my sore throat goes away.

  59. Leonardo

    Christmas run barbados dec 25th. Swim workout 4x100m @ 1:50, 2 min rest, 400m easy,3 min rest, 4x100m @ 1:50, 4 min rest, 500m easy

  60. benedict sandona

    Nyc 1/2 marathon

  61. frank hickson

    I am training for a half marathon in February (melbourne music 1/2 marathon in melbourne, florida). This coming sunday will be my first second attempt at running 9 miles without stopping. I am trying to go slow and steady then run the last few miles a bit faster (just because I hate doing any run without speeding up at the end). I tried a half marathon before and died at the 8th mile so #9 is a big psychological hurdle. My ultimate goal is in 3 years to do a full ironman. I am somewhere between baby steps and my first olympic/international distance right now…haha….so I have a long, long, long way to go…..

  62. Ivan Petrovitch

    I plan on completing the Tour of Sufferlandria at the end of January. It is neither a workout or a race, but rather it is more than a week of pure agony!

  63. Tim

    A three mile run. Just trying to stay relatively in shape.

  64. Hoping to get a short night cross country ski in this week, and a long one this weekend… And will try to come up with a way to get some speed training in for a 5km Resolution Run Jan 1st!

  65. Rodney Gibson

    Ironman Melbourne 2015

  66. 12K’s of Christmas in a santa fatsuit!

  67. Liza

    The dallas marathon on December 14th.

  68. Jonathan Laroche

    Currently training for a half marathon in may. Going on my long 14k run as we speak…gotta love Mondays :)

  69. Tyler

    Riding my bike to the grocery store? Actually, trying to plan out doing ‘a’ race in each month next year and the associated running that goes in for that.

  70. Marc

    15km run in Wetter/Hessen (-2°C, Snow and Ice!) followed by Sauna :-)

  71. Morten

    Regular rides on the trainer and hopefully some snowshoeing and sledding with the kids!

  72. bismi

    20 KM Trail Running from Kemensah to Sungai Pusu on 13/12.

  73. Bill Gay

    Pick it back up & turn around training from Thanksgiving Day half marathon to a fast 10K on New Year’s morning.

  74. Z. Hemenway

    10 mile run on Xmas day!

  75. Paul M.

    No well structured workouts, but 5k runs every time it’s warm enough out for me to breathe and if I win I’ll probably go for a nice trainer and then I’ll be doing a LOT more.

  76. Pat

    60 minute Kettlebell bootcamp tonight

  77. Greg S.

    I plan to spin on an old Spinervals trainer for the rest of winter.

  78. Chris Haberle

    15 miler from Kirkland to Seattle this weekend