The Day in May DCR $500 Gadget Giveaway!


It’s a day in May.  No, not May Day.  That, according to Wikipedia is May 1st.  Rather, it’s May 20th – which I reason is 20 times better than May 1st (albeit, less awesome than May 5th).  Why’s it better?  Because I’m giving away gadget awesomeness.  I originally planned to give away the Garmin FR935 GPS watch, the backorder is basically down to almost nothing.  But then I figured – you can choose anything you’d like.  Perhaps you’re more of a cyclist, or you just want a large pile of compression sleeves instead.  Your choice.

Speaking of coverage – if you didn’t see my tweet yesterday, there’s a BOATLOAD of sales on right now (both from Clever Training as well as others).  The best deal being 30% off the Garmin FR735XT GPS watch.  But also some solid 20% off deals on power meters, trainers, and 25% off on Suunto gear.  The full details are here!

In any case, the winner will get a $500 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell (or get points instead).  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the GoPro Hero5 Black to that Garmin FR935, to a random pair of socks to the PowerTap C1 power meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  With that kind of credit, the world is your oyster (except…they don’t sell oysters).

How to enter:

Simply leave a note about what athletic adventures you’re up to this weekend.  Easy as that!

Oh – and you’ll likely avoid the SPAM filters if you’re more detailed than just the word ‘run’.  Nobody likes to get sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM. Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. David Tunney

    Going to go for a longish spin with the club and s solo long run. Fingers crossed for the weather.

  2. Adriaan

    Running on SAT and bike race on SUN, however it is weather dependent. Actually it is raining cats and dogs…

  3. Ashwin Bala

    I have not run or biked in a while so i am planning to either bike or run for a bit to get my ass back in training :)

  4. Liz

    Running the rain. Trying to avoid the parts of the lakes that are flooded.

  5. Jess

    trail running today followed by a gravel biking adventure tomorrow.

  6. Matt

    Still waiting for this hamstring to heal, ugh

  7. michael

    Coming back from long term injury so I’m doing a 5k parkrun to see where I am.

  8. sendvo

    Cycling on Saturday and running on Monday hopefully.

  9. Colm Costelloe

    20km run and hopefully some time on the bike trainer before the Tri season starts here.

  10. Jason

    Walking the dogs in the Lake District

  11. Jim

    Slow recovery running this weekend after a brutal Ice Age Trail 50-miler last weekend!

  12. Patrick McKenna

    swam yesterday to avoid the rain, braving the cold on the bike today :)

  13. Liz McKenna

    just a walk saturday, out for a pack run sunday

  14. Sylvia

    Swimming and cycling before work on Sunday

  15. Laszlo

    90k cycling + solid run.

  16. Lukasz

    brick workout – 100K on the bike and 10K run :-))

  17. A Brady

    Bike ride with a 70 lb trailer of kid

  18. Adam

    A short run on Sat and a 5mi trail run on sun.

  19. Claymens

    Biking with friends!

  20. Steve Pratt

    This weekend is cold and rainy in the Chicago area, so it’s Zwift time. Next weekend, however, we leave for Hawaii, where I have a rented Robaix uDi2 waiting for me! Cannot wait to get out on those sunny roads!

  21. Triathlon of Carcassonne on Sunday !

  22. Craig McMillan

    TrainerRoad in the basement.

  23. Yuriy Zabava

    Sunday morning 30k run

  24. Mike Waskewicz

    Long run Saturday and bike ride Sunday (post Ironman 70.3 Santa Rosa last weekend). Probably hike Torrey Pines also!

  25. Brandon

    50 mile ride Saturday, trainer ride Sunday (bad weather) excellent pasta tonight and some beers

  26. alfonso

    My workout this weekend is packing before moving!

  27. Jonathan

    Just relax as I’ve no longer time to run due to babies arrival..

  28. Kawika Liu

    I ran the treadmill, and then will go on a 3 to 4 hour bike ride tomorrow. Trying out the new Solos glasses.

  29. James N

    I’ll be relaxing after a busy week running and starting to taper for a trail marathon in two weeks time :)

  30. Mark Poole

    3 mile easy run….

  31. Carl

    It’s cold and wet out, so I’m going back on the trainer for the weekend.

  32. Dulle

    Tired from playing basketball whole week, I am gonna spend my weekend hiking in the woods and relaxing.

  33. Daniel Welch

    First open water swim of 2017 here in michigan…

  34. Rafal

    Today I was riding bicycle, tomorrow probably some walk.

  35. Just a litte 15km run from my home to and around alster lake

  36. CJ

    On a ship, so running around the top deck is all the adventure i will be getting.

  37. Andy H

    I’m training for an Iron Distance which it 10 weeks away so volumes are up. Sunday is the weeks big ride (probably 150k on the flat on the TT bike if it’s nice, hills on a road bike if it looks like rain). So in preparation for this first thing this morning (Saturday) I ran my TT bike on the Turbo for 40 mins to check everything was in order after I moved my power meter onto it. Next I went for only my second open water swim of the year, it’s warming up so I took the opportunity when it came. Swam 1.6k at a high ‘keep yourself warm’ cadence. Lastly I ran 5x 1k intervals with easy 4k warm down which was what my training plan said I was actually supposed to be doing today.

  38. Logan

    I’ll be visiting family in Arizona. I’m bringing my trail shoes and heading out to explore some of the awesome trails in the Superstition Mountains.

  39. KiloNovember

    75# ruck for 5 miles, plus an easy 60-ish minute run. Maybe some weird stuff with sandbags if I’m feeling froggy.

  40. Tom

    First BRIC of the year

  41. Gareth

    I’ve broken my collarbone, so its back on the trainer for me.

  42. David Spear

    10k trail running!

  43. Kenneth Pfaff

    Did a long run this morning 13.2 Ran with my running club Taconic RR. Several younger guys showed up and it turned into a Progression with last five at 6:59 average. To me these guys were the fast young guns as they were 15 to 20 years younger than me, but during the run they talked about running with the fast young guys and I had to comment that I thought they were the fast young guys

  44. Scott Chisholm

    This weekend I’m hitting up a northern lake, with a wetsuit for the first open-water swim of the year! Ice came off 3 weeks ago…

  45. Kaj

    Late night ride, after a christening and tons of cake.

  46. LiquidN2

    Sunday I will go for one last ski tour of the season.

  47. pingi

    20k trail run

  48. Jason Larocque

    I will prepare for the Gran Fondo Mont Tremblant, planned for next week. Kinda interval training (no power meter yet…).

  49. Carlo

    My epic adventure was to break the 30 km barrier in my training for my first full marathon.
    And, guess what, mission accomplished!

    link to

  50. Jake

    Unfortunately… or fortunately depending on how you look at it, this weekends ‘athletic adventures’ consist of t-ball practice and learning how to play ‘gaga ball’ from my kids.

  51. Aaron Grenz

    Gearing up to stay warm and dry over a very cold and very wet weekend. Getting out still beats a treadmill.

  52. Russell

    It’s my birthday today – would make a perfect present! ?

  53. Markus T.

    Did a 23k trail adventure training run today, so nice I might repeat tomorrow.

  54. cam

    going to dust off the bike :)

  55. John C

    This is a “support the kids” weekend, with a kids’ tri, and last soccer and t-ball games of the season.

  56. Tomas Grygier

    Saturday: Road cycling training, I plan to pick up some longer route in easy tempo.
    Sunday: Vertical running training in the near mountains.

  57. Fredrik B

    Raced a lokal 12k run today. Did the same race back in 2010 and managed to shave 22+ minutes (!) of my finishing time…

  58. Vito Santacesaria

    I was supposed to do a couple of hard trainer sessions, but suddenly my Kickr started to make a terrible mechanical noise:( so probably I’ll change my plan to have some quality runs!

  59. Mark C

    Last 16k run before my marathon next weekend.

  60. Bob

    I’m training for a trail ultra in late June – the Black Hills 50. Weekends are for long runs, so today an easy 12 miles (into a strong head wind just for mental toughness training :) ) and tomorrow a longer run that will include hill repeats (living in flatland, the only way to train for a trail event in hill country is either dreadmill workouts (my morning routine before work) or hill repeats on my one hill! Also mental training on both counts :)

  61. Enrico

    Running and watching rugby!

  62. Mak Yu Jian

    Will try to set a new personal best for 5km run.

  63. Fabrizio

    A long ride in the mountains

  64. Oli

    Long trail run today, recovery run tomorrow, then start all over again on Monday!

  65. scott

    Comparing myself to Phil up Old La Honda

  66. Jeff

    Celebrate 17th anniversary with my Wife with scotch and ribeye Friday, then bike of that steak and scotch with a 50+ mile bike ride. Then a 10ish mile run on Sunday.

  67. Set a new 10k PR at a small event in the next village.
    Sunday will be a short hike and some downhill scooter wirh my significant other.

  68. Marklemcd

    Boring 10 mile loop today, hopefully a tam run tomorrow

  69. P Champagne

    Bike trainer

  70. Keith

    Hopefully staying dry and pedaling

  71. Mark

    An exhausting weekend of daddy day care :D

  72. Jonathan

    Trail run, street hike, and pool time.

  73. Billy Murray

    Just riding around on my new F10 and some recovery swimming.

  74. Zoltán Szabó

    An easy 7k run on Sunday plus the daily core excercises.

  75. Michael

    A half marathon today, then rest on Sunday.

  76. Brandon Blanck

    Finally getting some nice weather here, so out for a run today and probably a swim tomorrow!

  77. Patrick Gomes da Silva

    A nice 10k to start well the weekend.

  78. Barry Chaffin

    Short hike on Saturday. Bike over the Santa Cruz Mountains to the ocean and back on Sunday.

  79. Wolfgang

    Parcour :)

  80. Ari

    A tennis tournament. Let’s just say it didn’t go quite as planned.

  81. Emma

    A bike and a run and maybe a swim. All the good stuff!

  82. Jonas Neumann

    I’m going for my standard 10-15k this sunday. The weather here is so so, a little coldish and cloudy, so perfect for running!

  83. Hubert

    Today Geocaching with Family and a short Ride.
    On Sunday a Ride with a Friend for about 140 km.
    Hoping there’s no rain here in Bavaria on Sunday

  84. Dave

    early morning run followed by a little kayak fishing with my son

  85. Greg Horvath

    Going for a long run in the mountains here in colorado :) We just got 2-3 feet of snow in May and i’m excited to put my microspikes back on for a few hours!

  86. Per

    20km run Sunday

  87. Arnosmit@gmail.como

    A slow and easy ride in the countryside

  88. TuomasO

    I got my road bike serviced today so tomorrow is the start of the summer training season :)

  89. Corey Morreale

    Spending the day at the trampoline park with 9 kids for my son’s 10th birthday!

  90. Kirk Bowen

    will try to shake off DC weather related rust and ride the Mt Vernon Parkway

  91. ChrisS

    Long bike ride and a barbecue afterwards.

  92. Long weekend here (Canada) so hope to get in a few rides on the bike.

  93. Paul B

    Off for a mountain bike ride at the local trail centre with my 9 year old son.

  94. Justin Bland

    I’ll be doing a recovery run. Still taking it slow after recent marathon.

  95. Caferey

    Recovering from first 26km run of the year then a recovery run a couple of of days later.

  96. Thierry

    planning on at least a full hour of fidget spinning and a strava gran fondo..

  97. Dylan

    Long run today long ride tomorrow. Thanks for the giveaway!

  98. Magnus Kling

    I will do a 15k trail run Sunday morning.

  99. Robert Johnson

    I’m trying to crack the 30min barrier on a 5K run after 4-5yrs of illness related exercise layoff. Long road (and 80lbs!) back! 30.48 last weekend

  100. Jeremy

    Hauling 8 cubic yards of mulch (tomorrow), brick workout (hopefully) still this afternoon/evening. 5+ mile stroller run with my 10 month old daughter tomorrow as well! Then I plan to collapse.