A Triathlon Weekend Giveaway: Garmin FR910XT

For many triathletes, this weekend holds almost as much spectacle as the Olympic Triathlon races held just two short months ago in London.  The Kona based Ironman World Championships is watched by not only by those in the sport, but also of course the handful of folks who stumble onto the recorded version in December on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

As such, it’s only appropriate to give something away to mark the festivus that the weekend ahead of us is.  Plus, it’s been too long since the last giveaway (as epic as it was!).  It makes sense to giveaway away a triathlon product – hence, I’m going with the Garmin FR910XT.  The FR910XT covers you across all triathlon sports segments from pool toys to tricycles to one-legged races.


The best thing though is you’ve got nothing more to do than leave a single comment below (multiple comments don’t count around these parts!).

As far as entry goes, we’ll keep it easy this time.  All you need to do is enter in your favorite Kona-related memory (be it watching the race, participating in it, a TV segment, or even just a random beach related thing in Kona).  Failing any Kona related memories, just give me something Hawaii related.  Anything at all really (mmm…chocolate covered macadamia nuts…).  I’m not picky.

The entry period will run until Saturday, October 13th, 2012 at 11:59PM Hawaii Time (official end of the race), at which point I’ll close the entry period and randomly select a winner. Like the all my giveaways there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send it to ya. The winner will get a brand new Garmin Forerunner FR910XT (with HR strap) – shipped anywhere in the world.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I recently announced a partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above).

(Note: If you’re deployed US Active Duty military and are unable to complete the entry method above, simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya entered in. For those curious on how the giveaways work, here’s the deets.)


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  1. Seems like there’s a always an incredible story of someone having to carry their bike because of some massive mechanical… Unstoppable.

  2. I like the pictures of the Underpants run!

  3. Watching Ironman with disabilities. Some couldn’t make the cut-off times (heartbreaking), while some did (inspiring).

  4. Watching Ironman athletes with disabilities. Some didn’t make the cut-off times (heartbreaking), some did (inspiring).

  5. I love the sappy stories that NBC Sports puts in the coverage every year. I always tear up watching these everyday athletes who have overcome so much to do Kona!

  6. Kona – Ironman Hawaii. What an extraordinary place to do an ironman!

  7. Chrissie Wellington!

  8. I’ve never been there. But I hope that in the future I will be a part of this great challenge!

  9. Theresa

    The first thing that pops in my head, oddly, is how obsessed my mom used to be with Kona coffee when I was younger.

    But after that, Chrissie Wellington!

  10. Hoping to make it out to the Coffee Boat in Kona one of these days.

  11. Anonymous

    Year 1993 when Pauli Kiuru was 2nd :)


  12. Julie Moss crawling to the finish.

  13. Waking up early, trying to catch some footage from the race and then going for a nice fast run.

  14. The 2010´s final kms between Macca and Raelert… epic

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jason M

    The coffee is as close as I’ve gotten to Kona but I enjoy watching it on tv when it’s snowing outside.

  17. Always love watching the last competitors come in.. Hope to visit there someday!

  18. instead of the underpants run they should do a hula hula dance ;-) also, a friend of mine was 5 minutes away from qualifying there…:(

  19. I used to own a Kona Kula MTB. Hard tail. She was a beauty.

  20. Something related to Hawaii…mmmm… Lilo&Stich!

    Damm, I want this FR910 flying to Austria. I want it sooo bad!

  21. Julie Moss’ finish way back when

  22. Watching all the available documentaries during my marathon taper. I cried watching every single one of them… I tend to get emotional when the big race is approaching. Heading to Amstdam next weekend, time to watch Kona again!!!

  23. Wellington and Macca…….amazing what the human body is capable of.

  24. I love watching the Kona tri. Maybe some day I’ll have a chance to see it in person.

  25. Brian G.

    I was not into triathlon at the time but spent my honeymoon on the big island and never even occurred to me and my wife at the time. We plan on going back soon to catch what we missed…

  26. Joe

    I’ve always thought it was incredidibly impressive the way these guys can find another gear 130 miles into a race.

  27. Wish I could be there watching today.

  28. Martin Thomsen

    Andreas Raelert or Timo Bracht…keep my fingers crossed for both.

  29. Watching Macca and Raelert duel it out two years ago. Absolutely epic!

  30. 1983 – Kona, first time a lot of us did the distance. Just after the run turn around, after sunset, noticed a person wandering from the center line to lava field as he walked to the finish. Turned out to be my best friend and training partner. Long story short, we walked and ran together, pushing fluids and nutrition into him. Just before the finish line my GF gave me a camera and we had another competitor take a photo just before line, with the banner, etc in the background, then we ran across the line (you can see the camera & strap in my hand in the official photo). His first and last IM. My first of several, but that is my BEST of several memories.

  31. The volcanic rocks at Kona

  32. Well I guess it’s never to late to start with Tri.

  33. JB

    Lilo and Stitch live there with volcanoes all over the place…

    (Hope I get to go one day :)

  34. 1985 Kona moved to Kona for 2 months to train.

    – 3 weeks before the race was near the swim turnaround and noticed a shadow below me. stopped and tread water an caught a glimpse. 10-12′ tiger shark. Turned out the locals knew “she” was there and never bothered anyone.

    – Wa putting in mega miles on the bike (300+/week) and running (went from 30 to 65+ in a month – yeah dumb, I know). 10 days prior to the race was diagnosed with a stress fracture of two metatarsals. Did the swim, did the bike with a PR (avged 20+), had the medical staff at T2 (my ortho doc) tape up my foot and did the run, very slow!! but finished. Probably a dumb decision as it still causes problems for me.

    – passed Scott Tinley at the top of Pay & Save Hill, just before the finish. Of course, I was going out on the run and he was finishing. Such a great athlete!!


  35. Best Kona memory: Da Poke Shack!!!
    Best IMWC memory: Chrissy being in the condition she was in last year and winning!!

  36. The odds are against me, but still I will try!

  37. Goh

    Hoping to race in Kona one day.

  38. Never been to Kona, but I hope to earn my way there someday.

  39. Tobias P

    Would like to see the beautiful island in real …

  40. Superwelsh ironman

    Dreaming of one day qualifying for Kona!

  41. Watching Crowie briefly reduced to walking last year before toughing it out to win.

  42. Watching the race on TV and using that as motivation!

  43. j

    Rutger Beke walking the marathon

  44. Dana spencer

    Watching Macca and Andreas shake hands with 2 miles to go……epic

  45. Volcanoes, that’s my lasting Hawaii memory!

  46. Dan

    2010 Macca vs Raelert – what an incredible duel!

  47. Listening to Kapa Radio is part of my daily routine.

  48. Tracking my friend Gen online in her first Ironman Kona appearance last year.

  49. Maciek (maciek_gontarek@o2.pl)

    Macca is going to grab third championship.

  50. Anonymous

    The first ironman I watched was the Hawaiian triathlon! Someday I’ll get there!

  51. Love watching the kona reruns in Dec, Jan Feb and the rest of the year.

  52. motivation to start running again…

  53. Meeting rick and dick hoyte at the shamrock marathon and talking about kona!

  54. Love this watch, hope to have one in future

  55. Lucky day to win a new GPS!

  56. Mahalo. Honeymooned in Kona, actually.

  57. Jon Blais rolling across the finish line.

  58. The beautiful sea on Hawaii.

  59. Solido

    Same emotions every year!

  60. mat

    My favourite memory every year is staying up late in the UK and trying to follow the coverage. I hope to make it across one day!

  61. Have watched Kona as long as I can remember and it still motivates me as I aspire to compete in Triathlons.

  62. I’ve never competed in the Ironman in Kona, never actually done an ironman but have competed against some who have. Thats as close as it gets for me, and when I say close I mean otherwise.

    On a side note, I’m over in Aus and recently used CleverTraining (before you paired up with them) and the service was great. Good choice!

  63. Carter in Fl

    Thanks for the great blog!

  64. The first ironman I watched was the Hawaiian triathlon! Someday I’ll get there!

  65. Sharks. Lots and lots of sharks.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I’m just entering the world of triathlons, so my first “memory” of Kona is learning about it from your blog. Thanks for an amazing site, and for doing these giveaways!

  68. Anonymous

    Will never forget the year I was blessed to live in Hawaii…

  69. Watching the few come in just under the cut off, then then the inevitable heartbreak for those who just miss it.

  70. Watching and planning for some day.

  71. kevin brooks

    Warm humid air-perfect nights.

  72. Watched Kona on TV many times as a kid growing up… never thought that nearly 20 years later I’d be trying to go there.

  73. Watching Chrissy Wellington win in 2011. Inspirational.

  74. I have to admit I’m a sucker for the feel good stories in the tv show.

  75. Waking up to a glorious Kauai morning, nothing like it!

  76. dan

    Seeing Christie track down all those ladies on the run year after year. As if the flat tire a few years back didnt level the playing field. Last year she had serve injuries and still won. Wish she was there this year.

  77. Watching the NBC replay twice because you can’t deny how inspiring it is.

  78. Hawaii would probably be an amazing place to run! (Never been there)

  79. Just gave my old ForeRunner to a niece who’s training for her first marathon so I need a replacement.

  80. Two come to mind, Macca’s last win & when I was attacked by this creature in Puako link to youtube.com

  81. Watching the race repeats while on the trainer

  82. Watching the race repeats on my trainer

  83. Hearing all the inspirational stories of the “average” person.

  84. macca raelert. awesome

  85. every blaze man roll

  86. Rachael N. A.

    A year ago I looked up Kona on You Tube to get inspiration for my first marathon. Everything I saw just scared the bejeezers out of me though!!

  87. Watching Kona live from Finland! 13 hour difference makes for a very late sleeping time over here!

  88. Watching year after year and still being in awe from start to finish!

  89. OHB

    Cool giveaway – I spent the day on the beach Kona earlier this year on my birthday with our 2 kids!, unfortunately no bike with me though ;-)

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