The DCR’s on Vacation Fenix3 Giveaway!


It’s giveaway time!  Partly because it’s been a while, partly because it’s Friday and it seems fitting, and partly just cause I’m on vacation and this seemed a whole lot easier than writing an in-depth review.

This time I’m giving away a Garmin Fenix3 multisport watch, sponsored by Clever Training.  It’s the only watch I brought with me on vacation (yes, I know, only one watch – incredible!)

So how do you enter?

Simple: All you need to do is write a comment below with what type of training (or I suppose racing) you typically do on vacation.  Do you cut back, or press on as per the schedule?  Or does all training just simply shift to eating ice cream and chocolate bonbons?

The winner will get to choose any Fenix3 variant from Clever Training.  This could be the base grey one (seen middle in photo above), or the more swanky Sapphire unit with the metal link strap.  And then you can get it with or without the HR strap.  Totally your choice!

As usual, Clever Training is sponsoring the giveaway.  Remember you can save 10% off anything they sell through either the coupon code or the DCR/CT VIP program, plus of course free US shipping for goods over $75US.

Thanks for reading!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, April 27th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming in stock.


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  1. Anant

    I’ll do some running but mostly vacation is about relaxing for me.

  2. Leo Goodstadt

    When I am on vacation, I try to find the biggest mountain around. I get such an unbelievable high early in the morning when I can look down on the whole world from the highest vantage point. My happiest memories of my honey moon are (leaving my newly wedded beloved!) setting off at the crack of dawn from a Sicilian beach to wind my way up craggy volcanic roads. Just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and not get too distracted by the view…

  3. Dan

    Typically I try and walk as many places as I can unless I’m by the ocean in which case I will swim at about the same pace as at home during training.

  4. Gary Artinger

    I love getting out of the city and doing a little running and biking on mountain trails

  5. LP

    Increase my cycling miles and use up all my rest time.

  6. Gary

    I generally continue on with my usual workouts and many times increase activity due to the calorie consumption boost that usually accompanies vacation.

  7. Adam

    Mostly run to see the sites – and always bring the bike if driving to the vacation destination!

  8. Darin Markford

    I usually keep up my activity level, but don’t follow a schedule while I’m on vacation. I fit in a run or two when I can and do family bike rides and walks. My Dad and I will usually fit in at least one fitness ride at the beach.

  9. Unimaginative Pseudonym

    Nothing changes, I’m just free to change what I like, and mix it up on vacation to offset the “vacation diet”!

  10. Jeffrey Foldenauer

    It depends on the destination; if it’s pretty, coastal and features great trails, then I ramp it up, but if a gym is the only option I give it a break.

  11. Jason

    Vacations!? What are those??? I would probably just run…in the morning before the wife and kid wake up.

  12. Paul Martin

    Depending on plans. Regular weights sessions stay regular (ideally). No work gives opportunity for longer adventures depending on family requirements.

  13. Jason

    Will usually stick to my run schedule, and get a swim in and/or cross train if the facilities allow.

  14. Andrew

    On most trips, the training is typically solo exploration (long) runs where I try to hit a few landmarks along the way. Running the whole Vegas strip last time I was there was nice!

  15. Catherine Hill

    I disable all alarms and wake ups on vacation… Sleep is my preferred activity

  16. Ben

    I like to do early morning walks from the hotel and explore the local area a bit. Great for finding out interesting spots to eat at later in the day!

  17. Cody Kleven

    I love a good destination race, but if I’m with the family I prefer to keep my running mileage moderate – enough to enjoy excess calories but not too much as to take away from time with my wife and kids.

  18. Stacy

    Life should be one long vacation spent with hubby and the kids – as work gets in the way I just enjoy the actual time off with them when I can

  19. Josh

    exploring the scenery with a long run through the town/city

  20. Jandro Mendoza

    Try to find a half at the vacation spot to see the area.

  21. Pete

    Biking or running before my travel companion wakes up.

  22. Vitaliy Uvakin

    Just enough to burn all the calories consumed :)

  23. Paul Gerber

    Fit some training in but keep it causal and unplanned. Family trip, family comes first. If the training never happens so be it.

  24. Olivier Caza-Lapointe

    The runs are the easiest to do…just bring shoes and go for it. Otherwise, the best vacations are sport specific, i.e. a ski trip or, even better, a mountain biking trip with a bunch of friends. The crazy amounts of workouts are done seamlessly on the bikes…too much fun. Now, I want that F3 so bad. :)

  25. Laurent Rivard

    I usually try to run early in the morning since it’s usually a pain to bring a bike

  26. Martin Salva

    I try to get in at least a 5K run in the morning whether on the treadmill or exploring the town.

  27. Trail run & swim

  28. Brian

    Try to get some running in on vacation.

  29. Ulysses Billips

    I have been trying to record runs everywhere I go. Recently traveled for my first race. IT was GREAT!

  30. Daniel B

    I usually try to run at the minimum but usually working out gets pushed to the side because family wants to see me for some reason…

  31. Mary

    Well my husband doesn’t let me take my bike trainer on vacation so I usually end up running and/or hitting the hotel gym.

  32. JoeyD

    Running with the wife. My bike goes with me if we have room. I do my best to keep up with my schedule.

  33. Rick B

    I like to go out for a run early in the morning and try to stick to my training program as best I can.

  34. Daniel Karp

    i usually use vacations as a rest period, with little or no training. if im somewhere pretty, i like to go on hikes or easy bike rides and enjoy the moment, instead of training.

  35. John Lea

    Training is hard enough to do when I’m not on vacation, but mostly I try to fit in some cycling and not eating too much.

  36. Brad

    Hiking and biking

  37. Otto Ulrike

    Since I have more time, I usually go for longer runs, besides, vacations are only for two weeks long, so it does’t change a lot my routine and I get the chance to enjoy the city (Mexico City). If my girlfriend is on vacation too, we’ll run together even though it will be a shorter and light run, but a really pleasent one.

  38. Marc Metakis

    run in the AM and swim in the afternoon

  39. Santiago

    Stick to running and finding new routes.

  40. P-A

    Running near the hotel I’m staying at – a nice way to get a feel for the surroundings.

  41. Ian

    As vacations a ‘break from normal life’, I use them to mix-up my training. Normally I do mostly cycling and swimming, therefore I use vacations for running and (if available gym work). It’s hard to change routine, but it makes it feel different from my normal day to day, ie, feels more like a change and they say ‘a change is as god as a rest’.

  42. Dan

    Honestly, vacation is vacation. Ice cream and bon bons for me!

  43. Billy Badger

    I just press on as normal or schedule a “rest week”

  44. ashri S

    No training on my vacation, just eat eat eat sightseeing and spend like crazy.

  45. Jerry Nelligan

    I typically do a running race with my wife and kids. We have done 5k to half marathon. I have sometimes done some very focused training on vacation. I once ran 15 miles around a 1/3 mile cruise ship. Diet generally suffers, but I typically add additional strength training due to extra time without work.

  46. Jeremy Jake Tan

    Slow early morning runs around the city I’m visitng

  47. Miguel Quinones

    What vacation? I always combine vacation with new sport adventures. Last vaca it was Kite Surfing (didn’t happen because there was no wind but that’s another story). Before that it was Free Diving, sailing, climbing, shooting, you name it.

  48. Rich

    If I’m in training I do my best to stick to the schedule but not cut int sightseeing too much. In St Lucia, I ran on the beach barefoot, hit the treadmill to beat the mid-day heat, and also took in the scenery on shorter HILLY runs.

  49. Adrian Chavez

    One of the best ways to explore a new city is on foot. I train everyday on vacation!

  50. Natasha Garcia

    Running during vacation is the ultimate excursion!

  51. Chase F

    I just try and limit the amount of junk food that I come across on vacation.

  52. Jaime J

    Generally some running and maybe biking. Rarely I will do swimming.

  53. Torin La Liberte

    Depends on the vacation. Sometimes it’s business as usual, but mostly I tone it back quite a bit and enjoy the area.

  54. Dustin Marcus

    Vacation training = increased focus on the run! – great way to discover the best bakeries and ice-creameries of a new location by expedited exploration on foot!

  55. Pat A

    I always try to get a long run in early during a visit to a new city. It definitely helps with learning the layout and provides some quick sight-seeing.

  56. Jody

    Casual running to enjoy cool and sunny mornings if weather is good at our frequented beach town.

  57. Tim Criag

    run, walk,ride, drink.
    not necessarily in that order.

  58. Rob Padinha

    Try for one run, but end up the rest of the week eating ice-cream.

  59. Matt Sanders

    I always attempt to workout enough to keep me from feeling bad for eating what I please.

  60. Jerome S

    I usually take my summer holidays in the south of France. I like running in the small rocky mountains called Esterel. It’s also a premium location for riding, both on and off road. But my favorite training is the villa-to-beach workout: a run through the moutains, from my family’s villa to our favorite beach.