You Win–You Choose DC Rainmaker Giveaway!


Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days.  And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders.  No, I didn’t tie those bows.  Or choose the colors.  It’s like a buffet table of devices.

This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit.  In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you.  This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win.  Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours!  If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing.  Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours.  Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya.  Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.

For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim.  Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.


Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.


Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?


Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling).  You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that.  Shipping for items is on me, so fear not.  And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs.  You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.

Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens.  And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item.  Toys R US midnight dash this is not.  So choose wisely!

To enter yourself in, simply:

Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that.  If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps.  At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013).  I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon).  One entry per person.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above).  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead.  Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military.  No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. ckizzle

    Getting ready for the bike season, I’m going to attempt to do TWO Spinervals workouts back-to-back…I’ll have to keep a bucket close to me just in case, should be interesting.

  2. zac_in_ak

    Sunday 2nd time on trainer with new to me powertap.
    Tues more roller riding
    Thurs even more roller riding
    All while watching paris-nice and hoping I don’t fall of the rollers

    • zac_in_ak

      also waiting for the @#$% snow to melt so I can start going up hills and down…..whooosh I live for the down and earn it with the up! fat guys go FAST down the hill :)

  3. Guille

    5 weeks to go for the Vienna City Marathon and I have on the schedule the following:
    Tuesday 5km easy-going: 6min/km
    Thursday 13,5km fast: 4:40min/km
    Sunday 30km testing: 5:30min/km

  4. Running,

    Next Tuesday in the Juan Carlos I park in Madrid, Spain (about 1050km flight distance from Paris :) )

    1600 m X 2 @ 4:15 (2 min. rec)
    + 4000 m @ 5:30
    + 1600 m X 2 @ 4:25 (2 min. rec)
    + 2000 m @ 5:10

  5. Roelof

    First outdoor ride of the year on sunday, Check if bike is OK and ride for 2 hours.

  6. Roberto

    Run 9k tomorrow morning at 5:30 min/km

  7. Jolynn

    Monday I will hit the gym for a cardio workout (likely the elliptical) and then give yoga a try for the first time.

  8. Patrik Akselsson

    1km warmup
    6x1000m @ 3:55, 1 min rest
    2km recovery

  9. benjamin

    hit the streets for a 15 minute warm up

    6x: 1/2 mile run – 50 crunches – 25 push-ups – 50 flutter kicks

    10 minute cool down

  10. Here is my run workout for today.
    WU 10′ EZ

    MS: 2 x 1.5 Mile (5′), 1 x 1 Mile (5′) @ z4/Hard. Remainder of the run should be at z3/Mod-Hard.

    CD 5′ EZ

  11. Here is my run workout for today.
    WU 10′ EZ
    MS: 2 x 1.5 Mile (5′), 1 x 1 Mile (5′) @ z4/Hard. Remainder of the run should be at z3/Mod-Hard.
    CD 5′ EZ

  12. Damian

    Just coming off a 6 week break from running, due to a stress fracture, so tomorrow is just a 1200m swim with a 20min light run to test out the foot, then a 60min interval session on the bike later in the evening.

  13. Christoffer

    Torrow I’m doing a run/walk long run, 800 m running, 400 m walk, 1min/km over my
    5 km tempo. Total distance about 11-12 km. Looking forward to a sunny day running with teperature just above 0 C.

  14. Jason Newville

    Easy run of 45 minutes at zone 2. Just getting back into the swing of things after being injured for 6 months.

  15. Marta Castillo

    easy 5k run, circuit strength training and 5k run cool down

  16. Mike D

    Swim workout:
    300 free
    150 kick
    300 pull

    Main set:
    5×100 drill down/swim back
    15×100 1-5;6-10;11-15 decend on :15 sec; 30 sec between every 5

    Cool down :
    150 EZ

  17. Michael Man

    2x 10km runs at 5min pace
    1x speed day
    1x friendly run with the neighbour
    1x lonesome Sunday

  18. Eddie Tomlinson

    A bit of Cross training for me in the park – Boot camp style

    Dynamic stretching warm up
    5 min gentle run
    Circuit session – 45 minutes followed by warm down.
    Session includes sprints along with everything from press-ups, sit-ups, burpees, squats, squat thrusts, plank (various variations)

    Really good for fitness, balance, strengthening core muscles to reduce injury (touch wood!)

  19. Matt

    I plan to do 3 training rides using trainerroad and the sufferfest videos.

  20. Simon

    60mile on the bike with a couple of hill repeats.

  21. Nick

    9 mile long easy run in preparation for a half-marathon – the longest continuous run I will have completed up to this point!

  22. Run 8 miles with 10x100m strides. Nice giveaway!

  23. Matteo

    Run for 15km at 5min pace

  24. Pedro Fradique

    i intend to restart training, with a half-hour each (bike, swim, run)…

    Hope I make the restart this time


  25. Grant W

    5 sets of 5min at 5k pace with 3min Rest

  26. Carol Kleckner

    The workout I had planned today was short and sweet but a good power workout…5 miles of snowy trails at 10 above 0. Had a wrench put in the run when mama moose and baby took 15 minutes to yield the trail to myself and 3 dogs.

  27. Predatrice

    Will go swimming. Simple endurance.

  28. Brian D

    I’d like to get over this cold so I can resume my training.

    Up next on Trainerroad is a workout called Carson.

  29. Garrett

    In the process of recovering from a long-standing injury incurred during IMMT, I plan to start back on the stationary bike and possibly treadmill.

  30. Don Kiely

    Training for Boston, so today was a hilly 17 miler, “easy” pace. Temps ranged from -9F in the lowlands to +20F in the hills on icy roads and snowy trails, so dressed for the cold and wore my IceBugs. Didn’t encounter the moose that delayed Carol, but it was a beautiful, sunny day, and I loved every step. Wished I had had the dog I ran with yesterday in harness for the long uphills though!

  31. Dan

    Every other week I am trying to complete a 100km ride around the hills of Melbourne. This coming weekend, I’ll be by the beach so I am planning my 100km through the rainforest behind the beach and then a recovery swim in the ocean.

  32. D. Reiley

    Swim Workout

    500 Warm up
    15×100 hard with 10 second rest interval
    500 pull
    500 moderate to easy
    200 breast stroke (or any non-freestyle stroke)

  33. Mike Lacy

    10 min EZ spin warm up
    1 min climb 80% RPE, 1 min recovery spin
    2 min climb 80% RPE, 1 min recovery spin
    3 min climb 80% RPE, 1 min recovery spin
    4 min climb 80% RPE, 1 min recovery spin
    5 min climb 80% RPE, 1 min recovery spin
    Then, back down the ladder
    10 min EZ spin cool down

  34. Chris

    In about 5 minutes I’ll be starting Eclipse on Trainerroad.

  35. Rodrigo Lucchesi

    I intend to run, within the next 2 weeks, 10k for the first time since last October!

  36. JeffT

    I’m planning doing some hill intervals to kick start my cycling training. It worked wonders last year and I have some big goals on improving my times this year.

  37. Marko

    Just a noob here… 4 x 10minute run with 1 minute walks in between.

  38. Attila

    Stage 6 repeat of tour of sufferlandria. Ride the wretched and immediately follow it with the longest scream.

  39. I’m currently tapering for the DC Rock ‘n’ Roll in less than two weeks. Today I completed my LSD 12 mile and will have Monday as a rest day before Tuesdays leg opener.

    4 Miles recovery – 8:30 pace

  40. Michelle Walker

    I’m going for 3 mile run but the river in my town!

  41. Tim V

    Open Water Swim: 4 x 750m, 2 min rest between each effort.

  42. Jonathan Seeds

    2 hours running totally aerobically with at least 1000ft of vertical accumulated.

  43. Christian Carling

    Just getting back on the bike after a few months break so low intensity and short duration:
    Cycle to the top of the hill and back.
    Next time go over the hill to the bottom of the other side and back
    After that go over the hill to the bottom then 10kms to the round about and back.

  44. Gabriel B

    A 10 mile run with 8 miles at Marathon pace

  45. Jay

    Mine will be a trainer workout. 90min. 10 warm up, then a pyramid of 5min intervals of different speeds up to full at the top. 10min cool down.

  46. Jerome Feuiltault

    Ramping up…3 HIM’s coming up in a few weeks/months:
    3 hour spin following with 1 hour brick.

  47. Jeff A

    15min – WU
    5min – 5% over threshold
    5min – easy
    6 x 2min x 3min – 30% over threshold
    10min – CD

  48. Cameron

    Thursday: I’ll be doing a 3 hour zone 2/3 endurance ride in the morning, and racing a criterium in the afternoon/evening.

  49. Brian L

    Wake Up. Run 40 Minutes. Shower. Go to work.

  50. Jason Allard

    Still easing back into training for Pittsburgh Marathon from shin splints so doing an easy 7 miles followed by 1000 meters in the pool. Trying out new shoes also, so should be a fun workout!

  51. Noah Rosenthal

    Tomorrow will be one hour on the bike trainer in Zone 2.

  52. Dan

    My early season swim workout:

    15 minute warmup
    5 x 100 on 2:00
    5 x 50 on 1:00
    200 with technique drills every other lap
    100 cool down

  53. Bill

    Have a V02 workout scheduled for Tues. 4-6 x 5min w/5min Rest in between intervals – 106% – 115% of FTP.

  54. Aaron

    Easy run to explore the new suburb that’s being built around the corner

  55. Edward

    This trainer workout is intended to build strength whilst preserving a focus on efficient pedal stroke.
    Warm up: 15:00
    Single-leg drills: 5 x 0:30 each leg with 1:00 spin between sets
    High cadence drills: 5 x 1:00 @ 105-110 rpm w/ 1:00 spin
    AT build w/ mixed cadence: 10:00 build to AT, alternate 1:00 each at 90+ and 60-70 rpm
    Recovery: 5:00 easy spin
    Power: 5:00-15:00 at lactate threshold (can build to LT if early in season)
    Cool down: 10:00

  56. Jonathan

    Run 6 miles with 10 1-minute sprints.

  57. Derek Lam

    Bike 45 miles with some olympic-distance race pace thrown in there.

  58. olivier L


    600m warm up
    18x100m in 1’25, 10secs rest.
    4′ rest
    2×400 in 5’45
    400m Cool down

  59. Tina

    6.25 mile run at half-marathon pace.

  60. Yesterday: Snowshoe 3 miles.
    Today: Cardio intervals x 30 minutes. Strength training arms x 30 minutes
    Tomorrow: Spin bike 60 minutes indoors
    Tuesday: Strength training legs x 45 minutes
    Wednesday: Swim
    Thursday: Hot Yoga x 60 minutes
    Friday: Off
    Repeat. :)


  61. Daniel

    This week my only workout will be to shovel the snow from my parking space ;-)

  62. Emily B

    Today was a quick run followed by some tough mudder specific strength training.

  63. Emily B

    Today was a quick run followed by some tough mudder specific strength training

  64. Brian

    Swim somewhere between 1,000 – 1,250 total meters to get aerobic endurance up.

  65. Marc B

    Ride the trainer during the hockey game endurance pace. High tempo during commercials and power plays.

  66. Bush Meister

    This week I want to work out what my maximum heart rate is.

    So this week I’m heading off to Nigeria with my bike!

    Once I get there, my aim is to find a bunch of feisty hyenas out in the country side and entice them into chasing me by dragging some raw meat behind my bike.

    I’m going to be seriously unhappy if I lose signal on my heart rate monitor and have to find some more hyenas to chase me.

  67. Lily

    Long run of 8 miles planned for this Thursday.

  68. Dave S.

    Actually get outside and run instead of talking about doing it.

  69. Michael bowman

    Biking Farmer intervals! I live in a farm town. 10 mile straight county road. Farm houses are about a quarter mile apart. Hard to the first chicken farm then easy to Mr. Roses cattle farm then hard again to Thomas cow farm etc. That out to get the winter rust out of the pipes.

  70. Tom Meese

    Wednesday: 90′ brick ride with 3×10′ @ 265w w/5′ RI @ 210w starting @ 50′; 30′ brick run

  71. Chris Y

    2x 100m warmup
    3 x 500m
    100m cooldown

    Goal #2, buy a watch to actually time myself as I don’t have anything right now! (Considering the Timex Run GPS 2.0??? vs other great DCRainmaker suggestions)

  72. Fabricio D'Amico

    Training for tomorrow morning:

    50 minutes running
    – 5 minutes WU walking
    – 40 minutes 8x (4 min running, 1 walking)
    – 5 minutes cool down walking

  73. Toban Moroz

    Use the rowing machine to do 7000 meters each day for the next 7 days.

  74. James N

    A lovely 3 hour trainer ride, blah!

  75. Jane

    I’ve got a two hour ride on the spin bike while watching old Ironman event coverage. Thanks Ray!

  76. Gerard

    Brick workout tomorrow night…