The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. CraigM

    Easy recovery ride from the city out to the Forth Bridges and back trying to avoid the rain showers.

  2. Matt James

    Sneak off from family time for a few short runs

  3. Jérôme Debize

    This weekend incluses high mileage.
    21km friday
    25km sarurday
    45km Sunday. Could not find any egg then stoppés in the shop toget a big easter egg.
    20km Monday

    Then 2 weeks easy

  4. Ty

    I am coming back from injury and finally got a green light clearance from my ortho. I have been easing back into it. This week, I’m adding a bit of speed.

  5. Billy

    my training plans are to ride my first century. To prepare for my MS 150 charity ride in may.

  6. Vivek Abichandani

    My training plans include an Easter egg hunt where I may need to get physical with pushy parents, run 3 miles on Sat, and climb the new mountain on Swift on Sunday.

  7. Tina N

    100 – 110 miles cycling over the weekend with 1 interval training and 1 simulated hill climbing session during the week. 4-5 mile jog for cross training. Training for the MS 150 at the end of April. =)

  8. Eric Chapin

    Plans were to run off some candy. Today’s plan is to spend the day figuring out if the sore spot on my foot is tissue or a stress fracture….

  9. Mike

    No training; walking around Disneyland instead.

  10. St

    had a fun lazy weekend with my girlfriend … did a little indoor training and a casual bike ride

  11. Matt Seeds

    I took it easy this weekend and just enjoyed spending time with the family.

  12. Antonio

    21 km workout

  13. Sebastian Haager

    Long tempo run on Saturday and a rest/family day on Sunday!

  14. Neil

    Trying a session at Orange Theory Fitness on Saturday and running a 10K on Sunday (chocolate at the finish line!)

  15. Bruno Raymond

    A session at the Gym, and a 5k outside!!!

  16. Michael Weitzner

    More cooking and cleaning, less exercise.

  17. Wendy

    I am running a 200 mi relay this coming weekend. This week I plan to run 1-2 days at around 6 miles each and then try to do at least 2 yoga workouts in preparation for the weekend. I am terrified, yet excited.

  18. Pete W

    Spin workout then a short run!

  19. David Walker

    I already rode Sat/Sun with 150km combined.

  20. Sean

    2.5 hour Zwift ride while it rained outside.

  21. Bob Beale

    Our training this weekend was to complete the return drive from Pickens SC to Toronto. We spent a week cycling and hiking along the foothills of the Appalachians and completed three climbs totaling 2400 M.

  22. David C

    Training for a 10k in 2 weeks. Trying for a new PR, so hold the chocolate eggs, please.

  23. Dan

    I rocked a 30 mile ride Saturday as my friend made me feel lazy while she rode 80.

  24. Zach

    Hurt my back, so no training for me this weekend

  25. Christian

    Running stadium & tiring to get 1000yrds on my swim under 30 min.

  26. William Springle

    2 shorter static workouts and maybe a nice easy long run

  27. pete w

    running & swiming but not at the same time

  28. Mickie AndrePont

    I took the Easter weekend off to be with family and celebrate Him.

  29. Matthew Leech

    Squeezed in an hour Z2 run on Sunday, spent the rest of the weekend taking care of my son and wife who came down with the bug that’s going around.

  30. I had a short indoor spin saturday followed by a 4 mile run, then Sunday I biked 20 miles and took a yoga class.

  31. cyclista

    Zwift, lots of zwift mountain extension.

  32. Kenneth Xiao

    Going for a long run probably half marathon distance.

  33. Gerrit

    No training planned but running the Berlin half marathon and aiming to go under 1 h 30 min for the first time.

  34. Michael Polak

    Going out for a nice and windy run

  35. Hugh

    It was a hard day of candy eating and leaf racking! I did move the road bike from one side of the garage to the other.

  36. Craig

    Galveston 70.3 bike simulation on Saturday, 12 mile run Sunday. Two weeks until race day.

  37. Jav

    I plan to max out on some ham and side dishes and for a cool down some dessert, probably some cake

  38. Matt Reier

    Long run followed by several reps of jelly bean eating.

  39. Scope

    Still recovering from torn adductor so 15 mins light jogging is the most I can do at present.

  40. Warner Blom

    Get a ~19km (hilly) run in on Sat and hopefully some skiing on Sunday :-)

  41. Joe

    Workout plans consisted of eating my kid’s jelly beans and chocolate.

  42. Michael Rose

    On vacation, so I got some good miles in on the bike. Unfortunately, there are quite a few gravel roads where I’m at in the country. Makes for some good adventure.

  43. hsantaella

    This Sunday I will be doing the South Beach Triathlon. It’s going to be hot and humid :-O

  44. Matt Dokken

    I plan to go for a 3 mile jog after the Easter festivities.

  45. Peter

    A nice long, slow-ish run – trying to rebuild my endurance after being sidelined with the flu.

  46. Jeffrey

    Stretching and Core Saturday
    Hill Climbing workout on Sunday
    Threshold Training Monday

  47. Nelson

    My race goals were to add to my carb reserves by eating recklessly. I love it when a plan comes together.

  48. Steve Addison

    30km easy ride with Mum, Dad and Sis on Friday. Park run on Saturday. Phoenix+2 TrainerRoad session on Sunday followed by an easy run on Monday…all fuelled by plenty of chocolate!

  49. Xavier Poirier

    35km on the trainer wishing for warm weather and finally going out for a first ride outside!

  50. Chris

    Weekend training plans were simple, just a 6k run. As I’m not eating easter eggs/chocolate, I think these count as a 10k run for total calorie burn. If Monday counts as Easter too, I’ll be heading out for a 10k today at lunch.

  51. Colin

    It’s time to get cranking on a full marathon training plan, and getting some swim time in for an Olympic. I’ll be starting a longer run this weekend (more than 5 miles), and booking some time at the indoor pool!

  52. Scott

    Run Forrest Run

  53. Josh

    Riding around a local island in between an afternoon BBQ, Or if the weather sucks, trying out the mountain route on Zwift!

  54. Michal S.

    just going to relax :)

  55. Jo

    40lb Stroller + 25lbs of baby and out for walks. Too hard to run with over half my body weight in stroller.

  56. Al

    Final taper for the Freiburg marathon. 3 x 3-5mi easy efforts during the week and then leave it all on the road on Sunday morning!

  57. Chris

    Swim, bike and run for me…. except I have no data… my 920xt wont’ turn on.

    Good news… the fine folks at Garmin are sending me a new one under a RMA.

  58. Becky C

    I was able to squeeze in a short run before we hit the road on Friday and fit in another hour on Saturday morning. Successful first week back from an injury!

  59. Dan

    Active recovery weekend playing with the kids with a couple of 5k’s thrown in to keep mobile

  60. Eric V

    Some strength training and candy eating.

  61. Burpees and Thruster as part of the CrossFit Open then active recovery

  62. Amy Strande

    Sat – 17 miles on the Virgiab Creeper trail with husband and kids for the first time.
    Sun – 5 mile hike in TN to waterfalls with family and 2 dogs which included 32 creek crossings!
    Mon – ahh, alone time running 10 miles.

  63. Simona

    Did my very first ride this spring!

  64. Mikerl L Sartin Sr

    I plan to have a couple of LONG brisk walks and enjoy the fresh air.

  65. Balciun

    Did easy 7k run and easy 30k ride ;)

  66. Arun

    Ran like an old bunny for 30 minutes on Sunday.

  67. Meh

    I’ll be sleeping and taking a couple of walks (i’m also trying to enjoy my flu and some fever).

  68. Donal Bailey

    Ran my first mountain ultra marathon in a storm! Then pizza and Easter treats!

  69. Tim Johnson

    Well since I just saw this today and don’t want to miss out. This weekend was pretty simple did a split 10k. Two 5ks split up with a 1/2 mile walk. I know that very exciting but good stuff none the less.

  70. Dave Keegan

    Get a 10 miler in now that vacation is over

  71. Derki

    I am planning a long 30km. run

  72. Tanasut

    Just joined a new cycling club so the first official long ride of the season (~100km) will be this weekend. Looking forward to sunny skies and 15C+.

  73. Paulius N

    I will open my road cycling season on next weekend, at last the spring is here.

  74. Jeremii

    I will test my hydro costume and start swimming outise, in the lake

  75. Luke

    2E + 14M + 2E Fun run!

  76. Fred2

    My plans were to get rid of my cold. No success.

  77. Joshua Schiffman

    Easter weekend was a normal training weekend for me: long run one day and weights at the gym on the other. But next weekend is kind of exciting. I’m taking a trip — to D.C.!!! — to run the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler with a dear old friend.

  78. Doug Dinero

    Saturday morning, my wife and I did a 10k training run for the upcoming Mountain Goat race.

  79. Gaudramr

    Long ride with my mtb bike

  80. Sean G.

    Using my rest day (Saturday) for an all day conference on Jean-Michel Basquiat and doing laps of a local park on my single-speed to build leg strength on Sunday.

  81. Birbale

    Will try to run my first 10k after training indoor during winter

  82. Ricardo Resende

    My goal was very much acomplished. Running with my cousins in the mountain. e managed 8km under heavy fog!

  83. Bill Koehler

    Training plan for this weekend is a long run. Actually it will be a pre half marathon test. Will see if I have gained from last year. Formal half scheduled for April 24 with a full in mid May.

  84. Mark E

    Plans fell through on a race, so I hopped on the bike (sorry!) for 90 minutes Saturday and followed it up with a 7 mile run on Sunday.

  85. First official half marathon race on next weekend

  86. Samuel Khoo

    Nothing special but as usual a 5K run :)

  87. Marcus

    Cycling Saturday and threshold running on Sunday- Monday off!

  88. Lexa

    Gym workout on Saturday and a 3.5 miles on Sunday. Sunday miles ended up at 2 because my daughter woke up and I got out of the house a lot later than expected.

  89. Narbus

    Planning big group road bike ride on sunday

  90. Juergen

    I am going for a 40 mile bike ride to train for my second century in the beginning of May.

  91. J. Chang

    I plan to see how far I can run while successfully singing in a foreign language in my head. At least, until I complete what my coach told us we were supposed to. :)

  92. Terrance

    I’m running through the fields chasing bunnies.

  93. Giedrstail

    There is a plan to play mini badminton tourney with my colleagues

  94. Craig

    I’m visiting family so will only have time for a few short morning runs.

  95. A Kondra

    My plan is to open cycling season

  96. Krishna

    Ran a long run Sunday morning on the trails. Saturday was quieter. Thanks for the giveaway, Ray!!

  97. Ted

    Brick training in paradise.

  98. RobBaj

    29 km long run

  99. De Klime

    I am planning 2 hours hike in local forest with my wife

  100. Dom Broom

    Can`t wait to test my new trail shoes, going to run 20 kilometers