The Day in May DCR $500 Gadget Giveaway!


It’s a day in May.  No, not May Day.  That, according to Wikipedia is May 1st.  Rather, it’s May 20th – which I reason is 20 times better than May 1st (albeit, less awesome than May 5th).  Why’s it better?  Because I’m giving away gadget awesomeness.  I originally planned to give away the Garmin FR935 GPS watch, the backorder is basically down to almost nothing.  But then I figured – you can choose anything you’d like.  Perhaps you’re more of a cyclist, or you just want a large pile of compression sleeves instead.  Your choice.

Speaking of coverage – if you didn’t see my tweet yesterday, there’s a BOATLOAD of sales on right now (both from Clever Training as well as others).  The best deal being 30% off the Garmin FR735XT GPS watch.  But also some solid 20% off deals on power meters, trainers, and 25% off on Suunto gear.  The full details are here!

In any case, the winner will get a $500 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell (or get points instead).  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the GoPro Hero5 Black to that Garmin FR935, to a random pair of socks to the PowerTap C1 power meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  With that kind of credit, the world is your oyster (except…they don’t sell oysters).

How to enter:

Simply leave a note about what athletic adventures you’re up to this weekend.  Easy as that!

Oh – and you’ll likely avoid the SPAM filters if you’re more detailed than just the word ‘run’.  Nobody likes to get sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM. Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Will Darling

    4 hour bike today, 2.5 hour run tomorrow, and then a long swim! (hopefully… :))

  2. Peter Parfitt

    Watching Rugby International 7s test matches at Twickenham with my son

  3. Stefan W

    I will ride a century tomorrow. Nicely spiced with a few hills…

  4. Tom

    Just some easy running on Sunday to get back on track

  5. Trailplodder

    Trailrunning Ecotrail Oslo 80km.

  6. JD Griffis

    Biking on Zwift (rainy Saturday), running outside (hopefully); perhaps some swimming

  7. Frédéric Bourgeon

    This weekend I’ll be test riding my all new bike, a Canyon Endurace AL 6.0. First road bike I ever own!
    I guess the weather will take me to the classic “Polygone de Vincennes” which i’m sure you know well.
    Other than that, the usual mixed bag of running, swimming and the odd bottle of wine shared in the public park!

    Have a good weekend too!

  8. Johan Törnhult

    My weekend is spent digging through mud and clay, building a fence between the neighbors house and ours. Fun for the whole body!

  9. David Rast

    Running Sat and Sun, and going for a casual bike ride with the wife today.

  10. Cheryl

    A Sunday long run, and a hike through the woods on Monday.

  11. Susan Woods

    Pilates and a run this morning. And hopefully a mountain bike tomorrow….if the rain stops in time & the trails dry out.

  12. Dan Lipsher

    I figure on a coupla bike rides: one fairly short, one a bit longer. And all the while I’ll be thinking about how I’m gonna spend all that sweet, sweet Clever Training loot.

  13. Thomas De Smet

    I’m strugling with a herniated disk so I am thinking I ‘d better take it easy a few weeks.

  14. Daniel

    Hi Ray,

    My goal is to reach a new 10km result. After some break I needed I am back with Running and this Weekend I want to be 3 miniutes faster. And Thema relax After that playing with my little Boy.


    BTW. Really enjoy your test. As I like sport and working as IT specialist I always Fell Home in your test.

  15. Shawn Faucher

    Ran an easy five miler this morning between raindrops and have an 8 mile long run planned tomorrow.

  16. Claus Jacobsen

    2 hour weighttraining on saturday morning followed på a 9km fast walk.
    hopefully weather will allow a longish bikeride. Breaking in the behind on a ISM PR3.0 saddle, so between 1-2 hours early in the morning.

  17. Javier B.

    Long run/bike days ahead!

  18. Lisa C

    Getting back into shape, training for a 5K after a long hiatus. Still trying to get used to the aches and pains of running again!

  19. Carsten

    Run the world’s largest half-marathon in Gothenburg, Sweden.

  20. M. Lavrijsen

    Going cycling for the first time this year, looking forward to that aching buttocks……

  21. Nick Morgan

    5K race and an easy bike ride!

  22. Jason

    Cleveland Marathon 8k on Saturday morning!

  23. Haroon

    I’ll be biking down the Delaware and Raritan Towpath trail!

  24. Ry Fryar

    Too windy for the road here, so cycling 45 miles on the rail trail. Then a 10 mile run tomorrow.

  25. Bartokian

    after getting up early for a trip to the airport in the middle of the night, a lazy sunday run will follow. And 12k later, I’ll try to break the record for the fastest nap…

  26. Sebastien

    I’ll be playing soccer with my kids, go for a hike in the mountains and a 10k run.

  27. Andre C

    Some trailer riding tomorrow if the trails are dry. If not, some light riding around town.

  28. Lapa

    Opening the barefoot running season this weekend. Whole 4 kilometers with bare feet, feels stingy and fabulous!

  29. Kepeli

    Eat a large bag of XXTRA FLAMIN’ HOT Chettos and 3 cups of coffee and see how far I get into a 20 mile run before it kicks in!

  30. Today I broke my 26 year starting streak, my first DNS in over 151 races. I wimped out, swim was canceled, water expected to be in the mid 40’s. At race start the air was 40. No thanx

  31. Matt

    I flew to Sydney from New York yesterday morning and will run the Sydney Morning Half Marathon in about an hour from now. I am hoping the massive jet lag helps..I am much more awake for an early morning race than usual!

  32. Erik

    Yesterday was Bike To Work Day here in DC, so today is rest day, but Sunday I’ll go out for a short ride

  33. Saturday rest
    Sunday trail ride with friends, around 1km ascend

  34. Jonathan

    A half marathon and a long bike ride.

  35. Birezabal

    I will go for a ride with my cycling mates!

  36. Ian Grant

    DIY and eating cake… Not sure if I’ll get chance to run the cake off… :.-(

  37. Ulf Bohman

    This weekend it’s hills Saturday, with focus on speed downhill and Sunday 90 min threshold on the bike.

  38. laurent Delaney

    A nice bike ride with friends

  39. glm

    kayaking all day !

  40. Heading out in to the woods on mountain bikes with my fiancee to pick edible wild plants.

  41. Miko

    First open water swim this year. I hope water temp will be acceptable

  42. Yanick

    easy bike ride since a injury is preventing me from running.

  43. Miha

    Will be doing some running and hiking.

  44. gm

    A couple runs plus a soccer session with my kid – the feeling when you just got back from a hard workout and you have to get out and play soccer!

  45. Michael

    Brooklyn Half Marathon on Saturday, and a recovery run on Sunday.

  46. Volker

    Swimming pool opens this weekend. So go outdoor swimming.

  47. Richard Littleton

    Cycling around our river valley to explore some new trails, weather permitting. 🙂

  48. Steve N

    Gotta get the bike off the trainer and get outside!

  49. Kyle

    Hiking in northern Michigan

  50. Mark

    8-mi run, and first outdoor ride of the season

  51. davide

    a simple 10k! hoping in PB 😉

  52. Javier

    Getting on my bike after a long stop due to illness!

  53. Dan Taylor

    Weekend away in Buffalo, NY, so just a couple of short runs for me. Back to it next week though.

  54. Jason

    Does tv count?

  55. Pavel

    130km route at Classico Giro Utrecht

  56. Miha

    Rainy weather in Salzburg, not stopping me from working on my Zone 5!!!

  57. Brian B

    Going for a jog in the nice weather

  58. Andrew

    60k bike followed by a 20 minute run this morning, and a well earned day off tomorrow before I begin tapering for my first race of the year.

  59. Hiking in the mountains above Tucson with dwMap app.

  60. Nino

    Did my LSD run this morning. 20 miles @ 2.5 mile repeats so i can hydrate back at my driveway for 30 seconds a bit similar to what Jan has been doing. Felt great tho being this my first season of training i only averaged 12:08 min/ mile. Did my LSD- bike yesterday. Time based for 4 hours on my trusting trainer. Zone 2 all the way. It hurt.

  61. Kendall MaGee

    The weekend started for me yestereday with a 3.5 hour ride. Today was 1:15 hour run. Tomorrow rest 🙂

  62. Wendy

    We spent most of the morning (up at 5 am) for my chicken little to participate in his first kids triathlon. He did great and I am so proud of him (but we now all need a nap)!

  63. Kuba Wosik

    Today I went for a promo event of Merida and I got a Reacto 7000-e for five hours. I’m in love 😉

  64. James Dove

    Going biking!!!

  65. Nikolay

    As i was running a riverbank just now, i’m gonna torture myself in the pain cave tomorrow. Some long and killing workout on wahoo kickr gonna make a day more fun)

  66. Thomas B.

    4-mile run in the sticky heat of central Alabama…

  67. Matt

    HM race this morning, and grilling and beer drinking for the rest of the weekend….

  68. David E.

    I had a 5km Parkrun today

  69. Anthony Bone

    Long run Saturday, shorter run Sunday, and holiday in Canada on Monday so going skiing for last day of season

  70. KRD17

    4 mile tempo run, and a 6 mile recovery run

  71. Simon Phillips

    Trying to be an awesome dad and role model being fit and healthy and running

  72. Andrej B.

    My first marathon at Radenci, Slovenia 🙂

  73. derNate

    Intervals on the track on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.



  74. Steve

    Riding the sunshine of Cali…

  75. Mathieu Roseboom

    As I am recovering from an injury from soccer, I want to start for a run again tomorrow for the first time in 5 weeks.

  76. Chris Collins

    Tapering runs then fly to California to do the Mountain 2 Beach Marathon in Ventura next weekend.

  77. Jim Shepherd

    Just an easy weekend of short runs and PT as I nurse an injured Achilles back to health.

  78. Flemming Vind

    20+ km running trail to train up for next big adventure

  79. Michiel Vander Beken

    A TT 35km and a 10km run

  80. Algo Eskla

    3h bike ride on Saturday and 3h long and easy run on Sunday

  81. Flemming Lundager

    Aalborg Half-marathon in Northen part of Denmark, tomorrow 🙂

  82. Andre Bruno

    I´m doing a sub 65min 10k trainning, this weekend I´m doing 5k today and tomorrow 11k. Love your website!

  83. Reinhard

    Going for some nice bike rides in Haute Provence…

  84. Johannes

    Some swimming, some running, some eating 🙂

  85. Matt Siviter

    At Barcelona IM 70.3 and going to rock it!

  86. Daniel Lopez

    Today Zwift and tomorrow run with the sunshine

  87. Peter

    Saturday 90 mins on cycle trainer in the garage and Sunday down to do the Chester fun run with the kids while my wife does the half marathon.

  88. Rose

    Hoping to do a barre class for leg and arm strength!

  89. rainy weekend in the twin cities. I will probably be spending a LONG time on the treadmill tomorrow…

  90. Glyn

    Went for a 40mile MTB ride on the South Downs this morning followed by a 2 hour windsurfing session this afternoon. The joys of living on the south coast!
    Tomorrow going for an early start for a 50-60mile road cycle ride with some mates and get back in time to light the BBQ.

  91. Matt Johnson

    Short run Saturday and short trainer ride Sunday. Maybe a little hike too, weather permitting!

  92. Marlo S

    Long run on Sat and long bike on Sun.

  93. Kris

    Cycling + some inline skating just for kicks 🙂

  94. Dom

    Heading out for my last long tempo run before my half marathon in 2 weeks.

  95. Tom Broomfield

    A few trainer rides and a swim.

    Race season soon!

  96. Olli

    Das Wochenende ist für Besichtigungstouren reserviert.
    Weekend is reserved for sightseeing.

  97. Ricardo Macías Arias

    Running at 115*F

  98. Tom

    Racing mtb’s at willowdale!

  99. Zoltan

    Saturday: rest (if windsurfing not count)
    Sunday: about 14 km run (recovery)

  100. Justin B

    Road, Mountain Bike, Rest, repeat