The DCR’s on Vacation Fenix3 Giveaway!


It’s giveaway time!  Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.

This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training.  It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)

So how do you enter?

Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation.  Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule?  Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?

The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training.  This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap.  And then you can get it with or without the HR strap.  Totally your choice!

As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. Matthew J

    I usually always run early in the morning before my family wakes up. If the weather is bad, I’ll sneak down to the gym. This winter, while I was on a cruise, I had the opportunity to swim, bike and run (around the .25 mile track on the top deck).

  2. Bartosz N.

    Adventure ride on the trail bike in the morning and then resting thru the second half of the day.

  3. Melanie P

    Usually I get some running in, swimming and biking if the locale allows. And ice cream, of course. :)

  4. Massimiliano

    Running early in the morning and sometimes swimming

  5. Aaron Wixom

    Typical vacation activities for us include mountain biking, hiking to waterfalls, and body-weight workouts at the hotel. Also swimming, pizza, and lots of ice cream for sure.

  6. Joe Wilensky

    Short runs before people are awake. I don’t want to miss out on vacation activities while actually on vacation. Fitness can take a bit of a back seat to enjoying my time away

  7. Ulrika Båving

    Vacation is participating in an IM with my husband

  8. I typically try and get out earlier in the day, and my mileage is more flexible. I love exploring new areas, even if it’s just some new neighborhoods, while on vacation so my training stays pretty strong.

  9. Tagg LeDuc

    Working out is usually an option if we get bored. Our last vacation was skiing at Whistler. Never got bored.

  10. Ryan W

    I scale back the intensity a bit, but use my runs as a way to explore my destination on foot.

  11. Patrick Reilly

    Depends, sometimes its biking to get some alone time, but most of the time it’s drinking beer and laying on the beach.

  12. Philipp

    I try to do some easy runs. But usually I do less than planned :D.

  13. Jerry Pringle

    i try to get in a run early, then recover with the ice cream!

  14. Alberto

    I love to run on vacation, its a way to discover new places, new people and new challenges =)

  15. Mike O

    Usually just a lot of walking during the sightseeing…

  16. Mark

    For me it’s always exploratory runs — I look at a map and pick an interesting looking place to run to — the idea is to have an adventure. Once in Hawaii my girlfriend and I ran out of beach and had to wade through the water along and jump from rock to rock. I love running in new cities as well, especially in the morning when you can see the whole city coming to life.

  17. Jason Raath

    Living inland I tend to do the works, so swimming(pool only), running and MTB if I can find the time. Holiday time though, is beach time, so it’s off to the beach for some running and if it’s safe, a little up and down the coast for the rare treat of an ocean open water swim. I don’t get to do too much open water swimming, so when I do I’m stoked. I must say though, my vívofit is registering some impressive numbers when compared to my normal routine, so I feel I’ve earned the extra icecream!

  18. George C.

    Walking, or swimming in the sea when available.

  19. Milo

    I always try to maintain my training schedule while on vacation. The actual results vary… a lot…

  20. James P Koelzer

    Whether on a business trip or vacation, I love to run around tourist sites and post to Strava. As good as my intentions are, though, my training usually suffers somewhat when I’m traveling. I always get a few workouts in, but perhaps not as many as I had planned.

  21. Tyler

    Try to keep up on running at least, try to make up for the extra vacation calories consumed :)

  22. Emerald de los Angeles

    Love to run on the beach.

  23. Gene

    I try to run, but usually end up just walking everywhere, although racecations are common.

  24. john

    Vacation run great way to train in different weather and terrain.

  25. Kopi Zoli

    Not too much training, usually short runs.

  26. Rob

    I cut back on my training during vacation and simply run once every two days.

  27. Tommy S. Sørensen

    Cycling and maby a little running.

  28. Argyris

    E & trail running & bike & C2!

  29. Ale c

    Biking all day…

  30. Alex

    Sea Swims, long bike rides and short runs. Having the time and the beautiful weather is the most enjoyable part.

  31. rohit khanna

    My holidays have been around events recently. Hardly get any days off. Do most of my training on weekdays

  32. RJ

    been dying to get this watch. I bought the vivoactive. Its nice, but the Fenix3 is just awesome!!! I do long endurance rides and also training for my first iron sprint.

    On vacation I keep up with my training. I actually will cycle more :)

  33. Kelly

    I like active vacations, so I am usually doing some exercise even if it isn’t exactly as per my plan. I try to adjust my schedule before and after to accommodate the important workouts if I don’t feel I did enough on vacation!

  34. Stephanos Ritsi

    Generally vacations are a form of crosstraining, backpacking! So structured training falls off completely but most of the day is spent on the trail.

  35. Daniel

    I don’t do too much training on holidays, but I run sometimes

  36. welshcakes

    Mainly road bike training camps (6 days or more), at least twice a year with a lot of climbing. Wake up, eat, ride, eat, sleep, repeat. That’s how it goes :)

  37. Andy

    I always run/plan vacation around running. Paced at the Indiana 100, camped with my wife and daughter. My wife also paced. Stuck to my taper for a 24h race this weekend. I eat all the icecream

  38. Markus S.

    Relax, be, relax, be….

  39. Carter

    I try to find a 10 k and race against the locals.

  40. Marcel van Boxtel

    I run almost every day on vacature, because I have a lot of time ;). That means I run about 80-90 km’s a week.

    Running is more fun with a Garmin Fenix 3 I guess!

  41. Ryan K

    Usually do nothing except for huge amounts of walking + swimming

  42. Tom

    Running. Lots of running. And eating. Lots of eating. Donuts. Yum.

  43. I like to run mornings on vacation, especially in new places. It’s a great way to explore while most everyone is still waking up. Plus, I like adding to my Strava heatmap!

  44. Michael

    I run on every vacation. Exploring new places keeps it fun and keeps it real.

  45. David Santino

    I pack my running shoes and try to get in as many runs as I can on local trails.

  46. Josh D.

    Run early to explore, then use the extra free time (no work!) in the afternoon or evening to catch up on a few weights…all while wearing my extremely battered fenix 1.

  47. Geoff

    The only serious training I do on vacation is running. Good for exploring new places whilst the kids are waking up.

  48. Ol

    Running, it is the only thing I can add in my suitcase ;)

  49. Colin Duffett

    usually a few minutes on the treadmill

  50. CSPeluches

    Vacation means family training, so runs without intervals, bike without tempo and swim without goggles. I wonder, can this still be called training?

  51. SteveT

    I’ve really enjoyed renting a mountain bike and doing the local downhill/around town trek. Best was Christchurch NZ.

  52. Gareth Davis

    Vacation usually means I’m more focused on spending time with the people I’m on vacation with. This equates to light cross-training, or catching a few laps in the pool :)

  53. John Saal

    Run, beach, beer, repeat. I’m flexible on order. ;-)

  54. JK

    For me vacation means long runs with low pace.

  55. Erik

    Perfect timing, we have a vacation coming up in a few weeks and I already have planned some; street runs, trail runs, open water swims and some hiking!!

  56. Kent Johnson

    I try to drop in to a new CrossFit gym anytime I’m out of town, but my usual diet goes completely out of the window!

  57. Russell Govender

    I usually run a bit less on holiday, but I do use my runs as an opportunity to explore the place I am visiting.

  58. Todd

    I try to pick a destination race that is also a vacation spot for both myself and my wife such as Cozumel, Mexico.

  59. Patrick Mountford

    Vacation for me usually turns into a mini training camp where I train hard in the am and kick it back in the PM with family and friends! Keep up the amazing work!

  60. Nathan

    I try to maintain a balance between diet and training. If I slack on one, I press on with the other.

  61. Kirsten

    Depends…usually try to keep up with the training schedule as much as itinerary will allow, but have no issues with slacking off if need be :)

  62. Brad Goodridge

    always a race vacation

  63. Ilya

    I am russian and on vacations i walk with my bear.

  64. Nikoleta

    Honestly…my holidays are just about relaxing..maybe some flyfishing. ;)

  65. Marty

    If the stay is more than a couple of days, then I’ll bring my gear and do some running early in the morning.

  66. bjarke

    Whatever I can fit in during vacations with three small children, tends to be running mostly due to time efficiency.

  67. kidseboricor

    Run with my dad

  68. Johnny Nordahl

    Normally I settle for running…reducing the frequency to every other day. If I stay at a hotel with a gym I throw in some weight training too.

  69. cool69

    Swiming as much I can, with running every second day in the morning. Only hobby biking occasionally.

  70. Pauline

    Too tired -> Sleep !
    and read DC posts ;o)

  71. Cristina

    I don’t plan workouts during vacations. I end up running and riding where and when makes sense in the vacation itself.

  72. kelsi

    Train hard no matter what!!

  73. Raf

    Riding a bike with my friend on the sea side in Poland

  74. christopher nysaeter

    As much as I can!

  75. S2

    No holidays at the moment :o(
    For the next ones, i hope to train for the automn vertical kilometers …

  76. jason

    i train my tan on vacation

  77. Mike

    UK Park runs are always good when you are in a different area.

  78. Michael

    I cut down a bit, but still try to get a couple of workouts in.

  79. Bodo Knudsen

    In the summer I often bring my Niner RIP9RDO bike along so I try and get some riding in. If I don’t bring a bike I’ll usually rent one and ride some of the local trails if I’m in the right locale.

    In the winter I tend to focus on fun outdoor activities but not as much focused training. Hiking, walking, and swimming predominate. I usually up the yoga while on vacation as well and I’ll often sneak in a few aerobase rides in the hotel gym if I am up early in the AM.

  80. Maciej

    I schedule vacations just after the season ends, so there are no workouts to do

  81. Alex Bretean

    A beer and a tan!

  82. Vacations are extensions of what I do when I’m at home; just in a new location. Why would you only choose to live your life the few weeks of the year that you are on vacation?

  83. Alice

    Do my homework !!!!

  84. Tor Hunemark

    Vacation time is the ideal time for adventure like long runs with sleepovers. Same with rides and mountain bike rides.

  85. Petteri

    late afternoon easy runs just before dinner. perfect recipe for holiday.

  86. William Lindberg

    Running is a great way to sight see in a City. If I am staying in a place that offers Bike rentals I try to rent a bike because you can cover even more mileage for sightseeing. The nice thing about running or Biking you do not incur extra parking fee charges

  87. K X

    Morning runs to explore the new place. And occasionally swimming pool plus A LOT of eatarathon!!:)

  88. Rich O'Kelly

    Find some routes hitting as many cool place in as possible and get out early doors to see them on as many days as possible.

  89. Kirk

    Vacation means maybe a quick run every second day, but nothing too stressful!

  90. Sebestyen

    I don’t go on vacation rather travel. The more remote location, the less online info available and tourist around me the better it is. And sometimes that puts your body into extreme challenges to get it trough.

  91. Jesper Petersen

    Love to start the day with a run followed up by a workout in the fitness room at the hotel. Makes the hotel breakfast taste even better

  92. Steven Wiens

    I usually don’t have time for a workout when I’m on vacation.

  93. Popity Flavius

    Drinking beer all day long :)

  94. Keith

    Typically running, but also count snorkeling and hiking (only because I am on vacation).

  95. James Lee

    Training during vacation just shifts to off hour training so family time is kept up :-)

  96. EvE

    I like to run, mountainbike or windsurf on my holidays. Depending on location and weather.

  97. CaptainChris

    Beach runs and ocean swims… the perfect way to spend a vacation when not soaking up rays.

  98. Ericka Rio

    A light running in the morning and that’s it. Enjoy vacation time

  99. Greg Mulka

    I think my vacations this year are going to be races. So, go hard?

  100. Dirk 1507

    During my holidays, i drive home to my parents and discover with my bicycle new beautiful places in the Spreewald (spreeforest)