You Win–You Choose DC Rainmaker Giveaway!


Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days.  And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders.  No, I didn’t tie those bows.  Or choose the colors.  It’s like a buffet table of devices.

This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit.  In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you.  This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win.  Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours!  If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing.  Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours.  Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya.  Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.

For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim.  Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.


Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.


Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?


Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling).  You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that.  Shipping for items is on me, so fear not.  And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs.  You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.

Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens.  And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item.  Toys R US midnight dash this is not.  So choose wisely!

To enter yourself in, simply:

Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that.  If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps.  At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013).  I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon).  One entry per person.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above).  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead.  Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military.  No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Vamast

    Sunday bike 3hr easy pace, tuesday running 35min 70%+ 3 intervals , thursday running 25 minutes 85 %.

  2. beth

    swim/run, bike/run, swim/bike, run, bike, run. rest. that’s the next 7 days!

  3. Caroline H

    convincing myself to get back to the pool this week, in the middle of a stressful work week.

  4. doron leibovitz

    Preparing to get back to regular cycling this week, so only 1.5 hrs for me

    doron from tel aviv

  5. Chris Chapa

    200 yards-rest for 12 breaths
    4 x 100 yards-rest for 10 breaths
    4 x 50 yards-rest for 6 breaths
    4 x 25 yards-rest for 4 breaths
    2 sets TRX Basic Training
    30 sec set with 30 sec rest
    Squat Series
    Sprinters Start Series
    Hamstring Series
    Row Series
    Chest Press Series
    Deltoid Fly Series
    Roll Out Series
    Plank Series
    Crunch Series
    Lower Back Stretch
    Long Torso Twist Stretch
    Chest and Torso Stretch

  6. Sunday complex training:
    1 – MTB warm up, 5 km, 20 min, intencity light-medium
    2 – XC skiing, 2h, 5 laps on heavy cource, intencity medium to highest, total ascent 600m
    3 – MTB cool down, 5 km, 25 min, recovery intensity
    4 – Recovery for 3 hours, dinner, light sleep
    5 – MTB sprin intervals, 15x(20 sec int., 3 min recov.)
    6 – Pool, recovery, 1.5 km

  7. colin waugh

    Its warming up so I will be riding to and from work, 20 miles each way. Going to try and fit in three to four runs a week also

  8. Tommorow; A sunrise early slow D1 run for two hours in preparation of a 25 kilometer trail next weekend. Main goal for tommorow; Testing, gear, drinking and nutricion patterns while enjoying the woods, quietness, first rays of sunlight and hopefully some deers or wild pigs crossing my trail.

  9. Geert Goossens

    I am training for a half marathon that begins on 24th March. The next long trainings run is 19k. The goal is finishing within 2 hours.

  10. Vil

    Long bike ride tommorow on Computrainer. 2 hours @ Zone 2, 1 hour @ Zone 3 and cooldown.

  11. Haviv Rosh

    15 min warmup
    6 x 800 10-K pace
    15 min cooldown

  12. Gibby

    Already did 4 on the treadmill this morning. Adding 6 miler in the snow tomorrow here in KC.

  13. Swim session to work on high elbow recovery:

    200m Medley
    100m Pull
    100m Catchups

    Main Set:
    8 x 50 – Unco with ear touch on each stroke, 25m Left, 25m Right – 1 min rest
    8 x 50 – Finger drags – go on 1:00
    4 x 100 – Freestyle – go on 1:45
    4 x 50 – Unco with fist drills and flippers, 25m Left, 25m Right – 1 min rest
    4 x 50 – Freestyle – go on :45

    Cool Down:
    400m mixed

  14. joerg

    Just a plain 1h run @ about 5 min/km tomorrow

  15. Ditte Lind Ommen

    I walked 10k today (I’m just getting back in the game) and tomorrow is intervaltraining, about 5k. (And I’m a student and REALLYYYYYY need a 910xt.

  16. Martin Lind Ommen

    It has come to my attention that i might need to start running more effectively. Therefore, I am going to run about 6 km HR oriented, trying to keep a fairly high pace, but keeping my HR below 175 bpm.

  17. Mary

    40m bike ride with 10m w/u, 20-25m half IM pace, 5-10m cool down
    30 min transition run with 20 min at race pace and 10 min cool down

    Half ironman in two weeks!!

  18. Mark

    15 min warm-up bike

    3min – 200 watts

    30 reps. Leg extension 45 kg

    3 min – 225 watts

    30 reps. leg Extension 45 kg

    3 min – 250 watts

    30 reps leg extension 45 kg

    3 min – 300 watts

    30 reps leg curl 45 kg

    3 min – 325 watts

    30 reps leg curl 45 kg

    3min – 350 watts

    30 reps leg curl 45 kg

    3 min – 375 watts

    30 reps Leg press 90 kg

    3 min – 350 watts

    30 reps leg press 90kg

    3min – 325 watts

    30 reps leg press 90kg

    3min – 300 watts

    30 reps squat 70 kg

    3min – 275 watts

    30 reps squat 70kg

    3min – 250 watts

    30 reps squat 70 kg

    Cooling down 15 min

    My lucky tuesday

  19. Doug L

    Time for another fitness assessment on Trainer Road: 1 hr on the trainer to perform the 8 min test. See how my fitness progressed over the last couple of months.

  20. Finish Week 4 of the Intermediate Base I on Trainer Roads (Tioga) followed by an easy one hour run.

  21. Reeli

    Looking forward to a great 3 hour group ride!

  22. Jalil

    I am just planning to walk, because I am recovering from a tendonitis of achilles’ heel :(

  23. Hiram

    taking a day off training and doing some bike maintenance

  24. zzzzzz1

    In a day or so I will do the following :

    * 10-15 minute warmup beforehand
    * 5 miles of trails with about 700-800 ft elevation gain
    * 5-10 minute cool down after

    It will be the third run after starting up again from a break due to injury earlier in the month. Pace will be easy, gentle and careful in order to asses recovery and avoid relapse of the injury.

  25. Sarah C

    Where to start, endurance ride tomorrow, swim Monday, endurance run Tuesday…

  26. Robert

    70 minute easy run around Stanford’s campus on Saturday

  27. Lionel

    For me as it is winter it wil Body Pump fitness on monday and maybe swimming on tuesday morning.

  28. Felipe

    Outdoor running on Tuesdays and Thursdays and try to keep 5K in 30 minutes and heart rate avg under 170. (I still new on running).

    Indoor cycling on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday, average of 8 miles each day.

    Rest on Saturday.

    Outdoor cycling on Sunday, average of 30 miles.

  29. KPTriVa

    A 1:45 indoor trainer ride… tomorrow.

  30. Katri

    To do SOMETHING in Nottingham…. I’ll be there for business next week, very tight schedule, and my knee does not allow running. I hope to squeeze in a fast tempo walk of 2-3 hours. Or maybe I will find a swimming pool? Although I do not fancy swimming in other countries if I am not familiar with the pool etiquette.

  31. Beth

    Running then getting on a plane to go to Haiti

  32. Ev

    First brick of the season – 45min bike and 15min run.

  33. Alex

    Ride 100km with about 1500m climbing. Last big ride before #3peaks13.

  34. I’m planning on running my first run over half-marathon distance. 14 miles.

  35. nikolaos

    many 1 hor runs every day almost
    includes up and down a small bridge 4 times per run

  36. Wolf

    I’ve just come back from a week of snowboarding today and I’m supposed to run a 1/2 marathon next Sunday… So tomorrow I’ll do a 16k hard run to see where I stand.

  37. Running: 2km pace 5’, 4km pace 3’55, 8x1000m pace 3’10 recovery 300m, cooldown 2.5km. Bike: 15 minutes. Aquafit: 40 minutes. Bike: 15 minutes. Gymnastics & stretching 15 minutes. Spaghetti, fruits, eggs, a large can of water and sleep loudly ;-)

  38. magoo

    Do “vasalopp” spinning on sunday start spinning when the race starts and stop when the first man finishes the race. Most likley a 3,½ hour spinning session in a cramped basement space with 25 other crazy people.

    Incase Vasalopp sounds strange its a x-country skiing race in sweden that stretches 90km.

  39. Plamen D

    My goal is to reach 2km swimming but maintaing my HR at low levels (due to heart murmur). 910XT seems to be the solution. Congratulations for the comprehensive reviews :)

  40. Kelly

    Cyclo core HIT cardio leg ripper and strength blaster

  41. Jose Ramon

    1hour spin class then into a 8km run

  42. Daniel Calo

    for next week i had planned to about 10 miles each day, but yesterday i played some basketball and now i’m all cramped up, so a really hope not to die on those runs

  43. Stefan

    Tomorrow its 25k in DL1. I do it on the river on a 2.5k circle 10x. The plan is to do the last one on HMR.

  44. Nicolas Christin

    A good 55′ trainer workout that I do twice a week:
    – 10′ warm-up
    – 20 x ( 1’40” @ 90% – 20″ @ 120% )
    – 5′ cool-down

  45. ericmin

    I’m waking up at 5am to ride on my indoor trainer at my office and then back home by 6:30am to make breakfast for the kids.

  46. Beth Browning

    I am a new runner and today I rode the exercise bike at the gym for 20 minutes.

  47. JMount

    After a 2 week hiatus, I am planning a 3 hour MTB ride in sunny Tucson.

  48. Megan

    I have 8 miles planned for tomorrow. It looks like it may be on the treadmill if I don’t want to deal with the wind. I need to find a good movie to watch!

  49. Walking at the beach, usually with a peanut butter milkshake in hand. That counts as resistance training :)

  50. greta

    60 min on the trainer in the basement – mind numbing, but i have to put in the time cuz the weather in WI stinks right now.

  51. Steve

    9 mile run in the beautiful English countryside, hopefully with the sun out and spring on the way.

  52. Jonas

    The plan for tomorrow was, 5km skating with the kids, then a 45min run.
    But will probably end up with 40 min on the trainer after a look at the forcast.

  53. David

    Around 28 kms of trail running trying not to get lost and enjoying of nature.

  54. Alberto

    I’m loving this new running training program by Bobbie McGee. My next run training sessions is called AeT 15:
    7×10:00 with 1:00 of fast walk.
    By interspersing a few short fast-walk breaks during the long run, you can easily increase your mileage and your endurance. Folks try it!

  55. Darren

    One hour intervals on spin bike.

  56. szzs

    Morning 2 hours trail running, with hard uphills.

  57. Greg

    3.5 hours on the bike, followed by 45 minute run.

  58. Thursday. 1:20 treadmill long hill repeats as:

    10 min FLAT @ EZ
    4 X 11 min @ 5%
    *4 min FLAT in between
    #1-2 @ 6.5 MPH
    #3-4 @ 7.5 MPH
    10 min FLAT @ EZ

  59. Tom Strade

    B90 + R60 @ Z2-3

    BT: Endurance brick. Bike moderate to long in mostly heart rate 2-3 zones for 90 min. Transition to a medium duration run in heart rate 2-3 zones up to 60 min. Refuel as in race.

  60. k barrows

    new sufferfest video ….i think its 1hr 40 mijn

  61. Tom

    Endurance Bike Workout (on Turbo Trainer):
    Warmup 10 mins (with a couple of spinups). Then ride for 90 mins at 65%-70% of FTP, finish off with 60 mins at 83%-88% of FTP. Keeping rpm above 85 throughout the main set.

    Long Run (25-30km)
    Run 15-20km at an easy pace, then increase the pace to marathon pace for the final 10km.

  62. steef

    good for me i had a week of rest planned with just one speedskating workout

  63. Lev

    Got hit by a Porsche while circling to work about three weeks ago, but participating in a half marathon in Frankfurt on 03/10. Will try to make it in 01:44:59

  64. Russell G

    I’ve got an upcoming running workout where my primary goal is to test my pacing ability over a somewhat hilly 10K in preparation for running a prescribed pace at my primary race of the spring, an upcoming half-marathon.

  65. jonasbr

    After a long pause, I’m planning my comeback to the pool. 2000m to start the season.

  66. I plan to do some “Miracle Intervals” on the bike trainer. I found an article recently describing these and the dramatic impact they were shown to have on a group of cyclists after following the protocol for many weeks. I also heard Ben Greenfield discussing the biochemical reasons behind doing this type of workout.

    The workout is as follows (created via TrainerRoad’s workout creator):
    3x30s All Out intervals each followed by 4:30 of rest
    3x20s All Out intervals on 4:40 rest
    3x10s All Out on 4:50 rest.
    The rest periods are meant to be full and complete so that these intervals are not done with too much fatigue. I’ve been doing them once a week for just a few weeks now, but expecting that I’ll need to keep them in my routine for quite a while (15+ weeks) before realizing the results.

  67. Calculated Heart rate Zone LTHR track workout. 10 minute warmup; 30 minute time trial on track.

  68. Les Thorn

    Running and walking 7 km on a runway in the middle of Papuan rain forest. been 15 years since I ran any real distance – so this is hurting a lot.

  69. Giles Levy

    Trail running with fast runs on the uphills.

  70. Stuart Edwards

    Training for my first cycling sportive, 90 miles and I’ve never ridden that far! So building up mileage gradually – this week 50 mile ride, pretty much flat, average 17 mph.

  71. eduardo nasta

    Ill run 31k on sunday at marathon pace

  72. Matt Dokken

    7 mile fatbike ride through the snow.

  73. Chris Sebastian

    10 Minute warmup, 4×15 second pickups with 10 second rest between. 2 minutes easy. 1×12 minute on 5 minute rest, 1×9 minute on rest of 3 minutes, 6×1 minute on rest of 30 seconds, 6×30 seconds on 15 second rest. Warm down 10 minutes.

  74. Mark

    45 minute run tomorrow morning to see London’s sites one last time before I rush off to the airport to fly home to LA

  75. Siggi

    I don’t have a strict schedule, so I usually do whatever I feel like and what is compatible with the weather/snow/daylight situation on any given day, be it running, biking, swimming, XC skiing or ice skating. The only thing I actually have planned is tomorrow morning’s short hike with a friend, involving an ascent of about 600m.

  76. Derek

    Building up mileage, 13 miles today, training for SF Marathon in June!

  77. Kim

    I have no clue what half of these people’s training plans mean!

    3 mi easy run

    But I swear I would use a GPS running watch because I just finished the half marathon

  78. Kim

    I have no clue what half of these people’s training plans mean!

    3 mi easy run

    But I swear I would use a GPS running watch because I just finished a half marathon

  79. Kim

    I have no clue what half of these people’s training plans mean
    3 mi easy ru…But I swear I would use a GPS running watch because I just finished a half marathon

  80. Reinhard

    Going hiking in a local state park, 10+ miles, with an elevation gain between 2,000 to 3,000 ft.

  81. Kim

    I have no clue what half of these people’s training plans mean
    3 mi easy run…But I swear I would use a GPS running watch because I just finished a half marathon

  82. Kim m

    I have no clue what half of these people’s training plans mean
    3 mi easy run…But I swear I would use a GPS running watch because I just finished a half marathon

  83. Monica

    Run a hilly half marathon then rest for a week or two cuz I’m injured but dont want to miss out on the race…

  84. Ben

    32 mile bike ride followed immediately by 3 mile run.

  85. Matty C

    Hoping to download and do 100 minutes of endurance training with the new sufferfest vid, “Blender” (+ TrainerRoad of course!).

  86. Sarah L

    I’m going to run five miles with my baby in the jogging stroller. It will only be my second run with the stroller and it’s a fun new challenge.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  87. jonwb

    Sufferfest – A Very Dark Place with TrainerRoad! THIS WEEKEND!

  88. stevea

    With the 20inches of snow currently covering my usual trails, I just plan to head out on a 13mile run on Sunday, 3/3 for an easy paced run. And hope the snow starts melting.

  89. Mike G

    Tomorrow, 32 degrees, but: 2.5 hour tempo ride in the morning. Then 1-2 relaxed pace MTB with some friends in the afternoon.

  90. Clair Stewart

    Ran 3 mile recovery run after being down with the flu

  91. Wallace

    Run a 6 mile one! Need to keep track of my pace and see if I’m getting any better… Mizuno 10 Miles 2013 will happen in a few weeks!

  92. marian

    run 1:15 tomorrow. just checking the weather forecast. no downpours please!

  93. Ana Elisa

    As I am getting ready for college games, my next workout will be a 25m sprint followed by a 3 mile run

  94. Priscilla

    I need to attend to a family marriage with all of my folks – including those who have a penchant for gossip. As long as showing up chubby is not a option AT ALL, I need to get back to the tracks! I love running but it’s been a while since my last workout. I’m planning on doing two 5k runs in the next week. After that I will never quit running anymore! Can’t stand being away from it!

  95. Carrie

    New runner here (since Dec) planning on finishing my final day of the C25k program on the treadmill on Monday, running 3 miles as fast as possible, which for me is 45 min. :) After Monday, I will continue my 4 runs per week goal while continuing to work on my speed.

  96. Rick Bancroft

    I plan on beginning my 4.5 mile roundtrip bicycle commute to work as soon as the weather breaks. Here in Rochester, NY, that may take a few more weeks. But I used to bike to work years ago and I’m really looking forward to resuming it!

  97. Alec

    Tomorrow is an 11 mile run. And thanks to the snow covering all the local trails, looks like I am going to have to use the outdoor track. Beats a treadmill though

  98. Luis Rubi

    Hill repeats, 3 times up a 4 km climb, any cadence, HR or power. Each rep should be faster than the last one and there’s no pacing, all out.

  99. BrianW

    Indoor spin cycle session. 30 minute HITT

  100. M. Macias

    Saturdays I run with my friend @ the park. We run for about 10 minutes and walk for 1 and start all over again. It’s about a 5mile run. I don’t have a running watch so I just look @ my ipod.