‘Because it’s Cold’ Giveaway Results! Were you the winner?


This past weekend was the ‘Because it’s Cold’ Giveaway, where I tried to light a tiny bit of warmth in your heart…especially if you’ve been training in the cold lately.

All in, some 2,387 of you entered in the contest (after I removed about 90 duplicates).  Then there were another 13 US active duty military folks that entered via e-mail.  Finally, there were 146 of you that made the ‘mistake’ of checking the box to subscribe/receive e-mail notifications for each entry.  For those, I’m sure your respective e-mail inboxes got a workout as well this weekend.

In any event, I took the 2,387 comments + the 13 active duty folks and got exactly 2,400 people.

From there, it was off to my favorite Random.org to find a winner:


Taking that number back to the comments, I found this:


Congrats Dan!  And, there’s a tinge of relief to see that the winner of the ‘Because it’s cold’ giveaway wasn’t from a tropical locale.  Cause, I’d probably have a riot on my hands.  Albeit, a bunch of rioters with frozen hands and fingers.  But still, a riot nonetheless.

I’ll be sending Dan an e-mail here in a minute so he can pick out his gadget of choice.  As you remember, he got a $400 credit to buy any device of his choice at Clever Training.  Or, I suppose he could have just bought one really expensive pair of winter gloves.

Finally, a huge thanks to Clever Training who sponsored all the goods, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even cold weather gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!


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  1. Kenni Lund

    Congrats to Dan :-) you should go for the 400 $ gloves

  2. Siew Kwan Chang

    Congrats Dan

  3. Matthew Cortez

    I will buy a garmin 810 for 275 bucks DAN! Cash Money!

  4. Matthew Cortez

    Yes Kidding.

  5. Guillaume

    Congrats Dan!

  6. John S.

    Merde! I lost again! However, +1 on the recommendation for $400 of gloves.

  7. Chris O.

    Congrats Dan! And many thanks to: Clever Training for sponsoring the giveaway; and for DCR hosting the giveaway!!

  8. Jørn

    That RNG is clearly rigged!

  9. Shane McCartney

    Congrats Dan!

  10. Oscar P

    I need to work on a partnership with random.org :)

    Congrats Dan! and once again thanks Ray for making this site pure awesome!

  11. Lucky guy, I was to late to enter..

  12. Marcel

    Congratz to Dan ! Always great to get an email that you’ve won something nice :D

  13. Dan

    Hot Diggity Dog! Thanks to Ray and Clever Training for such a great prize! Thanks to everyone for the kudos! Now I have one less excuse not to be out training!

    • Fran

      Hey Dan! Big Congrats!! Just curiosity…I wonder what will you order?

      Thanks DCR and CT for the giveaway, I wish I were a lucky guy!

  14. Jim Ford

    Congrats Dan, I hope they let you use the 10% code with the $400 for a super training gear bonus! :) I also am interested in what you decide to get, please post back.

  15. cj

    Congrats Dan and thanks to Ray for the competition!

  16. Russ Shupe

    Congratulations, Dan! Thanks, Ray for having the contest.

  17. Adam

    Wait, so you just pick them randomly?!? Why bother then? I actually thought I had a winner with my New Years eve swim in 40 degree water. :-(

  18. Ray Reynolds

    Why do I always miss your contests ?

  19. azlie

    Hey, this is discrimination to us in the tropics! We demand equal opportunity!

    So when’s the next contest Ray?

  20. cj

    I think Steve in a Speedo has you beat on the random number thingy

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