Track Rabbits

Just a quick post to prove that this not-so-early-bird can indeed be up before the sun shines.

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5:22AM – I start on my first lap at the track at the middle school just across the street from my hotel.

A few laps later I saw Rabbits! Or rather Wabbits as Elmar Fud would say.  I would keep on seeing them run across the track in front of me throughout the morning.  Entertaining I say – well, everything’s entertaining at five in the morning.

Around 6:30 or so the football team came out and turned the lights on over the football field.  However they stayed on a nearby practice field and I got to keep on truckin’.

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The lighting was good because I was a bit concerned about the slightly interesting drainage design that had a big ol’ ditch right along the inside of the track – given I was running in the dark and using the edge as my guide.

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Some 62 laps later I was done.  15.5 miles on the track, including 10×1600 at 6:20 per mile.  Wootage!  Time to head to work, and then fly home!


Oh…and I got chocolate milk free from the little hotel breakfast buffet.

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  1. Hey, your garmin says you cheated across the field once! ;)

    15.5 miles on the track is a tough workout…good job getting it done.

  2. I love the view from above. It looks nuts!!

  3. 62 laps on a track would have made me crazy! (Of course you run a lot faster than I do so maybe you didn’t have time to get terminally bored?) Still. Yay you!

  4. See.. 5:30 isn’t so bad. :) 4:25 on the other hand…

  5. Dude–thats insane. There is no way I could have handled that many laps on a track. 8 laps drive me nuts.

  6. This sounds like a punishing workout. Bunnies are good though. I love how you workout no matter where you are or what you are doing. We’ll probably be watching you online someday at Kona.

  7. I just read your post to deirdre and she said, “Ray? is nuts.”


  8. The early bird always get the worm, or in your case rabbits. Lol, nice work. 15 miles on track make me a mad women, you’ve one upped me.

  9. great post you have been busy this days

  10. Thats way to many miles for a track workout… you are nutx :)

  11. 15.5m on the track?!?!? i love that you say everything is amusing early in the morning. for me, NOTHING is amusing that early in the morning…