It Begins Monday: Giveaway Extravaganza Time!


Yes, the time is once again almost upon us: The Annual DC Rainmaker Giveaway Extravaganza!

While typically mid-summer, we’re going with late-summer for this edition (yes, it’s still summer for another couple of weeks…just barely).

Next Monday (September 10th) starting at exactly 12:00AM US Eastern (0600 CET/CEST) the pinnacle of sports technology giveaway awesomeness will commence…again.

Once again last year topped all previous years.  Thousands of dollars in gadgets were given away to people everywhere on this little blue planet (everyone is welcome).  Here’s a summary post for all the craziness that went down last year: Trainers, GPS watches and bike computers, power meters, action cams, drones, you name it!  There’s even a table with all the goods.

I’m not sure we can make it any bigger than last year…but hey, we might as well try, right?

Perhaps because the conversation with Clever Training pretty much always goes: How can we step it up again? Plus, like last year we’ve got two to three weeks worth of announcements that might follow as we go into both wearables season and Interbike. So, might as well also giveaway the unknown future too, right?

Like the previous two years, I’ll be giving something new away every 2 hours.  This means that every two hours a new giveaway starts and the previous one closes (i.e. 12:00AM, 2:00AM, etc…).  The entry period will only be open for two hours for each giveaway, during which you need to leave a comment on that specific post.  One comment = one giveaway.  You can comment on each of the 12 giveaways throughout the day.  So be sure to plan your entire existence on Monday around being able to enter during that two hour period for each giveaway.

Not clear on how you enter/win?  It’s simple:

A) At 12AM US Eastern on Monday morning, visit
B) Click on the giveaway post for that hour.
C) Drop a comment on that post.
D) Sit back and hope for the win!
E) Repeat two hours later…for the rest of the day.
F) Bask in the glory.

So if you need to barricade yourself in the pain cave, bathroom, or other small facility for 24 hours to ensure proper attention to entry periods, that’s totally acceptable. This is the only day of the year a Snuggie is acceptable to wear. Just do what you need to do!  If you aren’t sure how to convert your time zone to Eastern time, you can use this little tool to figure it out.  Though, it doesn’t really matter as long as you know what time everything starts in your country.

Cause yup…it’s gonna be awesome…again…as long as we don’t break the site. It happens.

Note that the giveaways will be announced promptly on Twitter – so that may be easiest for those that are following along there!


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  1. Joe

    Hope you find the V800 and it’s in the giveaway basket, I like to go for it :-)
    Ordered another Polar already, but delivery will be somewhere in Oct 2018 (have I been told..)

  2. Julien

    Rhooooo, my favorite DCR time of the year!!

  3. Hubert

    Looking forward to it!
    As we also live in the same city now, looking forward for the next DCR open house/cave/office :)

  4. xavi

    Yeahhh DCR !!!
    I’m waiting with impatience

  5. TriHardAlan

    Looking forward to this!

  6. Mr Ian Marchant


    Looking like a sleepless night then. Mind you with next doors 2yr old crying through the walls there wont be much difference ;-)

  7. Thomas Z.

    Please me too

  8. Andy Jelagin


  9. Ilya Ramantsevich

    me too

  10. seth

    Nice to choose a somewhat major religious holiday to do the giveaway on…just saying. Decent amount of people might not have decent access to a computer….#justsaying

    • There’s always something. My specific thought process:

      Sept 10th – The first free weekday on the calendar
      Sept 11th – Not a day to tie something to
      Sept 12th – Apple event and other launch
      Sept 13th – Something else
      Sept 12-Sept 21st – I’m travelling in the states for Interbike and other events, I simply don’t have the energy/connectivity to do a giveaway while travelling or in long meetings
      Sept 17-20th – Interbike announcements

      So otherwise, it would have held till at least Sept 24th. At which point, they’re other stuff on the radar.

    • MAGNUS

      Yea Ray, how dare you decide to giveaway stuff on a holiday!

      I’m going to need you to reschedule your giveaway for a day I’m available.. Mmmkay!


    • Rui Pereira

      I’m curious, what holiday it is? Nothing is happening where I am…

    • Ian Marchant

      Rosh Hashanah i believe.

    • Harry

      It’s a Jewish holiday called Rosh Hashana, which marks the beginning of the religious year. It’s a solemn event, and one of the major holidays on the Jewish calendar.

    • Yonah

      Correct – this is also Jewish holiday that many jews who aren’t that religious celebrate, and attend religious services. Even if your denomination doesn’t ban usage of a phone on the holiday, it’s highly inappropriate to whip out your phone in temple.

    • Rui Pereira

      Ok thank you everyone, had no idea…

    • Seth

      It would be akin to doing the giveaway on Easter or Christmas.
      I’m not saying I need to be available for the giveaway, if it makes you feel better, I’ll abstain from entering but I did go back and look at the last few years and the event was previously in August and June.
      I’m not all that religious but I am in Temple and with family on that day as many Jews around the world are.
      I have no doubt about Ray’s intent, and it was certainly not my intention to troll or start a culture war. I also understand that Ray has to fit this into his schedule. I just wish a different day could have been picked.

    • Patrick Myers

      So what you’re saying is this goy’s odds of winning have increased? ;-) Shanah tovah!!

    • K P

      That’s why they put bathroom stalls in temple. Every 2hours, excuse yourself. Your rabbi will understand.

    • Anders Majland

      With the right timing a 5 minute break every 4 hours is enough to enter in two give always – that is my night plan anyway ;-)

    • Nighthawk700

      Yeah, I won’t be able to enter this year, so everyone else’s odds of winning just went up! ;-) With Ray’s crazy schedule, and all the Jewish holidays over the next month, eh, he would have had to wait until October. Them’s the breaks. There’s no crying in baseball. It is what it is.

    • Giles Levy

      Jewish New Year’s resolution: win one of the giveaways!

  11. Tim Hill

    Time to Snuggie-up!

  12. Phil

    I’m starting tonight to wake up every 2 hours.
    Giveaway extravaganza needs appropriate training!! :)

  13. gingerneil

    Note to self – do not click “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail”.

  14. Matthew

    Here’s hoping for one of the items to be the complete Wahoo Pain Cave package: Kickr 2018, Climb, headwind fan :)

  15. dan

    I am sorry to say so, but Free Giveaway Extravaganza posting is not called Free Giveaway Extravaganza with one day only.

    You lost me pal. There are more accurate and methodical ways to do so.

    I even made a tool that is free and does what the Free Giveaway Extravaganza does. Compares gifts and shows differences between Extravaganzas even (declination)

    Just a tip: Even if you run with 3 gifts of the same units you would have different results most of the times.

    For that you need to repeat the giveaways and prove that a devices gift quality is consistent and not just a days celebration.

    I am sorry if I offended you by my comment but I first expected something more concrete from you. Been a fan since 2015.

    I have read all your reviews. But this one is not Free Giveaway Extravaganza testing.
    The reviews are more close to what you call Free Giveaway salivating. Not this post man. Not this post.

    BTW there is a nice Free Giveaway Extravaganza tool to show how many Giveaways were or will be available in your future giveaways.

    Depending on this you can at least predict or “know” at what conditions the Giveaways will be performed.

    What I mean:
    On a good day and time that a lot of Giveaways Extravaganzas are available it must be easy for most, like perhaps your historical Giveaways and gifts that you mention.

    On a bad day it shows which Giveaway Extravaganza is superior when less Giveaways are visible.

    Check it out.

    I am here to help perhaps “upgrade” your Giveaway Extravaganza procedures.


  16. Nonymouse

    Got to side with my fellow members of the tribe on this one, Ray. Your site, your choice, of course. Not to mention that this act of generosity is not one you have to do at all. But choosing Monday it does mean that a decent chunk of your faithful readers won’t be able to participate. (This would be true on Sept. 11 too for the more observant people as Rosh Hashanah is observed two days by Conservative and Orthodox Jews, but that group is far smaller than the group that cannot participate on Monday.) Not sure, of course, what you have going on in late September, but it would IMHO be a better choice to move it.

  17. Patrick Utrecht

    I’m gonna join the group with people that think monday is a horrible day for working people for this event. Having said that, since it’s the same day as my birthday, maybe I’ll finally win something this time ;)

  18. Bikeman

    Are there any D 850’s in the giveaway? Used is no problem. :.>

  19. Gian Camillo

    It is really hard to digest the notion that there are people complaining about the date.


      Imagine the date was some crucial day for your religion — say, Easter. Also imagine that as part of your holiday you were forbidden from using your computer. It might bug you a little that you couldn’t participate, no?

    • Dan

      Imagine if it gets moved to observe one religion and then fell on a day when you couldn’t participate. How is that fair either? No matter what day it is it will be inconvient for someone.

      Find a friend to register you if the opportunity to receive a material possession for free is that important.

      Then go check to see what your faith says about coveting material things I guess……


      Twice a year, year after year he finds a way to give back to readers and supporters and asks nothing in return and just because a religion you made a personal choice to belong to conflicts this is suddenly a problem?

      I know everything I’m writing is sounding challenging and offputting and I do not mean it to come across as an attack even though it probably does….but wow

      Life sucks for everyone at times. I’m happy there is even an opportunity for this at all.

  20. John


    Thank you very much for doing this! I have never won, but I so enjoy thinking about new toys and the possibility of free new toys is always great.


  21. Ariel

    Nooooooooooo! It’s Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year). Sadly I won’t be able to participate this year. Next time :)

  22. Donna

    And here we go again with 12 alarms set to go off on Monday.

  23. Steve W

    I tell people to go to your site because it’s the best.
    I know they don’t go to it every day.
    I’m not going to tell them about the extravaganza to improve my odds.
    It may make me a bad person.

    I can live with that.

    • Eni

      On this day, there are no other people. There are no friends. There is only me and… them! Foes! Enemies!
      (Everything is fine, that’s just me preparing myself mentally. My doc told me that would help on the “giveaway extravaganza day”. He even has a name for this: GESD… The red pill helps too… MAN, I NEED TO WIN THIS!)

  24. DLinLV

    Well crap. Picked a bad day to fly across the US. But will login mid-flight I guess…extra points/entries for that? :-)

  25. P-P-P

    Never have I waited Monday this much

  26. Chris Young

    sitting back

  27. Charlie Lao

    crossing my fingers this time

  28. morey

    thank you for what you do. I’ve been a follower since the very beginning.

  29. Bummer for me and the Jews

    Dislike the date and my inability to enter for free stuff on a very holy day :(

  30. Marcel

    I really should make DCR my homepage again, I almost missed this! Thanks for all your work in setting this up (and for everything else DCR-related, of course) :)

  31. Marcel

    Glad to see this now (and test a posting and find out my cookie-settings prevented me from posting) :)

    Thanks for all your hard work setting this up, and for the site in general!

  32. Steve J

    I’m still looking to repeat (won a Polar RCX5 in 2007)!

  33. Sergejs

    crossing fingers :D

  34. Joey

    I use a fake email in comments form, and don’t do twitter.
    I’m sure I will win.
    Can you text me?

  35. agusto

    great news ! will be joining the fun for sure

  36. Evgeny

    wow, must set alarm for this time :)

  37. Keel

    Can’t wait!

  38. Andrey

    Hmm, to be functional at work, or to have a chance at winning some sweet stuff? Monday’s are a write off anyways, right? ;)


    one more time in the barre, fingers crossed.

  40. Bruce Burkhalter

    Once again, I forgot to buy!!! :)

    Thanks again for all you do, Ray!

  41. CJ Foley

    So do I just comment or do I need to somehow sigh in. Apparently I’m too dumb to figure it out! This is more of a test than anything. I already get the newsletter.

  42. Tosin M. Akinmusuru


  43. Matthew

    Thanks for running the contest Ray!

  44. Michael

    Looks like fun

  45. T. Heikkilä


  46. Lyubomir

    Great! Will set an alarm clock for the start :-)

  47. Brian munroe

    Sure, while I am away on vacation.

  48. Scott E

    Is Cleaver Training carrying pizza ovens yet? Could be a win-win ;-)

  49. Dave D

    Well time to obsess over another contest.

  50. Chris

    I can’t wait! Happy giveaway day for everyone!

  51. Steve S.

    If you wanna do the next one on Christmas it’s fine with me…

  52. Greg Friedman

    I can’t wait. Never knew you did this in the past

  53. David B.

    i cant wait :-)

  54. Cedric

    Looking forward to this contest!

  55. Rui Pereira

    I think it’s a great option to target a major holiday. Less competition!!

  56. Neil

    I stupidly missed this last year but it’s in my diary this time!

  57. Jesse

    Looking forward to this

  58. Adam

    Happy Panda!

  59. John P.

    Woohoo! Traveling in China so it makes the time zone management a bit easier.

  60. Mike

    Ray thanks picking 9/10 it’s my bday so I automatically win right? Haha, this really is the best 24 hours, so much fun. Thanks for all you do!

  61. 8

    This year maybe…

  62. Michal Parzuch

    Can’t wait planning to sleep for 2 hours, enter a giveaway, go to sleep again, enter the giveaway, etc.

  63. John Lazaruk

    Can’t wait!

  64. Matt

    Just testing the comment flow…

  65. T B

    Testing 1,2,3. Is this comment machine on?

  66. Mark Johnson

    Yes ,
    Count me in!

  67. Nav

    Thank you for doing this, Ray. You’ve been kind time and again. You rock.

    P.S. I can’t believe people can actually complain about the date. The giveaway is FREE. And it’s a FREE world!

  68. September

    SpaceX rocket launch window starts at the same time, so I can stream that on my desktop while riding Zwift on one phone and posting comments/checking Twitter on my other phone. Popping a caffeine pill now! ?

  69. Matt

    I can’t wait to see what you have to give away! It’s going to be a long day at work tomorrow with all these alarms I have set in the early morning hours. It reminds me of the first few weeks and months of my newborn babies! Good luck to all and thanks for the hard work Ray!

  70. Oleg

    One of the reader, who hopes to win ))

  71. Kai

    Alright… another Annual DC Rainmaker Giveaway Extravaganza!

  72. Robert Pyle

    That is a nice watch. I would like to have it.

  73. Jake

    I bet I don’t win.

  74. Patrick Lankeit

    Ok let’s get started!

  75. Daniel Sheldon

    Oh yes indeed! Watch is sweet

  76. Yiannis Galatas

    Greetings from Cyprus!

  77. Rob

    Yes its that time of the year!!!

  78. Zbyszek

    Just woke up

  79. Albert Lauchner

    Am I too early or too late? Need a watch

  80. Floris Van de Vijver

    Am I too late?

  81. Craig Mackenzie

    Thanks Ray!

  82. Satbel

    I want it too :-)

  83. Justyna

    nie ma miłości.

  84. Alexey

    Let’s do this! I’m in!

  85. bachulator

    Yes, yes, YES!!!!

  86. Abhishek Dubey

    I would love to this Suunto

  87. Hoping I win something this year.

  88. Geronimo Diaz

    I want it all! ;)

  89. Ștefan Uricariu

    Well, this seemed to be a boring Monday. Not anymore.

  90. Minas

    “Τάχιστον νους, δια παντός γαρ τρέχει”=Mind is the fastest, cause it always runs
    (Thales of Miletus)

  91. Carlos Gonzalez

    Would love to win for 1st time!

  92. Lisa B

    Would love to win ?

  93. Chris Powers

    Wish me luck….

  94. Martin Chmiel

    This is GGGGGGGREAT!!!

  95. Jamie

    Lets have it already