An Easter You Choose The Gadget Giveaway!


Today’s Easter.  And even if you don’t celebrate Easter, you can instead celebrate the chocolate bunny…or, as is apparently also the case here in France – the chocolate chicken (and, even an odd rash of Chocolate Nemo’s I’ve seen too).

Failing your celebration of any of those things…then how about just celebrating a gadget giveaway?  Simple and good, right?

Last month y’all loved the ‘you choose’ aspect of the giveaway.  Meaning that I let you choose which gadget you want to win.  Yup, if you want that Wahoo RFLKT- it’s yours!  If you want the Garmin FR610 – same thing.  Or the latest Timex, Polar and CycleOps creations.  Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya.  Technically, I suppose Clever Training is giving it to you.  (Btw, for those curious, last month’s winner selected the FR910XT with heart rate strap.)


So I’ve got you covered on pretty much whatever you want.  Unless you want a chocolate bunny.  In which case, you can pretty much go to the grocery store tomorrow and pay about 50% less than I paid for it Saturday.  And perhaps your chocolate bunny won’t look quite as menacing as my chocolat lapin looks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

“Let me know which workout you’ll be doing in an attempt to override any Easter-associated candy that may be consumed.  If for some completely unexplainable reason you aren’t biting the head off of a chocolate bunny, feel free to just pick your Sunday workout (or nearest completed workout).  Extra points for listing the Easter candy that put you in this predicament.”

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (April 1st, 2013).  I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday or Wednesday (I may still be pre-occupied eating chocolate bunnies).  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  Devices/gadgets/gizmos over $500, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above).  But no bunnies.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead [Entry now closed].  Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military.  No bunny rabbits or chocolatiers allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Joe

    Traveling for work so I’ll be in STL running 4 miles in/around the Arch to combat a bad combination of cadbury eggs and bloody marys yesterday!

  2. Bramble

    I avoided any Easter Candy, but I did have an Easter Milkshake. So I went for a 15-mile bike ride to help burn it off.

  3. Austin

    Gate-city half marathon on Saturday

  4. dom

    i did a 3
    0km biking today

  5. TimG

    Long run…2.5hrs. Should offset lots of eggs!

  6. Natalie

    9o min Sunday long run!

  7. Mika

    I’ll be doing the Goddard workout (link to to try and burn off some of the calories consumed at our Sunday Easter brunch.

  8. Scott Stoddart

    Since I am dealing with a knee issue from speed work then recent race; I am doing upper body weight lifting, core work and deep water running. This way it will take off the stress on my tendons behind my knee.
    Weakness came from Starburst jelly beans, will have to do 500 crunches and planks to make up for the bag that I ate over the holiday weekend.

  9. Diego Prado

    Only a 10 miles easy run…..fat burner!

  10. Stefania

    I think I will do a spinning lesson

  11. Adrian Frazier

    I ran my first 10k race this weekend, and now my goal is to improve on that time. I love that distance!

  12. Caterina

    Just a Yoga workout :-)

  13. Ben

    Decided to add my Sunday workout to my Saturday so I could justify killing the Easter buffet and doubling up on dessert. Ended up with an hour swim, 3 hour bike and 45 minute run. More pain, less guilt.

  14. Michael

    Easy run up and down the beach a few times… until I feel the need for more easter eggs at least

  15. Larry

    now that the snows are subsiding it’s back on the trail for a 50 k ride. White chocolate bunny

  16. Sue

    6km run/ walk with my 7 y.o. daughter :)

  17. Dan

    Long Ride with interval hill training

  18. Paul Beland

    did an hour of intervals on my tacx trainer, 5 minutes and 2 minutes intervals

  19. David S

    Bike hill repeats. Not as many needed as I was able to get through easter without one bunny, chicken or egg passing my lips!!

  20. Gloria

    Sat on the couch yesterday with interval eating. Running 10miles today with Cadbury carmel filled eggs getting scrambled in my gut!

  21. Harrison Zucker

    first outdoor ride in ohio of the 2013 year!

  22. John B

    Sunday’s are my off day. So, I played golf. I walked it though. And played terrible. Guess I should stick to swimming, riding and running in a linear fashion.

  23. kew

    Cycle 40km with two 10km climb to burn burn burn….

  24. Daniel M

    Easy bike ride.

  25. Leslie Gaunt

    Playing soccer and riding my bike thanks to the Cadbury candy-coated chocolate eggs!

  26. Julian Chua

    probably do 4k runs for the next few days.

  27. Ethan Deckert

    24 mile ride and a 5K run for my Easter Sunday brick!

  28. Nalves

    3h running @ Cold Spring Harbor, NY

  29. Peyton Biggs

    25 mile ride & a 3 mile run

  30. Ben Mullin

    30 mile gravel bike ride on a beautiful sunny, but windy Easter afternoon.

  31. Ben

    Turn-by-turn directions is the one thing missing from my iPhone-based cycling GPS system since switching from a Garmin Edge 705. The Wahoo RFLKT’s support of this feature would be a great addition, besides the awesome battery life.

    I don’t celebrate Easter and was observing Passover this week, so no chocolate bunnies in my life. Anyway, hard to find them in fair trade dark chocolate. Still, while I had considered a ride yesterday, I didn’t make it out due to necessary work on my venture project’s website and I was glad it meant I missed the rain, too.

    Not sure about a ride this week with all my preparations for classes this weekend, however I’m looking forward to a 20–30 mile ride sometime next week as I continue training for the Hazon Golden Gate Ride. Anyone else feeling generous? Feel free to drop a donation my way.

  32. Jim

    4 mile run. Not enough to burn off all of the jelly beans.

  33. Rahul

    Indoor bike for 30 mins and burn!

  34. Tlee

    60 mins slow. Working off French Silk pie AND banana pudding – several thousand calories.

  35. Kevin Toerne

    I’m going to be running with my kids in the Bob jogger (~45min steady pace). This way I’m carrying my own extra chocolate weight, plus the extra candy weight from the two kids!

  36. Chris

    1.5 mile run, followed by another, and another…..

  37. jon

    Swim. Please excuse duplicates does not seem to be working.

  38. Tmac

    Late Night Trainer Spin – for the love of Dove Chocolate

  39. Casey

    60 mile bike with 6K elavation gain which deserves two chocolate bunnies!

  40. Hey, I’m Jewish so no Easter candy for me! However, that doesn’t mean I didn’t pig out this weekend, so I’ll be doing at least a 10 mile ride tonight to work it off…

  41. Bruce L

    Olympic Distance race simulation. One hour bike followed by about an 8 km run, both at race pace.
    An extra large Cherry Ripe flavored Easter egg did most of the damage!

  42. Kimberly

    8 mile run with a couple sprints at the end

  43. Krista Lee

    Run 4 miles with 15 second sprint intervals every 3 minutes.

  44. Carlos Carvalho

    Since I just had surgery today (no this is NOT an April fools joke), I will be hobbling around as best as I can for the next two weeks. So, that means that I will not be partaking in chocolate bunny decapitation. Unfortunately. :-(

  45. Matt Langford

    20km mountain bike ride, body surf 30 mins ready for more chocolate

  46. Mark Bennett

    I’m riding to/from work everyday no matter how cold it is in the morning. As far as the candy that did it it would be easier to list the only thing I didn’t eat… Peeps.

  47. Andre LM

    100K on the bike, as soon as I return home (travelling at the moment).

  48. Shaun Hurry

    I just got back from my 45 min treadmill hill run followed by 45 mins swim drills with my local triathlon club :D Love me some of those CremeEggs and MiniEggs! Mmmmmmmm!

  49. David Stempnakowski

    Did 13.8 mile ride today to break in a new Karakoram. Nine hundred calories burned – felt great and the weather was fantastic – used Cyclemeter – great app!

  50. micah

    need to get in a nice long trainer ride (still cold in MN)

  51. Lance H

    Tomorrow is going to be around 50 degrees (thank god spring is here), so I’ll be working 2 hours on the bike with 5 minute intervals to work off the box of chocolate covered pretzels I managed to finish… Oops.

  52. Jeff

    My wife and I ran a 17 mile long run that was on our schedule for Sunday.

  53. Theresa J

    My workout will be because I consumed skittles, twix, oreos and an easter bynny baskin robbins cake.
    I will be doing weight lifting and sprints

  54. Boyd T

    19.6mi bike ride in St. George, UT today and planning to hit the Santa Ana River Trail (Aneheim > Newport Beach) with daily 20+ mi rides every weekday this week! Hope this gives me justification to nibble on the left-over Easter candy throughout the week. :)

  55. Kyle Shannon

    I’ll be trying to get over the cold that I got on Easter weekend. Might have some chocolate after that.

  56. Scott P

    44 mile ride to work off the brunch and bellinis, 15 mph headwind on the way out made for a fast and fun return.

  57. Gavin Huckabee

    Woke up nice and early Easter Morning for a 6X800 speed workout so my Reese’s peanut butter egg would go down minus some guilt.

  58. Alex

    Spin Class! Good 20 miles up intervals

  59. Steve B

    Did 27.8 miles on the bike today to burn off Cadbury Eggs

  60. Sally

    An easy 20 min walk around neighborhood…did not succumb to major weaknesses on Easter so not much payback involved.

  61. Bill

    45min Crit on Easter Sunday (after lunch w/family) & then plenty of 1min Anaerobic Intervals on tap for early in the week!

  62. Kent

    Hill repeats covering 1,160 feet over a 3.7 mile climb. I’ll be eating them for lunch on the hill behind my office instead of the delicious peeps and creme eggs that were had.

  63. I have today attempted to get back into training after injury, with my sites on a half marathon on saturday which I haven’t fully trained for but was okayed to attempt. hopefully it will help from my candy infused runs ;)

  64. Reeli

    Ride to the local Germany Bakery, 27 miles there and then back. Only after a delicious strawberry/rhubarb strudel!!! No Easter candy or eggs for me! I have my priorities….

  65. Toby

    I expect a 40 minute tempo run will do it!

  66. Rookie10

    Easy 7 miles, to help offset all the jelly beans I took from my kids.

  67. RiderMike

    Those darned mini eggs (a package or two) has necessitated a 90-minute brick workout. Does that mean I can have more. :D

  68. Nick C.

    I had a race on Saturday, so I took Easter Sunday off and took it easy today. I’ll be burning off my Robin’s and Cadbury eggs by cycling an hour and running 3-4 miles tomorrow!

  69. Fred

    Well easter candy is definitively the chocolate bunny, but it’s the sunday morning maple syrup brunch that made me work out a little harder.

    2 hours bike ride followed by 1 hour brick run. Enough calories burned so i now feel good! ;-)

  70. Jakub Pusz

    I got hooked on running about 10 months ago, partially due to DC Rainmaker. I got from 1.5 miles to 7 miles run and aiming for a half marathon this fall. Keep up the good work Ray!

  71. Zach Evans

    47 mile bike followed by a 3.5 mile run. Unfortunately, I ate enough candy to even it all out…

  72. ColdNewfie

    Considering I’m just ramping up for the season and we had a wild storm blow through on the weekend… 10 mile run on Friday, shovel snow, 40 minutes on the trainer on Saturday doing 30/30s after a 10 minute warm up then shovel snow, 5 km recovery run on Sunday, then shovel snow,.. oh it was sunny today… 5 km of Fartlek and enjoy the sunshine.

  73. Dack

    The gluttony began actually on Saturday with a very large prime rib dinner. Though I felt good about it as I had completed a 8.2 mile run that morning. Sunday continued the indulgence with the entire smorgasbord of Easter favorites from orange glazed ham to sharing in the kids egg hunt candy score.

    Today to help dig myself out of that morass I did a 5 mile tempo run and a circuit training workout session for a total of almost 2 hours this early morning. Then took a nice hike/walk with the kids in Rock Creek park.

  74. On the first not-too-cold-to-ride weekend in March, I rode 10 miles on Saturday and 11 on Sunday! Probably saved me from the worst of the damage!

  75. Jerry Nelligan

    Did 13 miles of hill running, had a problem with jelly beans, just can’t seem to stop until they are gone.

  76. Andre

    2.5 hours on the trainer!

  77. Brian

    7 mile long run in the am!

  78. 12 mile ride yesterday, getting ready for my first tri this weekend!

  79. Lily

    2000 meter swim workout early in the morning.

  80. mjlamora

    An easy 4-miler on my own, and then some soccer with the kids. They need to burn that sugar, too!

  81. Marcos

    10 mile easy run at night

  82. Sara Baker

    Adding some speed this week (8×800 @ 10k pace).

  83. Omar Ali

    9 mile run – makes up for all the Cadbury Creme Eggs I have been eating.

  84. droberts0503

    Jelly beans and mini eggs do me in! I’ll be easing back in to outdoor running as it’s getting warmer, probably with some speed work thrown in.

  85. turnthedarncranks

    Medical issues, so no exercise until the doctor says otherwise. :( Therefore radically limited candy intake too. :(

  86. Philip Blackwell

    Daniel’s Running Formula, White plan, part four day one.

    Low point candy wise was using an Easter egg (instead of fruit) for dipping in the chocolate fountain.

  87. Edson Ribeiro

    Chocolate. And a monday bike ride to burn the extra fat…

  88. Heading out for a 300k bike event in Santa Cruz this weekend

  89. Paulino

    I never get lucky on these things!!! Almost 2500 people!

    Whatever. My next workout will be a 7k run. I’ll be running after easter bunny!!

  90. Joshua Hatch

    A ride from DC to Harper’s Ferry. 60 miles should burn off a couple bunnies!

  91. Aaron

    A 60 minute cross training workout on my bike trainer.

  92. Marin

    next workout: 10km on wednesday.

    lot of fat to burn

  93. Xavier

    Whoppers Easter Robin Eggs (tell the truth, you pictured them in your mind just by reading the name). I thought the days of eating those were long gone…but my kids brought home some, like an animal who’s been in the desert for too long I devoured them, I couldn’t tell you which colors I ate as it all just became a blur of guilt, memories and sugar rush, it was awesome in a sick way. My kids just stared, mouths open in disbelief.

    So, “getting back’ week has just started, on Sunday, right after my chocolate debacle, I decided to start the mental and physical cleanup by climbing my way to Jamestown, CO from Boulder. The hour long, 1,200 ft climb was a great start and a great way to get over my guilt, flying down hill with a group of tri-athletes was the icing on the cake. I plan on doing it again on Wednesday and then on Saturday doing the trip to Ward with its HC climb of over 2,500 ft, epicness ensured.

  94. Matt

    4km swim time trial.

  95. Paul

    70km ride plus a 20min crossfit workout. Ate way too much of everything on the weekend. Mainly hot cross buns.

  96. Suzanne

    While I didn’t eat much Easter candy, I did work in the yard for about 4 hours. Then I went for my longest bike ride in years, I even included what my local area calls hills – causeways. And to top it off I went for my longest run in, well, over 10 years. It was a hopping day :)

  97. Will

    My “candy” would have to be two bowls of chocolate something with caramel ice cream … But I did manage to get in 2000 yards of swimming, a 56 mile bike, and a short run on Easter so I didn’t feel too bad about the ice cream.

  98. Will

    My “candy” would have to be two bowls of chocolate something with caramel ice cream … But I did manage to get in 2000 yards of swimming, a 56 mile bike, and a short run on Easter so I didn’t feel too bad about the ice cream.

  99. Dan

    IM in 4 weeks. No rest for the wicked. 180km ride and 10km run

  100. fred burke

    I fell off the bike, broken collar bone, ribs and broken 310xt