Here’s this week’s edition of the weekly mailbag. This is a weekly series where I feature a handful of the e-mailed questions I received from the previous week or so. I try and pick a wide variety of questions. Some are technical in nature, some sport related, and sometimes all sorts of other randomness – as you’ll see below.
Ok…this week is a full one…lots of stuff going on that I figured would be best to include in the mailbag. Here’s the deal-e-o:
1) featured on IMTalk
2) Strands iPhone and Android App
3) Draft Legal Age Group Racing
4) Me in a Fox News TV clip for the NYC Triathlon
5) More discussion on drafting penalties
6) Reminder: Garmin 310XT Rebate Program Ends Today!
Mail #1: featured on IMTalk
From Jason-
Just wanted to drop a note because I was not sure if you were aware but your blog won website of the week on a very popular podcast called IM Talk (a weekly podcast dedicated to ironman discussions)…. I can give you the exact episode if you need as well but congrats!!!!! Thanks for all the useful info you have put and continue to put on your blog.
Hey Jason! Holy cow, I wasn’t aware. I’ve been so busy the last three weeks with travelling I just didn’t catch it.
For those of you not aware, IMTalk is a popular hour long podcast that focuses on all things triathlon. Two Kiwi’s put it together (the country, not the fruit) and it’s a fairly lively show with a both a ton of good information and a lot of energy. I was featured in Episode 218, right around the 55:30 marker into the show. Pretty cool!
You can grab the free podcast here, or check out their site – lots of good stuff. Thanks Jason for the heads up, and thanks IMTalk for featuring me!
Mail #2: Strands iPhone & Android App
A while back I mentioned Strands in one of my weekly mailbags. They are one of a growing number of iPhone & Android apps that allow folks to track their outdoor activities and share them with friends. While I still have on the bucket list a iPhone Running/Training App shootout post, in the meantime, the Strands folks are giving away some nice t-shirts for anyone willing to try it out (free of course) and give them feedback on how to improve it. And let’s me honest – it’s purely due to free clothing for anyone that I’m passing it on. It’s super-simple:
1) Download the app
2) Test it out
3) Click the Rate button on the navigation page of the app
4) Send an email to with t-shirt size and mailing address
Of course, because all ya Android folks are feeling left out – I poked back and was hooked up with the lead Android developer for Strands, and he would love folks to test it out as well, so those folks with the little robot can do so here.
Mail #3: Draft legal age group racing
From Dan-
Dan sent in a short e-mailing letting me know that there’s a draft-legal sprint race here in the DC area in a few weeks. I figured this might be of interest to a few others as well. It’s called the Manassas Super Sprints, and they have a a draft-legal format for AG elites.
Regrettably, I’ll be out that weekend racing in Canada – or I sure as heck would have done it.
Now – I realize this might not apply to everyone, but the real point in mentioning this is that I’m hoping that either A) They’ll do it more often (or more of them, like some other monthly races done around the country during the warmer seasons) B) That someone else will start more draft-legal ITU-style racing. Not familiar with draft-legal racing? Well, it’s what non-Iron distance pro’s race, the same as the Olympics. Here’s a big post I wrote up on it back last summer when they visited DC.
Personally, I would love to see this area of the sport expand. I think it adds a whole new dimension to the sport, and really changes the dynamic of it. I think it would also introduce more new folks to the sport (namely, cyclists). Plus, long term it would actually increase the level of our pro triathletes, as athletes would ‘grow-up’ racing that format, and thus be more competitive in that format (which is where the money and recognition is). Finally, I love that actually increases camaraderie amongst athletes – for example, working together to try and get back into the race (in a legal fashion). Anyway…enjoy!
Random Note #1: I’m in this Fox News NYC Triathlon news clip/story:
Thanks to Steven for sending me the link that includes a short video of me heading to the Elite AG wave at the NYC tri two weeks ago. You can check it out on Fox News here. I’m at 2:35, and Steven also points out (correctly) that watching Matt Reid run into a pole/ramp during T1 at around the 8:00 marker (just after the commercial section ending the first chunk) is well worth the time (in a Nascar crashing kinda way).
Random Note #2: Great lively discussion on draft penalties post:
If you’re typically a lurker via RSS type of person, you may not read many of the comments. Well, my penalty post stirred up all sorts of good comments and discussion – so feel free to either lurk that page, or jump into the fray, you don’t need anything more than a keyboard to comment – no account required!
Random Note #3: Garmin 310XT Rebate Program Ends tomorrow (Aug 1st)!
Just a quick reminder, if you plan to purchase a Forerunner 310XT anytime soon, then today be the day to do it! The $50 rebate program ends August 1st. Note however that it’s unfortunately NOT applicable to any orders via But works basically everywhere else. You have until the end of August to actually send the rebate form in. Form’s here.
Recent Mailbags:
Weekly Mailbag – July 24th 2010
– What I eat prior to a weekend of workouts
– Compatibility of Nike+ and Garmin ANT+
– What to do with fading Garmin Forerunner 305 battery
Weekly Mailbag – July 17th, 2010
– Wheels and training/racing
– How to use Google Bike Routes to create Garmin Course Maps
– Whether to buy a bike trainer or Garmin Forerunner 305
You can find all past mailbags here.
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