A sporting weekend

This weekend turned out to be full of sports, and not just of the Cupcake Creation variety either (which, of course, is an official sport around these parts).  But I see no reason to skip over the cupcakes..

As I mentioned in my previous post, Friday night the girl was busy creating cupcakes.  While the previous set of cupcakes tasted great, they were more about visual appeal.  Whereas these ones are clearly targeted towards just simply tasting incredible.  Three types of chocolate and gooeyness inside with a white-chocolate butter cream frosting.

IMG_0137 IMG_0140She actually was testing out three different types of chocolate injection methods (squeeze bottle, cut and cover, and just dig and fill), thus a variety of cupcake types:


IMG_0147 Yes, check out that gooey chocolate inside below…


Awesome.  They didn’t last too long around here…

Saturday brought a ride for me up on Skyline.  70 miles all in, and about 8,000 or so feet of climbing.  I was a bit tired at first, but got into the groove of it pretty well.  I didn’t have a chance yet to swap back to my compact crank in preparation for Ironman Canada, so I was riding the standard.  And once again my climb times were back to normal times for that crank.  In some ways that’s good – as it allowed me to confirm my previous findings.  So I don’t worry about it too much.  I just spin…and spin…and spin.

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After that I knocked out a quick 5K before running off the mountain (well, driving) and rushing back to DC to catch a Nat’s game.

See, the Girl’s got hookups in the sporting world.  And this time it included going to the game with the family of one of the Cubs pitchers (and sitting with his brother, a Red Sox draft pick).  We even picked up our tickets at the Players will call window!  Though, that was after first waiting in line for 20 minutes in the regular will call before we found out we had a different window to choose from.  Doh!

IMGP5052 IMGP5053 IMGP5055 The brother, going into the game..

IMGP5056 IMGP5065There were far more Cubs fans than Nat’s fans there last night, and we were decidedly in a very Cubs-heavy area.


Sunday brought more sports…first up – a swim.

We were headed up to catch the Girl’s sisters game, and I remembered from the last time I was up watching that there was a big aquatic complex in the same complex as the stadium.  So…first stop, the pool!

Now, this pool is no ordinary pool, it’s got all sorts of aquatic goodness, like…the mushroom and the palm trees:


And the water slides (to the left):


And more water slides:


And a recreation pool:


And finally, the competition swim and dive pool:



Which…is where we hung out for a while.  About 5,050 yards later to be exact.  Now, the Girl lucked out and her workout was a bit shorter, so after she was done, she had had fun playing with the underwater camera while I continued to swim away:

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Finally, we wrapped up that little activity approximately one minute before the pool closed – perfect timing!  Then it was off for a little jaunt across the complex to the game.

IMGP5141 IMGP5163IMGP5149 IMGP5156

Good times!  Of course, no weekend would be complete without ice cream, so there may or may not have been a stop at Cold Stone along the way…  Though, I may have kinda forgotten to take pictures of potential event. :)

Have a good week all!


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  1. Man, I’m SO envious of those cupcakes.

  2. Man, I want to go down the water slides at that aquatics complex! Freakin’ Sweet!!!

    Has The Girl tried putting the fudgey goodness in the cupcake before baking it?

  3. 1…how can you eat that many cupcakes…what!?! Did I just write that. Never mind, I understand.

    2. I’m tired just from reading this post…you are one crazy busy man!

  4. That is an amazing pool facility. My kids would go nuts!

  5. Erica Steele

    What time were you at the pool that no one was there?? That facility is normally PACKED from morning to night. Consider yourself very lucky.

  6. Wow what a weekend… I’m jealous!

  7. You forgot to give is the most important piece of information, namely which type of chocolate injection method worked the best!

  8. Sounds like a weekend full of sports and fun. Those cupcakes look delicious.

  9. So your gf’s sister is a professional soccer player? am i understanding that right? what a sporty family!!!

  10. Thats a great sports weekend Baseball spccer and training thats great Thanks for stop by the restig is well needed as I am feeling it so it will be a nice 2 weeks let me know whne you do another spectating weekend

  11. Wow…your weekend is so action packed! Love that pool place. And, that photo inside the stadium – fantastic!

  12. Hey! My brother was at that cubs game! He’s on a 10-day road trip following the cubs around the country.

  13. I agree with Thomas – Which method worked the best?

    Sounds like a great weekend. I was also at the game on Saturday!

  14. Those cupcakes look delicious! Which method wound up working best for the filling?

    Looks like a great, action packed weekend!

  15. Ray, I am a DC triathlete as well & just found your blog about 2 weeks ago. I have possibly read every post now. Lots of great tri info & other fun stuff too. I especially like the cupcake posts. :)

    I do want to know how you got all those pictures at the Germantown aquatic center with no one there. I’ve never seen it like that.

  16. That pool looks the bomb, lots of fun!

    Baseball and soccer…ah well each to his own!