1) As I headed out this morning to run I had to make a game-time decision to not run my usual 20-miler. This made me a sad panda. Instead I bumbled to the pool and ended up doing 6,100 yards continuously This resulted in 244 flip turns. 243 of which were completed with some degree of success. One resulted in surfacing directly into/under the lane line, which was less than elegant. I enjoy long-continuous swims, but I don’t know why given I don’t particularly enjoy indoor pool swimming. This swim puts me at 17,600 yards for the week, which I’m happy panda about. So…why was I swimming instead of running?
2) Well, that’d be because I can’t exactly walk. My calves are incredibly sore. You know how you feel after a marathon where you waddle everywhere? Well, that’s me. So how’d that happen?
3) I had two track sessions on Thursday. Yes. Two. One was a technique session with the coach, and the second was a regular session. The first one is actually what left me so sore. We changed a few things with my running stride – not significantly actually, very minor. But that resulted in using some portion of my calves that I apparently have not entertained previously. And the second track workout probably didn’t help (but it was a blast – easy 800’s at 2:53 a pop – weeee!). Everything is quite well on target for a 1:19 Half Marathon in three weeks.
Other random thoughts…
4) Yesterday at the pool there was in a dude in the lane next to me, clearly attempting to engage in silent lap racing. Which is fine by me. I’m always down for some fun, even if I am 3,000 yards into my set. Nonetheless, he lost…repeatedly. But the loss isn’t what counts. What counts is he had his name written on the ass of his speedo. There should be rules here – but essentially, if you are going to have your name written on your suit, you need to be fast. As Ben Collins is. And as this dude was not. Oh, and he only swam about 10-12 laps and then went to the locker room. Fail.
5) I cleaned my bike last night. It was in the mid 60’s here yesterday, yet tomorrow it’s going to snow 5”. Anyway, I spent over 90 minutes making it all pretty and shiny. I even had it on it’s back. Yeah…I’m wild like that! By time my ride is done tomorrow it’ll be a mess again. :-/
6) I found a massive 3 lb bag of gummy bears at World Market yesterday. It’s been awesome thus far.
7) Oh, I forgot – at the track technique session my coach said I need some “Active Release Therapy”. Hmm…I can’t be the only one who’s mind wanders with that terminology.
8) This evening, the girl and I made cupcakes. While all the previous cupcake photos on this blog have been from a place in Old Town Alexandria – these ones are MINE (and hers)! Tonight begins my foray into cupcakes. First I had to find cake flour, which turns out is more difficult to find that I anticipated. Then I carefully followed a recipe from this book, and made the Black and White cupcakes. My goal is to make one cupcake batch per week and eventually be able to create my own. Oh, and these ones came out awesome. Mmm…cuuuuppppcaaakkkkeees.
The girl also made a recipe from the book – Hazelnut Brown Butter with a Hazelnut Cream Cheese frosting, which came out equally as awesome!
She then gave the cupcake two nuts…
…before deciding that perhaps going up north a bit and giving it some additional assets.
Bye! :)
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Give me one of those cupcakes. You have no excuse.
Also how are your calves now? Glad to hear it’s nothing serious.
Great-looking cupcakes! The swim sounds good – hope calves are better soon.
Wow…those are some great looking cupcakes! I hope the new stride gets you to a 1:15 half…you can crush 1:19 with sore calves right?
GOod luck!
Score on the gummies!! I LOVE those things. Those cupcakes look great – love the faces, very creative! Can’t wait to see the ones y’all come up with once you abandon the pre-set recipes!
So when did you morph into a panda? haha
Mmmm gummy bears. Our world market closed down a week ago… sad day.
Those cupcakes look delicious.
Are you trying to inspire me or get me fat? Or, should I say keep me fat?
I’m going to sit here for a bit and think of a reason why I need cupcakes.
-I am so going to the store and making some cupcakes.
BTW: Good job on the laps.
remove name from bathing suit bottom: Check!
Don’t do two track workouts on same day: Check!
I don’t remember much of the rest of the post after i got to the cupcake part. You know the problem with cupcakes?? They’re too damn small!
Funny – I find that my calves get much more sore from swimming than from running. I’m always fighting off cramps during long sets. Congrats on your long flippin’ swim.
Item #4 – hilarious.
Ooh, Gummies!! Costco has some in a 3# bag too ;-)
Hope the calf soreness improves. I don’t often get sore calves from running but sore quads, yes, esp. after running a downhill marathon course too hard. Then again, old ladies like me don’t run as fast as young men like you!
Let me rewind to yesterday, when Rebecca and I were at World Market looking for random things…”Wow, look at that giant bag of gummy bears! I want it!”, I said. I didn’t not get it though, I wussed out. But glad to know I’m not the only one ;)
Sucks about the calves though. We missed ya out there!
Haha, that guy with his name on the speedo…I think I’ve seen worse but that’s definitely a no-no. I probably would have laughed silently to myself as swimming.
Hope the calves are less angry lately!
I have that cupcake book. I’ve liked all the ones I’ve made so far. :)
244 flip turns? My head hurts just thinking about it! Those cupcakes however…look yummy!
We should be calling you Aquaman.
You are evil for posting about cupcakes and chocolate ones at that when I can’t ever have a cupcake of a decent flavor or texture ever again. I hope you enjoyed them and please let us know about the next batch.
Those are basically the most delicious-looking cupcakes I’ve ever seen.