Automated Bike Fit Measurement App Review: Bike Fast Fit


I want to start off by first noting just how rare it is that I write an entire post specifically about a single app.  I could probably count the number of times I’ve done that in 6 years on one hand.  I simply find that most of the good apps out there are already known, and most of the others tend to suck be less awesome.

Nonetheless, I get bombarded with devs wanting me to post about their apps.  Many of them believing that a 99 cent redeemable app code will entice me (C’mon, I buy $400 watches to support readers in reviews, I think I can afford 99 cents!).

So, this afternoon while reading through e-mail I saw another app, and almost tossed it into the bin of things I won’t be reviewing.  But after poking around the link I was actually surprised – it claimed to do something I hadn’t seen before: Real-time analysis of your bike fit – including angles and distances.

So, I re-arranged my entire living room to try it out.  Why did I have to do that you ask?  Well, it turns out that in order to get far enough away from my bike to get the full view I had to go about 10 feet away.  Or, approximately 1 foot from the wall.  In fact, the camera taking this photo was literally up against the wall shooting somewhat blindly.


Next, after getting my phone in the right position I cracked open the app and got the wheels lined up using the red circles.  It wasn’t quite an exactly perfect fit, but I made it work as best as possible.



(Update: A few people have asked how I attached the iPhone to the tripod. I use a tiny little adapter you can see there called ‘Glif’, which can also double as a way to keep the phone upright simply on a desk/flat surface (balances it).  I always have it in my backpack so if I need to take shots somewhere I can without a tripod.)

Then, I set the self-timer.  You can set how long to wait, as well as how long a video to record.  In my case, I went with the 30s for both.



Then, I ran to my bike and pedaled.  This part wasn’t terribly exciting.


After pedaling, I went back to the app, and it was ready.  At this point you’ve got a drop-down menu of different angles you can have the app spit out at you.  These are all common fit angles that are most often used to describe bike positions:


Picking a common one, I then can see what it believes my angles were.  In some cases, they’re near perfect:


But in others, I may need to adjust them slightly (like where it selects my hip, so I adjusted it):


To adjust them, I highlight the green glowing blob, which moves the piece connected to it.  This is moderately brilliant because it means you can actually see what’s being moved – as opposed to having said spot be directly under your finger.


I also zoom in and modify things:


Within the video, I can easily move it frame by frame using the dial on the left hand side – like a scrolling wheel.  Again, this works exceptionally well and is a thousand times better than trying to play ‘drag a dot’ on a line.

As I add measurements, it’ll tell me about 5-7 paragraphs about each measurement, including general guidance on acceptable ranges.  Of course, there can always be exceptions, but this should you understand if you’re in the ballpark:


In addition to angles the app can also do distance measurements.  All you’ll need to do is tell it some random distance of your choosing on the bike, and the measurement of that distance.  So I did that:



Then, from there on out it can measure everything else:


And also do random angles for any three points you’d like – such as this totally useful angle combination I randomly created:


You can save multiple bike profiles and riders and multiple analysis sessions:



As you ‘add’ measurements in, it’ll list them in a summary page, one after another (it does all the measurements for you – you just validate them):


While the app handles hip angles and the like for triathlon/TT bikes, when it comes to measurements around the handlebars, it’s more focused on road bikes:


Additionally, you can also do a front view as well, though I didn’t do that tonight:


At any point you can simply tap to share a given fit angle and/or measurement.  For example tweeted or e-mailed:


Overall, this app is pretty damn cool.  Mostly because it’s actually useful – especially for athletes that may not be right next to their coaches and/or fitters and want to poke around at new positions a bit (or validate old ones).

Now, I don’t actually believe this should replace a fit from a proper bike fitter.  Really, I don’t.  But in many ways this substitutes for the highly expensive Retül system that some fitters have (the computer portion anyway), which uses little placed sticker dots onto the athlete and calculates the same angles.  In this app’s case, the app simply recognizes human body parts and does that for you.  It would be cool though if you could place little sticker dots (like these) on the correct body part spots (knee/hip/ankle) and have the app pick those up (for higher level accuracy). (Updated note: As pointed out in the comments, you can definitely still do the dots now, which will improve accuracy when it comes to manually adjusting anything you might need to on the screen.  Good call!)

I also think it gives an athlete an opportunity to quickly share fit details as needed.  For example, when I spent some time at the LA Velodrome back in the spring, in talking with renowned bike fitter Jim Manton, he mentioned a funny story where a well known pro triathlete had come in for a fit.  About a month later Jim had seen a race photo of the athlete in a news clip from that weekend.  Turns out, while re-assembling the bike after travel things got a bit out of whack.

No doubt that issue could be solved a bunch of different ways (like a tape measure).  However, one interesting way would be for a friend to simply take 10 seconds to take a video of the athlete after setting up the bike and ensuring the angles are all the same (since it automatically does all that).  The angles could have acted as a quick double-check.

Or, probably more practically it can just be used to quickly see what your own fit angles are, and documenting them.

Now there are a few things I’d like to see however in the app, which I suspect are probably minor adds for the developer:

1) I’d love to be able to upload the videos recorded from the app with the angle information shown in real-time – right now this is all internal to the app (and isn’t put into your camera roll).
2) All of the angle references are listed on the screen as you add them, but I’d like to see that information also transmitted with the e-mail like the photos are.  Currently only the angle you’re looking at is included in the e-mail information.
3) I’d like to be able to share the raw video with my coach/fitter so he could tweak the angles as need be in the app.  Right now everything happens on my phone.  Since my coach lives 3,861 miles away – it’d be great if I could setup the video, include the reference distance (if I wanted) and then let him go to town on looking at angles.

Obviously, there’s lots of things as a non-fitter I’m likely skipping over (both pros and cons), but, as a bit of a bike geek, this caught my eye as fairly useful – especially in a solo person capacity where you’re trying to take your own bike fit angles (obviously, to post on Slowtwitch and be told your seatpost is too low).

At any rate, the app costs $2.99 and works on all Apple iDevices (with an iPad variant).

Thanks for reading!

(Update at 10:15AM EDT: For those asking about Android, the developer has let me know they are working on one, it’s just that they’ve primarily been an iOS development shop in the past so the Android side is taking a bit longer to release.)


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  1. Great review! Looks like a usefull app :-)
    Does it give you recommendations on the optimal angles, or is that something you (and a fitter) have to find out?

    • Yes, it gives some basic recommendations on angles for most of the different measurements. I just added a screenshot of that (search for the word ‘ballpark’).

    • DFG

      Its a great app, but as only as good as the user…it helps if you know how to landmark the body properly as that is how the min-max angles are determined

  2. Thomas G

    Did they mention if they are working on an android version?

  3. Hi Dc,
    Let me start by complementing on your research methods. they seem very practical and useful for a lot athletes.

    Bike fit
    Without getting into details of what angles are the best for a rider. i agree that ubersense is a great tool to use for all kind of sport analysis. not only for cycling but also for running, swimming, skating, etc
    You mention Retül in your blog. these are just a couple of computer guys who marketeerd their system very well before selling it. In Europe we call that the basic American business model (create, marketeer and sell). try to find some technical detail about the system and you cannot.

    i Do think that this setup is a one that can help you with your fit. however there are a couple of notes you need to consider.
    > a bike fit is never only based on the solely measurement of angles. It also has to to with body symmetric, history, length differences of body part, differentiation in facial balance, upper end lower body length, type of muscles, pushing technique and changes in some of the parameters during the periodisation of your season.
    the other thing that seems to be important in this is time. the longer you sit in a position the better you get an idea of what you can or cannot do. this holds an direct relationship between the upper part.

    from a technical point of view it is important to use a camera with a flat lens.when this is not applied. The measurement will not be trustworthy.

    In order to do a good bikefit that is reproduceable an trusworthy to show you need more that a camera and an app. Underneath i posted a link to an thesis of an mathemattical student. This wil give you an insight of what to do when you want to bike fit propperly.

    link to

    Let me end this comment by saying that i really believe that the ubersense could be helpfull in many ways. specially for people who did not do anything. But to fit specially you need a specialist. Retül fitters are not one of them as i see it. (i that case you do the same).

    hopefully this will help to get an slightly different inside.

    Greets Chris Brands (Netherlands)

    • Great comment Chris,

      I totally agree with your comments, as well as the inaccuracies of the measurement of the angles. If the ‘dots’ get placed incorrectly (that is a big red circle covering a reasonable amount of surface area) and error will be introduced. Although DC does point out it should not replace a qualified fit and then can be used for confirmation.

      My question is: Is there an English version of your article? As I am keen to read it.


      Ray Boardman
      Director & Head Coach (and avid reader of DC Rainmaker)
      Qwik Kiwi

    • Hi Chris and Ray B.

      You bring up a good point about the red dot being large enough to not be able to accurately place it. We address this by hollowing out the red dot and making it a circle when you use the green handle to activate the line and place the dot. You can see an example on the first screen shot on the Apple marketing page. Here’s a link:

      link to

      This allows you to use the point created by the two lines to accurately place the dot.

      If you have ideas to make it better let us know. We are working on a list of ideas for version 2.0.

  4. Miguel

    if developers off the app are reading this… version please!!

  5. Leandro

    I can not find at the App Store in Brazil. Is there any reason? What’s the name again of the app. Thanks

  6. Ian

    This looks very cool, I got the Dartfish Express App a while ago which allows you to manually measure angles. Unlike this app though, it allows you to draw on any video so you can do running or other sports too. Going to add this to my collection straight away!

  7. Looks cool and at a reasonable price (probably the cheapest thing bike related I’ve ever seen including my kid’s squeaky horn on her bike). But I have the same comment as Thomas G – just got my Galaxy S4 so I’m hoping they go android soon.

  8. Pablo

    What an amazing view you have there! I lived in Paris for a little while, so I don’t even want to imagine how much is your rent… Awesome app by the way

  9. loshko

    Fantastic, looking forward to the Android version!

  10. pat

    Holding my breath for your trainer reccomendations. Will they be out this week? Ready to pull the trigger on the Kickr but didnt want to do it before your annual report. thanks from a fan

  11. boroboonie

    Cool App! You need to take the knee measurements from consistent places though. You’re measuring from different places in most of the screenshots and will get inaccurate readings from where it was on the screenshots. Greater Trochanter (bony hip bone at top of femur) –> Lateral femoral condyle (bony protrusion at bottom of femur above knee) –> lateral malleolus (bony protrusion at ankle). Of course, nothing beats hands on fitting with a trained fitter with a goniometer and plum bob.

    • No doubt. Some of them I was adjusting a bit here and there. I like your descriptions on where exactly to place it, as some of the medical ones are a bit more difficult for the average Joe (like me) to understand.

  12. John Schaller

    I’m thinking this guy could take the bike fit app to a new level with the Kinect sensor. Obviously more people have an iPhone/Pad though.

  13. We are the developers of Bike Fast Fit. Thanks to Ray for write up.

    An Android version is in development.

    App should be available in Brazil. It just launched so it may take a day or two for it to get in all app stores around the world.

    We welcome any recommendations for improvement and enhancements. We have added Ray’s recommendations to our development list. If you have any others just let us know. Best way is email to

    Thanks, Terry

  14. viktor

    nice gadget.. I wonder if there is something like that for running (measure foot strike, strides, hips etc..)?

  15. Mark

    You can add to the $2.99 cost of the app the full cost of a rear-wheel-on trainer. Since the app starts out by imaging both wheels, it seems it wouldn’t work with a rear-wheel-off type trainer such as the Wahoo KICKR or Lemond Revolution.

    • Shalmaneser

      Why would it not work with a rear wheel off style trainer? As long as the bike is level, and the dropouts (F+R) are in the centre of the red circles then it should work fine.

    • Mark

      Dunno. Shalmaneser may be right. But looking at DCR’s photo, it looks like the app wants to image the entire wheel. It would be interesting to hear what the app developer says about this.

    • Hi Mark,

      The red alignment outline is only used to help the user properly align the camera and the bike. During development we found we typically setup the camera too close and cut off our head (well in the video and not actually.) We added to alignment to make setup easier.

      The angle and measurement tools will work with any type of trainer.

      During development we tested it by using the app to capture video from You Tube videos of bike races. The angles worked even with this method.

      Happy to answer any questions or comments.


    Android version as soon as possible pleeeaaassse.

  17. Karl Trout

    So why couldn’t you just use bright green stickers on your hip knee, ankle, stem and post? then move the red dots to the green dots on each frame and Bob’s your uncle.
    sounds like a manual Retul to me.

  18. Gerrit

    Good thing, you remembered to charge your iPhone at 7:12 pm ;)

    • Yes, it was a bit of a rush against failing battery vs light falling for the day (once it had been dark out the reflections are too messy on the windows and I’d had to have waited another day).

  19. JK

    Hi Rainmaker,

    Thanks for the review of this cool app. Anyway I couldn’t help but notice the view outside your window. Do you live opposite the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris? Haha

  20. Lieven

    Not having a trainer, could I just lean against the wall and pedal in the reverse direction?

  21. Alice

    The view is just unbelievable, to live so near it, too… do you still feel like pinching yourself when you behold it or does it become a matter of course? X

    • No, I still don’t get used to it, always something new to watch (all the priests in red and white robes were actually lined up outside behind it just the other night, hadn’t seen that before).

      Though, I generally don’t notice the bells anymore unless they go into crazy-nonstop mode (occasionally, for 15-30 minutes at a time). On the flip side, I do sometimes subconsciously calculate the time from the bells without thinking.

  22. davep

    Ray Maker: “It would be cool though if you could place little sticker dots (like these) on the correct body part spots (knee/hip/ankle) and have the app pick those up (for higher level accuracy).”

    It still could be better to use dot stickers even if the app doesn’t recognize them automatically.

    The app could put holes in the red dots on the image to make the positioning easier.

  23. Derek

    @Chris Brands: I don’t suppose there’s an English translation for that bike-fitting thesis?

  24. cc

    Is possible to use sticker dots (or something else) that an app (using motion detector sensor in a phone) to draw an athlete’s form while running, swimming, biking?

  25. Eric Min

    Hi DC,

    Looks like an amazing app. Unfortunately I don’t have 10 feet of space. Would it help if I had a wide angle lens for the iphone?


    • Hi Eric,

      We recommend 10 feet but it isn’t necessary. You can use whatever distance you have available. You may need to take 2 or 3 videos to capture the enough of you and the bike to measure the angles you want measured.

  26. Looks like a cracking little App, I might get it as a quick and easy way to confer with my clients and riders as DC suggests. Good job it can’t see biomechanical issues, muscle recruitment patterns or anatomical idiosyncrasies or I’d be out of a job! ;-)

  27. Paul

    I have started playing with dynamic bike fits. I use a gopro and free software for the laptop called kinovea. Overcomes almost all the shortcomings dc listed. Also with the wide angle lense and high framerate allows usage in confined spaces and less blurring. I then output the overlay images with angles etc. to a word doc report to keep track of things. Much like what you’d get from Retul I’d imagine but with all free software and some basic hardware. But an experienced person understanding the body physiology and fit techniques driving these type of tools is the key. Having said that, for a quick and dirty check of position, this app looks great!

  28. André

    Hi Ray,
    thanks for that Review. I´d support the Chris´ comment although one could use the app and measure both sides of a rider (?) to check Body (parts) differences?! Nevertheless, differences in femur (etc) length are more crucial than ca. angles of legs! But, you alreday mentioned, it does not replace the pro bike fitting. Secondly those “perfect” angles, are a serious matter of debate. Pro bike fitters would definitely not want to live with “angles between 140-150° are good for the average rider”.
    I saw some pictures of you on a bike, since I started reading your Reviews. I (oftenly) thought you are chosing a very high riding position, ie your leg is streched out. At least on the TT bike, I again have got that impression.
    I am a cyclist since 28 y and also was a trainer, so I might have “an eye for that”. I recently used the University Freiburg aka Olympia Center method for my personal fitting. Which fitting Parameter do you/does your trainer believe in/use?

  29. Charley Lingerfelt

    Will this work on a mountain bike as well?

  30. Ray

    Hi Ray, After it was done, did you make any changes to your set up? Did you you rerun the analysis?

    • Bradley

      Excellent question!

      After all, this is the real point of it all: 1) Use app to acquire quality data, 2) Review/evaluate said data, 3) Create solution set/design from data, 4) Implement design changes, 5) Retest via test ride, 6) Repeat as needed to fine-tune.

  31. Gerrit

    Good app, when I was in uni and didn’t have the money to pay a bike fit I used to set up my laptop, film myself and fit myself in the same way. Since a home fitting like this will likely be done in house where a laptop is available, do you know if there are plans to release a small software package for laptops? The bigger screen will help accuracy as well.

  32. SL

    Funny enough, I had been talking about an idea for this with a friend a few months ago. I was also thinking it should be possible to do pedal stroke analysis with a smartphone in the same way.

  33. Peter Jones

    Hi,looks like a good App.I have had a bike fit with similar measurements taken when riding the bike.Do you have a head on shot showing your Legs/Feet?I ask,because it showed on of my legs was not in alignment to the other.
    Regarding the video side,my IPad does not have a timer,do I need a timer app,if so,which do you recommend?Cheers.

  34. Peter Jones

    Hi,ignore my question regarding timer on video,I see that it is in the app.

  35. Alex B

    Looks like a great app – especially as I was thinking about getting a bike fit but can’t really afford it at the moment. This might help for the meantime to get my position in the right ballpark.

    I’ve one question Ray – I don’t have a trainer so is there any way I could make use of it without one.


  36. Paul H

    As others have mentioned using stickers on the hip, knee and ankle points and getting the app to recognise these should be the next development. This is what the Specialised BG Fit system is based around.

    Re: Retul. The problem with this system is it takes a few measurements of an individual and tries to fit these to an internal model which represents an average body and then calculate bike dimensions from this. This is OK if you happen to have a body which matches this average but if you’re outside this model then it can produce wrong data.


  37. Jacob Wijnstra

    Nice review of a very usefull app. Through I’m very cautious with these kind of apps because now everyone can fiddle around thinking what they do is correct without having any proper knowledge of matters. One thing I miss in the comments though is the measurement error because of the size of the images. I’ve read an article (don’t really know who wrote it, just since a couple of months started saving interesting articles) of a comparison between the reliability of retul vs video capture. Video capture had a pretty impressive measurement error because you have to place the markers in the correct place on a computer screen. The size is with a big screen max 30×20 cm’s or so? That implies that when you place the marker on screen 1 mm off, it will represent a couple of mm’s on the body. Just imagine what 1mm on an iPhone screen will be in terms of measurement error. I’m not implying that this app is useless, on the contrary (the pro’s have been mentioned before, I don’t have to repeat them i think), just be cautious with these things.

    Greetings from rainy Holland,
    Jacob Wijnstra

  38. lex

    Hey Ray
    does this app also work for a regular race-bike with clip on bars and an (horizontal) adjustable seatpost?

  39. Mike Johnshoy

    I’d like to see a version of this app for runners … you would set it up alongside a treadmill and get data on your stride…

  40. If I may I’d like to address some of the statements above on Retul. For full disclosure, I am an experienced bike fitter with experience spanning 30 years, and I use Retul hardware and software, amongst other tools, when fitting. I’m also a competitive cyclist and licensed professional engineer with a masters degree in mechanical engineering.

    Firstly, this is a very cool app! I certainly see a lot of wonky positions out there and this tool has the potential to help a lot of people find a better position on their bike. I’m intrigued and definitely buying it.

    Secondly, it is not a Retul replacement. Retul is dynamic (collects data while you are pedaling), it is real-time (not based on post-processing of video), it works in three dimensions (not a side view), and it is highly accurate (sub-mm). This app, while a cool and potentially useful tool, is none of these things.

    On the claim above that Retul is a marketing company, I invite the poster to do a bit of Google research on this as the fact is that the creators of Retul are very clever folks with both sport science and technical backgrounds, and quite deep ones at that. The post above stating that Retul “takes a few measurements of an individual and tries to fit these to an internal model which represents an average body” is completely incorrect. Retul is a tool that presents large amounts of data (over 25 measurements per data capture, and one would conduct many data captures per fitting) for interpretation by a qualified fitter. It is essentially a very sophisticated plumb bob, ruler, and goniometer.

    Thanks for the review Ray. I’m a huge fan.

    • Bradley

      Thank you for the refreshing and technical clarification — too many comments in the blogoshpere are too earnestly presented, yet completely lack technical qualifications, and remain utterly blind to the fact that the commentary lacks sufficient scientific foundation to exist as presented.

      Remember people, there is a huge difference between what we BELIEVE we know and what we actually, factually KNOW — sadly that difference often is the difference between fact and fiction.

    • DDD

      Nice to have someone with authority to shout down those without knowledge. I just did the Retul fitting form my training bike, Crit bike and MTB bike. It is very impressive stuff. Found the (major brand) saddle I use on the crit bike had collapsed on one side, hence my left knee being closer to the top tube. Also found the BG fit settings I had done 18 month prior positioned me a long way back on the bike.

      I also like the new cleat position and the discussions over stretching and looking after myself off the bike.

      I like this APP because I can show my wife what she looks like on the bike and also the measurements and angles so she believes me when I say we need to adjust the posture.

      Will use this app with cycling friends on the local club as an anti injury aid.


  41. Gary Carollo

    Does it work with an iPad? If it does, is there any advantage with distance between iPad and subject and in terms of ease of use (and accuracy?) with larger screen?

  42. Jacob Ooi

    Be careful on this.

    Just bought.

    Crashes on ‘Capture’ on both my iPad and iPhone.

    • Hi Jacob,

      We goofed. We introduced a software bug during testing on version 1.10 and didn’t catch it. We identified and fixed the issue and submitted version 1.11 to Apple a couple of days ago. We expect Apple will approve the new version within a day or two.

      We are sorry for the problem. We have modified our testing and release procedures to make sure this type of error does not happen in the future.

      I have several emails from you and I will respond to those also.

      Sorry, Terry

  43. Ebterinen

    Would one be able to use this software _without_ a trainer? For example just leaning on a wall and pedaling backwards. Interested to give it a try just because I recently acquired an iPhone.

  44. Hey Ray.

    I’ve noticed a Xlab aero bottle on your aero bar. How do you like it? Or my eyes are fooling me?

    • Funny how few people caught that…

      I do like it. It was a bit of a fugly mess to get installed (way more complex than it needs to be, but, then again, I don’t design waterbottle systems for a living). That said, I like it. It resolves most of the issues I’ve had with other systems (for example, others, you couldn’t actually see said Garmin).

      At some point between now and next spring I’ll write something up on it. Most of my training right now is focused on running, and then a lot more indoors.

  45. Well. I am just thinking of an aero bottle right now. From my inspecting the market the XLab Torpedo looks the best to me. Other horizontal bottles like Profile Design A2 or the new one you’ve mentioned a bit of the time before, don’t seem to be very good to me. Thank for the reply, by the way. I guess, I am going buy it now, no doubt.

  46. Hello,

    Discovered the app through yr review and am very quite happy with it. Helped me quite a bunch to position myself on my new TT bike.

    I have trouble with one thing.

    Do you know how (if possible) delete the videos once you have quite few of them?

    Best regards,


  47. Yes. Swipe on it in the listing to the left and you’ll see the delete button.

  48. Simon

    Any news on the android version?

  49. Bryceee

    Will this help me get my saddle height and for and aft position right?

  50. Gerard

    Any sign Of the android version coming. We are waiting paitently.

    • Hi Gerard,

      Terry from Bike Fast Fit here. Thank you for your patience. Android is in development (really). We expect release in late May or early June.

      We are slower with the Android release then we intended at first due to some of the ideas for enhancements we’ve received from users. We want to incorporate many of your product ideas and this caused us to undertake some redesigns of the base structure in order to setup the infrastructure for future product enhancements.

      Thanks for your patience.

    • Gerard


      Thanks for the reply.

      Its good to see its still in the works and soon to be released. Cant wait to try it.

    • Dan

      Any news/eta on the Android version?

    • Chris Wilson

      Also curious on the status of the Android version

    • Gerard

      I Guess you estimated release date was a bit off?

      Still waiting to try this out.

      I might just have to buy an iphone :P

  51. Alan

    Great app. I replaced several components including saddle and aerobars since my last fit and had unintentionally moved further forward than I realized. Wish I would have taken a baseline with the app a year ago before the changes. Now I’m adjusting my position back in small increments over time and taking shots at each step. A suggestion to the app developer – it would be cool to be able to manually flag a measurement that you are concerned about so that you could see at a glance which ones are “out” from the list. As they are interdependent it would aid in pointing to common cause. Thanks for a great tool.

  52. Tim

    $6.49 in Australia Itunes store – has the app gone up since it came out everywhere else. Read through the review and thought I would give it a go for the price but then changed my mind at that price !

  53. Paco


    Thanks I would love to purchase/download and try the Android version. Hopefully within this week.


  54. MH

    Where’s the Android version?

  55. We regret to announce we have put our Android development of Bike Fast Fit on hold.  We are a small company with limited development resources and a long list of ideas for improving Bike Fast Fit.  Our goal is to build the best bike fitting app.  We decided to concentrate on improving the iOS app rather than build an Android version.  

  56. DDD

    I just paid for a Retul fit and can say it looks like this app + the knowledge I learned about cleat position from Retul and you have a bike fit option to help your buddies out. Even amateur clubs where riders cannot easily spring the 250 for the retul fit can be helped and possibly saved from injury.

    I say this because having a video of themselves is SO important in getting across to them that the posture they currently have sucks. They know what others look like on a bike but not themselves.

    Awesome that you take the time to create such a good read too!!!

  57. DDD

    Just another idea. The user guide should include advising the test rider to use stick on dots like they use at the bike fits to mark each of the joins locations. This will make it easier to measure the angles on the captured video.
    Locations were: outside little toe (5th metatarsal), heel outside at same level on the side of the shoe as the metatarsal spot, ankle bone, knee hinge point, hip hinge point, shoulder hinge point, outside of the elbow hinge point, wrist bone outside, 1st knuckle on index finger.

    Get these right and you are in for an awesome fit.

  58. scottb

    Where is the android version. Promises promises for way too long!!!

  59. Hamish

    Looking for a bike fit app on Android? I’m the developer behind The Roadie Bike Fit. Turbo trainer not required! It has literally just been released so it will probably take a while before it is searchable in the playstore but here’s a direct link. If you buy, any feedback really appreciated!
    link to

  60. Paco

    Ray, have you checked the Roadie Bike Fit for android is equivalent to the Bike Fast Fit for iPhone?

    In any case thanks for all the great reviews, comments, stories of this great web. Thanks for all. Paco

    • I looked at the screenshots, but haven’t looked at the app yet. There’s also a third app as well (for iOS right now), here: link to

      I might look at all the apps in the coming months and just do a light comparison. We’ll see.

    • Paco


      Thanks that would be great.

      I think many of us with all the heart rate belts, power meters, cadence/speed, GPS, apps, watch, this and that finally we are not well fit on our bikes :-) so decrease performance and increase pain an injuries.

      As you said that is not a professional bike fit but I guess at least you should get some basics that helps to prevent bad positions, etc

      Thanks again

    • Deefer

      Don’t think it yet unfortunately.. Just got the android app and seems to be missing some features in the review… Notably the video.

    • Brett

      Any updates on the android app?

      I live overseas and have never had a proper bike fit, nor do I have the option of having one any time soon. I am looking for an app that can get me decently close for my road bike using the redshift switch system to go aero.

      I have access to an iPhone but would prefer an android solution all other things being equal. Please let me know what you would recommend.


  61. wouter

    extremely aggressive position, ray! :)

  62. Andy K

    Hi –

    Will the app give you the choice to measure in cm (the more common bike measuring unit)?

  63. Andy Griff

    Before I buy anything Tri/ bike-related I always check to see if you have done a review – hugely valuable resource – thank you!

    Regarding this BikeFit app, have you tried the ‘Forefoot Measuring Device’ built into it? If yes, then what are your thoughts/ findings?

  64. Chris

    Has anybody else reported not being able to record the video horizontally? I have an iPhone 5s, and the video recording looks to only have a profile orientation.

    • lauren

      It’s your iPhone settings- swipe up and tap ‘portrait lock’ (the padlock with the loop/arrow around it) to disable portrait lock, so you can see things horizontally as well.

  65. Sebastien SPIESER


    Does that work for a spin bike (ie, no back wheel) ?


  66. Bob

    Any thoughts on angles on a road bike with aero bars? I spend about equal time on the aero bars as on the hoods.

  67. Justin Keogh

    I am looking at using more apps in my sports science teaching at Bond university. Would you still recommend this bike fit app or are there better ones available?

  68. Justin Keogh

    Also, does this app work for stationary bikes with no visible wheels like the Watt bikes we have in our department?

  69. Sudipto Roy

    The real dampener is in the last sentence :-(

  70. Nick Cox

    Wow, what happened to the exchange rate USD to GBP. I would expect this to be £2.50 at a push but £3.99? Who’s making a killing here?

  71. Kunal

    does it allow as many bike fits as you wish to do ( with different bikes ) as well ?

  72. Angus

    What is the difference with the Elite version?
    I’ve just bought the normal version and am trying to figure out how to upgrade…

  73. Thomas

    Plz make the Android version app.

  74. Matthew

    Update to app cost. It is now 4.99 in the grand scheme of things that is not that huge of a factor.

  75. Daniel S

    You would have thought they would have developed an android app in the past 4 years.

  76. brt123

    A poster from the future 2022 :)

    Price increase to £8.99 but still value for money in getting the basics within range.
    I guess like others its how you then proceed with the information you have to change things for the better.

  77. Dan

    Hi Ray

    Nearly a decade later this page pops up when searching for a bike fit app. Do you have any updates or different apps yopu’ve used at all?

    Many Thanks
