You Win–You Choose DC Rainmaker Giveaway!


Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days.  And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders.  No, I didn’t tie those bows.  Or choose the colors.  It’s like a buffet table of devices.

This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit.  In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you.  This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win.  Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours!  If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing.  Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours.  Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya.  Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.

For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim.  Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.


Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.


Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?


Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling).  You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that.  Shipping for items is on me, so fear not.  And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs.  You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.

Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens.  And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item.  Toys R US midnight dash this is not.  So choose wisely!

To enter yourself in, simply:

Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that.  If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps.  At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013).  I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon).  One entry per person.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above).  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead.  Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military.  No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Colin

    12 miles with 6 x 1000 meter intervals at 5k pace.

  2. Justin

    I am planning a swim workout for tomorrow:
    300 yd warmup pace
    200 yd free, back, breast, free
    300 yd free, quick pace
    200 yd free, back, breast, free
    300 yd free, quick pace
    200 yd free, back, breast, free cool-down pace
    1,500 yds Total
    ** You can tell I’m not a swimmer :) I need to learn how to put my workouts in proper swim workout lingo!

  3. Jenny

    12 mile run this weekend. Getting ready for CB 10 miler in early April!

  4. Oh let’s see… I have my FTP testing! Yikes! After a 3+ month vacation due to an injury I really don’t want to see how badly my power dropped!

  5. Dom

    Tuesday: last bit of speed work before my half.
    3x half-mile @ 6.50min/mile / 90-second rest

  6. Coming up this Sunday: 1:15 bike ride followed by 8×400 at 5k pace with 400 easy between each.

  7. I’m doing an easy 7-8 mile run today (which is rather boring, yes), so here’s my tempo run for next Tuesday:
    – warmup 1-2 miles
    – 3 miles tempo (8 minute/mile for me)
    – cooldown 1-2 miles
    I’m training for the LA marathon and currently in taper mode; just 17 days to go!

  8. George Stockman

    Strength: Push-Pull Pairs

    Chin-ups-Shoulder Press
    Lat Pull down-Incline BB
    Seated Row-Flat BB
    Bent Row-Decline BB
    Upright Row-Bench dips

    Aerobic: Bike ride 25 miles

  9. Tim Davies

    This evening after work I’ll be going out on my new Forme Axe Edge Sport … link to … it will almost be too mjucbh like fun to call it a work out.

    Saturday is the local rowing head race – so I’ll be out in a coxed 8 to do 16 minutes of hell on the river ;-)

  10. Eric H

    Half-marathon on Sunday, goal is around 1:30:00

  11. Matt

    Tomorow morning. 6am
    1h20 run
    First 45 min easy then 2x10min at 90% max hr.

  12. DJV

    30 minute pool swim in the a.m.; deadlift, press, row, abs and a 20 min easy jog in the pm.

  13. Heather

    Track workout for the first week of marathon training:
    1 mile warm up
    4 x 800 progression by 15 seconds, 2 min jog in b/w
    1 mile cool down

  14. JRose

    Bike AE Intervals:

    :15 min W/U

    :07 sec MAX effort (>900W) :53 sec recovery

    :10 C/D easy spin

    Sounds easy doesn’t it? Just 7 second efforts, right?

    Try it.

  15. Thomas Lee

    Sufferfest….”The Blender”……1 hour and 40 mins of pain.

  16. Jon Husen

    Since I spent most of the winter caring for my pregnant wife, doing baby-prep, and working OT, I’m trying to rebuild my base. 1.5-2 hrs on the trainer while the wife naps/nests.

  17. Kathy

    Two hours of Computrainer fun on Saturday!

  18. Thomas D.

    Easy 10 km Run.
    Mostly flat, 1 small Hill

  19. Reno

    My favorite workout of the week is always my pyramid tempo run. I warm up at a slow comfortable recovery pace for 15 minutes and then perform the following:
    mile 1 @ 7:00min pace
    2min recovery jog
    mile 2 @ 6:45 min pace
    2min recovery jog
    mile 3 @ 6:30min pace
    2min recovery jog
    mile 4 @ 6:15min pace
    2min recovery jog
    mile 5 @ 6:30min pace
    2min recovery jog
    mile 6 @ 6:45min pace
    2min recovery jog
    *End with a 15 minute recovery jog*

  20. TIm Churchill

    Just a simple long slow run for me on sunday as i’m coming back into running any sort of distance after a period of niggling injuries.

    10 miles @ 9min/mile or less is the aim.

  21. John C

    60 minute run at zone 1-3. 5 minute walk warmup. After 15 minute run warmup at zone 1, do the following intervals:

    8 x 90 seconds at 5K race pace with 90 seconds easy jog recovery.

    5 minutes easy jog recovery.

    Then, 6 minutes at 5K race pace.

    Run remainder at high zone 2. Focus on smooth form and high cadence and try to reduce heart rate through running efficiency and deep belly breathing.

    Walk 5 minutes to cooldown.

    50 crunches and one 60 second plank.

  22. Matthias

    Coming from a lumbar spine syndrome, I’d like to do my first road bike ride this year in south Germany as the weather will get warmer and snow will disappear. Will be 2 hours with optimum (not too high) heart rate after the long winter.

  23. Alex

    Endurance Run
    WU: 10min Easy Z1
    MS: 30min Steady effort Z2/3
    WD: 5min Easy to finish

  24. Junkan

    Trying to work on my speed these weeks, so very simple: Once a week, 800meters at my 10kms race pace. Today was 7x800m, I will go up to 10x800m.


  25. Brian S

    15 mile road bike ride, followed by a 2 mile run.

  26. Jeppe

    Tomorrow I will do a session of indoor cycling at the local gym, seeing how it is still cold outside. Looking forward to the spring!

  27. il try to start by swimming 2 km after twisting my ankle really bad at trampoline training.

    link to
    link to

    your blogfan from Estonia

  28. Running workout (treadmill) for tonight includes a: 15min warm up, 30mins at a 90% HRM, then 15min warm down. Weekend plans may include XC skiing, but if it’s too warm in Calgary I may opt for a bike ride.

  29. Audra starting back into training… next up is the 8-min test!

  30. Jonny

    Saturday sparring sessions @ Tae Kwon Do followed by a 2.5 hour winter base ride. Since I’m getting older, it’s easier for me to receive my beatings first and to use the long ride to mentally and physically recover.

  31. Pikey

    I have registered for a few 5k obstacle runs this summer. In an attempt to increase my speed and stamina I have began interval training. Here is my next session:
    Warm up:

    10 minute Jog @ 7.8 MPH
    interval 1
    1 minute Run @ 9.0 mph
    2 minute jog @7.8mph
    interval 2
    1minute Run @ 9.0mph
    2minute Jog @7.8mph
    interval 3
    1 minute run @9.0mph
    2 minute jog @7.8 mph
    interval 4
    1 minute run @9.0mph
    2 minute jog @7.8mph

    I do this twice, skipping the warmup the second time. I started this 2 weeks ago and have already seen a difference in my speed and stamina on 3.5 mile runs. I am rather new to running, so if anyone has a suggestion on what to change I will happily take them.

  32. Training in Miami Beach board walk route for a 5K Race this coming sunday and also Running a Half marathon in 10 days (State Farm 13.1 Miami beach half marathon) Besides my regular day job taking photographs.

    Whenever you need a photographer here in Miami. Let me know I’m game!


    Andres Hernandez

  33. Just to get out and do 3 runs all 10K+



  34. James Hong

    10km run on Saturday with 6km/min pace, 5.5km hike to 823m a.s.l on Sunday

  35. Paul

    warm up
    5min @FTP on the trainer
    20 min all out FTP test

  36. Tim

    Saturday – 60 mile bike ride in the AM and an afternoon 30 min. pool sesh.

  37. patrick

    trainer road ride, a very dark place sunday

  38. Jason

    There is a gnarly dirt road Cat 4 climb by my house. The croad is filled ruts from water runoff and the times the gravel is almost like sand.
    My training is to keep riding that hill until I can make it with out needing to rest.
    link to

  39. Adam Buttacavoli

    I plan on hitting the pool 3 times next week to bump up my new tri training. Hoping for 1000 meters a day.

  40. Kerry Herbine

    Run for 4 straight days at 8 miles each with no knee pain.

  41. David Santino

    15′ warm-up with dynamic stretching
    10 mile run at HIM pace
    15′ cool down with static stretching

  42. Rhett

    My calf is a little tight, so an easy yet hilly 6.5 miler at lunch time followed by stretching.

  43. Crystal

    Tonight’s speed workout … 8 x 800 (90 sec RI) at 7:41pace … or as fast as my legs will go!

  44. Jon C

    I have my first race of the season (a winter half marathon) on Sunday, so I’m tapering for the week.

    I’ll be heading out for an easy 12k run over my lunch break in about 45min :)

  45. joel

    Run: warmup 20 minutes. 3×1600 @ 7:50. 10 minute cooldown.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  46. Interval and hill session scheduled for saturday: Training for the Full Flying Pig Marathon on May 5, 2013

    2 mile Warm up down belle meade blvd. to first light/intersection
    back to park @ 7:40 pace
    Run the 5.8 mile loop in Percy Warner Park (hills) at a comfortable pace
    finish that loop and start down blvd again @ 7:40 pace to first light/intersection
    Cool down is run the blvd back to park entrance.

  47. andrew nagy

    10 min. warm-up /400 RI / *200 RI
    *200@ 05:50
    400@ 05:50
    600@ 05:58
    800@ 06:00
    800@ 06:00
    600@ 05:58
    400@ 05:50
    200@ 05:50
    10 min. cool-down

  48. Peter Sumner

    Rome marathon in 2 weeks so I’m on my taper. This weekend I have a 7k race pace run at 4.10 per km then a 19k run at 4.30 per km. Nice and easy weekend!

  49. Marshall Hunt

    Run the Bockfest 5k in under 26 minutes.

  50. Liam

    Stage 1: 40 miles out, 50 min crit, 40 miles home.
    Stage 2: Empty the cupboards of all available food

  51. Training for a marathon. 20km steady paced run @ half marathon goal pace on Sunday.

  52. Arbra

    Long run (marathon distance) next saturday

  53. I’m slowly working up to a marathon, so this weekend holds 15 miles for me.

  54. Brian H.

    Taekwondo 3x during the week as cross training for core strength, flexibility, and explosiveness.

  55. Herbert Grasberger

    Run 10k in one hour, without having my heart-rate go through the roof.

  56. fanis kontantopoulos

    1 hr tempo run.
    w.u 10min
    15sec strides @1min x5 times
    1600m @ 84% max HR
    400m recovery
    repeat 5 times
    10min cool down

  57. Jill Hart

    I’ve been sick, so I”m working back up to full workouts. I need to hit at least 3 miles (running) on Saturday. And then get back to my 2mi – 2mi – 3mi schedule next week.

  58. RandySpiessens

    I’m training for the Marathon of April in Antwerp.

    This weekend I’m going to run 30K with a pace of 5min/km on a course that isn’t easy to run on..

  59. Gummee!

    I’ll do 2:

    Today’s ride: 90min easy ’cause yesterday’s ride was 3hrs of hills between Warrenton, Rectortown, Marshall and back to Warrenton

    Friday’s ride: 3hrs with CP Jumps:
    Warm up 30min Zone 1-2

    Then 3 sets of 5 CP Jumps (53×19 typically)
    5ea: From about ‘walking pace’ or maybe a bit quicker, ‘jump’ for 10sec all out. The idea is to continually increase leg speed while keeping the pressure on the pedals till the end of the 10sec
    Zone 1-2 between jumps (50sec)

    Rest 5min and repeat 2x+ more depending on the week of the training schedule

    Getting ready for ‘cross season I’ll typically do 2 seated and 2 standing. Once you get going, that 50sec is a very short time!


  60. Ewan Hardie

    this saturday’s ride is courtesy of TrainerRoad:
    90min done with 6*8min at 88-95 of FTP with 4min recovery in between. I will follow that by a short EZ paced run.

  61. Tanasut Rasmidatta

    On Saturday, I’m looking to cycle the Richmond Loop (Richmond BC). It’s a 65km loop, mostly flat, but it’s a good tempo workout, with a stop for coffee in Steveston. Cheers.

  62. Jake

    One hour interval on the trainer at 290 watts

  63. Paul S

    Capitalizing on and maintaining the post-Canadian Ski Marathon fitness and the big load of fresh snow with a 3+ hour classic ski hitting the backcountry singletrack trails in Gatineau Park both Saturday and Sunday. Fun times!

  64. Catherine

    Today I’m planning to do hill repeats on my bicycle in the rain for 30 minutes. But I will probably end up surfing for a few hours instead.

  65. Eric

    With 10 inches of fresh snow on the ground, I will be spending hours on my rollers wishing for spring to come.

  66. Neil G

    Swim – 400 w/u, 8×50 (15s), 400, 2×200, 400, 8×100 (20s) 100 c/d.

    Last night was a fun one, 20×400 on the track! It was 32 degrees and the track was partially covered in snow!

  67. Shateela

    My goal is to finish my ten mile race with an average pace of 9 min per mile … I have slowed down quite a bit since taking a few months off and it’s hard to get speed back! Last year I ran that distsnce much faster. Then after the ten mile race I have to do four more to stay on track for marathon training.

  68. JB

    Today I’m doing a 2 hour bike ride and making it a brick by running 30 minutes I should’ve done yesterday!

  69. Oliver

    Monday night 10k run with my local running club. :)

  70. Vincent

    Brick workout on Sunday
    -2hr bike ride zone 2 and high Candance 95-105
    -run. 10min wu
    6×1’30” all out 30″ easy
    10 cool down

  71. Shateela

    My goal is to finish my ten mile race with an average pace of 9 min per mile … I have slowed down quite a bit since taking a few months off and it’s hard to get speed back! Then after the ten mile race I have to do four more to stay on track for marathon training.

  72. Sundays workout is a 1.5 hour ride at my aerobic maximum (148bpm) then followed by a 30 minute tranisition run at the same heart rate. Yee Ha!
    Cheers Ryan

  73. Bert

    Well, I’m getting ready for a marathon training run now…

    3.22km in zone 2 HR

    4.83km pace 4:30min per km

    3 minutes rest

    4.83km pace 4:30min per km

    3 minutes rest

    4.83km pace 4:30min per km

    1.61km cooldown.

  74. jaroslaw

    on wendsday – 29km easy run, then 6km marathon tempo :)

  75. David

    I plan to do my first running exercise for more than a month due to my worst flue ever!

  76. Leeka

    Keuruu-Multia ski trip (40 or 50 km) on Saturday (link to

  77. Shateela

    My goal is to finish my ten mile race with an average pace of 9 min per mile … Then after the ten mile race I have to do four more to stay on track for marathon training.

  78. Dustin

    Today’s workout:

    Swim 1 mile, resting at 1/2 mile point.
    Stronglifts 5×5 weight program: Squat 5×5 @ 125; Bench 5×5 at 130; Barbell pull 5×5 @ 65.

  79. Gretchen

    Run 2 miles of intervals on the treadmill, with each run segment .2 faster than the one before.
    20 minutes in the weight machine room
    Run 2 miles of intervals on the treadmill with each run segment .1 slower than before (starting with the fastest pace.)

    I like to run outside and find the treadmill boring, so figured breaking it up with weights is how I can make it feel like an ‘advantage’ to be in the gym.

  80. Tony B

    Three hours early Saturday morning, running somewhere in the woods…

  81. Lora Barkenbus Fox

    An hour of tennis with Dad and an hour in the pool. A great multi sport Saturday!

  82. Brian kimberlin

    12x400s at the track, 30 second recovery

  83. Chris

    Complete a 10 mile bike + 4 mile run brick with out puking on my shoes or bonking. I can never avoid on or the other. There HAS to be some middle ground and I’m going to find it!

  84. Serge LeBlanc

    First open water swim this year when on vacation in the dominican.

  85. Diana Williams

    I’m training for a half marathon. My next long run puts me at about half the mileage – 6.5 miles.

  86. Matt

    VO2 max testing on Sunday—–yeah, it’s a workout!

  87. Joe Fitzgerald

    Cycling training for race season;
    FTP 305
    3x10min intervals just below threshold (95-99%FTP) + Endurance Mileage
    6min Rest Between Intervals.
    Total work out time will be 1 1/2 hours of enjoyment!

  88. Todd

    70k ride at a good pace and hard up the hills.

  89. michelle

    Give it all in a leg shredding, lung busting spin class from our completely sadistic instructor.

  90. DonQuix

    Nice long run on Saturday at Z3. Gotta love building that base!

  91. Leonardo Gaboardi

    Saturday: Biking 1h @33km/h
    then: 8k run

  92. Kasey

    20 mile Strave challenge opens up tomorrow, so I hope to knock that out this weekend. I would like to get a 2km swim work out in as well

  93. Charlie

    Run 90 minutes easy effort, 30 second building acceleration every 15 minutes

  94. Dan M

    My longest run of the year planned for Sunday…. 29k. For base building LSD I usually run 3k and then walk 100m while taking in fluids or fuel.

  95. James VanHuis

    Cycling tomorrow. Two laps around Council Crest plus an out and back on Skyline. Shooting for 30 miles with 3000+ ft of climbing. Now if I just had a power meter to quantify it…

  96. Rusty Davis

    Weekend Toddler tromp: in Parent terminology

    Grab the toddler after morning yogurt & waffle breakfast (for her)…
    Strap said toddler in the Chariot jogger- clothing change from pajamas optional based on her ability to feed herself vs splattering, dog, table & myself….

    “YEAH!” : 10:00 walk/warm up to green way
    “Weeee”: 10:00 easy run to park
    “Again”: 5x :05 fast/1:30 ri
    “Weeee: 10:00 easy run
    “Duck”: 5:00 ri feed/watch ducks
    “Faster”: 5:00 mod run
    “Weeee” 10:00 easy run
    “All done” 10:00 walk/ c/d back home

  97. Chris

    An easy ride this weekend to dust off these lazy-achy muscles the commuting season. My commuting season is when I’m not freezing my cutey-patooty off!

  98. Matt Foreman

    TRX :30 full body workout with very short rest intervals (Lunchtime)
    +1:00 Trainer ride Zone 1-2 (Evening)

  99. Krystian

    My next work our will be relaxing jogging. I’m preparing for Halfmarathon and I’m in the end of my training plan. My last runs before the event will be just clean fun :)

  100. Ismo

    After first spending four days in Paris and then another five days fighting off a cold I am slowly getting back to training.

    My next workout will be the Antelope on TrainerRoad: after 15 minutes of warming up, the body of the workout consists of 5 x 10 minute sweetspot intervals, with 5 min RBI.

    After recovering from the workout I suppose I am ready to continue with my unfinished TrainerRoad plan.