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Garmin announces Vector2 (and 2S), also upgrade kit for original Vector owners



Today Garmin has announced their next iteration of the Vector product line.  This relatively minor update aims to simplify installation, as well as make the unit more durable and easier to move between bikes.  Most notable however, is that original Vector owners can actually buy an upgrade kit to Vector2.

The entirety of the difference between Vector and Vector2 lies within the pedal pod.  That’s it.  There are no changes to the pedal body, nor anything new there.  It’s purely the pods.  The pod is the doohicky that hangs off the side of the pedal where the ANT+ communication occurs, and the batteries are located.


The New Pods:

These pods have been modified a fair bit and look considerably different than the past.  For starters, they now screw on using a hex wrench.  To begin, you’ll loosen them up so you can fit it around the pedal spindle.  Either before or after doing that you’ll actually install the Vector pedals just like before (using a torque wrench/crowfoot adapter).


Then, for the pods you’ll wrap them around the pedal spindle.  You can see the clamp opened up here:


Then you’ll go ahead and snap it shut and screw it back in place.  The unit will wrap around the part that you otherwise use the pedal wrench/torque wrench with crowfoot adapter to lock tighten the pedal on the crank arm.


Next there’s been a small status light added to the top of the pod.  It’ll blink green for example when the unit turns on, when the installation angles are set, or when the pairing process occurs.


Beyond that, it’s the same Vector you know and love.  Here’s the difference between the Vector1 and Vector2 pods.  You can see that the main differences is in how it attaches to the pedal.  Everything else is basically the same.


Pricing and Options:

On the upgrade kit, here are your options:

Existing original Vector owners (dual sensing): Upgrade kit is $149US
Existing original Vector S owners: Upgrade kit is $99US

Note that the kit does include a new pedal cartridge, which ensures that the new pods sit well.

Otherwise, the new Vector2 options will be basically like before:

Full left/right Vector2 (dual sensing): $1,499
Left-only Vector2 S: $899
Upgrade from Vector2 S to full Vector 2: $699

The current plan has these being available within “Q2 2015”, or basically between now and the end of June.  I’d expect probably sooner rather than later, since it sounds like they’ve been letting the existing Vector supply dwindle down.

Finally, again, just as a reminder – there are no changes as far as metrics or anything else with the pedals.  Both Vector and Vector2 transmit full Cycling Dynamics to capable head units. As with before, the Vector2 S does not transmit Cycling Dynamics data.

With that – thanks for reading!

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  1. wolf

    …would have been a good moment for Garmin to lower the prices like everyone else seems to be doing right now, no?

    • greg kaplan

      I’m pretty sure that Garmin Vector prices were lowered.

    • Nope, they weren’t lowered.

      To be fair, if I were Garmin – I’d actually wait just a smidge longer. Right now there’s no proof that either Wattteam or PowerTap will successfully ship their pedals as planned over the next few months. No doubt, I suspect one or both will be successful, but if I was in Garmin’s shoes, I’d wait just a touch bit longer.

      I could see Garmin perhaps doing something like a $200-$300 rebate around May or so. They did that last September at the time of all the other announcements, more or less successfully sucking the wind out of others sails.

    • Kyle

      Garmin lower prices?? Ya right. Look at fenix 3, $500-600. The new virbs are priced high even though the specs are not equivalent to competition. The only thing in my opinion that’s been priced right is the Vivoactive. I’d personally like it at $199 but that’s just my 2¢

    • The Fenix3 pricing basically matched what Suunto and Polar launched at. I do agree it’s a bit high, but people clearly seem willing to pay it.

    • Mark Ward

      Was the rebate money back to people who had already bought the Vectors?

    • Only if you bought within the rebate period (basically from the start of the rebate till the end of July).

  2. Bart

    Nice little updates for their power meters.
    I use my bike to less to justify the price of the power meters for my personal use, so keep the prices dropping.

    Now Garmin only has to announce the new series of Edge devices.
    I’m in for a Edge 520 with Connect IQ support (big bike Garmin Epix) and all connectivity of the edge 1000.
    Add inductive (Qi) charging and make it available at “Ray’s European shop” at once and i’m in.
    Well i guess it will not happen for the next few years.

    • Doug

      I’d like to get an 810 but with Connect IQ sweeping through Garmin I’m waiting until I see what they do with their Edge range

  3. joan alcover

    Just bought my Vector 1 pedals from a Benelux dealer, at a price well below the Garmin “official” price of 1,399 euros. The rebate was effectively beween 200 and 300 euros. More than enough to pay for the “upgrade kit” to Vector 2 (US$ 149, according to DC).

  4. I’m assuming the torque spec is the same as the original, but the process differs in that you torque the pedal FIRST then install the pod. From the way you describe the installation of the upgraded pods, this seems logical, but can you confirm?

  5. This minor pod update doesn’t seem worthy of the “2” designation but kudos to Garmin for making an upgrade available to existing users.

  6. Garth Armstrong

    Is the pod now on the pedal side of the crank?

  7. Jeff Yoder

    The new pods appear to be made out of Plastic. Is that correct? If so, how would that make it more durable?

  8. Graeme

    The pods have always been on the pedal side of the crank and I guess they’re more durable because they now clamp around the spindle rather than ‘crushed’ by the pedal itself as it’s tightened…

  9. Frank

    It looks like April it’s a month of new releases for Garmin. Should we expect a new Edge? :)

  10. Mark

    Are the Vector 2 pods still in multiple sizes for different sized crank arms?

  11. John

    I don’t really see a pressing need to upgrade. I much prefer the smaller metal form factor that seems further out of the way.

  12. Maelgwyn

    It now makes sense. Last week I managed to snap my vector pod when installing as normal (recommended torque wrench/crowfoot adaptor) and I don’t know how. Must have put some sort of leverage pressure on it. I got the impression from Garmin UK that this happens quite a bit. But they couldn’t provide a replacement. Luckily I managed to source a replacement on the internet (from France). Looks like this is one of the reasons for the pod modifications and why Garmin didn’t have any stock of the original pod. This plastic pod should stop any chance of breaking.

    • Soren

      FYI – my pods have also broken (twice) and Garmin Denmark has replaced them both. Second one is on the way in the post as we speak. (back-ordered). I sent over a few pics of the damage, and that was enough for them….

      I bought one as a back-up, as I could sense this issue was a design/engineering fail. So currently I have 3 pods in total.

      I´ll order the upgrade kit once I they start looking dodgy once again.

      A quick question: I just changed batteries on my pods, and my Garmin 1000 device keeps coming up with “low power” messages. The power still Works fine – just wondering if anyone have experienced the same issue?


    • Hmm, that’s odd. Sometimes that happens due to a short, but if they’re just replaced that’d be rough. I’d hit up Garmin support. Also, try posting in the Vector section of the Garmin Forums. The guys there are usually very responsive.

  13. Marc

    Thanks Ray

    I am not really clear how this is easier to install than the previous version.

    What does the $149 buy me other than being on the latest and greatest ?

  14. Simon

    Should we expect any change in the chain clearance requirements?

  15. Jared

    So this means it will be easy to get the pods straight! It drives me crazy that the pods are a bit wonky but i’ve been unable to get them at 90 degrees whilst applying all that torque.

    • Håvard

      I put å tiny metal profil between crankarm and corner of the pod. keeps it in 90 grad angel when applying torque.I pull out the profil after the installation.

  16. don Rhummy

    Ray, what material are these made from? are they thicker than the previous pods? taller/shorter? and since they’re closer to the pedals, is there greater risk of hiring with shoe on clipping out?

  17. Gabe

    ray – how are the look pedals compared to the shimano ultegra pedals?

    it’s too bad they dont offer these win different form factors (ie for other cleats)

  18. Simon Saunders

    I managed to break a pod when installing it once, swapping pedals from bike to bike. This solution looks a little more elegant. Replacing pods looks to be about the same price as before. The torque wrench install was a big issue when the pods were already in place.

  19. Eli

    The pedal on the right in IMG_9525.jpg doesn’t seem to have any electrical connections in it. I think its an imposter :-p

  20. Greg


    Couple things….
    1. If I don’t have any issues with the installation/use of the 1st generation is there a good reason to go for the 2nd generation?

    2. Where would I find the upgrade kit? Not sure if I poked around Garmin’s website enough, but don’t see the option. Could be too soon.

    Cool to see them be proactive about the pod set up. I know I’ve had bad past experiences. This looks to be a good fix.

    Thanks Ray!

    • 1) Generally no, if you’ve got it installed and are good to go, I see no real reason to change.

      2) I’m not sure about Garmin’s site, usually it lags for reasons only they can seemingly explain. Fwiw, Clever Training does have them available for pre-order (see sidebar link), and you’ll even save 10%. ;)

    • Joan Alcover

      Hi, Ray,
      I wonder whether we, Paris dwellers, can/should buy form Clever Training for shipment to France. Any thoughts/recommendations?

    • You can certainly do so. You’ll see a EU-based CT option here hopefully rather soon too…

    • Ron j

      I called Garmin directly as I had placed an order for the old pod (which i broke by torquing) and it was taking a while to ship. I guess they were focusing on getting these in. They agreed to cancel my original order and send me these new ones instead @$149. It starts shipping on 6/27/2015

  21. Happy Runner

    I swear I am not trying to be a smart ass, but what is the point of buying an upgraded pod before actually breaking the old pod, given that “there are no changes as far as metrics or anything else with the pedals.” Am I missing something?

    • Keith outlined the main reasons below, especially #1 & #2. In essence, this speeds installation and reduces ways people can screw up the install (which, is the single/only biggest issue with Vector).

  22. Keith

    This is a huge improvement from what I can tell for the following reasons:
    1) Pedal washers and confusion associated with these. If no washers are needed then I’m assuming the consistency will improve as I noticed slight de-torqing of the pedal from small compression of the newly installed washers.
    2) Overall ease of meeting the proper torque spec and that applied torque setting remaining unchanged. The user can now quickly torque the spindle and not worrying about the pedal pod interaction.
    3)pedal balance and pwr consistency because an even consistent torque setting can be repeatably achieved.

  23. Zach

    You think the chipset is just ANT+? Seems like a waste of an opportunity not to include Bluetooth in there as well. That’d be the only reason I’d upgrade my Vectors to the new pods at this point.

    • No think, know.

      No reason at the moment, as Garmin owns ANT+. That said, even in talking to other power meter companies recently, they’re just not seeing much interest on Bluetooth Smart power meters. BT smart for other accessories – no doubt, but I think because the Bluetooth Smart cycling head unit offerings are so new and weak compared to the Garmin ones, it’s really limiting interest.

    • Vin

      I think they are making a big mistake and misjudging market interest. I for one, and a ton of my fellow commuters, would spring for a low cost BT smart power meter in an instant if it meant we could save $200+ on a dedicated head unit. A lot of us are waiting for the Powertap P1 and C1 for this exact reason.

      Recreational/fitness cyclists and athletic commuters are an enormous market segment – cycling just enough to care about training and stats, but not enough to justify spending hundreds on a computer when a smartphone with the right app has 90%+ of the same functions. Sure, the battery life and durability is substantially less, but a recreational cyclist isn’t going on epic 8 hour rides.

      Powertap P1 = $1,199 + free smartphone app
      Powertap C1 = $699 + free smartphone app

      Garmin Vector = $1,499 + $200 head unit
      Stages = $699 + $hundreds++ for a new BB and crank if your crankset is not compatible

      All Garmin really had to do was launch a BT Smart enabled pedal at the same price and they would absolutely sweep the market – while giving a clear upgrade path to their head units if the user wants Cycling Dynamics or other metrics down the road for recreational/fitness/commuter cyclists.


    • Chris

      Yes I second this Vin. But as a cat 1 racer, the main reason I’d like to see Bluetooth enabled power on the Vector is simply because (from what I understand) you get so many more data points with Bluetooth. By contrast, ANT+ only transmits 1 data point per second, even though the power meter is measuring more often. So you only see power updates once per second (so about every 1.5 pedal revolutions if you spin at ~90rpm). Sure Bluetooth consumes more battery life, but CR2032 batteries are cheap when you buy em in bulk online.

      The advantages of Bluetooth over ANT+ outweigh the disadvantages. Garmin would be making a mistake by neglecting the market opportunity of enabling Bluetooth to Vector, as the racing market may search elsewhere if this feature isn’t implemented soon.

      Ray what do you think? Is my understanding of Bluetooth vs ANT+ correct?

  24. nokiatw2001

    like they’ve been letting the existing Vector supply dwindle down in taiwan.

  25. Robert H

    Is it correct that they changed the pricing model on the s? same price to get the left pedal and a dummy right pedal as getting just a right upgrade pedal?

  26. Brett martin

    Just a couple of questions.
    1) why does the end of the spindle look different on the left than on the right (more narrow internal diameter) of the final picture?

    2) what if I bought 2 spare pods (well actually I was given an extra pair under warranty and bought a pair extra before receiving those). Can I get a swap on those as they are still in the packets?

    • I had a second pedal, which came with the Vector S base kit, so it’s a right pedal without the ‘guts’. Thus why you don’t see the electronics inside.

      2) Not sure there.

  27. Charlie

    The bit that frustrates me on this is that they have done nothing about the pedal… im on my 5th set now and have never had a pod issue. The pedal however eats bearings every 1000 miles are so.

    What I did find is that the newer pods (Not the 2’s) are softer than the originals and the pedals dug into them. This made them difficult to move AND difficult to get off the spindle!!

    • Theo

      The newer cartridges (including the Vector 2 upgrade kits) have bronze bushings which are a lot more durable for strong riders.

    • Charlie

      I’ve had 4 sets of these, including sets with updated pods and free pedal spanner (Park crows foot) which are all meant to have improved and they still fall apart quickly.

      So much so they’ve now said as they cant get me Vector 2 for a while they have refunded…! Gone to stages.

  28. NewClydesdale

    Seriously? We wife just got the S installed. We haven’t even gotten it synced to her 910 yet.

  29. Tim


    When you say it comes with a “new pedal cartridge,” does this mean you need the kit to rebuild the pedal before the new pods will work?

  30. Torsten

    Hi Rainmaker,

    i have a question regarding the Vector 1 – we know that it is easy to upgrade the “Vector 1 S” to the “Vector 1” (sensor on boths pedals).
    But is it also possible to “downgrade” the “Vector 1” to the “Vector 1 S” ?
    Basically what I want to do is: I have a Vector 1 and want to use this one on two different bikes (without changing the pedals all the time). So I want the right pedal + sensor on bike 1 and the left pedal and sensor on bike 2.

    Do I need any special hardware / software update that I can accomplish that? Of couse, I don’t want the watts divided by 2 on each bike… ;-)

    Thanks from Germany

    • Charlie

      This isnt possible… you cant split up a ‘Pair’

    • Torsten

      but why should it be not possible?
      you can also upgrade the single one – why not vice versa?

    • Garmin hasn’t designed it to work that way. So while it’s something Garmin could implement (technically), they haven’t done so.

    • Torsten

      ok, but again:
      as far as I understood, the “Vector S” is the same as the “Vector (full)” – the only difference is that the right pedal and sensor is missing.
      So why can’t I just remove my right pedal and sensor and then have the “Vector S”?

    • Torsten

      there MUST be a difference somewhere (either in the sensor or in the pedal) – otherwise this way would work, right?

      I mean: how does the “Vector S” knows that it is a “Vector S” and not a regular Vector and vice versa?

    • It’s just software, that’s all. The software isn’t coded to allow you to split it up.

    • Torsten

      ok, i understand.
      but if it is “just software” – it means that the pedal pod of the regular Vector must have another software then the Vector S, correct?

      If yes, how should it then be possible to upgrade the Vector S to a regular Vector? Because we don’t change anything on the left side – we just add a new pedal and a pod to the right side…

      Or another approach: would it be possible to buy a pedal pod from the Vector S and use it on my regular Vector?

    • David

      The “issue” is the software in the left pedal is different than the software in the right pedal. I may have the technical parts of this wrong, but basically the right pedal doesn’t talk to your head unit, it talks to the left pedal. If the left pedal sees a right pedal, it massages the two power numbers together and sends it to the head unit. If it doesn’t see a right pedal, it sends its own power doubled.

    • Torsten

      Hi David,
      if this is correct, then it means: if I remove my right pedal + pod, it turns into a Vector S, right?

    • David

      That is my understanding. I don’t own a vector (either type). But that is what I gathered from reading Ray’s reviews previously.

  31. Sam

    Will the old vector pedal cartridges work with the new pods if you don’t want to rebuild the pedal at first? I understand the bushings are better but is the new pedal cartridge exterior different?

    • Ron j

      That is correct – if you take either of the Vector off it gives you a reading of the one side then is converted to an average power for both. My left side was not working on my last ride and still got power – even the Cycling dynamics metrics will show for the side connected.

  32. E Kutter

    Any word on whether Garmin, or anyone else, is planning on a Speedplay compatible pedal based power meter?

  33. Pete

    Any word on whether these will work with extra thick crank arms? Or I’m I going to have to pony up for a second set of XL pods? (actually 4th set of pods given that I have the regular and XL of the first gen)? Thanks for the quickie review!

  34. Richard Oakley

    As I have swapped my vector between bikes a few times, I agree that the installation of the pod whilst gaining the correct torque can be tricky. I therefore can see the benefit of an upgrade.

    So the question, I currently have Vector S (single side). Is there an upgrade kit to Vector 2 (double side) ?

  35. J-man

    It’s too bad they have a 90kg / 200 lb rider weight restriction still with the newer model. Was about to place an order and then saw the fine print.

  36. lu

    Hi, I have garmin vector s. How can I know if it is properly accurate? If torque is not garmin adviced, how can I know watios are not lower than normal? Thank you

  37. Tim

    A question about installation angles. The pedals are obviously designed for upright bicycles where power is applied to the cranks from generally the 1:00 position to the 5:00 position. Can these pedals be used with high-racer recumbents (and other recumbents) where power is applied to the pedals from about 10:00 crank position to 2:00? The reason for this question arose when I read the caption on one of the pictures that references installation angles.



  38. mg

    ray, do you know how serious that 200lbs limit is and whether it impacts the measurements. I’m ~205-210, do you think the limit may be an issue?
    also, is there a way to figure out which size i need if (the 12-15mm or 15-18mm). i don’t have access to my bike for a while, but would like to order asap. I have specialized roubaix and ultegra cranks. Thanks!

    • Garmin would be highly unlikely to ever say anything other than the 200lbs, since it would probably put them into potential legal risk.

      That said, the power meter doesn’t technically care what you weigh. That’s because the force exerted on it really comes down to the rider. So a Tour de France rider that weighs 150lbs would likely put out more wattage than a regular shoe at 195lbs.

      Where it gets tricky is if you had a 205lbs person that could throw down serious watts for a short period. You see this at all sorts of ‘max wattage’ games at the bike shows like Interbike. My guess is that the 200 pounds number is arrived at by working backwards from max torque they think someone could apply, and figuring out the max weight that’d be associated that.

      Said differently, if you’re not throwing down 800w+ all the time, i’m going to guess it won’t matter that you’re at 205-210. But if you’re out there throwing down 1,700w in a sprint, then yeah, it’ll likely matter.

      Again, just a guess.

    • Kyle

      Ultegra cranks use the smaller of the two pod sizes.

    • J-man

      When I had called Garmin it sounded like the restriction was more to do with potential breakage vs inaccurate readings. That being said, they said one of their staff is 215lbs and has been using them without issue – of course the warranty would be void if anything were to happen.

  39. Richard Oakley

    As I have swapped my vector between bikes a few times, I agree that the installation of the pod whilst gaining the correct torque can be tricky. I therefore can see the benefit of an upgrade.

    So the question, I currently have Vector S (single side).

    Is there an upgrade kit to Vector 2 (double side) ?

  40. Francois Trout

    Do you still need 5mm of clearance between the crank arm and the chain for double side installation?

    If yes, how precise is this spec (i.e. does the 5mm requirement as some margin for error)?

    It’s pretty much about the space I have, (but I don’t have proper measurement tool, so I am not sure if I have 4.5mm or 5mm)

  41. Walter

    Hi, do you know if there’s any difference in clearance between your shoe and the new vs old pods? I have pretty wide feet, and am wondering if the new pods come closer to where your shoe would be. Also, any concerns that the plastic is less sturdy than the old aluminum? Thanks!

    • I’m not 100% certain, but I don’t believe there’s any difference. Might be a good question to ask on the Garmin Vector forums, as they’d be able to 100% validate that piece.

      As for concerns on the new materials, no, I think it’s a better option that should be stronger overall due to the design changes.

  42. Benjamin Sanders

    I have now owned and raced and trained on all 3 revisions of the 1st edition pods and let me say this.. I surely hope they’ve fixed the high cadence / sprinting dead spots for the 2nd edition. If they haven’t, I feel bad for anyone buying these out the gate. A big shame on Garmin for making users pay to beta their hardware.. What’s the point of offering power data tools if your tools can’t capture the data it when it’s most important, Garmin!

    In my own experience i’de suggest people wait to buy these.


    • Can you give me repro steps for the high cadence/sprint dead spots? (or just a bit more detail)

    • Benjamin Sanders

      I sure can, I’ll do one better and share screen shots of the data captures. Dc, Your concern here interests me. So let me ask the right question right off the rip – are you affiliated with Garmin in any way?

      Here’s my experience in detail:

      Step 1. install and update your Garmin vector pedals to 2.70 on your bike.

      Step 2. Experience them failing constantly. General power, data drop, and L/R issues. So return to step agin and again (1 redux and repeat many times over)

      Step 3. Call Garmin, share data directly on Garmin connect. After 3 calls (1 from my shop sponsor mechanic) Garmin FINALLY agrees to new footpods.

      Step 4. Consult a friend that owns them and compare uncanny similarities in product failures across users.

      Step 5. Experience more and constant data failure.

      Step 6. Call Garmin and politely express my frustration and willingness to only accept the latest release hardware in it’s entirety – V3. They actually suggest a Garmin 1000!! wtf?

      Step 7. Buy a Garmin 1000…

      Step 8. Experience more power data failure. (Update and reinstall everything again and again)

      Step 9. Coach calls Garmin and does not accept “no” for an answer. (Garmin finally agrees to send us the latest hardware)

      Step 10. Ride on sloppy, slow at best responding, hardware that still experiences fails at high cadence/ standing starts.

      I will only assume Garmin released this product prematurely and many of us payed to beta test them. Also it seems as though they knew some of their hardware releases were failing, and in my experience they tried so hard avoid returns/exchanges to the latest R in order to prevent revenue loss.

      I will say that if you are bias or affiliated with Garmin in away way, DC. You should consider speaking to Garmin about a FREE upgrade to those of us that trusted Garmin and bought their known failing hardware.

      link to dropbox.com

      link to dropbox.com

      link to dropbox.com

      Hope this explains it all,


    • Benjamin Sanders

      I have another question, DC.. Why is it that Garmin does not seem to release any information about upgrading the internals of the footpods beyond just admitting they added a setup light?

      Is this because announcing internal footpod changes/upgrades is in some way admitting they built lesser quality equipment in previous releases and holds them liable to some extent?

    • Surely you know I’m not affiliated with them. Though, I suspect most would argue that I can certainly have some influence there if the situation warrants.

      That said, I was hoping in your list out that I’d see something that I could reproduce. Meaning, you mentioned sprints/etc, so I wasn’t sure if there was a specific scenario at high cadence or what-not that was causing issues. Looking at the graphs though, I can’t generate 1,300w of power which appears to be where your drop occurs – no matter how much I try. I top out in the 800-900w range. :(

      I currently own two sets of Vector pedals, and I’ve tested them against 3-4 other power meters at once, and honestly – just not seeing any issues with either set to the degree I can test. Their explanation of using the Edge 1000 makes no sense of course, but I’d just write that off to an errant customer service rep.

      As for swapping out hardware, etc… Garmin has pretty much swapped out anyone who’s called for any reason with the most recent pod version (I’m sure you know it’s actually changed a bunch since release, albeit quietly). I’d be surprised if going forward they send out v1 pods to anyone having issues. I’d guess they’d send out v2 pods/spindles. But, certainly can’t speak for them.

  43. James Macdonald

    Do you have to be an original owner to get the upgrade price?

  44. Kent Morris

    One of my pods just broke in the ring area while moving from one bike to another. I’ve done this multiple times before with no problems and I use a torque wrench. I think the ring area was a weak link, especially if moving frequently. It’s cheaper to upgrade than to replace the original. Problem is that it’s about a month wait. I went ahead and placed my order with Garmin, but they did say that some suppliers like REI actually get them sooner than they can. I’m wondering if that’s true for Clever Training as well? I need them ASAP!

    Also, according to their youtube video here link to youtube.com they have added 3 new metrics with the upgrade.

  45. Matt

    Should I wait for v2 fin i’m ready to buy?

  46. Benjamin Sanders

    DC, I’ve had some interesting happenings this morning that I would like to share. 1st my garmin1000 head unit updated itself over wifi to the latest firmware. Next my head unit went ahead and updated my vectors from 2.7 to 3.5 (that’s a big jump) Either way I think it’s great that my head unit can now update my pedals.. Nice Job on that move Garmin. Unfortunately while training this morning, I found other new opposing issues from before. Instead of dropping power I am not overclocking on sprints. Have a look at this power curve from my last sprint today:

    link to strava.com
    (My max sprint is 1590ish and I somehow hit 1900 today)

    DC, Either I gained some serious muscle in the past week or this update and my hardware are not playing nice. What a surprise..


    • Odd, it looks like for one brief second it thought you spun at 139RPM. I’d hit up the Garmin Vector Support folks and get the .FIT file to them.

  47. Michael

    DCR – great post – as there are no changes to the V2 pedals one could think about “upgrading” from Vector XL to Vector 2 standard because only the pods are affected. Is this correct? However it seems to me Vector 2 Upgrade Kit has to spindles added which fit into the pedal’s axes (?). But not sure. Why asking? Vector XL is selling much cheaper and avail. as used or ones that did not fit much smaller cranks correctly (… wrong order). So is this an reasonable “upgrade path” or more a tricky one? Thx. Michael.

    • Michael

      Garmin Germany support confirmed using the small size upgrade kit will “downsize” a Vector 1 large to Vector 2 small. So if you switch thickness of your crank arm from large to small or got a used Vector 1 large eg. from ebay you may use the upgrade kit to get Vector 2.

  48. Matt

    Can someone confirm that the vector can pair with Garmin 310xt ?

    Because I see on the vector website:

    link to sites.garmin.com

    Use a compatible device, such as Edge® 500, 510, 800, 810, 1000 or Forerunner® 910XT

    No 310 there…

    But on the FAQ:

    link to support.garmin.com

    The Forerunner 310XT and 910XT supports a variety of ANT + compatible power meters including Garmin’s own Vector and Vector S. Power meters measure power output in watts and displays this information on your device while riding.


  49. William George Goddard


    Do you know if the ‘Upgrade from Vector2 S to full Vector 2: $699’ right hand pedal is comapatable with the VectorS or would I need to purchase the Upgrage kit as well?


  50. eric

    There are a lot of post and couldn’t find my question in the stuff a scanned through sorry if this is a double question. But do you still have to torque the new vector 2 down to the 40nm like the last?

  51. James C Ewing

    I heard from clever training that the release for the upgrade had slipped from May to July. I can’t find evidence of that anywhere else, but the common guidance on most pages says May. Any guidance from Garmin?

    • Odd, I’ll check. I know Garmin shipped me final Vector2 variants earlier in the week – but I’ll double-check on when general availability is. Most of the time lately they’ve been shipping me final sets roughly the same time as consumers.

      And usually, CT is among the first to get anything fitness related.

  52. mike


    What is the typical percentage one should achieve for torque eff? And pedal smoothness? I am trying to figure out how to use this data. My percentages are one percent off at most from left/right in each category. Thanks for any help anyone has on this.

  53. Nic

    I have the Ultegra Di2 FC-6800 175mm crankset and I have no idea which Garmin Vector 2 I need to purchase.

    When I run through the ‘Which to buy’ section of Garmin’s website, it asks me various questions.

    1) Does your bike have at least 5mm of clearance between the chain and your crank arm, when the chain is in the largest chaining and the smallest cassette gear?

    I answer yes to this question

    2) How THICK is your crankarm at the point where the pedal screws into the crank?

    I answer 12-15 mm for this question

    3) How WIDE is your crankarm at the point where the pedal screws into the crank?

    I answer Greater than 38mm to this question

    Then Garmin says they don’t have a product that is compatible. Is this really the case? Am I measuring something incorrectly?

    Please help!

    • Michael

      Nic, my config is Vector 2 standard (small 12-15mm) onto Ultegra crankset manual shifting FC-6700 172,5 mm. Edge 810 as data collector. Distance to chain is exactly 5mm. This system works perfectly.

      Length of crank’s arm actually doesn’t matter so much as you will put this item into your compatible Edge. FC-6700’s thickness is 13mm and has a width of 35mm. Di2 is not a deal for Vector as well but for Edge 810 and 1000 models as these connect to Di2’s datastream.

      The pedal pod’s sensor plug fits very nicely w/o any stress into Vector’s cartridge axle (from crank’s back). Have in mind, length of the pod’s plug is limited in order to have a firm fit. The more crank width the more will the pod’s plug to get bend or stressed to get into the pedal’s axle. This is really critical here.

      Your issue is, I think, your cranks width at pedal hole is too wide (equal to/larger than 38mm). This will lead the plug to be too short to firmly fit into the pedal’s axle – and therefore data will not be transmitted correctly. Finally there is no Vector avail. for your config. I’m afraid.

      However, get back to your bike, be sure to have measured the width at pedal hole correctly!

    • Theo

      It looks like the “which Vector” selector guide was not updated after the introduction of the 44mm reach pods. You should be looking or the Garmin part 010-01455-00.

  54. Walter

    So the Vector rebate you predicted apparently only applies to the original models, not the “2”s. Any idea whether they have any plans to expand it later in the summer? At this point, it seems like unless your current setup isn’t working for whatever reason, you should just wait it out and let the price wars begin!

  55. Chuck

    It seams like the Clever Training web site is down. I guess I’ll try back later. Rats!

  56. Scott Wilde

    I just talked to Garmin and if you are still waiting for your Vector 2’s to ship, I was told a big batch is going out tomorrow (May 22, 2015)

  57. Khaled

    it sounds from Garmin website that only Vector 2 supports Cycling Dynamics ?

    paragraph “Train Smarter with Cycling Dynamics” in Vector 2 page

    link to buy.garmin.com

    but not in Vector 1 page

    link to buy.garmin.com

  58. Lee Sutton

    Hi Ray

    Am I right in thinking that the pedals now come with the crows foot adapter?

    You mention 2-3mm in one of your comments about chain clearance is that clearance after fitting or are you finding you can fit with only that much to start with? Appreciate it’d just be your view and my risk if I bought it :-)



    • Yup, the Vector full (the non-S variant) comes with it now.

      For the clearance, that’s pre-installation.

    • Lee Sutton

      Oh it’s the S I’ve ordered. Hey ho. Will look out for one.

      Cool cheers, hopefully I should get away with it if I upgrade to dual at some point.

  59. John Smith

    Is it possible to buy the replacement pedal body for the vector pedals. Then just buy the upgrade and install the spindle and pedal pod. Vector 2 for 349$?????

    • Panda

      I am considering this too. Is there any reason this can’t be done?

    • Panda

      Don’t worry, figured out why this won’t work.

      A replacement pedal body doesn’t include the pedal spindle, which is where the strain gauge resides and where the magic happens (I’d hazard a guess this is also the most expensive part of the system). The upgrade kit doesn’t include the spindles either. You also cannot buy the spindles as a separate part.

    • John Smith

      But it says it comes with;
      2 Vector 2 pedal pods
      2 Vector 2 cartridges
      2 Vector to Vector 2 upgrade tools
      2 upgrade washers and hardware

      Aren’t the cartridges the same thing as the spindle?

    • Lee Sutton

      I think the cartridge is just the bit with the new bearings/bushes?!

  60. Bettina

    Hi, I use the Vision METRON crankset. I can’t use it with the Garmin Vector- is this possible with the new Vector 2?? It’s not working because of a little contact between the pod and the crank-edge. The new Vector 2 uses a clamp- is this the additional “mm” ??

  61. Lee Sutton

    Does anybody know if a standard size ratchet type torque wrench is OK to use with the crow foot or do you have to use the beam style?! Thinking are the heads on the beam ones smaller or something?!

    Probably a stupid question but I’ve never used a beam one

  62. geert vermeire

    is the max width for the cranks still 44 mm? My vision cranks are 54 mm.

  63. mg

    Ray, others; which metrics do you find the most useful for A) display and monitoring during the ride B) post ride analysis? Just bought the vector 2 and fenix 3 and looking for some guidance in the initial setup/how to get the most out of the products asap.

    • During a ride I tend to use:

      3s power, 30s power, normalized power

      I use 3s as my instant power, and 30s as my trending over the last…well…30 seconds – sorta like a more smoothed instant power.

      I tend to use NP mostly when focusing on a specific power, as I find it better than average power.

  64. Jeff K


    The rebate appears to be putting pressure on the used market. How are you feeling about used Vectors? I’m seeing them as low as $750 for the full set (not the “S”). Assuming they are lightly used and not broken, do you have any misgivings about buying used?


  65. Lee Sutton

    Hi Ray

    Just got my Vector 2S but got a couple of question about calibration.

    1) When I do the static calibration it comes up as successful and has no numbers in torque for a second then starts showing about 0.38-0.42 and constantly changing. Is that normal? If installed with a torque wrench to 40NM

    2) I can’t seem to get the backpedal extra calibration to work (Edge 510 v3.50) is there a subtelty to the process I might be missing?

    Thanks :-)

  66. Querfeldein

    One of my Vector 1 pedal pods just broke when I removed it from the crank. I hope to get it replaced by Garmin (still under warranty), but if not, I’m happy to see that I can at least now buy two pods for the price of one. It does appear that the “Vector 2” has been released simply to address he issue of Vector 1 pods shattering, without having to admit that the “Vector 1” pods have been a failure in this regard. I assume that there are no further changes to the electronics, no new metrics, etc?

  67. m

    is there a way to view cycling dynamics on fenix 3 and/or garmin connect? it’s not showing for me. what are other ways in which to view/use the data? thx

  68. lok

    I have a Vector S.

    To upgrade fully to a Vector 2, should I buy below items?

    Vector 2/2S Pedal Pod
    link to buy.garmin.com


    Vector 2S Upgrade Pedal
    link to buy.garmin.com

  69. TriathlonJohn

    Ray – Any idea if there are other internal improvements in the Vector 2 pods in terms of pairing, communications, etc? I have been having all kinds of trouble with my original Vectors lately with not picking up when initially turned on, refusing to calibrate, dropping out in the middle of a ride (and won’t come back), etc.

    I’m doing my first Ironman on Aug 2 and don’t want to risk losing power readings in the middle of it! I already have the upgrade kit on order and hope to have it within the next week or two and REALLY hoping they solve all these problems, but I’m prepared to ditch the Vectors and go buy another power meter if I have any trouble with them between putting on the upgrade kit and race day!

    • I’m not aware of any specific change there (though there certainly could be).

      That said, it really sounds like you should ring up Garmin about the units. Their Vector support team is widely considered to be pretty awesome and ‘just making it right’, so my guess is they’ll swap out the units once they hear what you’re seeing…

    • TriathlonJohn

      Thanks Ray! I called Garmin and after about 30 minutes on the phone we determined that I do in fact have a malfunctioning pod. Unfortunately, they don’t have any replacement pods right now with the switch to the Vector 2 in process. D’oh! So hoping to get my upgrade kit ASAP.

  70. Fred2

    Heads up on EU availability: Vector 2 is available from link to evanscycles.com as of 9 June 2015.

    • Fred2

      Their site lists two sizes, though – Large and “One Size”. Hoping the “One Size” means “Standard”…

  71. Federico

    Ehmm… but if i buy a pair of exustar pedal (the same type the vector is build on) and the upgrade kit i can realise a pair of vector 2 pedals??? Probably not but… never say never..

    Thank U

  72. Isaac DeRobles

    Would it be worth doing the rebate and 10% off for the vector 1, or just buying the vector2? seeing that the pods are completely different, and that some people seem to not be super happy with the pods from v1? Thanks

    • If I remember correctly, with the 10% and the rebate and then even the upgrade kit – you still make off a touch bit better.

      One thing to keep in mind is that Garmin has been iterating the V1 pods quite a bit since release – they just haven’t really shouted out about it. The materials changed, designs have changed, even o-rings. I had meant to write-up a post about it last Interbike…but got lost in the shuffle. Maybe I’ll add a small addendum to my existing Vector V1 In-Depth Review on it.

    • Isaac DeRobles

      Looks like they’re all sold out on the website you suggest for the discount D-:

      I was too late!

    • Isaac DeRobles

      any other sites you could recommend for a discount? In truth, I need this mostly for tri training. Hence, why I was also just considering by the vector 2 s. It seems the orginal vector 1 are both sold out in Clever Training. I’m just wondering if for my first powermeter, maybe I should go with the one sided? I’m sure I’d like either one, just want to save what I can. big investment :-)

    • TigerRoad

      Hi Ray. Following up on my own comment but was not sure how to tag you, so piggy packing onto another thread and hoping you can offer some industry insight. Love your reviews! I was saying earlier, The Vector 2s can be had now for $450 on a particular sale site ($475 with tax), but of course is single sided power. Your P1 review was downright glowing, and the portability of the Powertap seems hands down the best, but for over twice the cost. I need (okay, want) the ability to move it between bikes. Will Powertap also be offering a single sided offering in the near future? Should we expect the Vector 2s price to continue to drop, or would you consider the 2s for $475 something like an offer you can’t refuse? Thanks!

  73. Nick

    Do you know if the vector 2 will fit on a cannondale supersix evo with hologram cranks. I don’t think there was enough clearance between crank and chain for the original vectors.

  74. Ingo

    i have the small Vector 1 and would now need the large. Is there a way to upgrade a small to a large version ?
    Maybe with the large Vector 2 upgrade kit ?

  75. HA

    Hi Ray,

    Do you know if there are any special tools required to install the Vector 2 upgrade kit on 1st generation Vector pedals? Are there any instruction videos available?


  76. Endre


    A question on compatibility. I Vector 2 and ride a bike with a S-Works crank which require “large” pods but recently bought a new bike which require “normal” pods. Is it possible to simply buy a 12-15mm upgrade kit for my 15-18mm Vector 2`s in order to be able to move the pedals from one bike to another? As I understand it, the main difference between the two sizes are the length of the cable on the pods.


  77. Matt

    Anyone with expected ship dates to the USA for the Vector 2 Upgrade kit? I thought I’d have it by now, but still looks 3-5 weeks out

  78. Joe

    Hi DC, a few issues and a question.
    Issue 1: I bought my Garmin Vector pedals in December, and broke one of the pods in May. I’ve been waiting for stock to arrive for a standard replacement pedal pod set for 7 weeks. I just called Garmin support who advised they no longer stock even the (version 1) replacement pedal pods – i.e. I’m forced to upgrade to Vector 2s. The issue with this is price – the old pedal pod replacements were $99, whereas the upgrade kit is $199. So just 5 months after initial purchase I’m forced to upgrade at double the original replacement cost.
    Issue 2: none of the retail sites I tried to purchase the replacements from were aware of the fact that garmin no longer sell the standard Vector 1 replacement pedal pods. For this reason I’ve been hanging on waiting for them to come in to stock for 7 weeks (before giving up and contacting garmin directly for information).
    Question: in light of the info in your post above, I’m unclear what the ‘upgrade’ kit does, other than replace the vector 1 pedal pod with a vector 2 pedal pod. e.g. if I were to simply buy a vector 2 replacement pedal pod instead of an upgrade kit what would I be missing out on?

  79. Richard

    My vector 2 upgrade kit has just arrived but with a bunch of washers/spindle cases etc and no real guidance on how to install them. Does anyone know of any good guidance on how to put everything together (the instructions are very light on detail and more aimed at the new vector 2 pedals rather than just the pods)?
    many thanks

  80. Christian Maier

    I am a Vector 1 owner and I want to apdate to Vecot 2.

    Has anyone alredy upgraded from Vector 1 to Vector 2? Can anyone recommend upgrading?

    Does anyone know if the “cartridge axle tool” to change the pedal cartridges is included in the upgrade kit?
    I tried to find the cartridge axle too online. My reearch told me that it is from Exustar and called Exustar E-T03. Unfortunally I was not able to find a shop that sells it online.

    Greatings from Austria.


  81. Edward Holling

    I got a set of Vector 2 pedals right when they released. I started to have issues with one pod connector coming loose on it’s own (the part that connects to the spindle body) after about a month and half or so. This pod then became nonfunctional so I called customer service. After a short call it was found that the pod was defective and needed to be replaced. I was told it would be a week, I’ve been waiting 3 weeks at this point and they keep pushing the ship date back.

    Today I was out training and was shocked to find that the connector for the pod had fallen off completely (not the pod itself just the part that is on the end of the ribbon and connects into the spindle). The ribbon looked clean like nothing had ever been connected (no exposed wires etc).

    I called customer services and voiced my concern about all the delays, repeat calls for ETAs, and asked to speak to a supervisor. I was told at first that the Garmin Vector 2 should only be installed by a bike mechanic and that they needed photos of my pedal. I explained that all your marketing talks about the easy of swapping the pedals from bike to bike and never stated that they should only be done by a bike shop. The supervisor then back pedaled and said it was only a recommendation.

    Garmin customer service reports that they can’t keep up with demand on replacement pods. I’m wondering if they are having a manufacturing issue with the Vector 2. Either way, I personally wouldn’t recommend these at this point.

  82. Sebastian

    Hi DC,

    i also have a Question about upgrading from Vector1 to Vector2. My upgrade kit arrived this week, Do i have to change the spindles as well? At the moment i just used the blue washers and the new Pods, it works and the measurement seems to be fine.


  83. Nick Mannerings

    I’ve noted a few negative comments on here about the Vector 2.

    I Bought a set on the 10th July. I’ve sine ridden 1012 miles and all seems to be working well. The only issue I had was that shortly after getting them one pod stopped working during a ride. This happened twice – after a quick call to Garmin and a chat with very helpful lady I returned the offending pod and Garmin sent me a new one within a few days.

    So far my experience has been good.

  84. Dave

    So looking at the upgrade kits available and the cost of the full setup. Is there any reason not to by the pedal bodies and an upgrade kit (which appears to include spindle, pods and fixings) and put it all together and fit myself?

    The cost of a Vector Two setup boought new is over £1,000. The cost of buying pedals, upgrade kit and lock rings is £273.

    link to cyclepowermeters.com

  85. Gary Smith

    Hi Christian/Sebastian
    I have just upgraded from vector 1 to 2 and can offer the following help:
    1. You do not have to change the sleeves or to dismantle the axle, as you say you can simply fit the blue washer and new pods. In fact I changed the left as my bedal body had a fair bit of movement whereas teh right was smooth and tight.
    2. The spindle removal tool comes in the upgrade kit, I suggets that you wrap the pedal body in something soft (a rag), grip it in a vice (gently), then use the adaptor with a spanner to remove the axle. Be careful that one side is reverse threaded (the right I believe).

    Prior to upgrade, I’d had a few issues with getting the install angles to set and the pedals to calibrate, especially on the latest firmware, but since the upgrade I’ve had no problems and it all set up first time.

    Hope this is useful!

  86. Ben

    Is the difference is sizes for the Vector Pods in the length of the cable plug in into the pedal? I upgraded to Vector 2 about two weeks ago, everything worked fine until today when the cable plugin detached and ripped off the Pod.

  87. Jose

    Thanks for the review, if I have a vector S (gen 1) and I want to upgrade the right pedal which I only see the new generation, can I just buy the new sender pod for the left side withour buying the upgrade kit?
    Keep on!!!

  88. Mike

    It seems that there’s a lot of issues surfaced after firmware upgrade for Vector 2 since it’s released. Initially, Garmin marketing Ads on vector 2 & edge cycling dynamics captured my attention & thought to myself yeah i want to know more about my pedaling styles & dynamics & this hardware meets my requirements . That’s why i got edge 520, & was about to jump into purchase on vector 2, i came across the garmin forum flooded with unhappy vector 2 users…

    link to forums.garmin.com

    Now i’m in a dilemma, should i buy the vector 2 risking to face the issue while waiting for garmin to release firmware to address all these data dropout issues? It seems garmin are taking way too long to address it. I am in need of a decent powermeter for training…

    • Yeah, it’s tricky. I’ve been following those as well, and even discussed them with Garmin (who is now responding on the thread). I get the feeling that it’s a small subset of users, but at this point I’m confused as to why Garmin simply isn’t rolling back the update.

      Ultimately though, as I’ve discussed in other posts recently, I don’t believe that Vector offers the value of other power meters on the market today which are substantially less expensive and just as accurate.

  89. Ian

    With the upgrade kit do you just get new pods?
    I cant see a reason to upgrade from Vector 1 to 2? Is there? Am I missing something?

  90. Lee Sutton

    Hi Ray

    I’ve got the 2S system and I religiously calibrate before each ride. I’m taking up triathlon in 2016 and I was just wondering if you would just skip this step and hope the last calibration was close enough, calibrate before going to the swim start or do people actually stop and calibrate in T1 (guessing not).



  91. xCaos62x

    I got a Garmin Vector but one POD isn’t working properly. Do i have to get a new POD and the UPGRADE; or Just buying the upgrade will fix my issue? Thanks in Advance

  92. Andres

    Ray, do you know if with the upgrade kit can the vector be install in thicker cranks?

    When I bought the vector 1 I used it in an ultegra crank… Recently I bought a Tarmac and to my surprise found out that the vector would not work on the Tarmac carbon crank arm: Specialized Pro, 52/36T.

    So I wondering if the update kit will allow me to do so.



    bonjour Ray une question j ai un vector en 15/18mm ayant change de velo et de groupe le nouvel upgrade en 12/15mmserait il adaptable sur mon ancienne version
    en te remerciant

  94. Jacky

    Silly question. If I bought the upgrade kit and pedal bodies. Can I assemble a complete workable vector 2?
    If it is possible, I can save 60%…

  95. Hlvd

    Looks like the Vector 2 rrp has dropped to £999 in the UK, that’s a £200 drop.
    That makes them the same price as the Powertap P1 pedals now.

  96. Chris

    Has anyone noticed how the Garmin Vector 2 works with non-circular chainrings? I have a slightly elliptical Rotor Q-ring and have noticed that the power data seems a tad high. Not egregiously, and not at low-power, easy efforts, but it seems to over-report power data during hard efforts (e.g. up hills, sprinting, etc).

    So does the Garmin Vector 2 report accurate data when used with a Rotor Q-Ring?

    Also, how does one perform a Validation and Verification test on the Vector to confirm that the power data being reported is in fact accurate?

    • They don’t support them. There’s a link somewhere around here to the page on Garmin support stating that. A few folks have done tests to show how accuracy can vary on most power meters with q-rings.

    • Chris

      Okay yeah I found it from an article written by Garmin 3 weeks ago that confirms it: link to support.garmin.com

      Does Garmin have any plans to update the Vector to take into account variable angular velocity such as is encountered with elliptical chainrings?

  97. Gravatar

    Hello – I’m about to acquire a garmin vector 2 power meter, however need to know which size to opt for 12-15mm or 15-18mm. I use SRAM Red cranks on my bike. Tx

    • Ben

      measure the width / thickness of the crank near where the pedal attaches to the crank. In most cases the 12-15mm is the correct size. If you get the larger size and it is too large, meaning the fit is not flush, the derailuer cage will catch the cable and rip it off the vector.

  98. Matthew

    I have been using my Vector 2S for about 6 months now and everything seems normal.

    Do the pedals need to be re-torqued after some time?


  99. Len

    I have the original Vectors. Can I do the upgrade kit for Vector to Vector 2 and then do the Vector Cartridge Kit for Shimano Ultegra PD 6800 pedals?

  100. Peter

    Hi Ray,
    I just installed my Vector2 connected to my Forerunner 920XT. When I did the calibration my watch displayed calibration successful but the torque values kept on changing. Is this normal ?

  101. Valentin

    Hi DC,
    Thanks for the review. I just bought an upgrade kit and in the installation instructions they say that changing the cartridges is optional. Would you recommend to do so ?
    Thank you

  102. Tevz

    Hello Ray,

    I’ve destroyed pedal pod twice with the chain…but today I descovered that I can put spacer between pedal and crank arm and then plug in the connector and gain about 2mm clereance…I’am not 100% that it will be showing correct readings, but I don’t see any problem if I use the correct amount of torque.
    What do you think?
    Have a nice day,

    • I think you’re good. Sometimes it’s best to check on the Garmin Forums under Vector. They’re super quick to respond there and will be able to give you a definitive answer.

  103. AK

    Clever training says this for the Vector upgrade kit -> “Oops! This item is not valid with coupon codes.”

  104. Lori

    I was wondering if anyone noticed any less variability in the power readings with the 2s. My power reading tend to jump around a bit even with 3s averaging turned on.

  105. Stuary Myatt

    Quick question guys

    I am going from a bike with the large pedal pods to a new canyon bike with shimano ultegra cranks.

    Am I right in thinking all vector 2 pedals are the same size and it’s only the pedal pods which Are different for standard and large sizes

    • Ben

      The pedals are the same size, the Pods have different length connectors for different size cranks. If one uses the large pedal pods on a regular size crank, the connector may catch the derailleur cage when in the large chain ring and tear the connector off the pod. The pod connector should be flush to the back of the crank, if it protrudes at all, the standard size pod is needed.

  106. TigerRoad

    I know that in the past you have knocked the Vector based on price point. What do you feel is a decent market price for a single sided pedal based power meter? I just found the Vector 2S on sale for $450. About as inexpensive as 4iiii (although 4iiii is currenlty a bit more or a bit less depending on your choice of crank arm), but less than Stages and others. Thinking that the portability is a big plus though.

  107. Ben

    Ray, you’re website is fantastic and has helped me a lot with upgrading my triathlon gear over the last few years.

    Quick question (and apologies if this has already been covered somewhere) – I had a Vector 2S left-hand sensor and then bought the 2S upgrade kit to give me the right-hand sensor. However none of the Garmin instructions nor the Garmin website seem to tell me how to link the left and right pods so that they work as a single power meter. Unlike the situation when you buy the Vector 2, the two pods do not automatically link and they need to be matched somehow I assume.

    Any thoughts?

    • Lee Sutton

      I recently upgraded so I feel your pain!

      Not sure on exact steps but I basically went through the updating process with the app/ant+ stick on my laptop. That seemed to update and create the link between the two pods. Hopefully that can work for you as I know I was getting really annoyed!!

      But it all works great now and I’m loving the extra metrics! (Even if I’m not sure how much I’ll actually use them lol)

    • Ben

      When you install the new pod, remove the old sensor from your Garmin device, then repair the sensors, they will sync up together providing the link between the two on you device. Also make sure you have the latest software on your device before doing this. Additionally check for updates for the pods after they have both synced. The latest versions of the software on most Garmin devices allow for a sync of the software on the Pods where one does not need to use the Ant USB stick any longer.

    • Darren

      Hi Lee
      Thanks for your reply. How exactly do you do an update as I’m not that tech savy

  108. Pedro

    The Garmin Vector manual (link to static.garmincdn.com) recommends a static calibration before each ride. That recomendation has changed on the Vector 2 manual (link to static.garmincdn.com), which states that, after the initial calibration, “the vector system calibrates automatically after each ride” and recalibration would only be necessary if you reinstall the pedals. Is that a updated firmware perk or there is something different on the Vector 2 hardware?


    Ray was just wondering is it fine to get either the first vector s or the second vector s in the left pedal. And later on down the road can I get the other pedal to make complete pair, hope that makes sense to you.

    Cheers Ocean from Australia ??

  110. I have one vector to vector 2 upgrade kit. What else I need to mount a Vector 2 complete kit? Can I buy 2 pedals? And it is the only parts needed?

    Thanks. Renato

  111. Miguel Ortiz

    Can someone let me know what the major differences are between vector 1 & 2. Does vector 1 work the same as the 2 but with one censor?

  112. Jonas S.

    Canyon currently has a one day Christmas sale for the Garmin Vector 2 for just 749,95€ at link to canyon.com

  113. Robert

    I just received Vector 2 from Canyon (I bought on sale as previous mentioned).

    I have installed it, but am having trouble registering the pedals online. When I insert the number, it blocks me from writing further, before I can enter the whole number (2 digits still to be written), and naturally registration fails. Any ideas? There is no other number but this one on the side of the box.

    I also have Edge 1000. I read somewhere that update can be performed through there. How does that work? I have downloaded the latest firmware on 1000. Then I have installed the pedals. Now I have to pair it with 1000. And then set the angle. …

    Should I update the pedals first? Or after the angle set? And, can it be already be done through 1000 (when paired) or through ANT+ dongle.

  114. Darren

    I’ve snapped a pod on my vector will an upgrade be the way to go to fix this? Also I’m getting a reading on everything -cadence, speed etc on my garmin 500 except power. I can’t find my sensor details , will the upgrade provide the sensor number so it calibrates? If not how/ where do I find sensor details as I’ve lost the box etc.
    Thanks for any help.

  115. Robert B.


    I got the upgrade pedal for a Christmas present, despite following everything scouring bulliten boards and took it to my local bike shop who stock Garmin. The head of the workshop pulled me aside and said they stopped stocking the product because of this reason.

    I’ve gone back to Garmin support support as I have essentially a DOA product. Im really disappointed at this, I am a Garmin champion and a big advocate of their products this one isnt meeting the standard you’d expect from them.

  116. Darren

    Help please!!??
    I have purchased the vector upgrade kit and no one can get it to work. I have bento 2 bike shops. It is pairing with a brand new wahoo element. It is picking up everything (hr, speed, cadence) but no power. It is saying left pod can’t find right pod. Do I need to do an update although this is only weeks old and never used. The element was new yesterday.
    When I first purchased the upgrade we were trying to pair with a 500 but apparently those two won’t pair hence the new computer.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you Darren

    • Lee Sutton

      I had to run mine through the updater program. Although you’ve just bought them they may have been in the supply chain a while.

      Plus, I’ve got a feeling I read something when I did mine that said running the updater effectively tells theme they’re now a pair. But to be honest I did the update process before I read that so I can’t remember the exact steps.

      Hope you get it sorted. And in case you haven’t already definitely reach out to Garmin directly.

    • darren

      I’ve tried the updater several times but its saying pedal not found. Any further suggestions?

    • Maybe try swapping out the battery? Every once in a while a dead battery gets shipped. Happens to all companies in the segment.

    • Darren

      Tried new batteries in the pod but am getting the message from vector updater saying can pick up right pod but not the left pod. Any other suggestions? Is it possible when it was installed he did the left one incorrectly? Thanks again

    • Not sure there. Possibly damage during install. I’d really ring up Garmin Vector support. Their phone support is really some of the best out there.

  117. Darren

    Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated. Hope it works.

  118. Robert Cheng

    Do you know if Vector 1 pods are compatible with Vector 2 pedals?

    • Ben

      I would suspect since the interface to the pedal is the same the Vector 1 pods should work. Not sure why you would want to use them with the Vector pedals and the Vector 2 Pods are far superior.

    • Nick Mannerings

      I had some vector 2 pedals with Vector 1 Pods. (Long story about how I came to have such a combination). The pods would not work – and I could not update the software. I got a message about incompatible software when using the pedal updater. I contacted Garmin and the nice people there sent me some Vector 2 Pods in exchange for the V1 pods.

      Now it all works excellently.


  119. Felipe Dorado

    I have bought the vector2s, now I want to upgrade tona dual pedal, can I jus buy the upgrade kit (much cheaper) or I have to go for the right pedal upgrade?

  120. Stuart Brown


    I’m wondering if anyone might have the answer to the following problem. I bought a pair of Vector 1 online (apparently not working). I have upgraded them to Vector 2 by using the blue washer and new pedal pods. They connect fine to my Edge 1000 (apparently the issue was previously they were working then couldn’t be paired).

    I have then swapped the cartridges to the Shimano ultegra ones and fitted them to my PD6800 pedals. They work fine, I’ve calibrated them fine, even bought the crowfoot adapter and torqued them to 34Nm (or as near as dammit on the torque wrench).

    They read low though in comparison to my Stages on my other bike. On that I average 210 watts on my 22 mile commute home. On the Vector bike, my average is 150W

    Anyone had anything similar? The power distribution is really skewed low in comparison. Does fitting the ultegra pedal cartridges need some special step I missed? Do they somehow need torqueing into the pedal body (though there isn’t any way to do so I could see).

    • Steve

      HI Stuart. I just installed my Vector 2s converted to the Shimano 6800 pedals. I also had low power readings. I averaged 154 watts over 40 miles. Based on previous years of experience on this route with my Powertap wheel I should have been 200+ watts for that effort. I don’t have a crowfoot adapter to torque the pedals but it doesn’t sound like that made a difference for you. If you find a solution I would love to hear it.

    • Stuart Brown

      Hi Steve,

      I’ll reach out to Garmin but that sounds very similar to my issue. Did you try the pedals in the previous Garmin bodies or install the Shimano cartridges straight away? I did the conversion before I rode them at all (easier to not change cleats. etc). I have Vector 1 spindles with Vector 2 pods in the Shimano cartridges – so a total hybrid!

    • Stuart Brown

      Hi Steve,

      FWIW, it does seem that the vector is now performing much better after torquing using the crowfoot. I changed my data recording to ‘omit zeroes’ and it is much closer (though I haven’t ridden the Stages bike in the same manner yet. Without fitting both to the same bike I’m not going to know for definite, and I think there are too many variables such as bike type, coasting vs pedalling, etc that without a direct comparison it just isn’t going to tell me much.

      I think the quickest way I can check is to put the vector bike on the turbo trainer and compare, which I am going to try and do as soon as I can

    • Steve

      Hi Stuart.
      I am getting better readings now. I installed with Shimano pedals before riding them as you did. I reduced that torque on the spindle and have gotten better results. I have not been able to set the torque exactly. I have two torque wrenches but neither hit the range required for the spindle (one less, one more). I am hesitant to buy yet another wrench and a crowfoot adapter for something I need to do one time. So, I need to find somewhere to get the torque set right. (l live in a small town that doesn’t have a bike shop). I think once I get the torque set it should be fine. For the $100 for the conversion kit I think they could have included the 25 mm crowfoot. Thanks for your response. I’m glad you’ve got yours working.

  121. Hanno

    Do you know i have to do dynamic calibration during the Ride with turning the cranks back?
    With the First Version of Pedals this was possible to reset Temperaturen drift, in i remeber rigth.
    Übt with my nee Pedals Vector 2, nothing happend when i turned back.
    Thanks for your help

  122. Robert

    I am desperatelly trying to find Pedal Pod (12-15mm) for Vector 2.

    One of mine has broken, and I cannot get another one, because it was discontinued from Garmin. I have tried from Garmnin Slovenia (my country), even Garmin Europe does not have it. No internet store has it anymore (some 15-18mm are left).

    The only place I have found is in Australia, but they do not ship to Slovenia (or any EU country).
    Please somebody help me! If not I have to buy new power meter, which is unfortunatelly to much for me at the moment.

    Garmin has offered to give me 325,00 EUR for the pedals, if I buy new Rally for 1.119,00 EUR. But this means still apr. 800,00 EUR. But new assioma both sided is around 700,00 EUR. And I would keep the pedals. But even this is too much. My Vector 2 pedals have worked perfectly the whole time. Did not have any problems with them.

    I still do not understand how can Garmin stop producing spare items after 6 years from the new product release!!! I know some electronic companies have for over 20 years of making sure, you can get the spare items.

    Thanks for all your help.

    Best regards,

  123. ARTURO

    Hello. How do I know if the pedals I have are Garmin Vector 2 or Vector 2s? I clarify that what I need to identify is the difference presented by the body or the appearance or a brand or identification on the pedals and not what each reference does, that I know: the vector 2s measure power in both legs while the vector 2s only one.

    • Lee Sutton

      The Vector 2 still had the external pods so if there’s one on each pod you have the dual Vector 2, if only one on the left you’ve got single sided Vector 2s :-)