Kona Giveaway Time! The Garmin FR920XT or Fenix2 Special Edition!


We find ourselves on the eve of the Ironman World Championships this weekend, which seems like no better reason to get into the swing of things with a good ole giveaway.  Especially now that the hangover has eased off after the Giveaway Extravaganza this past summer.

This time I’ll be giving away a new Garmin FR920XT (or, a Fenix2 Special Edition, if you prefer that instead).  And by ‘I’, I mean, my usual partner in giveaway crime – Clever Training!

The rules are simple here, simply drop a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Your best or first memory of watching Kona (be it in person, or on TV/interwebs) down below.  In the event that you haven’t watched any little snippet of it ever, then…well…I can’t help you there.

Simple enough?  Good.

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 13th, 2014 until 11:59PM Eastern Time.  I’ll be giving you one device (either the FR920XT or Fenix2 Special Edition, with the HRM-RUN strap) from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on if the interwebs work in Malta for me on Tuesday.  One entry per person.  If you choose the FR920XT your name will be put in the queue to receive a unit from Clever Training (you don’t skip the line though), but if you want a Fenix2 instead, you’ll get that shipped immediately.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10WHP or now via the VIP program.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!


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  1. Ghorgorbey

    My first following of Kona was when my dad ran it in ’92
    Incredible memories of all these legends with their speedo’s with fluo colors!

  2. Tomas

    Rooting for the swedes in kona 2013.

  3. Ryan

    watching it on TV and wondering how every swimmer didn’t get kicked in the head

  4. Dartti

    This was quite recently in 2012. I was on vacation in Orlando and tried to watch the race in the big living room. My kids wanted to watch Bill Cosby show. I lost the fight and I had to evacuate myself to bedroom to continue. The race was exciting to follow and I am great fan now!

  5. Richard Norman

    Watching Chrissie Wellington win the 2011 woman’s event.

  6. Simon

    Watched highlights on OZ tv over 20 years ago.. Australians seemed to do well!!

  7. Thierry

    When I was 9 or 10, on the french television, and asked me during several days how human being were able to do this.

  8. Dpfulg

    watching it Last year with my cousin participating.

  9. Jade

    I was very amazed when everyone started to jump in the water for the swim. Also, I thought to myself why the number of contestants were much fewer than our local ironman.

  10. Haltiakeijo

    1987. Word.

  11. Guille

    Eneko Llanos kicking ass in Kona 🙂

  12. davide

    Saw some pictures in a magazine when I was younger, outside was foggy and very cold. The pictures were amazing and the water blue… I said to myself I want to be there! Still waiting to be ready, but I’m progressing

  13. Filippo Martinelli

    In 2013 I was preparing my first marathon and I was shocked by how fast they run after six hour of efforts

  14. Chuck McGee

    I am still moved by the 2011 race when the woman from Virginia crossed the finish line at .004 seconds past 17 hours and was NOT an Ironman. It is a cruel sport and I couldn’t help be almost brought to tears by that reality as she was cheered through the massively-populated finish chute and Mike Reilly running alongside.


  15. Jujugo

    Watching the TV reportage on Arte “Mark Allen vs Dave Scott” 😉

  16. Matt

    Actually got inspired by your blog to watch it for the first time last year, and got tempted to try triathlon – but still having too much fun doing ultras in the mountains.

  17. Transporter

    Love it when Lori Bowden beat Natascha Badmann in 2003! It was way amazing!

  18. Hans

    Watching clips on youtube for my first 1/4 triathlon last year, great motivation

  19. metzger

    cant remember when it exactly was, caused me to start runing in 2010.

  20. Frank

    Motivation to participate in an Ironman event

  21. Alex

    Last year, start to watch the snippets from twitter. Was so impressed about that, the speed distance and material. So i ended up with a evening full of watching tri movies.

  22. Stephen Thomas

    Julie Moss on ABC’s Wide World of Sports

  23. Matej

    in 2012 when Pete Jacobs and Leanda Cave wins. Spend all night watching IM Kona with my newborn son in my hands… priceless

  24. Lubos

    Kona is for real iron mans, definitely not for me! 😉

  25. Jonathan NAIM

    Julie Moss crawling to the finish line

  26. Piotr


  27. Neil Evans

    Chrissy Wellington getting a flat and then blazing past everyone.. Wow.. Inspirational.

  28. Adam

    Watching a long time ago and thinking what the heck is an ironman? And does this have something to do with those timex watches?

  29. Santhosh K

    It was reading an article about last year’s run wherein a japanese man (well into his 70s I think) finishing his run past midnight and a race official running behind him and few people cheering him in the dark. Moved me.

  30. Dalibor

    I saw few pictures a long time ago in some sport magazine, which accidentaly made it through the Iron courtain.
    Thanks for giveaways!

  31. elena

    Chris McCormack rocks

  32. BillM

    Watching the runners and wondering how they keep going and do they get any time to enjoy life or is it all training training and more training.

  33. Claus Nielsen

    Seeing my countryman Torbjørn Sinballe finish 3rd in 2007

  34. cristi tudorache

    some amazing swim starts

  35. Melvin

    Last year for the first time most of it seen on the internet. This year again.

  36. JP

    Just YouTube clips so far. But several books have described event so well that I have very realistic view in my head 🙂

  37. Will

    It’s only quite recently that I have started to take an interest in Kona, when you start realising how many sacrifces are made to get there, and how difficult it is to qualify – Having seen Craig Alexander win for the third time was a wonderful memory….

  38. Jacek

    Best two: watching Normann Stadler’s biking incidents in 2005; watching Macca vs Andreas Raelert in 2010

  39. Olivier

    Hi Ray,
    1st memory: fellow Belgian Mario Vanhoenacker exploding during the marathon in 2012
    best memory: Fred Van Lierde winning last year
    all the best

  40. Craig

    Seeing Craig Alexander winning again and again and again!

  41. James C

    I had no idea what on earth it was, and a friend who was training for her first Ironman sent me a picture of the athletes all gathered together at Kona. I just remember thinking, “Holy crap, they’re going to do WHAT?!?!?” But then, a little while later, “Hey, there’s no reason I can’t be just like those guys someday!” 😀

  42. Sebas

    Watching the last age-groupers stumble in with only minutes to spare, the relief and joy on their faces, who cares about the pros, these are the people who really inspire.

  43. Ian Grant

    Wooh, prizes! I haven’t ever watched Kona… the nearest is probably watching that famous clip of some 90s Ironman final where two women can barely stand and have to crawl across the line… does that count?
    Or! Seeing Chrissie Wellington at Ashton Court parkrun in Bristol (UK)… does that count?

  44. Tim

    Watching on you tube how competitive but also sportsmanlike
    Chrissie Wellington got an Flat and a competitor gave her her C02 canisters.

  45. Chris

    Watching the swimming starts and realising I was never going to comfortable enough in the water to do something like that. Amazing.

  46. Jörg Gutowski

    I always liked to see these great athletes in this absolutely great environment.
    My personal Hawaii-Highlight was Normann Stadlers 2nd Victory in 2006.

  47. Hugo Noronha

    My first memory was watching the battle between Dave Allen and Mark Scott

  48. Dressel

    Last year was the first time: awesome! Definitely will watch this year.

  49. David Askenteg

    I watched my first Kona on a trainer session. It made me forget the non-inspiring environment in our storage room and at least to some extent think that I’m actually at Kona 🙂

  50. Karl Kühne

    I watched the complete ironman broadcast 1997 when my german countryman Thomas Hellriegel won the championship after two seconde places the years before. It caught me completely and started my interest for triathlon. I was 14 years old. still one of the great sportsmoments i experienced!

  51. Milan

    2012 when my friend Alex participated 🙂

  52. Lazbaj

    Watching people lined up waiting to start the swimming segment. I can feel pressure on my stomach for them and my heart starts to beat faster and stronger.
    I will be there, I whisper to myself.

  53. Fabrice ANCEL

    Mark Allen and Paula Newby-Fraser era… Especially the 1995 edition finish…

  54. Alfred

    First time I heard about it was by reading an article in “L’équipe magazine”, french sports magazine, about the first ever Ironman. Ironman seems to have evolved a bit since then.

  55. Mark

    I only became interesting in tris this year, so my first memory is of checking when this year’s live coverage is in my timezone. Hopefully my best memory will be of the watch I won in the related giveaway. 🙂

  56. Wannes

    First IM memories are from ages ago when Luc Van Lierde was the bomb.
    Firts time I really followed a race was last year, seeing Frederik take te lead.

    Cheering for Freddie, Marino and Axel this year 🙂

  57. Dimitrios Athanasiadis

    Amazing moment will always be the iron war between the two legends Dave Scott and Marc Allen. One of the greatest moments of the sport

  58. Reinhard

    Our public tv bradcaster here in the state of Hesse has been transmitting from Kona since the 90ies. I actually can´t remember, when I first tuned in – must have been 15 years ago or so…

  59. Tim

    Watching a friend via the tracker in 2011. He was riding when I went to sleep and was riding when I woke up . . . .

  60. ciaran rodgers

    not my first memory but my favourite seeing macca and raelert have their iron war. great spectacle. First memory was seeing a challenged athlete missing the swim cut by seconds…..

  61. Lars

    Triathlon has always been of interest to me but I remember last year when thinking about running my first half marathon I watched the Kona event live in TV. I was challenging myself that I would like to run the HM under 2h when I realized the times these guys are running (for a full M) after completion of the swim and bike part. Since then it is not only of interest but pure fascination.

  62. Craig Alexander setting that amazing record in 2011

  63. Koen Boer

    Back in the 80’s, short item on a sports show.

  64. Paul Waye

    Watching the webcast the first year Chrissie competed thinking.. “who the hell is that woman in the lead?!! I am a Brit but have no clue who she is!”

  65. Drucik

    I was watching KONA last year. The next day I ran marathon.

  66. Jal

    Well, I’ve never saw this ironman, so I do not really know what to say… Guess it’s more than time to have a look at it now…

  67. Roland

    The nervous expectation at the start of the run…

  68. Gustavo Jiménez

    Hi Ray,
    Thanka for All your work!
    In June 1988, the day before buying my first MTB I saw some Kona Ironman minutes in the TV. The thing is I was impressed by that “strange handlebar” used by Scott Tinley.
    Don’t know if that were images from 1985 when he used “it” for the first time or a later edition. After that I spent more that ten years thinking in getting something like “that” (an aerobars kit).

  69. Edu Callejo

    Watching Eneko Llanos in Kona 2013… Superb!

  70. david n

    Seeing Natascha Badmann winning it for the sixth time (and knowing I’ll stick with mountain running 🙂 )

  71. tlee

    Watching the early years on TV with a friend who had run the Honolulu Marathon and couldn’t believe folks were going to do a marathon after swimming and biking.

  72. Victor

    I caught my first Kona years ago on TV, halfway through the running section under the brutal sun. I was in awe when the commentators mentioned for how long they had been competing.

  73. James Mackeddie

    Philip Greaves smashing the swim and bike in 2009, before blowing up in spectacular style. The youngest Ironman champ winning Ironman UK and 70.3 that year at only 20, he inspired me to take on Ironman Wales this year.

  74. Dimitri VDW

    Repeatedly hitting refresh button to update the live feed; all this during night time here in Europe, tracking my fellow countrymen working their way through the field (most of the time no good at swimming, but killer bikers and runners).

    Last year finally, my efforts were rewarden and one of them won the thing.

  75. mehrjn

    It was at the back of a triathlon shop in Bordeaux, France. We were like a dozen to watch the small computer screen streaming the webcast. We were all waiting for Ben Sanson, Da Fish, to get out of the water in front of everybody. I think he did and then the camera never showed him again.

  76. Vitalijus

    Swim, bike and after that full marathon ………… No way!!!!!

  77. Yashi

    Kona 2012: the incident on the way out of T1 between Marino and Macca.

  78. vidkul

    First time was definitely on Eurosport TV, long time ago.

  79. Rodrigo Valle

    First time was a couple years ago when I first started browsing the internet for Triathlon, that at the time I didn’t really know outside of the Olympic discipline.
    A saw clip after clip on youtube in awe, mesmerized by what the ironman distance was by itself, and the beautiful vistas in Kona and awsome crowds.

    But the moment it clicked was seeing the 2010 Kona, and how after 8+ hours of effort it was possible for Chris McCormack to beat Andreas Raelert on a sprint to the finish line!

  80. Martin

    Few years back i first learned about it, reading a report from one of slovenias athletes who participated, though i never watched the race itself.

  81. I don’t remember exactly the year, around 1992-1994, but after reading an article in a bike magazine I recorded (VHS at that time) a video from Eurosport with the summary of the last race.

    I have tried to get a slot during the last three years, but I still need to improve around 15 minutes globally to get it !!

  82. likepend1

    The “F*** flat tire” mental breakdown of Norman Stadler (2005) after his second flat tire!! That was so hard to watch ….

  83. Thom Figueroa

    Watching on TV I was really hooked watching the back stories of the Age Groupers that have gone through so much to get to the start and then seeing so many fight so hard to get to the end. Stories of Heart Transplant athletes participating and the heartbreak of them not finishing, fathers and daughters doing it together, all so amazing.

  84. Adrian Wilson

    I was behind the Finish Line in 1997 working as a volunteer. I was a big Chris Legh fan and seeing him staggering from side to side down the Finishing Chute left me in tears! I saw him collapse in absolute exhaustion against the fencing and then he made many valiant attempts to crawl to the Finish Line to no avail. He was carried across the line on a stretcher and DNF (Medical DQ). It has become an iconic moment of the race and testament to how far people will push themselves to achieve the ultimate glory. Indelible memory of such a brutal event. Now that I am an Ironman, it helps me to appreciate just how difficult that Ironman Triathlon can be.

  85. A couple of years ago, shortly after I decided to do my first triathlon race, I watched the “Kona crawl” on YouTube.

  86. For me the swim start is one of the most exciting moments of every year!

  87. Marc Robards

    Watching the 1989 Iron War. Still the best race in Kona ever.

  88. Joe Walsh

    Staying up all night in 2012 to watch it on a wifi connection that kept cutting out – first time I’d seen an ironman and was I blown away by it!

  89. Mikkel If Hansen

    Some four years ago a great friend of mine and I made a gentleman’s agreement. Whomever of us that would qualify first to the World Championships would let the other ‘tag-along’. See that my knee ‘died’ during my first year of training, the odds favored my friends as being the winner of this bet. And so he did! At last year’s Copenhagen Ironman he got his spot at Kona. Which meant that last year’s World Championships was enjoyed on the sidelines at Kona, yelling my longs out. A wild and amazing experience – one of the best weeks of my life!

  90. Jordip

    I remember several videos on youtube of Hawaii.
    The best time I remember is a change of pace running Mark Allen before reaching any goal and worst arrival dehydration and muscle failure of some participants.

  91. Just awesome performance by all finishers!

  92. Clement Riche

    Talking to a friend that has completed Kona once, amazing stories!

  93. Ed Swakon

    See clips on Wide World of Sports – I think that was the show.

  94. Mikegeary767@gmail.com

    Saw it 5 years ago on TV and it started me on my triathlon/fitness journey which has been awesome!

  95. Henrik

    My best Kona memory is most definitely watching Craig break The record in 2011. He didn’t even look that exhausted.

  96. Nicolas

    just today on Youtube !

  97. George

    Watching PJ cruise in the last few km in 2012, such a cool race dynamic.

  98. Last year was Epic. Frederik Van Lierde running like a mad man to finally cross the line first. Very inspiring.

  99. Keith

    I was a child watching my first Kona back in the 80s – all I can remember is the TV crew in a large van with a huge TV camera sticking out the back filming the lead cyclist drafting! 🙂

  100. Martin

    Just 3years ago…but i remember watching the start of the swim when the water suddenly turned white as everyone started swimming! started Tri the following year.
    Awesome. 🙂