Tag Archives: Dubai

Photo of the day: My Gigantic Dubai Palm Tree Run

Every once in a rare while, I plan a route simply because it’ll look cool from space.  And so was the case tonight.  I had an interval run of sorts to knock out, and after I finished up at work … Read More Here

A Night Cycling Around the Autodrome Race Track in Dubai

On Monday when I posted that I was heading to Dubai for a few days, a reader suggested I check out the Wednesday night ‘open track’ at the Autodrome.  Each week they open the track to just cyclists and runners … Read More Here

A Dubai Runaround (Night Interval Edition). And a camel.

We landed into Dubai at around 10:30PM Saturday night, after a 7 hour flight to Doha, Qatar, and then another hour flight onwards to Dubai.  Customs took a wee bit more time, due to The Girl’s Canadian Citizenship (the UAE … Read More Here

Tip of the day: Exercise gyms inside airports

As you well know, I travel a lot.  And while it’s relatively straight forward to train and travel with short flights up and down the coast in the US, it becomes much more difficult to travel and train when your … Read More Here

Dubai Day 4: Sand Dunes, Soccer and Suits

This was effectively our last full day in Dubai, and quite full it was.  Without question it was the busiest day, first starting where every day starts – the hotel breakfast buffet.  I call this out only to note the … Read More Here

Dubai Day 3: Skiing in the desert- Prepared two ways

Those who read my blog semi-regularly will know that I’m a huge fan of skiing.  I’ve been known to go a bit out of my way (say a few thousand miles) to get some skiing in.  So it wouldn’t be … Read More Here

Dubai Day 2: Relaxing? Umm…maybe.

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day.  And in theory – it started off that way.  A nice breakfast from the buffet, and then I went out to the beach to hang out for a while and just enjoy … Read More Here

Dubai Day 1: Sighting off camels…while swimming

Over the course of the last few days I’ve hop scotched across the country a to Seattle, Whistler and then back to Seattle before swinging through DC for a bit. Shortly after that my brother and I left for a … Read More Here