You Win–You Choose DC Rainmaker Giveaway!


Because it’s the end of February (already!), and because this month got shorted 2-3 days.  And because I found two cake stands while The Girl was out today and they made pretty holders.  No, I didn’t tie those bows.  Or choose the colors.  It’s like a buffet table of devices.

This month, I’m going to mix things up a bit.  In the past I selected a gadget that I thought would be interesting to you.  This time however, I’m letting you choose which gadget you want to win.  Yup, if you want the Suunto Ambit– it’s yours!  If you want the Garmin FR910XT – same thing.  Perhaps you’d like the Magellan Switch – again, yours.  Whatever fits your training best (up to $500US), I’m giving it to ya.  Ok, actually, Clever Training is giving it to you.

For example, say you’re a swimmer – you’ll probably want the Garmin Swim.  Or perhaps you’re a cyclist, you may prefer a CycleOps Joule or Joule GPS devices.


Or maybe you’re of the Suunto, Timex or Magellan persuasion – don’t worry, those are there too.


Then again, what if you were eyeing that Wahoo KICKR trainer poking out there in the background?


Well, no worries, we’ll go splitsies on it (yes, I checked, that’s the common spelling).  You’ll get a $500US credit to Clever Training and you cover the rest beyond that.  Shipping for items is on me, so fear not.  And, as long as it’s under $500 you just tell me which item and like usual magic occurs.  You can wander around their site and pick out your mid-spring present to yourself.

Except, you cannot use the credit for pony’s, bunnies, or kittens.  And, the credit’s only good for a single packaged item.  Toys R US midnight dash this is not.  So choose wisely!

To enter yourself in, simply:

Detail out one workout that you have planned for sometime in the next seven days. If it’s as simple as “Run 2 hours at hard pace and don’t die”, then go with that.  If it’s more complex like a track or pool workout, detail out the steps.  At the end, we’ll end up with what should be fairly interesting workout library (or, a lot of confusing advice).

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Sunday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 3rd, 2013).  I’ll be giving one device worth up to $500US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday (unless I can’t walk after Sunday’s half-marathon).  One entry per person.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I I have announced a partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF (along with the link above).  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail instead.  Note that this is ONLY for Active Duty military.  No panda trainers or ice cream chefs allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Malcolm R

    Todays workout was going to be an easy 1-1.5 hour ride, but rain has decided otherwise. So instead i’ll do an easy swim workout
    400 FS
    6 x 100 IM
    400 Kick w Fins
    2 x 50 FS Stroke Count
    400 FS w Snorkel
    2 x 50 FS SC
    4 x 100 FS on 1.40
    200 Easy

  2. Craig D

    60 minute trail run.

    I’m just getting over some achilles issue, so hopefully everything goes smoothly.

  3. Alex

    Running 6 “hill loops” in under 90 minutes, descending each loop.

  4. Tomas

    4Km beach run (deep sand)
    100 reps – sumo deadlift in sets of 15 (and a bit :) )
    20km bike

    after that nice chocolate ice cream :D

  5. G Newton

    Run 13.1 in 20* weather with 13 mph winds without freezing

  6. Luke taylor

    Keep it very simple.
    40 mins easy run…

  7. Colin

    7-8 miles on Saturday. Building up for my first half marathon.

  8. Sharon

    Swim freestyle laps for 45 minutes. Don’t drown.

  9. JoltinJoe

    Run 5 miles a day for 7 days in a row

  10. Steve E.

    Saturday morning Whidbey Island ride from the ferry dock in Clinton, WA. Usually a 26-miler with ~2100′ of climbing. May throw in an extra hill and a few extra miles and make it around 30 w/2500′ of climb.

  11. G Theo G

    Eat chocolate brownie Clif bar, bike 1:00:00 with 20′ Z4 x2 and 5′ RBI while consuming Riptide Rush Gatorade then 2 mile easy pace outdoor brick run in the slush, drink chocolate Orgain frozen smoothie.

  12. mbells

    I’d love to win

  13. Meredith E.

    Easy 3.5 mile jog on Saturday morning before the rains come.

  14. Ricou

    Suferfest will have their new video!!! IWBMATTBYT!

  15. Victor W

    Ride 33 miles this weekend and fit a 15k time trail during one stretch of the ride.

  16. Mike

    WU: 30-40 minute easy
    MS: back to 1.5-2hr mostly Z2 today, upper end aerobic range. Include 5-8 x 30 second sprints in 2nd half to mix it up.
    CD: 10-20 minute easy

  17. Stuart Clark

    30km Mountain run…

  18. BroSizwe

    Thursday run 3 miles @ 8:34 per mile
    Friday run 3 miles @ 9:00 per mile
    Saturday Ab and upper body workout. Work on my bike to get it ready for warm weather
    Sunday run 4 miles @ 9:27 per mile

  19. Chris

    Run 10 miles on Saturday, and if I can run another 10 miles on Sunday.

  20. Brad

    Saturday morning: wake up punitively early for a 26.2 mile run in the Phoenix Marathon!

  21. Ken Murayama

    I plan an 80 mile distance training ride for this Sunday.

  22. N

    14 miles Long Run, base miles in prep for June SFO Marathon

  23. Long climb this weekend. Shooting for 5000 feet in one day.

  24. Clair Stewart

    Recovering from the flu. Saturday morning 15 minute warm up run then 5x 5min Interval runs at 85-95% MHR with 1:00 rib. 10 min cool down then stretch.

  25. Jeff

    Run 4.5 miles to local bar, drink an Irish Car Bomb, run 4.5 miles back. It’s training for an upcoming fun run.

  26. Jim Wallin

    Sunday morning ride:

    15 minute warm up
    2.5 hours @ steady 135 bpm heart rate
    15 minute cool down

  27. Gleb Gotgelf

    In the taper phase before Tel Aviv marathon on March 15.

  28. Brent

    30 minute warmup

    (3min z4 + 2 min z1) x 4

    10 min z2

    (1 min map + 2 min z4 + 2 min z1) x4


    Cool idea.

  29. Paul

    Saturday Bike: 15min WU [include 3×1’@120+RPM(1′)]; 2×20′ (4′) @ z4, 5-10′ @ z4; 5-10′ CD.

  30. Patrick

    I’ve been hitting my nutrition wall at the 2 hour mark on my runs. So I picked up a myriad of nutrition packs (honey, almond butter, coconut electolyte mix) and will experiment to find a combination that will keep me going.

  31. Nolen

    12 Mile run in Forest Park sometime this weekend
    -will try to run at a 7:50 pace

  32. Burgess Eberhardt

    Still cross-country skiing here: one over-distance = 20K plus, some fartlek/pick-ups. Considering my first ultra………..yikes.

  33. Ray Reynolds

    I plan to run 5 miles in under 40 minutes and bench press 250 lbs. First I’ll get up have 3 cups of coffee. Practice the piano and guitar for 2.5 hours. Then I will stretch. This will be followed by alternating days of heavv dumbbell and lighter aerobic dumbbell training. The weight session will be followed by a 5 mile run, where I will run the the first 3 miles under 30 minutes, and the last 2 at any comfortable pace. I will gradually increase the speed of the first 3 miles each day until I get down to 24 mintes. When I do, I will syart timing the last 2 miles and increase the speed in a like wise fashion accordingly.

  34. Tomorrow morning wake up at 4:40am and go for 1 hour tempo run at 8:00/mile pace
    Then, during lunch do another 40 minutes speed work on a treadmill. I haven’t decided what speed work i will do but it’s going to be fast!


  35. Mike

    10 mile run in prep for a race on March 10th.
    Will try to figure out what pace will be my goal-pace for the race.
    Then ………. lots of praying for good weather on race day.
    Did I mention March 10th is Daylight Savings here! Finally an additional hour of training time!!!!!!

  36. Sarah G

    I need to start running again, so this week, my goal is to make it to the basement twice, dust off the treadmill and pound out 4 or 5 miles!

  37. David Ford

    I have a fuel utilization test coming up nest week on the bike. I hear it hurts like hell. We shall see …

  38. Antonio Farias

    11 mile mixed hill/flats run this weekend, followed by 1/8 mile swim

  39. Jason Bingham

    Speed workout on the track with my 8 year old son, he has his first 5k of the season next month.

  40. Michael

    3 hour on computrainer. Real course video – lake placid.

  41. Ryan

    Start incorperating speed work in order to break half marathon PR.

  42. For the first time I will be doing a 2h aerobic spin on the trainer. If I win, you get to choose the movie I’ll be watching, which should make this workout more or less of a killer. :-)

  43. Jeffrey

    Saturday: 10K-9:00 pace, 1,000 meter freestyle (Any time I can, I’m just learning to swim), core, and 5 miles bike.

  44. courtney

    90minute run – 15mins easy to warm up, 60mins Solid, 15mins coast.

  45. Jason Bingham

    Going to be doing a speed workout, with the 8 year old son, preparing for his first 5k of the season next month.

  46. First: Spend 30 minutes in the local church parking lot working on clipping/unclipping out of my new SPD-SL cleats.
    After some experience and confidence, put the bike in the back of the car with my friend, drive up to Frederick, MD. Park in the parking lot of Flying Dog Brewery. Then, get on the bike, and ride the Tour de Frederick loop that included all of the paved roads to get to Sugarloaf Mountain. Ride up the “mountain”, then back to Flying Dog for the 2 hour Brewery Tour. Finish off the workout with some tasty Beer.

  47. Erin

    This’ll be a little different from most entries.

    Back squat day
    1×5 at 40% of 1 rep max weight (1RM)
    1×5 at 50% 1RM
    1×3 at 60% 1RM

    1×5 at 75% 1RM
    1×3 at 85% 1RM
    1×1+ at 95% 1RM

    Anderson squats

    front squats
    5×5 for technique

    Zercher walks
    3-5 sets

    Call it a day. A tired, tired day.

  48. Matthew Nguyen

    Mile cutdown and rebuild. Tough workout but very effective.

    2mi warmup. Then 1600m, 1200m, 800m, 400m, 400m, 800m, 1200m, 1600m. 400m recoveries inbetween intervals. 2mi cool down.

    1600s are done at 10k pace
    1200s at 5k pace.
    800s at 5k pace minus 20 seconds.
    400s at mile pace.

  49. Sarath Chandar

    10k in less than 44 minutes in the morning and do a core-strengthening workout in the evening.

  50. Saturday will be a light spin with a few short efforts to wake up the legs before the first training crit of the season on Sunday morning. Huzzah!

  51. Patrick M

    So I’ve been hitting my nutrition wall at the two hour mark. I picked up a myriad of nutrition packs (honey, almond butter, coconut electrolyte mix) and will experiment with combination to help me keep my momentum going.

  52. One of my workouts is a 50′ run with 3×8′ efforts:
    – 10′ Warmup build to MOD
    – 5′ of running drills (A, B, C’s, karaoke, pick-ups)
    – 3×8′ at Steady, Tempo and HARD efforts respectively
    – Pad the remaining time as cool down.

  53. Luc Simoneau

    Just finished a 35 min workout on the treadmill at 6:15min/km. In the warm up phase of a half-marathon race end of July. Test race of 10 km coming up at the end of Apri. Thanks Ray for a chance to get the FR910XT!!!

  54. Chris

    All I want to do is stay on the bike for 2 straight hours OUTSIDE

  55. Ger

    Sub 42 10k Sunday morning,with an easy swim for the evening

  56. This is something i would do for the first time, speed play in a 400m oval. (whatever, as long as it concerns speed, speed it is)

    Warm up : 10mins walk 5 mins light jog
    Stretching : (insert your stretching exerices here) takes me for about 15 mins.

    Workout :
    1 lap light jog
    3x laps @ 6:00 pace
    1 lap light jog
    3x laps @ 5:30 pace
    1 lap light jog
    3x laps @ 5:00 pace (while praying to the gods to end this struggle)

    Cool down : 15 mins walk, chug down 2 bananas and my favorite energy drink.

  57. Merrill

    Maintain 90% of maximum HR for 30min.

  58. olivier

    6 miles run pushing my son running stroller

  59. Ron Bridal

    I plan to attach my son’s buggy to my bicycle and ride as hard as I can into the wind for 45 minutes, turn around, and sail home with the tailwind pushing the 50 pound buggy (with son inside)and me as fast as we can go!

  60. Larry

    20-22 mi long run, last 10 @ MRP

  61. I plan to do a practice half marathon at near/on half marathon pace. The challenge is my tight left calf which I tweaked on an easy 10km last night. I will be taking my cheap Samsung ‘running phone’ for my potential pick-up.

  62. Mansi Gupta

    Just restarting my training after a broken toe injury : (
    Been walking for a few days now and planning to start off with a some short slow runs and a couple of fartleks to get the heart accustomed to working again.

    10 min warmup followed by 5 sets of:
    1 min fast
    1 min slow
    1 min walk
    5 mins cool down.

    A nice 910 xt would be a super companion to this : D (hint hint)…

  63. Apavlak

    Easy 30 minute recovery run on Sunday.

  64. Reuben

    Swim workout:
    Warm up
    3×150 as 100 easy/50 hard
    3×100 with at least one interval fist drill, one drill of choice, other easy
    Main set
    6×100 push off wall go as hard as you can, 10″ rest between 100s
    4×100 hard/5″ rest between
    200 cool down

  65. Fernando Alvarez T

    I’m in my rest week, so my long run would be 1.30 hours… Easy, very easy!

  66. Kim Zingale

    Do a couple of trainer rides this weekend and figure out which tri I want to do this year. Make a schedule to start prepping for that. Maybe run outside if the weather is ok.

  67. Vanilla_Thrilla

    Suffered a groin injury last thursday so the physio says all I can do is go for a slow 20 min cycle on the flat this sunday to test it out.

    Extremely frustrating

  68. Victoria

    I’m recovering from quite severe anemia, so I’m hoping just for an easy 45 minute run this weekend. Don’t care how far I go, just that I can continue for that long!

  69. Jan Hollis

    Here’s the workout planned on my 51st birthday (Wed) for my first 51.5km Tri in May. Back-and-Forth BRICK: Start easy then build to moderate intensity. Bike – warm up 10 minutes Run – treadmill 5 minutes Repeat Bike/Run sequence three more times. C/D – Bike 5-10 minutes (or more if necessary), and stretch. Bet you can guess which gadget I would choose!

  70. Sean Gardner

    I plan on doing mountain repeats on bike. This mountain is a cat 1 and takes about 30 minutes to complete. I am going until my legs fail or it starts to get dark. Should be painfully fun!!!

  71. ilias

    I am planning to run 20km this weekend.

  72. Ramiro

    Saturday I have my long run to prepare for a half marathon. I’m running 13 miles just because this is not mya A race this year.This is the last run before I start to taper. I hope to make it under 1:57.

  73. Tom Short

    1. Light static Stretching
    2. WU: 3 min brisk walking
    3. Run 3 mi, trying to stay below a 10min pace
    4. CD: 3-5 min
    5. Every leg stretch I can think of.

  74. Soo Guan Ng

    Training 5k & 10k run on alternate days with Sunday being rest day. Hoping I could train my endurance to try a Full Marathon end of year. :)

  75. Adria

    Next week’s planning:
    Run 3 miles on Tuesday. 4 miles on Wednesday. 3 miles on Thursday. 9 miles on Saturday.

    In my way for training for the San Francisco Marathon

  76. Daniel N

    2 mile time trial on saturday

  77. K-Sizzle

    Cycling Workout:

    10 Minute Warm-up

    4 Sets of:
    2 x 15 Second Sprint / 1:30 Recovery
    2 x 20 Second Sprint / 2:00 Recovery
    2 x 25 Second Sprint / 2:30 Recovery
    5 Min Recovery between sets

    Final 5km:
    3 min hard effort / 1 min recover / 15 sec sprint / 25 sec recover / 20 sec sprint / 40 sec recover / 25 sec sprint

    5+ Minute cool-down

  78. I’m going to do a 14km long slow run in z2 over hilly terrain, pace be darned.
    Follow that by a 2 hour drive to the mountains to teach my daughter to ski.

  79. “long” ride: 50 mile dam loop around Austin + Cuernavaca for some added hills.

  80. Ryan B

    30 minute light run to test how my previously injured back is doing.

  81. Michael

    Warmup: 2km easy
    Track intervals:4x 400m (30s rest), 4x 200m (15s rest), 4x 100m (10s rest)
    Warmdown: 5km easy

  82. nicholas Frenette

    Winter triathlon for me… 5 km run, then 10 km cross-country skiing, then 5 km skating. should be able to make it in 1:20-1:25

  83. 14 km weekend long run
    2 km walking warmup
    11 km in z2 HR over rolling hills pace be damned to build leg strength and aerobic base.
    1 km walking cool down
    Foam rolling.

  84. Joe Johnson

    2 hours of endurance/base work on the trainer.

  85. Johnny Woodhouse

    Tempo run consisting of 10 min warm up, 6x(6 min “hard”/2 min easy), 5 min warm down. “Hard” sets keeping HR below 85%.


  86. Khayman

    continue *daily* strength training:

    1 min_ lower abs
    20 reps_ push ups
    1 min_ lower abs
    20 reps_ push ups

    20 reps_ sit ups
    20 reps_ push ups
    20 reps_ sit ups
    20 reps_ push ups

    5 rep_ pull ups (full) *
    5 rep_ pull ups (full) *
    5 rep_ chin ups (full)
    10 rep_ diamond push ups
    5 rep_ chin ups
    10 rep_ diamond push ups

    10 rep_ triceps
    10 rep_ triceps

    10 reps_ lats
    10 reps_ lats

    5 reps_ handstand push ups
    5 reps_ handstand push ups

    ***throw in :
    10 rep_ knuckle push ups
    10 rep_ knuckle push ups

    and to keep going strong with track practice!

  87. Kristy Lahoda

    Run 3mi!

  88. Joe Johnson

    4 hours of endurance/base miles – combination of outdoors and rollers.

  89. Swim:
    100yd warmup
    10×100’s on 2:00
    100 cooldown

  90. DanL

    Thanks again for the chance, Ray.
    Get the CX bike back onto upper park road for a 1.5 hr sunny road/gravel ride — at least. Ride with my son across town — even better. Then swim with my daughter — that would be the icing on top.

  91. Ryan

    I have a group mob bike ride coming up on Sunday followed by a brick trail run. The ride will probably be 3 hours at a decent pace and will judge the run from there. Hopefully 4-5 miles at 7:05 pace.

  92. Dan

    This weekend is a four day trip to ray’s indoor mountain bike park… The plan is to have at least two, two hour sessions per day of excellent mountain biking , interspersed with good drink and food for recovery :)

  93. Siddharth M K

    Training for first 10k with ambitious goal of 50 minutes.

  94. Patrick

    just getting over a bad case of the flu so i’m shooting for a long slow distance run of at least an hour

  95. Billy

    Notice that Viva 4iii HR strap! I’d love to have it to collect my ANT+ power meter data and port it to my iPhone!

    My next workout is actually a race Manson Lake Road Race in Washington!

  96. Billy

    Notice that Viva 4iii HR strap! I’d love to have it to collect my ANT+ power meter data and port it to my iPhone!
    My next workout is actually a race Manson Lake Road Race in Washington!

  97. Billy

    Notice that Viva 4iii HR strap! I’d love to have it to collect my ANT+ power meter data and port it to my iPhone!
    My next workout is actually a race Manson Lake Road Race

  98. Vidal

    5 mile Easy Run
    Using plan from Hanson’s Marathon Method. Just about to finish the Build phase. Btw, this is one of the best books on run training available! Excellent information for anyone!

    Happy Running!

  99. Suman Dixit

    10:00 Warm up

    Interval x 4
    Interval: Zone 4 10:00
    Recovery: 4:00

    Cool Down 10:00


  100. trikobe

    Hilly brick workout
    5 sets of 1 mile bike climb followed by 1 mile run at race pace Repeat twice