An Easter You Choose The Gadget Giveaway!


Today’s Easter.  And even if you don’t celebrate Easter, you can instead celebrate the chocolate bunny…or, as is apparently also the case here in France – the chocolate chicken (and, even an odd rash of Chocolate Nemo’s I’ve seen too).

Failing your celebration of any of those things…then how about just celebrating a gadget giveaway?  Simple and good, right?

Last month y’all loved the ‘you choose’ aspect of the giveaway.  Meaning that I let you choose which gadget you want to win.  Yup, if you want that Wahoo RFLKT- it’s yours!  If you want the Garmin FR610 – same thing.  Or the latest Timex, Polar and CycleOps creations.  Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya.  Technically, I suppose Clever Training is giving it to you.  (Btw, for those curious, last month’s winner selected the FR910XT with heart rate strap.)


So I’ve got you covered on pretty much whatever you want.  Unless you want a chocolate bunny.  In which case, you can pretty much go to the grocery store tomorrow and pay about 50% less than I paid for it Saturday.  And perhaps your chocolate bunny won’t look quite as menacing as my chocolat lapin looks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

“Let me know which workout you’ll be doing in an attempt to override any Easter-associated candy that may be consumed.  If for some completely unexplainable reason you aren’t biting the head off of a chocolate bunny, feel free to just pick your Sunday workout (or nearest completed workout).  Extra points for listing the Easter candy that put you in this predicament.”

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (April 1st, 2013).  I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday or Wednesday (I may still be pre-occupied eating chocolate bunnies).  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  Devices/gadgets/gizmos over $500, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above).  But no bunnies.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead [Entry now closed].  Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military.  No bunny rabbits or chocolatiers allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Chris M.

    Easy 8 miles on the trails. Still enjoying all the chocolate goodness.

  2. Jim Peters

    We did our usual Sunday Morning long run. 10 miles should offset the jelly beans and chocolate.

  3. Kristy Lahoda

    Spinning on the trainer while the kids are asleep!

  4. Steve Fines

    13 mi at an easy pace for me on Sunday.

    My kids got all the candy this year – I don’t think I even managed a single piece.

  5. Dzulhelmi Azmi

    20k LSd…a proper sendoff to my bare access..welcoming road glove 2

  6. Martina

    a few kilometers of cross-country skiing until i realized that the snow is finally too wet…which means spring! #woohooo

  7. Simon

    50 minute lunch run to make up for a cadbury’s Easter creme egg ‘omelet’

  8. Marianne Roberge

    Ran my first 10k race for Easter!!! When is the next one? :)

  9. Amanda Carlton

    I have actually planned 2 fold!! I have a hour long bike ride today and a four mile run tomorrow. It never fails the Milk Chocolate bunnies are a weakness!! It just isn’t possible to pass Easter without one… or maybe two.

  10. Brian Baran

    Sunday morning started with a 2 hour long run before easter brunch with flatbreads and quiche!

  11. Jeff

    Did my last long marathon run on Easter morning (~21 miles). Now bring on the bags on Cadbury mini Chocolate Eggs. They’re like M&M’s on steroids, and I approve of their doping.

  12. Derek

    I added 2 additional miles to my run on Saturday in anticipation of the large Easter meal. I ended up going on a Kit Kat binge Easter night and will probably add on an extra 30 minutes to my trainer workout tonight.

  13. Ben Anderson

    Any kind of run – even 30 minutes easy, plus I was on the bike yesterday in a preemptive strike.

  14. Peter

    Since I’ve got a stress fracture I’ll be doing some swimming (~1,200m) followed by 15-30 min of pool running.

  15. Jason

    Saturday was a 15k trail run (3rd clydesdale) followed by beers with friends.

  16. Greg

    The plan is a 45m steady run and a 60 minute swim session to work off the two Lindt GOLDHASE :-)

  17. Anish

    The plan this week is to get at least 3 runs in with and 2 long swim sessions with a long trail ride on a mtb this week.

  18. Brian

    45 minute run. Although, with all of the extra energy I had from eating chocolate bunnies, there were several fartleks included along the route.

  19. Mike Guitard

    Trainer road Gelena

    3×20-minute Sweet Spot efforts; 4 minutes of recovery between intervals. Optional hill climbing drills: elevate front wheel 4-6 inches in order to simulate climbing posture/stress. Done outdoors, find a sustained 3-6% sustained grade with minimal/no interruptions. This pace is well below FTP but still requires a high level of focus to remain on target. Cadence should fall in the 70-85rpm range to simulate climbing demands.

  20. drewids

    A boot camp class today, and a solid workout cleaning up the bike from a winter of storage sometime this week.

  21. Matt

    Hill repeats on the bike

  22. Hard brick on Sunday (lots of hills), then I’ll down a heck load of chocolate eggs ;) –<—–this was yesterday.
    During the week I'll be doing at least 1 tempo run x-country style as well as 1 long run and 1 brick on the weekend.

  23. Ed

    1600m of pre-emptive swimming. 10km run after the attack.

  24. Emily Baran

    As a chef in DC, my easter plans are to cook and serve good food. My workout will have to wait!

  25. Mike

    18.5 k run to offset 2 cupcakes, 1 piece of cake and 3 mint smoothies..

  26. Loktor

    12km along Seine to enjoy the sunny weather in Paris =)

  27. Marc

    Beautiful day outside, so 30 minutes of sprints and calisthenics at a local field, followed by 45 minutes of slow and easy laps at the gym pool for 1 hour.

  28. TheHut

    70km LSD indoor bike as it was raining outside. Not the most exhilarating workout but the good news is that I got rewarded with an Easter Egg every 10km :)

  29. Ryan

    10 Mile Long run in the pollen infested south.

  30. Dave

    Sick – but thinking about training!

  31. Steve G.

    8 Mile trail run. Easy.

  32. Dick Sol

    Did a 4 hour cycling tour in D1.

  33. Matt F

    My weekend was entirely blown through massive amounts of candy and visiting family. I’m going to be repeating a swim from last week that was a rather big disappointment due to a sticking analog clock at the gym. Though I would like to think I can do 300 yrd LT swims in 3:12, I’m pretty sure I can’t and the clock sticking pretty much proved it. So…. Long WU set with MS 3×300 at LT for time with 100 choice in between and a nice CD. Then fit some stabilizing muscle group lifting later in the day.

  34. Kevin V

    4 hour tempo ride with friends and great weather.

  35. John Wood

    10 easy miles scheduled, or they would be easy if done at home. Traveling to visit relatives, their roads have a lot more hills, so it will be 10 not so easy miles instead.

  36. Simon Langer

    45 min run AM and 90 min swim PM.

  37. Guillermo

    I guess I’ll just have to burn all that chocolate by doing 1,5 hours of cycling plus a 30 minute running HIIT! If you cheat, you better sweat it!

  38. vadim

    50 mi bike ride – Eagleman is just 2 months away …

  39. Rob

    1.5 hour road cycling, still a bit chilly for the end of March but got it done

  40. Mark

    10 mile run on constant hills in preparation for hiking the Grand Canyon!

  41. Daniel Calo

    since i’m a vegan i don’t eat any chocolate at all, so all i need to do is stay on course with my regular marathon training :)

  42. gatriguy

    11 mile run at HM goal pace

  43. Mike

    Pick me :-)

  44. Greg

    30 mins of racquetball and an hour swim set! Still won’t really put a dent into all the many types of cookies and reese’s that were consumed…

  45. Pascal

    I ran 14.5 km (~1h) yesterday in order to be fit for my Eastern Chocolathon.

  46. Allen

    swim and run workout set to start my taper for IM 70.3 New Orleans

  47. Jonathan

    3 Gap ride

  48. Simon Cope

    A slow 10km jog following two 30km hikes on the previous two days, each with over 1,000m of climbing.

  49. Jon

    8 Miles, 1 for each Chocolate Creme Cadbury Egg, plus some bonus miles. Enjoying the warm up in Minnesota!

  50. Jeremy

    5k run in the morning and a 30k bike in the afternoon.

  51. Jeff

    This Easter requires two workouts. Two miles swimming in the pool before work and six miles running on the road after.

  52. My Easter was dangerous for several reasons…I crashed on Saturday hard enough not to want to ride on Sunday. So my Sunday consisted of a delicious brunch, followed by a large desert tray. Large enough to make me not want to talk about it.

    Saturday wasn’t a total wash – I crashed around mile 5, and got back on till around mile 35.

    Today is yoga day, and tomorrow is reserved for “hot laps” of Central Park. Drill it breakaway style for a full lap, rest for 10 min, then do it again. Fun stuff.

  53. Colin

    To make up for yesterday, a trainer ride on my KICKR that arrives today.

  54. Leah

    Ran 23 miles on Saturday, so I took Easter Sunday off and fully enjoyed all the fixings as I replenished my fat stores. :)

  55. K McMahon

    I took a proactive approach this year and did a nice tempo run on Saturday to supercharge my chocolate erasing metabolism. I’ll follow up with a nice easy waddle this evening!

  56. Youri

    A lot of chocolates, a few kms….

  57. Daniel

    16 mi mountain bike.

  58. Jeremy

    Today, (Monday):

    7 mile easy run. Emphasis on the easy.
    Long run on Saturday + gorging on food Sunday = bad time.

  59. Amber

    Long swim… 1/2 Ironman Relay in one month. Got to be ready for the swim!

  60. Chris

    Row in the AM, 2 hr ride in the PM

  61. Jeremy

    Easter weekend workout:

    13.1 at marathon pace (for me, approx. 7:30min/mile).

  62. 75 minute run.

  63. Dale M

    A10k run then an Easter egg hunt with the kids who waited patiently while dad went for a run.

  64. Patrick

    Ran an easy 10 miles to recover from a 2 week long viral infection. I thought it was easy but it pretty much wiped me out for the day… guess I wasn’t completely recovered yet.

  65. Mike

    Mon. – 6 mi recovery run
    Tues. – 13 mi w/ 6 tempo
    Wed. – rest-cross train
    Thurs. – 9 mi, easy pace
    Fri. – 9 mi
    Sat. – 19 mi

  66. 1,280 calories for that bag of jelly beans I ate. Time to make some kilojoules on the powertap. Probably about 100 minutes or so. :)

  67. Kenny

    Sunday’s workout was 2 hours biking on the trainer with some hill sims in the middle. Today is my off day, but I feel that due to the massive amounts of chocolate consumed I should do something. I’ll probably end up going indoor rock climbing.

  68. Jon

    Hill repeats up the Blue Hills after devouring a White Bunny (that I’m pretty sure was made of white chocolate)

  69. Kyle Shaw

    Slow and painful 60-minute run on Monday that reminded me of every second/third/fourth helping of food and dessert I had this past weekend. Short swim Tuesday at lunch followed by a Trainer ride Tuesday night. Hope to feel normal again by Wednesday.

  70. Dave

    Short 7 mile jog in Singapore while on vacation for the weekend. Good way to sightsee!

  71. a_circelli

    8 km @4.25 in my tapering week

  72. Katie S.

    45 minutes elliptical, and 30 minutes hamstring rehab stretches and strengthening. I didn’t eat too much candy, just a few Very Cherry Jelly Bellies!

  73. I’ll be putting in a nice 10 miler this evening.

  74. Peter

    Doing an easy 5 after a long run this weekend.

  75. Jason

    Putting the bike away and instead picking up a shovel to do landscaping.

  76. Björn

    5k quick run (for me) today and a 70 min trainer ride planned for tomorrow.

  77. Stefanos Tsiolis

    10k run in the morning

  78. Melloney

    I’ll be doing some speed work at the track to help burn off some of those calories.

  79. We began Saturday preemptively with a 47 mile ride followed by a 30 minute swim. On Sunday, we did a 23 mile ride at 90% effort followed by a 5 mile run before heading off to family gatherings to enjoy hugs, laughs, baked glazed ham, scalloped potatoes, jelly beans, and microwaving peeps.

  80. Austin Robinson-Coolidge

    I’ve got a small Godiva raspberry chocolate egg scheduled for today to counteract the 5 mile hill repeat on the agenda.

  81. Rachel

    3 hr brick: 2 hr bike, 1 hr run.

  82. Tina

    6.5 mile run in the p.m!

  83. Nick

    5 mile easy run after Reece’s and Cadbury Mini-Eggs and a fantastic Easter dinner!

  84. Jeremy

    8km tempo run, followed by long run the next day (20km) following Reese Dark Chocolates!

  85. Maggie Doyle

    Not working off easter candy just a 7 day cruise….. Hitt the weight room for what my coach calls tank top arms

  86. Wesley Brown

    Sat 8km run- 90min Bike 5km run followed by 75min hard run on Sunday.

  87. Went with a fun workout for Easter, 15 miles urban mountain biking in Milwaukee.

  88. Sarah

    1 hour yoga and 2,000 meter swim for Monday, Happy Easter!

  89. Dom

    Got my calorie-burning in first with a 20-mile LSR on Saturday!

  90. Garrett

    Indoor bike trainer

  91. Michael

    14 mile Long Slow Run on Sunday. Not sure I burned enough calories to offset the small village of peeps that were consumed earlier in the morning. Happy Easter – I used to love the Easter Monday parades when I lived in Europe.

  92. Christine Carrigan

    I did my longest EVER run today, 7.65 miles. (That’s nothing to most others but I will be 55 years young next month so it makes me real proud). And I disturbed a few REAL bunnies whilst doing it. Shared a box of Thorntons Classic chocolates whilst zonked out on the sofa 12 hours later…………….!

  93. Tomás

    Well yesterday was supposed to be a 6 mile run, but figured eating enough chocolate til I’m sick was a good enough workout. So next workout is today- 4 mile tempo run… I can feel the chocolate being burned just thinking about it.

  94. Chris Bowers

    Saturday was a 7 mile tempo run. Sunday was an off day spent with family. I abstained from the kids easter candy in exchange for having some wonderful honey baked ham. Today will be an interval swim and a trainer ride.

  95. Amber H

    I played an hour of beach volleyball. It was so much fun!

  96. Rhonda H.

    Still recovering from marathon nagging injuries, but I did 5 hours of gardening Saturday followed by an easy 2 mile jog this morning. I went overboard on 7 layer dip on Easter!

  97. no easter candy this week! but to undo the damage from last week (peeps, lindt truffles, mini eggs… all in browned butter cookie form) a 1hr trainer ride and 5mi run.

  98. MLE

    I was supposed to run 9 miles in preparation of next week’s Cherry Blossom race, but I have a knee injury, so was only able to clock 1.2 miles before my knee gave me trouble. I made up for the deficit by eating plenty of Starburst Jellybeans, Reeces peanut butter cups, cadbury mini eggs, and Pez. I’m a candy-eating BOSS.

  99. Greg

    Only 4 miles. Tapering for Boston.

  100. Brent

    Did 50 miles on the bike yesterday in preparation for Easter dinner. Today 7 mile run and a mile in the pool.