Just a super-quick heads up that next week begins the annual 5-week long sports technology sweep (or sprint) that starts with Eurobike, continues with Interbike, and then rounds out with the ANT+ Symposium. It’s predictably packed with new products, cool technology, and frosted with just a tiny bit of exhaustion.
It first starts out next Wednesday morning in Friedrichshafen, Germany with Eurobike, the world’s largest bike show (way bigger than Interbike). It’s here that we tend to see all of the European brands make their sports tech announcements, along with some of the more ‘global’ brands. Without fail we’ve seen massive pushes in power meter technology each year, and it’s certainly shaping up to follow that trend this year. But I also think we’ll continue to see more connected sensors (i.e. lights) as well. And as always I expect more trainers.
Here’s all my past Eurobike posts (seriously, you’ll get lost for a long while).
Then two weeks later on September 14th we kick-off Interbike. We typically see US brands make announcements there, as well as global brand that may be splitting announcements between Eurobike and Interbike. For example, Garmin has historically split announcements between Eurobike and Interbike. But they’ve also not historically announced/started shipping half a dozen cycling products during the summer either (Edge 520, Varia Radar, Varia Lights, Vector2, Edge 20, Edge 25). Same goes for companies like Polar, who already launched a key new cycling product (the M450) back in June.
Instead, I think you’ll see most of the action coming from the ‘smaller’ brands (as in, not massive global brands). But that’s great – because lots of cool stuff happens there.
Here’s all my past Interbike posts (in case you’re still bored this morning).
ANT+ Symposium:
Finally, we’ve got the ANT+ Symposium two weeks after that, starting on September 28th. As is usual I’ll be speaking there on sports technology trends (which is never really limited or focused on ANT+, but the industry as a whole). Typically we see some minor announcements here, usually more ‘declarations’ than new product announcements. For example last year Garmin announced Connect IQ at the ANT+ Symposium.
You can see and watch all my past Symposium presentations here (this takes spare time to the maximum, with each presentation nearly an hour!).
Phew! As you can see – a busy time period indeed!
A Quick Reminder!
Before I go back to writing tomorrow’s in-depth review, I give you this brief public service announcement:
Readers: If you’ve got sports tech stuff that you see or hear about and think it’s worth a deeper dive, definitely drop a note here and I’ll dig into it. As usual you won’t really see me covering things like seat posts or new chainrings, but rather stuff you’d normally see here that’s tech focused. Also note that at Eurobike/Interbike as the name implies, it’s more bike focused, so you’re less likely to see swim/run stuff (though that is on the rise at Interbike).
Companies: This should probably go without saying, but I find that a gentle reminder is worthwhile. If you’re looking to launch a product during this timeframe, it’s best to get in touch now. I generally don’t do posts based on generic press releases. And when it’s 3AM for the 3rd consecutive day, I’m far more likely to write a post on a product from a company that spent time to give me a working demo and answered detailed questions. So you’ll need to have a legit product in your hands that I can touch and photograph to get coverage here (here’s why). Simply use the contact form and I’ll get you squared away on a timeslot.
But both myself (and I presume readers) love seeing beta/prototype devices, so don’t be shy. Plus, what’s the worst that can happen? ;)
With that, thanks for reading! If you’re looking to burn a bit of time, here’s all my Eurobike 2015 posts!
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Would be great to get your thoughts and input on the new Tacx Neo that was announced a little while back. Looks like a challenge to the Wahoo Kickr and I have been wondering if you had been shipped a model but kept it quite?
Thanks again.
Clearly, the Tacx Neo looks like it could be the best trainer available at that (high) price point.
Its reported / announced performance is superior to that of any model in the Elite line.
The Lynx Veloreality is probably still a bit better, but much more expensive.
Looking forward to hearing from you on this product.
Ray – I’m also very interested in your thoughts on the Tacx Neo.
Have a great time playing with all of the new toys!
I haven’t yet had hands-on time with it (or, bike on time specifically). It’s high on the docket for early next week so I can give my thoughts on it. I feel like it’ll heavily hinge on how quiet it is, since that’s the key aspect their touting. Also will depend on what the Bluetooth 3rd party app compatibility story looks like there (since Wahoo and the KICKR/SNAP is so strong there).
Second that, was just about to buy a Kickr but hold off waiting on your review of the NEO
My money is on the Garmin Edge 820 at Eurobike.
Hope you are right !!! Been waiting to replace my 800 to get phone alerts and strava integration… 1000 is too big and 520 lacks the mapping / routing.
I’d love to see an Edge 820 too, but I don’t really see where it fits in any more.
The 1000 has completely filled that market niche now, the only differential that I can see is a slightly smaller form factor that fits in between the 520 and 1000, but is that enough to justify an entirely new product?
I’d love to see a 620: a 520 with a sd-slot to have more storage!
Garmin Edge Explore 1000……….touring version of the edge 1000…..
The 1000 form factor is just way too big for road cycling. The 820 needs to be lighter and thinner than it’s predecessors.
New Shimano Sports Camera given the CM-1000 is being discounted currently?
“As usual you won’t really see me covering things like seat posts or new chainrings ” – I guess that’s why the powertap c1 power meter review isn’t out yet :)
My prediction is an announcement on automatic gear shifting. A private ant solution between shimano and garmin on the next dura ace rev of DI2.
Also ant+ encryption at the syposium
I am interested in which New trainers support the new ant protocol which allows to steer the trainer using apps like the tacx smart trainers can do Since a few months. and what is from a price point the best Choice? the current smart trainers which have this functionality probably drop in price after the new season trainers will be introduced.
Anything you can find if Shimano finally goes public with their power meter would be great, Ray.
The Rotor website indicates that there on their last stock of LT+ and the Dual Sided Rotor Power, presumably this means that they’ll have a new dual sided toy to share with us to go with the InPower announced earlier this summer. Any news on this if you spot it would be awesome.
What’s tomorrow’s in depth review?
Can’t wait… secretly hoping it will be the Apple Watch review…
I for one would love to see Shimano leverage the Di2 seat post battery as a central power supply system for bike sensors, head units and cameras. That way there would be only one battery to charge in lieu of the large contingent of adapters, USB cords and replaceable batteries.
Oh, and if it happened to eliminate all the ANT+ pairing at the same time, that would be fine too.
Okay, so I am a dreamer.
Even better… Shimano releases an integrated battery that supplies each of those items and a newly released motor to fit in your seat tube.
That would also be just as likely… ;)
I’m planning on buying a trainer for this winter season: at the moment I’m still torn between the Kickr and the Kickr Snap. Mainly for their support of 3rd party apps and both ANT+ and BLE which can be used also with my Suunto Ambit 3 watch.
Other things I’m planning for next season is a powermeter…
So anything new in those 2 areas.
And maybe, I’d love to see Suunto starting to make BLE speed/cadence pods :)
The SRAM wireless group set.
hi ray,
when can we expect the detail review of the Garmin 520–holding off on the purchase until i see your review. I have a 510 but am temped by the 520 inasmuch as i ride a lot in new areas and have had iphone battery issues and think the map feature could be interesting. Also should we expect an updated garmin 1000…smaller faster etc?
Work travel permitting, I’d expect an in-depth review towards the end of the week after Eurobike, so the first few days of September.
Here’s to hoping Power2Max goes dual Bluetooth/Ant+.
^This! (and at the current price points). I was about to pull the trigger on the Classic model with the newest prices, but really would *like* to have BT as well as ANT+. It’s not a critical feature for me (i.e. not worth a $100+ increase in price) but it would sway me to their product over the C1, for example.
I’m a Garmin 520 user but….always have an iPhone along for rides. While I realize the iPhone doesn’t have (real) GPS or ANT+ (without an adapter) – it is a pretty powerful computing unit with a large screen that can display a lot of info.
Has anyone “pitched” their bike computer and gone totally with an iPhone or Android unit? What are the best Apps?
Does it make sense to go this route or are the dedicated Garmin/cycle computers still the best solution. Maybe the topic of an article?
Correction – meant Garmin 510 user (not 520)
If you read Strava ride titles you will see problems with both (“My Garmin/iPhone crashed/ran out of battery!”
I use my iPhone and RFLKT. It works pretty well but still have issues. I get good GPS data with the iPhone. My buddy has an Garmin 500 and it has problems on certain areas that we ride.
Personally, I wouldn’t put my phone on the handlebars. I’m afraid of breaking it and battery life would be a lot shorter. Some do it, though. Looking forward to the 520 review. Might switch to that.
I have been using my Android phone on my handlebars for over a year now, and I’m actually thinking about getting a Garmin 520 (ordered a Polar M450, but still no dice here in the U.S.). I recently picked up a Tom Tom Runner Cardio and stopped recording on my phone, so right now I just use my phone on my handlebars for music while on the road, which is cool, and as a backup map when necessary. I did have an HTC One M8 that had the camera get destroyed from vibration on the handlebars, but have had no issues with my new LG G3 for the last 6 months or so. Personally, I’d rather it be on the handlebars than in a pocket in case of a crash, but maybe it would be bad either way.
Very curious about the Edge 520 though, as I love the idea of having everything right in view and always on while riding (can’t get through a 3 hour ride without serious phone battery drain if I left the screen on, and played music…). Debating waiting until next spring to buy it, but might just go to my local bike shop and grab the bundle they have in stock this evening.
On topic again, if you have good battery life, and only need the phone to display your route, etc. I think you could get away with that alone just fine. Any of the phone apps for mapping rides should work just fine. I have a Nite Ize handleband that I use to secure my phone, and it has been rock solid ever since I bought it on rough and smooth rides alike.
Tim, Bruce, thanks for the input. Power consumption was something I didn’t consider – but often suffer from a heading out the door without full charge. The two together (consumption and not starting with a full charge) don’t make for a good solution.
I don’t need navigation for most of my rides so that’s not critical. Occasionally I venture out to new areas so a better map/directions are helpful.
Appreciate the responses.
The iPhone does have a GPS chip in it, but the OS limits that data recording to every 4 or 5 seconds, likely to reduce the impact on the battery. I guess it would be ok for cycling, but for running I’d use a dedicated GPS watch and set the recording interval to every second.
And I agree with people feeling a bit hesitant to mount their iPhone to the handlebar, due to the bouncing around, especially on cobble stones.
My experience with my Garmin 500 vs. my friend’s iPhone with Cyclemeter and several other apps, and my own Galaxy S4, has been that the Garmin is vastly more accurate on the tracking. I regularly see other riders’ GPS tracks from various phone apps jumping all over the place on Strava, including out into the middle of a river. This may have something to do with the fact that most of my rides are in and around New York City, though. Battery life is also vastly superior. I rode my first, very slow (8 hours +) Century last year and the Garmin still had plenty of juice left, more than 50%, whereas his iPhone’s battery was stone-cold dead and his supplemental battery was also nearly drained.
Riding with my Samsung Galaxy S4 mounted in a good mount on the handlebars, or even in my jersey pocket, does not work due to the “S4 SIM card error” issue (Google it), likely caused by road vibration combined with a manufacturing issue I believe they have since corrected. It causes the phone to stop connecting to phone/4g, requiring a reboot.
I have never had issues with my Garmin on rides, other than one firmware update shortly after I bought it (over 2 1/2 years ago) which required me to do a reset before the Garmin would work again. Other than that it’s never crashed, failed to record a ride, etc. My friend has had similar success with his 510.
Just the old past debt, iBike Newton, and the recent sneaker, Garmin Epix.
Why to ask for more???
I’d love to see iBike come out with their long rumored standalone wind/power sensor (which would actually be cool and I think could gain respectable market share if they don’t hose up marketing/PR). But, I’m not going to waste time reviewing the Newton, as I just don’t get it.
Ray I have ridden with a Newton and Powertap together and found them to align closer than some of the units you have reviewed and declared to be accurate “within acceptable ranges”.
Considering how easy it would be for you to have a Newton permanently on the bars of your bikes to compare to any of the other units you swap in and out for testing…one must conclude you must really have taken a set against the company for some reason.
They are apparently announcing something at Eurobike so if it is worth talking about I would hope you do so.
Actually, my issue with the iBike/Newton has never really been the accuracy of the power meter side. Rather, it’s been the inadequacy and 1990’s style of the head unit itself compared to other options on the market today.
I’ve always maintained they have some cool tech/science behind it, but that it’s heavily overshadowed by the unit on the handlebars.
Tough I feel you do a great job of reviewing electronic gizmos, the form over function statement you just made is a bit unfortunate without more context. What exactly would you like to see in the head unit. It will read from Ant+ power meters as a head unit, as well as transmit to garmin type devices via Ant+. Are you saying the button on the front looks clunky and should be replaced with the Garmin like side buttons or slim profile front buttons like power tap? Keep up the good work and I do enjoy reading your opinions.
It’s far more than form (which is ugly) over function. For starters, three data fields on a page? Seriously? It’s one thing on a $130 bike computer, but totally different on a $500+ bike computer. No uploading to mobile phones? Routing and mapping on a $500 bike computer? No GPS in the unit itself (you have to use your phone for another $70)? All of the addition baseline paid power metrics are available by default on all Garmin units that offer power meter capabilities (and most on Polar as well). With the Newton 5 I have to purchase those features extra for $100 (and then there’s additional metrics for more cash, which are actually very interesting and in my opinion worthy of extra cash).
Again, my concern isn’t so much accuracy of power data (though I haven’t done a deep dive into it). My concern is that in order to get anywhere even partially near the functionality of a $200 Garmin Edge 500 (or a $170 Polar M450), I’ve gotta spend some $750+. Sure, I get power meter functionality in there – but at $750 I could buy a Power2Max for $499 that’s going to work 100% of the time in any scenario, and then I could layer on top a Garmin Edge 500 for $200 (or a bit more if I wanted BLE connectivity).
If they come out with a product that isn’t just another twin of their existing head unit – I’d be happy to look at it. If they come out with a standalone product (no head unit) that transmits power over ANT+/BLE (and done), I’d be thrilled about it. John has my e-mail and is welcome to setup a meeting – if such a product exists and can be demonstrated I’m in the Eurobike area by mid-day Monday with my bike and would ensure a post on it for Eurobike show open.
Totally agree Ray re the user interface/display. Chalk and cheese compared to the likes of Garmin. It seems the hints and expectations for Eurobike are two products: a ‘black box’ gadget to pair with 3rd party head unit, and then a ‘top end’ unit that should be up to modern expectations. My interest in the ‘black box’ unit would be for track racing.
Hi Ray,
Do you have any update on Bragi Dash?
Hmm, nothing beyond their Kickstarter updates. I’ll check in though and see if they’ll be at Eurobike.
Thanks, It looks like you were right again saying that we should add some extra 6-12 months to the implementation schedule of the new products from StartUp’s. ;)”
Or the Aftersokz Bluetooth headset in terms of headphones that can be used biking without blocking external sound.
If one were going to be in Vegas during Interbike and going to consumer day on Friday – where might run into the DCRainmaker?
Looking forward to some more lower priced power meters. They are getting closer to something I could afford; and I want them on three different bike types.
Can you poke Garmin again to record manual zero offsets within the ride files. It seems that the FIT file format has the functionality and there doesn’t seem to be any technical reason not to record it. It would also be cool is the PM transmitted a new offset to the head unit any time it performed an auto zero.
Navi2coach still doesn’t do this either, though it was indicated that Osync stated it would be in this very boutique. Would be a very good feature.
Yeah, really wish they’d do this, such a logical feature that would make troubleshooting by all parties (including Garmin) so much easier.
A possible new ANT+ adapter or bridge for iPhones?
i.e. is Wahoo still working on a Lightning adapter or getting the ANT to BT bridging into their TICKR line (at least the highest end X?)
Hi Ray!
I would like to hear about the latest technology on devices/software that can track a bike or luggage, should it become stolen or lost.
Hi Ray,
Can you also hit up Bkool on when they will finally add the open ANT + protocol that they have been teasing us with for the past couple of years. If they don’t do it soon I will ditch my Bkool Classic and buy a Tacx instead.
Interested in that myself
+1 to this – Ray, I know you have tried and got no info from them, but perhaps Eurobike will provide some fantastic news (fingers crossed!).
Bkool have offered absolutely no response despite me contacting them 4 different times this year. If I don’t hear anything by the end of Eurobike I too will be going for either a Kickr or the lovely new Tacx!
In general, it would be nice if some of the ANT+-only power meter manufacturers (Quarq, etc.) would also add dual Bluetooth Smart.
Hi Ray, thanks for covering these events. I have one question – do you think there will be any information about GARMIN FENIX 4? I’m currently thinking about buing FENIX 3, but maybe it would be better just to wait for the new model. What do you think?
Take care :)
No, I would definitely not expect that. The Fenix3 was only announced in January, and basically started shipping in the Feb-March timeframe.
Hope to see you around Eurobike Ray, Turns out I am staying in the same hotel you were in last year in Bodensee.
Internet comments suggest “Edge Explore 1000” at Eurobike. Wonder if its legit?
Garmin Edge Explore 1000: High-End Bike-GPS
with cycling awareness features
The new Garmin Edge Explore 1000 is a high-end
navigation device for demanding touring cyclists: a
preinstalled cycle map, the simple user interface as
well as individual tour suggestions make it an ideal
companion for cycling tours. The integrated
accelerometer detects any accident or fall. Paired with
a smartphone, the Edge Explore 1000 automatically
sends a location message to emergency contacts if
you are in trouble.
I think it’s real. I posted it on the garmin forums and my post got deleted………
Feeling pretty special here. I post this comment and three days later a review. Wonder how many times I can go to the well?
Any idea if Stages will debut their right-sided power meter they are rumoured to be working on?
Or at the very least, the revised version with (supposedly) better sealing that we’ve seen tested by pro riders.
link to twitter.com
“Join LIMITS at Eurobike 2015 “
Yup. :)
Hopefully they’ll have something (anything at all) to show for it.
Yes, please keep us posted if they do – along with your own analysis of where they’re really at!
I don’t know it’s not technology per se, but Quest Diagnostics has a new blood testing service called “Blueprint for Athletes” that recently was the title sponsor for IM Boulder. When I asked them what it actually tested for they wouldn’t tell me and said it was proprietary. So when they asked for my information to sign up I told them that information was proprietary. Do you have any insight on this service?
very little detail: link to blueprintforathletes.com
I’d love to see some decent small profile bike cams, 4 hour battery life please :-)
I’d like to see Shimano combine the D-Fly wireless transmitter unit* into a Di2 front junction box (which IIRC was what the five port SM-EW90-B was initially rumored to be).
Also, redesign that whole front junction box/mount system for a stealthier look, or make a purpose-built under-saddle mount for internal battery installations. The E-tube wiring with their current design tends to look like a rat’s nest.
*Required for Di2 integration to Garmin head units.
Any new navigation bike computers coming out? Seems like we just have the Garmin Edge and the Megellin/Mio cyclo
Any new analysis of existing data? Say tools that make use of HRV or tools that are based on statistical analysis of all the data in the cloud
More device trackers? So attach a gps type device to a bike to track its location more from a security standpoint then activity tracking standpoint.
More use of newer sensor types like Moxy? (does it have competitors yet?) or blood glucose sensors for non diabetic use.
Looks like a new navigation bike computer from Canyon/Sony that runs Android Wear.
link to canyon.com
Android wear being the important part as it means they are only really developing the hardware as the OS and apps are written by others so less need to depend on them for keeping things up to date. Plus easy for a competitor to come out with the same functionality.
As to lights there are the Ant+ connected lights like Garmin and Bontrager but there also seem be other light innovations like brake lights and turn lights.
I’m hoping a complete Ant+ standard shows up for this. Both for the change in speed changing the front light but also for turn signals, increased gforce (in that if you are making moves that increase the amount of gforces being experienced then you probably want to be more visible and maybe need more ability to see for more then just stopping. But also thinking this could allow for better external navigation indicators as I’d love to use my Edge for navigation but have a device like the Hammerhead to give a better visual indication of turns up ahead
Garmin makes an ANT+ camera and now they make an ANT+ radar, there is no reason they couldn’t connect those dots and have the radar unit automatically turn on a rear-facing camera based on a car approaching at a certain speed or within a certain distance.
A little video evidence can go a long way.
Enjoy a couple of hectic weeks! Any news on the Bioshift system you tested about a year ago would be interesting.
The guys currently running a Kickstarter Campaign for their pedal axis-based power meter (called Limits) are going to be at Eurobike. Might be worth a chat.
Yup, they’re on my list. :)
Tacx Neo – Along with the normal questions already asked (noise, app compatibility, etc), I would like to know why it requires a block under the front wheel? The rear wheel is removed, so why not lower the Neo axle to the correct height to eliminate the front wheel block? Seems like a silly design decision, and one more thing to keep track of.
Stages – More info on L/R power and their slimmer sensors seen at Le Tour.
GPS cycle computers – What other new options are there in this space?
SRAM wireless shifting
Other new groupsets shown or hinted at – Rotor hydraulic, FSA semi-wireless, any hints of Shimano wireless in development?
They may want to add the steering part: link to tacx.com
Easier to raise a front wheel then lower it
Looks like the Ant+ symposium will be where a big Connect IQ announcement will be made. I’m hoping the news will be support for the Edge bike computers with a replacement for the 810 announced right after like the way the 920xt was released last year as the 810 is 2 years old and the 510 just got replaced (the 510 and 810 were released at the same time). Ok, my Edge 810 died so would make good timing to buying a replacement so may have a bias.
I’m looking for a new (pedal-based) powermeter in the next days or weeks. Should i rather wait for 2016 eurobike and interbike or do you expect no dramatic news in the powermeter sector, like price cuts or new products?
Especially for the powertap P1 which i’m intended to buy. Do you see a pod-less, easy-install version of the garmin vector on the horizon?
I don’t expect major power meter price cuts at Eurobike. I do expect some new products though. It’s just two weeks away!