Because it’s October: Garmin Edge 520 Giveaway


It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza.  I really need to have more of these.  Partly because I love giving away stuff.  And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together.  And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing.  Boom!

For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach.  Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.

For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520.  They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK!  Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale.  From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.


The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans.  Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.


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  1. Michael Walston

    60 mile ride Saturday before work, 12 mile run Sunday am, 1.5 hours Ultimate Sunday pm

  2. Stephen Cooper

    It’s Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, so training plans consist of carb-loading and some long walks with family.

  3. Matthew

    Ran the Army Ten Miler. Not at race pace though given the Marine Corps now in less than 2 weeks.

  4. Frank

    Heading out for a long trail run before going to the zoo!

  5. Tom

    Took a break from running/biking for hiking in Yosemite.

  6. Andrew E

    12 mile steady-state run Saturday, 40 mile hilly ride Sunday.

  7. This weekend I volunteered for a Collegiate MTB race, so didn’t have a ton of time, but got in a ridea to/from on Saturday, and a trail race (10k) after on Sunday. I also went swimming recreational. Next weekend is volunteering for an ultra, and long ride on Sunday. I’ll be taking a bit off of running for a shin issue.

  8. Chris

    Couple loops of Betasso with a big push on Benjamin.

  9. Ravi

    Ran a 10 mile tempo on Sunday Morning. 90 min easy Bike on Tuesday. 1 hr Swim on Wed.

  10. Noah

    Crushing miles of single track

  11. Rick Hewat

    10k trail run with my wife. Then a short 30 k cycle to pick up our vehicle. Out in the fall air with the leaves changing colour. Beautiful British Columbia it is!

  12. Leslie

    Looking for the next level of bike computer.

  13. Weak Lega

    Ice Cream, Apple Pie and a couple of hill repeat rides

  14. Dennis Fox

    did a zwift ride

  15. Aali

    Was on sunday on my regular badminton training by bike (40km total).

  16. Terry

    A mix of running and cycling…unfortunately, both were indoors :-(

  17. Chris M.

    Was visiting the Grand Canyon and currently injured, so just some light hiking.

  18. Josh

    long bike, long run.

  19. byg

    Watch Kona !

  20. Niklas

    Ended up doing a few interval runs (tough as hell) and some strength work on the yoga mat (with squishy legs from the runs) ;)

  21. Dan C

    doing a nice ride with the gf and then a short run

  22. JP

    ran 11miles on Saturday + 4 miles on Sunday

  23. Andy B

    Having just spent three days walking in the French Alps I have realised I need to get out on the bike more and get fitter.

  24. Dave

    Pre-ran my marathon race route. 26.2M warm=up, 3 weeks ahead of race day.

  25. Michael

    30 mile bike ride

  26. Albert

    Planning on a 10 mile ride along the lake.

  27. Gustavo

    Sat: brick S-R, recover watching Kona
    Sun: weights, kettlebells, and therabands; xtra cardio: mowing lawn

  28. Mike

    I rode 143 miles outside and loved every minute of it.

  29. Jon Borscheid

    I have a race pace 8 miler planned, getting race ready for my 10 miler in 2 weeks.

  30. RJ

    long run Sat AM (in DC!). Recovery from previous night’s wedding Sunday

  31. Jeff gillen

    Saturday will be a 50 + miles Sunday will be a 20 mile donut & coffee ride with my wife.

  32. Taylor

    Hawk Mountain Team TT – 40 miles, with a mountain in the middle.

  33. Tabea

    I’m in holidays at Mallorca and enjoying the off season. Flight on Saturday, regeneration run on Sunday.

  34. Michael Fiola

    Pick me, Pick me! I mountain biked this weekend and had fun doin’ it.

  35. JB

    This week is the start of cooler weather here in Florida and that means I can finally get back to alternating riding and running everyday with a long ride and run this weekend.

  36. hugo

    18K running + 10K walk

  37. Ernesto Aramburu

    Climbing Farellones mountain and some running after that.
    Thanks Ray!

  38. Ray Jasicki

    Record High Temps on Sunday lead to a easy 28 mile ride enjoying the fall colors, followed up by coaching my first grader’s soccer team.

  39. sam mendo

    i was drunk this weekend

  40. Rhonda

    Going for a run.

  41. Mark E

    It was all a bust after I picked up a cold Friday.

  42. Michael Michelsen

    70-75km ride with my friends at the club :) trying to get the last rides before winter.

  43. Derek Thompson

    No proper training at all this past weekend as I was busy almost every moment – helping run an amateur theatre (dismantling previous set and building the next one), putting on a murder mystery show, taking part in a treasure hunt, and doing all the boring household chores! :(
    At least I was active all weekend, so I guess that kinda counts… ;)

  44. KP

    Long run on Sunday and short Swim on Monday.

  45. Marc W

    1x 36 mile CX Ride and 1x 35 mile MTB ride through the spectacular trails of Germany! Time to rest.

  46. Rolf

    Couple of quick bike rides, maybe 20 miles each.

  47. Russ Aaronson

    10 mile run Saturday, 30 miles on the bike Sunday

  48. babelfish

    Short MTB ride on Sunday.

  49. Damalas

    my first Brevet 200K in 8hr
    NO FATigue at all

  50. Richard

    I did an awesome sunny interval run in de French Alpes.

  51. Bradner

    with rainy weather, mainly running and maybe a short bike segment.

  52. Did 2x 10k run and 36k bike interval training

  53. zchick

    a short run only this weekend

  54. Diego

    70km with a easy climbs

  55. Folker Visser

    Just a walk in the park.

  56. Raymond_B

    OMG almost missed this! Sunday went for a semi-casual 10 miler on the bike.

  57. Sean

    No more using my 920xt as my sole bike computer!

  58. Davesee

    Road Hilly Hundred in Indiana–it was amazing–I’d highly recommend it to anyone.

  59. George S

    Coached my daughter’s High School MTB team and watched her win her race. Rode a recovery ride with the team this morning.

  60. Shawn

    Run Long Beach Marathon

  61. DJH

    Taper ride on Saturday… rest day Sunday.

  62. Joshua Williams

    I had a massive amount of random Training this week! Friday I did some Hill Sprints in the morning, Backpacked 12.5 Miles on the Cumberland Trail by Saturday afternoon, went Contra Dancing in the Evening, and then did a nice scenic picture hike Sunday Morning!

    Oh, I also Got engaged to the most lovely Girl in my world on Sunday! Great Weekend!

  63. Andrew W

    A couple of rides, trying to get to 1000 miles for the year

  64. Michele

    Long endurance ride on Saturday and Learn to Race women’s clinic on Sunday.

  65. John Wilson

    Did a short 5 mile hike. Still recovering from marathon the prior weekend.

  66. EvE

    Usually a 5-10K run on Saturday and a 40-60K MTB ride on Sunday.

  67. Christian

    I have a week off and will take my mtb from the north of Germany to the Alps.

  68. Craig S

    A ride in the Tour de Pig with my Dad. After several days/weeks of rain we were very much looking forward to it.

  69. Steven

    I spent it anxiously hoping my foot would get better so I could go out running. It didn’t, so I went for a 70K ride instead.

  70. Greg

    Track session and some bike build. 2×20’s and 6×8′

  71. Pietro

    Saturday a long road bike ride, sunday walk in the mountains!

  72. Rien

    5K run on Saturday and an early swim session on Sunday :-)

  73. François

    I’m doing my last bike rides of the season this month because winter is coming here in Canada. Knowing it will soon be over, I’m enjoying and pushing as hard as possible every ride.

  74. Charles Valade

    First cross race ever on Saturday: Charm City Cross. Started, finished, and did not finish last. Achievement unlocked!

  75. iker

    I am doing the beach thing too

  76. Sarah G

    My husband will tell my what workout to do, just like he told me to leave a comment here. Oh I love him so! :)

  77. Oscar P

    90 min bike ride (getting used to a Tri bike) and an easy swim!

  78. Chris Rider

    Id to randomly win!

  79. luyi_pr

    A +50 miles/+6,500 feet MTB survivor race in Puerto Rico… Still hurt from it :(

  80. Martin MORAN

    Hahahaha… training this weekend. I’ve got my kids AND it’s Canadian Thanksgiving. Plus it was a predicted monsoon.

    So the training will be this week. 50km ride tonight, and again Wednesday. Runs and the gym Tuesday and Thursday. Would love a power meter!.

  81. Jan

    90km ride saturday

  82. Ari G

    Van Cortland Cross Country Race this past Sunday.

  83. 90 minute trail run, 90 minute cyclocross, 2 hours of swimming (3 sessions)

  84. Sangria

    My Training was a Halfmarathon with an injured leg. Now it is time to recover

  85. Mike Shirley

    Presently injured, so training is limited to emptying the contents of wallet on to the reception desk of my friendly neighbourhood physio every other day…

  86. José

    Watching the Chicago marathon. Mostly just walking between points and trying to get photographs.

  87. Marcio

    Looooong ride. Loveit!!

  88. Mitch Saunders

    Lots of walking around Chattanooga with the kids!

  89. Gergely Szatmari

    35 km run

  90. Jingzi

    Watching Chicago marathon and walking for food.

  91. Joseph Bruntz

    Reims (France) Half Marathon raced this week-end

  92. Pacing my buddy to his first sub 3:30 marathon at the Yorkshire Marathon (in York) …pacing first half at 7:30’s for the first half of the mara will make me ‘detonate’ later on, but hey!)…in fact, I already did this and it worked out exactly as planned. link to . Buddy in question got 3:24!

  93. Ryan Guisewite

    My training currently consists of me removing gigantic oleander plants from my back yard. Until that is done… no fun rides for me.

  94. Wojciech

    10 miles test run for a half marathon!

  95. Norman Chin

    Training plans are always go hard but leave enough in the tank to get up the big hill to my house!

  96. Ermanno

    I made a long ride near the Adriatic Sea with my team have traveled the route of Ironman 70.2 Pescara
    and ‘ it was great we are waiting all for the next edition!!!!!!!

  97. Tome

    sat morning run, Sunday coaching my Under7’s rugby union team in their 2nd Game

    Monday back on it

  98. Johnny Woodhouse

    A slow, lazy ride with my wife on Saturday. And an equally slow, but more painful, run on Sunday. The All Blacks result overnight will determine the mood of the Sunday run.

  99. Juan Perez

    Monday:30min recovery run. Strength Train
    Tuesday:10 min warmup,4 min tempo 1 min recovery x3, 5 min cool down
    Wednesday: 10 min warmup, 10 min interval, 10 min cool down. Strength Train
    Thursday: off
    Friday:30 min easy run. Strength Train
    Saturday: 60-75 min long run

  100. Robert A

    Friday evening: SWIM SESSION (1600m working on rhythm with Tempo Trainer) + followed by 30min HILL RUNNING INTERVALS on a treadmill
    Saturday: Rest day + 9 hours MOTIVATIONAL SESSION (watching Ironman World Championship in Kona :-))
    Sunday: morning THRESHOLD TEST on the bike + evening SWIM CSS SESSION (1800m working on pacing with Tempo Trainer)

    IT WAS AWESOME!!! :-)