Giveaway Extravaganza: Garmin FR920XT Tri Bundle (with HRM-SWIM & HRM-TRI Straps!)


What, you thought we’d limit this to things that are currently shipping?  Nah, I’m about the future here! Even if the future is only a week or two away.

The FR920XT is probably without question the most beloved triathlon watch out there, but the tri bundle kicks it up a notch by adding in the newly announced HRM-SWIM and HRM-TRI (plus the quick-release mount).  These new heart rate straps allow you to be the envy of water aerobics pool grandmas the world around.  They’ll be fawning over your strappy heart-rate recording aquatic prowess.  But while that’s happening just try and keep it focused on your swim intervals though, ok?

Giveaway Opens: 2:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 4:00AM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: Garmin FR920XT In-Depth Review Here & HRM-SWIM/TRI Strap First Look Here

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Ian Tunbridge

    This is awesome!

  2. Stephan Fourie

    Pick me

  3. Toine

    Been saving up for a tri watch for a while now, this will solve all the problems!

  4. He needs this watch too… really bad apparently….

  5. David Lusty

    Want this!!

  6. Maxx

    Awesome as Always !!!

  7. Jarkko

    Good morning!

  8. Alex j

    I wish me good luck :)

  9. Tord

    Would look absolutely fantastic on my arm.

  10. Matthew

    Me please

  11. Michael S


  12. I. Lundager

    Yes, please.
    Btw. better chance to win here than in most lottery :-)

  13. Ang Ming Guan

    Me! ME!

  14. Would love to track my tri-training.

  15. mffolledo

    I’m in for this one too!

  16. Erik Peter Meijer

    Yes please!

  17. Nick

    Sounds sweet!

  18. Paola_eaglespic

    This is really cool! Would really like to win this!!!

  19. Aldo

    Could this be the first time I win something?

  20. Jens

    Nice color.

  21. Keith Black

    Winning this would be nice!

  22. Szatmari Gergely

    Would love one.

  23. Alex

    Ouch, the web server seems to be busy

  24. king of vegetable


  25. Barry Hobson

    Great Prize!!

  26. Lawrence Eggleton

    This could be just the thing to replace my faulty V800! Thanks DCR!

  27. Emils

    would like this gadget!

  28. Therese

    Hello fr.o.m. Sweden

  29. Paul

    That bundle just makes you want to get out there

  30. Ashley

    Count me in

  31. Jessica

    Please let me win :)

  32. Gez EJ

    Yes Please! I’m really slow so this would speed me up. I’d use it for parkrun

  33. Stephan McGuire

    I might even become a triathlete after all…

  34. Jacco

    Definitely in!

  35. peroni

    If I win this I promise to learn to swim

  36. Gareth Welding

    good excuse for first triathlon

  37. oohhh oohh pick me! Please!

  38. Jeremy Grand-Scrutton

    Ooh, yes please :)

  39. Dirk

    Well it’s busy on your site!

  40. Srdan

    Thanks for giveaway!

  41. Chris


    I’ll even give my wife my 910 if I win. That’s how generous I am!

  42. Julian

    Give it away now!

  43. Nigel Van de Velde

    1/1818 for now, odds could have been better. The Garmin would be appreciated here in Belgium though.

  44. Georgie

    Please send this to meeeeeee ;-)

  45. Rhody Seth

    Sounds great!

  46. Brian B

    Love the blog. Thanks!

  47. Gert Hector


  48. Karolina

    for husband if he will be polite

  49. Andrew Dickson

    Wow what a giveaway. would love to be lucky enough to win. Love you blog

  50. Brian

    Yes please

  51. antonioSc

    My favourite item thanks Ray

  52. Would love to try out the new HRM for my first tri. Great blog, great reviews, great giveaways! :)

  53. Jons

    My 2 cents

  54. Stefan

    Great idea!

  55. Eric Boyd

    Go Seahawks!!

  56. Mike James

    Great site with really useful reviews.

  57. Alexandre

    Fingers crossed !

  58. Martijn

    yes, please!

  59. Victor Ng

    Hope to be chosen for this fantastic watch.

  60. Ben Lee

    Sweet just what I need.

  61. Dan Timofte

    Best watch for a triathlon!

  62. Aidan Campbell

    This is the random number you’re looking for.

  63. Martijn Laan

    I think it’s my turn to win now!

  64. Antonie

    Awesome watch

  65. Ben

    Would love this, thanks DC!

  66. Vicente Charcos

    I want this

  67. Micha

    good luck

  68. Patrick


  69. Kirsikka

    Thanks for organising this Ray!

  70. Niklas

    Yes, please!

  71. Jet Pacapac

    Giveaway extravaganzaaaaaa!

  72. James Coleman

    MMMM free stuff

  73. Niall MAGEE

    Its Christmas at DCRainmaker. Fingers crossed

  74. Tommy

    Thank You!

  75. Justas.B

    Want this!

  76. petr josefus

    No problem:-)

  77. Karri

    This would be just lovely.

  78. Thanks for all the reviews and giveaways !!

  79. Michael R.

    Let`s try :)

  80. Mirosław Nieścioruk

    I would love to have one of this!

  81. Jindrich

    ich würde mich freuen

  82. Damian

    Would love to have this.

  83. Flore

    Great watch !

  84. Stefan

    Me please :)

  85. Doro

    Nice! :)

  86. michele

    Mi sarebbe molto utile…chissà se sono fortunato

  87. Nick

    Would love to have those new hrm.

  88. tom

    Nice giveaway, thanks ray

  89. TuomasO

    It takes time to scroll over 1800 messages with a tablet :D
    Great site and big thanks for this giveaway!

  90. CMV

    HR in the pool at last!

  91. aristotle

    need one

  92. Scott Henderson

    Slept in for the first round, but on the case now! Dead keen for the FR920xt :)


  93. Vlad

    Awesome watch

  94. Alex S.

    Yes please!

  95. Isabelle Charles

    Bravo!! Giveaway

  96. TheGerman


  97. Matteo

    mandalo a me in italiaaaaaa

  98. Maciek

    Would make good use of one of these :).

  99. L Karrman

    Would love a tri bundle!

  100. Michael

    Go Free Giveaways!