The Love You Wanted: $600 Gadget Giveaway


What’s that?  Your Valentine’s Day was a bust?  No worries, I’m here to try and cheer ya up.  It’s your opportunity to win something you’ll really love (which, may be in addition to someone else you love).

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR to a GoPro Hero4 Black to a water bottle to the PowerTap G3 Hub Power Meter (all of which are under $600!), or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever warms your heart.

How to enter:

Simply let me know what was on your training log for last weekend from a workout perspective.  Quick and easy!

Try to make it more than a few words (i.e. not just ‘10K’), so you’ll avoid the SPAM holding tank (I manually clear it out). And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of old SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Saturday, February 20th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. On Saturday a 10k race in my home city, new PR of 39:11!
    On Sunday a run-cycle-core stability brick and a pool swim

    A bit tiring weekend I must admit 😉

  2. sebastiaan

    Now that the little one is sleeping a bit more, I was back on the MTB again last weekend! Feels good to be back at it.

  3. alpaga77

    On Friday a rest before the race on 10 km.
    on Saturday a race per 10 km (19 position open, 4 in the age category)
    on Sunday 8 km inscription LOVE on the Endomondo map 🙂

  4. Denis

    Unfortunately, I’m still recovering from a cold with my next race to come in three weeks! :/

  5. Cristi L

    Registered for Strava 1,500m February challenge, planned to run during the weekend, rained so I stayed indoors 🙁 … went out on Monday to make amends

  6. Ian Smith

    About 15k of riding Fat Bikes.

  7. Alex King

    90 minutes on Trainer Road and some body-weight strength training in the basement (weather was terrible).

  8. Mark N.

    We had record cold but I still got out there and did a 15 Miler training for the Boston Marathon.

  9. Mark Smith

    I was able to get in my normal workouts rehabbing from hip replacement surgery. Spent the weekend at Universal Florida riding all the rides with my daughters!

  10. Mathieu

    Unfortunately no training at all because I overloaded my foot a couple of weeks ago… Thought I could run 25km… (I succeeded though)

  11. Nim V

    I’m training for a 15K, so last weekend, I ran 6 miles plus I go to the gym to attend Body Pump for cross training.

  12. Tobs

    2 episodes of Breaking Bad on the trainer in the cave.

  13. Mikko

    Indoor half marathon (1h34min).
    Luckily the track was 400 m – not 200 m…

  14. Alexandru S.

    11K run followed by a 3K walk.

  15. Brian D.

    What was on my training log was a 10 miler on Saturday and a 20 mile lsd on Sunday in prep for a March marathon. What actually happened was a weekend lying on the couch with a fever and head cold.

  16. Philip Hemmers

    A big zero. Recovering from injury.

  17. Just a short 10 km run while it was snowing and about 25 km in the front of my tv on my trainer.

  18. Simen

    Did an easy 10km on Saturday and a 20km on Sunday, finally getting some proper training in after a setback.

  19. John Rangel

    10k on the dreadmill then pancake breakfast for my three loves on Valentine’s Day.

  20. Jacob Johnston

    I’ll be honest. I was lazy. Some people do well working 12 hour days. I’m not built for it.

  21. Bjørn Tomas Windal

    I did some intervals (4×4, 40×20 etc.) and some strenght training!

  22. Michael Love

    Rowed 10K on the Concept 2. Then ran 5 miles with baby and stroller.

  23. Ciprian Strejac

    run: Zone 40′
    swim: 3Km

    Thank you for this nice “Valentine’s Day”

  24. Brandon

    Saturday workout was 2:15 on the trainer, followed by :15 run. Sunday workout was 10 mile run.

  25. Yiannis

    Easy 5K run to relax.

  26. screwdriver

    Running in the morning and cycling on the afternoon, some relaxing exercises on the evening 😉

  27. George Raihala

    Last weekend was spent on my Kurt Kinetic trainer doing intervals.

  28. Santi

    Friday: 7km easy run
    Saturday: WU + 2x3km + CD
    Sunday: 14 km easy run

  29. Alex

    Ice canoe race on the St-Lawrence river in Quebec! Pure fun at -25C!

  30. Eric Tremblay

    I went skiing, but it was -37 degres outside so a short ski day!
    + core training

  31. Bethany

    Well my plans were to be into my marathon training by now, but I herniated a disc. Sooooo that’ll have to wait….

  32. Tommies

    Samedi & dimanche 16km pour soigner un rhume

  33. An easy swim, 3 hours on the trainer (ow) and a 19k run. Not too shabby!

  34. Andrey

    I set my personal record on 50m freestyle – 0.28.16 and after I had a long run. And on Sunday a had a long indoor cycling about 2.10 hours. So it was very productive weekends)

  35. Christian Ballund

    3 sessions on the indoor trainer, all from Sufferfest. Total training around 4 hours
    2×20 min threshold (Hell hath no fury – 1h15)
    VO2max 3×8 mins (Angels – 1h)
    Endurance (ISLAGIATT -2h)

  36. Robinson Milani

    after 3 months of sedentary lifestyle :-p. I’m returning to my running routine with easy runs 3-4 times a week.

  37. Brad

    Snowshoe half marathon, -5 start temp

  38. Kirk R

    After giving blood I have been really feeling sluggish so I just ran a mile saturday and sunday to keep my daily running streak going (almost 2 years, 7 months now).

  39. Ian Grant

    Training log: rest (trying to do all my workouts on weekdays)
    Viral takeover of training log: vomit intervals… 4 x puke, 4 x lie down recovery… repeat ad nauseum (boom! boom!)

  40. Davide

    I did the Giulietta&Romeo Half Marathon in Verona with my Girl Friend

  41. Björn


    Sunday: 10k run
    Monday: 1 1/2h indoor Cycling
    Yesterday: 5k fast-run
    Today: Planed – Blockroll & streching
    Tomorrow: restday
    Friday: 1h indoor Cycling or 5-10k run

  42. Matt Guyatt

    Did a few non-structured rides on Zwift trying to get back up to speed after being sick for a couple weeks.

  43. Rich

    intervals on the indoor trainer and upper body weight training

  44. Peter

    I only managed to get out for a run once and did yoga once due to having injury. Insert sad panda face here.

  45. Alexander

    90 minutes of over/unders on the trainer on Saturday and an easy run on Sunday.

  46. Matti

    I did some intervals and two long runs, about 10k. On top of that 2km swimming. And I was fast. 🙂 The race season can start!

  47. Matthew Neugebauer

    Since I train during the week, we had a leisurely family bike picnic on Saturday! I save my intense training days for my lunch breaks when the kids are in school…

  48. Chris

    My log consisted of running around the house chasing my two-year old. He’s fast!

  49. James

    Only 2x TrainerRoad sessions (1x90min, 1x60min). Busy weekend with family and family>training 🙂

  50. Kyle Pennell

    I ran some hill repeats and was supposed to do a 90 minute long run, but cut it way short to spend time with the wife.

  51. Nicolas

    Last Sunday I went in the “foret de Meudon” (Meudon forest in France) to recognize the route of a trail I will participate end of March. There were lot of rain on Saturday so on Sunday the tracks were pretty muddy. I ran 22km, (500m ascent) in 2h40 and it made me happy because due to injuries and motivation it was the first time since September I was running longer than 12km.


  52. Michael Fiola

    I just started using Zwift last weekend and logged a 100 TSS ride (which worked out to about 30 miles) on each day. Zwift rocks. I joined a group ride on Saturday and it was the most fun I’d ever had on a trainer.

  53. Trey

    Saturday group training run, Sunday circuit training with my son, Monday 6 miles on the treadmill.

  54. Neil Grunberg

    All about supporting the wife in the great white north – a painful Insanity workout followed by a freezing rain 12k as she prepares for the NYC Half Marathon on March 20

  55. steve

    Last weekend I did my last long run before the taper begins for a spring marathon. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooper @ -7F.. so 18 miles on a treadmill.

  56. Michael

    last week: 35k of running and two times fitness.

  57. Konstantinos Michopoulos

    I did 92k bike and then 60 min run session

  58. Jim Shepherd

    Last weekend consisted of just two short and easy trainer rides as they were my first set of workouts after having 11 stitches removed from my foot. Hope to start back running soon.

  59. It was simply a recovery week, nothing too fancy, nothing too hard. Just recovering for future races

  60. Greg P

    Long run of 11 miles to prepare for a half marathon

  61. Matt

    I got in a couple runs, a MTB ride, and a trainer ride. Not much, but had good workouts!

  62. Chris M.

    Saturday was a muddy/snowy trail run up the local mountain. Sunday was some backcountry skiing up near Santa Fe.

  63. Aben

    treadmill run 5k

  64. Caleb Justis

    Did intervals on my bike trainer on Saturday through Zwift. Since I only have 1 computer in my apartment I had to share the screen, luckily it was a TV, with my girl who was doing online tutoring. It was an interesting workout session.

  65. vector

    Swimming (3k) and cycling (60k). Both were wet !

  66. Greg

    No training this past weekend, lots of ‘housefit’ with installing new siding!

  67. Kevin

    I was sick and just started feeling better yesterday.

  68. JuhaN

    3 times spinning watching Jack Bauer and some ice skating. The weather outside here in Finland still doesn’t allow proper cycling.

  69. Josh

    Skiing all last weekend! Not sure it counts as training, but my legs are tired…

  70. Max

    Running with my running club on Saturday, long run and swim training on Sunday.

  71. bobbi

    I had 8 miles to do for half marathon training

  72. Os

    Last week was 4 runs 10 miles or less and one snowy 20 mile long run with a bunch of hills in it.

  73. Chris Benten

    I got home late Friday after being out of town so I spent time with my wife and dog…on Saturday night I did manage one lap of the Richmond course on Zwift.

  74. Ugo

    Due to the bad weather in Paris saturday, I did sports only on sunday with a 109km bike ride followed by a short run and in the afternoon a 1 hour swim.

  75. Steve

    A couple of 5K runs and a morning bike ride, nice extended weekend for President’s Day.

  76. Radek

    Saturday 60 minutes run easy pace and 60 minutes indoor bike, Sunday 150 minutes road bike 57km.

  77. Kristin T

    Short swim and run to kick off triathlon training season!

  78. Dieter

    I did a 3h group ride in D1 for a total of 85Km.

  79. Jacob Hassevoort

    Saturday was cross training in the weight room for me. Sunday was a rest day.

  80. Robin

    Saturday swim drills, Sunday morning (2h earlier then usual) 1h base run. After that all GF related activities, including a 4h forest walk.

  81. Weekend is all about the bike.
    Saturday was VO2 Max session on the rollers: 3 x [12 x (0:30 @ 130% FTP, 0:15 @ 50% FTP)] on 3:00 RI

    Sunday was a 2,5 hour ride on the MTB in the ice and snow.

  82. Linas

    A great one hour workout on a turbo trainer together with the GCN team on youtube!

  83. PureZOOG

    Did a couple of runs, 5k and 10k, and as always despite the cold and rain enjoyed it immensely (well you have to don’t ya!)

  84. Steven Agar

    Last week was a taper week before a Sunday race. Still managed 20m, including a tempo and 6x 400m… Finished 2nd in the race, 1sec behind 1st

  85. Andrew

    Bit of volleyball on Saturday, bit of couch time on Sunday

  86. Emily

    We were supposed to do 12k but the -42C windchill limited us to a very short run!

  87. Hi, this saturday I’ve ran 10.14 km, after this take a part in short speed ice climbing competition and at sunday also ran 12.5 km

  88. Hammer

    Absolutely nothing thanks to a sprained foot. Just been told I’m looking at a six to eight weeks of recovery time, when I’m itching to get some HIIT intervals in.

    Hopefully be healed enough to copy with some cycling like this weekend.

  89. sebas

    Long Bike on Saturday (75k) and easy run on Sunday (13k)

  90. A.

    Run: 2h15min-25km-146bpm/avg
    Swim: 45min-1,5km
    Ride (fatbike): 2h30min-35km-134bpm/avg
    Tuesday (dayoff)
    Ride (fatbike): 2h20min-36km-148avg/bpm
    Run: 1h28min-19km-160avg/bpm (5x5min workout)

  91. davide

    one hour at the swimming pool and 12km run just before the sunset!!

  92. Tucker

    Saturday: 2 hr ride, 30 minute run brick
    Sunday: 5k swim, 1 hr 45 min bike, 20 minute run

  93. Mike

    Not too heavy, 4 hours of interval training on the bike. Riding in the basement makes in challenging, trying not to go mad!

  94. dvorcsakl

    Hi Ray!

    Saturday: I ran 12 km.
    Sunday: I ran with my girlfriend, in a Valentin Day event, and created a heart, with GPS log.

  95. Andrew Kuhn

    Ran the Jacksonville Donna Breast Cancer Marathon.

  96. Charles Holden

    A 10 mile run training for the Brighton Marathon in a couple of months time!

  97. hard to traing alone so I chose to push for few KOMs on Strava. I managed to get 3 of them and had a nice interval training.

  98. Squeegy

    A simple ski day at the local hill.Finally enough snow to make it worthwhile.

  99. Jess

    I ran my longest run ever at 8 miles. Split between treadmill and an indoor track because it was very cold here.

  100. On the Saturday I ran a 10k in Busselton, Western Australia, and on the Sunday I watched an awful lot of people take part in the Busselton Jetty Swim, a 3.6km swim around the end of the Busselton Jetty.