Back a few weeks ago I picked up a few pumpkins – one for cooking and one for carving. Since then, I’ve been serving up all sorts of random pumpkin creations, kinda like the Blueberry post this past summer.
But before ya can get to any recipes – you have to get the pumpkin cooked. Once you’re there, you’ve got a blank slate to cook a million different things. To do so, I simply cut it up and cook it in chunks on glass dishes. Then I slice off the ‘meat’ from the skin and puree the crap out of it in a blender (or food processor).
Once done with that, you’ll have a big ol’ bowl of pumpkin.
Pumpkin Smoothie:
Unlike most of the items I cooked, this one required significant reconnaissance and intelligence gathering…from the local smoothie shop (Robek’s). Over the course of five visits and a few ‘curious’ phone calls, I had gathered the list of ingredients (Plain Soy Milk, Nonfat Frozen Yogurt, Pumpkin Puree). The only challenge was the shop never made it with the same quantity of ingredients each time. Nonetheless, I prevailed.
Pumpkin Macadamia Nut Biscotti:
My mom makes home made biscotti every year around this time, so I decided to take a slight twist on things. Turned out pretty good. My first batch of over a 100 pieces of biscotti lasted only about a week before it was all gone. So I made a second batch just tonight.
Pumpkin Pie
Another family staple is also my Mom’s pumpkin pie. Since moving out to DC, I’ve had to make my own pie each year. But armed with the super-secret recipe, I can recreate it on demand!
Pumpkin Cream Cheese:
This one was one of my favorites. It was SUPER easy to make, and tastes amazing. If ya don’t have a whole pumpkin on hand, just pick up a can of pumpkin to make this stuff. Totally awesome.
Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream:
I stumbled on this in the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cookbook that regular readers know I swear by. As usual, it was a piece of cake…well…served with it anyway. Next time I think I’m going to freeze Pumpkin Pie, dice it up, and then toss it into the ice cream to really give it a good chunky flavor.
That’s my pumpkin ice cream ice cream in the container below next to the pie. I took some other photos, but accidentally deleted them. :(
Pumpkin Soup:
This was an ad-hoc thing. I topped it with some of my Truffle Pumpkin seeds and an a slice of apple from the apples I picked back a while ago.
Pumpkin Fettuccine with herb cream sauce:
Here was tonight’s dinner. I simply followed this slight variation on a fresh pasta recipe. I then used my regular techniques after that, and it worked perfectly. Oh, and then I made a herb cream sauce using a bunch of herbs from my still-not-dead-yet little deck herb garden.
What’s cool is you can see the nutmeg in the strands above.
Truffle Pumpkin Seeds:
I had some Truffle Salt hanging around the cabinets, so I took the seeds, baked them and then flavored a variation with both regular salt, and truffle salt. It came out quite good.
Lastly, I wanted to make these Pumpkin Pancakes…but alas haven’t had the time to do it yet. Also wanted to make some pumpkin bread and cupcakes…but both still on the to do list. Btw, if you feel ya missed out on grabbing a pumpkin – most local garden stores still have them (I just picked up a second one for Turkey Day).
Oh, and the Everyman Tri Best Endurance Blog contest closes in the next day or so – so if ya haven’t voted yet, I could use your help! It takes approximately two seconds, and requires no registration.
Have a good week!
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I am getting hungry!
Just so you know, I love all of your “food” posts like this one and would love to see more of them. I am wondering though, can you share the recipe for the biscottis, or is that one super-secret too?
Yup, sorry about that. Just edited the link to show the source of that recipe:
link to
What? No pumpkin pancakes? I’m highly disappointed. The pumpkin spread looks good, I’m going t have to give that a try. I make an uber yummy pumpkin/turkey bacon/jalapeno soup. Tastes better then it sounds.
Mmm… pie.
My mom loves your blog and thinks you are some man-bot who has infinate time on his hands.
This will only be an argument for her side.
Wow…I just got hungry for pie.
Yum! I shouldn’t have read this before I ate breakfast though…will you post your bread and pancake recipe once you make ’em?!
Baked pumpkin seeds alone are good :)
This pumpkin thing is beyond me, but then if you don’t like it that’s the best starting point!
A+ on the photography though!
wow, it all looks amazing. i’m so impressed that you make the time to cook all of that…
Do you ever sleep??
Mmmmm, bagels.
Pumpkin bagels?
You in town for turkey day?
Very impressive, You could have your own you tube cooking show…
A co-Worker brought in pumpkin bread with chocolate in it…delicious.
I know I’m a man…and already married… maybe its just the caloric restriction that I’m doing…but….
Do you want to get MARRIED?????
This is awesome. I’m getting fat on pumpkin muffins and pumpkin pie and pumpkin pancakes (with chocolate chips, natch) around here lately, so it’s time for me to diversify a bit. That smoothie looks great.
Yay, the long-awaited pumpkin post! I’m definitely making that pumpkin cream cheese this weekend.
well i can see that nothing much has changed in my absence. you’re still insane!
Man you are a chefs you should consider open a Restaurant
hows the taper
good luck
My mouth is watering, it all looks so good!
Perfect!!! Now I’ve got some ideas for Thanksgiving and a big dinner this weekend. Though I don’t have a BlendTech…but I’m sure I’ll manage. ;)
Nice job!
Thanks for the link. Will definitely make some of the biscottis for Thanksgiving!
This is the second blog I’ve read tonight where someone cooked a pumpkin.
Could this be some sort of sign that I need to do the same?
Wow –
I’d like to see some more commentary about how some of this turned out, especially the Pumpkin Smoothie.
The idea of sticking the pumpkin pie chunks into the pumpkin ice cream is sheer genious.
p.s. you missed something. I had pumpkin risotto last night…yummmmm!