A November Garmin (Fancy) Fenix3 Giveaway


It’s somehow already halfway through November, and we’ve lacked a giveaway this month.  Heck, did we even have a giveaway last month? That seems like eons ago.  My bad.

No worries though, I’m here to save the day.  Or at least, save Tuesday.  I’ll be giving you a Fenix3.  But not any Fenix3, one of their newfangled fancy looking Fenix3 watches.  Had I thought this post through a little bit more, I could have put it on Friday, and named it the ‘Fancy Fenix3 Friday Freebie’, but alas – I didn’t think of that until now as I write on the plane.  My mental schedule is set for the week, and here it is.

In any case, they released these ones back a few months ago.  One is more of a leather strap, and the other more womanly with swanky rose gold trimmings.  Though honestly, it’s still kinda a big watch for a woman – so if you’re more petite – I’ll let you downsize and pick some other GPS watch that Clever Training stocks, even if it might not look as pretty and be lacking the flower power.


Since I landed in a snowy place this evening, we’re going to get you thinking about winter. To enter, simply leave a quick comment with an answer to the following:

How do you adapt your training schedule for winter? Do you change sports altogether, or do you happen to be one of those lucky ducks living in Hawaii?

Giveaway closes Friday evening, November 20th at 11:59PM US Eastern Time.


Oh – and by the way – I’m piloting a bit of a new option for folks to support the blog.  Many of you have asked for a way to simply support more directly than via Amazon or Clever Training purchases.  Now you can!  If you become a DCR Supporter™ (no, not really trademarked) you’ll help support things around these parts.  More tangibly though, you’ll get a totally ad-free site.  Although you’ll still have to put up with my occasional rosé wine inspired tech rants.  And pictures of the food I eat.  And my travels.  None of those disappear.

I use PayPal as a processing provider, but you need not have a PayPal account (it takes any credit card).  I don’t store your credit card info, nor do I sell/giveaway your e-mail/info.  But obviously you’re creating an account here to sign-in (so you can be super-special going forward and skip the ads).  But to be SUPER CLEAR – you need not sign-up to enter the giveaway.  As will ALWAYS be the case, my regular giveaways are free to enter.

You can also sign-up for just my newsletter – which is a roughly once a week collection of my posts and a few additional tidbits.  Again, another thing that a gazillion of you have asked for for many years.  Simply hit up the checkbox at the bottom.

With that – thanks for reading, and the support!  And of course, as always, thanks to Clever Training for giving away some really pretty watches!  You can always save 10% with them via the DCR Coupon Code or VIP program.


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  1. Chee Yeong

    No need to adapt to winter as live in the tropics but need to adapt to haze coming from the neighbouring country affecting outdoor training.

  2. Fab

    I tend to drop a little bit my cycling sessions and increase my running ones.

  3. Russ Shupe

    Living in Minnesota, I layer up pretty well when I head out for my training runs in the winter. If its too icy or the if the windchills get too ridiculous – will hop on the treadmill for the shorter runs. Also during the winter, I’ll head over to the gym for weight training, the lap pool, stationary cycling and the elliptical.

  4. Tore Olaussen

    Live above the arctic circle in Norway. Running outside and riding the trainer using Trainerroad

  5. EvE

    More MTB instead of road cycling and watersports.

  6. Thomas

    As a “multisport-addicted”, winter is for MTB, Cyclocrossing, Fatbiking, Climbing (indoors and outdoors, if there is a sunny and not to cold day), Ice Climbing and Ski touring :)

    So there should be enough options to move during the dark winter time :)

  7. Natas

    Training continues as usual, thikker clothes if needed.

  8. Thor

    Triathlon (swim, bike, run) and weightlifting.

  9. Bart

    Taking the MTB insead of the racebike more often and reduce dark rides by using the tacx.
    (test for leak)

  10. Hello World

    This is a test comment, testing comments.

  11. Steven

    HTFU — that’s why they make studded cycle tires and studded running shoes. That and the indoor trainer and treadmill…

  12. Claus Bæk Andrés

    Keep running in the winter but MTB instead of roadbike :-)

  13. Jennifer

    Running, preparing for my first half marathon

  14. Matthew

    There is no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothes ! (billy connolly)… change of clothes, for me

  15. Owen Graham

    More treadmill running and trainer riding… Just bundle up more to still run outdoors, but almost all riding done inside (ok, ALL riding).

  16. Jonathan DIxon

    Living in England the change in weather isn’t exactly drastic anyway…! I find that some trail running vibrams and lots of 5k parkruns keep me going!

  17. James Burkhardt

    This would be awesome to train with in the upcoming winter season.

  18. David

    Just doing indoor workouts!

  19. Rachel K

    In the winter I adapt by running with more reflective gear and earlier in the evening if possible. Cycling I usually have to wear winter cycling clothes or ride the trainer if the weather is too bad. I also have to find a heated pool to swim in. I am not lucky enough to live in a ‘Hawaiian’ type climate..

  20. Jeff

    I typically do a lot of hiking and trail running. I’m in West Virginia now enjoying some great hiking at Dolly Sods.

  21. JK

    I tend to switch my training indoors during winter (save for skiing of course).

  22. Well, our winters are 25C temperatures. pretty much ideal weather for training. Its the summers that are painfully hot going upto 36-37C temps with 805+ humidity :D

  23. Yin Tang

    spending more time indoors doing spin classes and hoping to do rounds at the valedrome

  24. Sean Fraser

    I live in Canada. You don’t adjust your raining program for winter here, you adjust it for summer!

  25. Geoff M

    The treadmill and trainer become my new best friend. It’s too bad it gets dark so early!

  26. willb

    More cross-training: running, skiing, weights. But mostly I get a lot of quality time with the bike trainer doing sweetspot and FTP intervals.

  27. Michael Harman

    I’ve never been too active in the winter, but picking up cycling this year courtesy of my dad, I’m still working out how to adjust my workouts to accommodate the cold weather.

  28. Rob P

    No change for winter in the UK, running and road bike.

  29. Virgil C

    When training outside is not an option then weight lift it is.

  30. Mike Seitz

    In the winter I shift away from the road mileage to more trail running. I find running through the dirt and snow far more appealing (and less dangerous) than running through slush and rain on the roads.

  31. Tim ingram

    No such thing as bad weather only bad gear! Don’t change routine at all at the moment. Although I am in one of those slumps where I could do with a nice gadget to motivate me and get me out more!

  32. maryro mendez

    I live in atlantic Canada, I run all year around. I tried to go out as much as I can and layer up up to -20C or so. What gets me indoors is the road condense, if there is too much ice or snow I stayed on my treadmill that I see as my saver. When training for a spring marathons I have been on the treadmill for 20 mile runs ugh! Paced runs like intervals or tempo runs are mostly on the treadmill because on snow it is very hard to get the right pace with risking a fall. I also use my bike on the indoor trainer to add a bit of indoor variety even when I am a runner not a cyclist but anything helps.

  33. Fernando Dominguez

    How do you adapt your training schedule for winter?
    I try to be a bit more relaxed in terms of structure without giving up frequency. Run/Swim stay the same and we still ride long outside once a week and two more times indoors, out team does a twice a week session at a LBS.

    This year I am joining the Camp Gladiator to cross train.

    I don’t live in Hawaii but Texas allows us to ride outside quire a bit during the winter.

  34. Doug S

    I bundle up for runs. Bike on the trainer in the garage. And stop swimming altogether. :(

  35. David Maume

    I always keep training outdoor (don’t like running indoor) but I go more often to the swimming pool. And for running i just use warmer clothes. Txs for your website. Reading you since 3 years now !

  36. Kenneth C.

    I switch to treadmill in the gym

  37. Jon D

    Enjoy the trainer rides as much as I can and suck it up and run outside in the cold and snow.

  38. Paul Player

    Well if the wind is blowing or the rain is sheeting and hitting us head on I put my wife on the front and I tuck in behind, great view too! If I win it I will give it to the Mrs.

  39. Moira

    I’m a lucky duck triathlete living in rural SW France, but for the coldest months I head to the Algarve, Portugal.

  40. Ryan K

    Oklahoma here – I don’t change it up too much, then again we don’t deal with a lot of snow. I still ride the mountain bike when I can stand the wind chill – I love riding on holiday mornings like Thanksgiving when the masses are at home! More treadmill runs with Netflix (ugh), but my group of friends plan an annual winter hiking trip in the Ozark Mountains which is an absolute blast. Then I play on two indoor soccer teams to keep me (fitness) motivated through the winter months.

  41. Duncs

    I live in Provence in Southern France, where the winters can be fairly hard due to the variation in conditions: 20°C during the day, -5°C or lower at night. Because of this I tend to move my evening training indoors during the winter, keeping outdoor escapades to the daylight hours. The other thing is the need to watch out for hunters and wild boars in the local forests.

  42. Johan

    Bundle up for the run and trainer for the bike (plus brick class every saturday).
    The trails are often swept up here, so running outside is pretty safe; but I’d use those studded things you put outside of the running shoes.

  43. Larry Nieman

    I scale back my running some, since I mostly run at night when its really cold I bundle up and run as long as I can, If I can get the chance I use the indoor track at my YMCA.

  44. Dax

    Usually it is a mindset change more than anything, trying to motivate exercise in colder temps. I keep on running, just dig out tights and gloves.

  45. Alex

    Running always outdoors, rain, snow i don’t care. Biking and swimming indoors whe we run out of daylight.

  46. Tim Johnson

    Fortunate for me the weather doesn’t change too drastically so I maintain the same running schedule just layer up a bit. Now if it snows I am going indoors for workouts. But it only seems to hapen here every fourth winter, and then it only lasts a few days. Happy Training from Moderate climate South Carolina.


    Living in Athens Greece there is so much need of adapting training schedules to winter time. My main concern is keeping the ears worm. But yes I spin more indoors and I ran more often in treadmill. Taking part in trail running events. Plus more weight lifting.

  48. bob

    I could use one, runing in the hallways of the hospital

  49. toby leeds

    no hawaii weather for me :( only the cold of liverpool england!! more resistance training and some long slow sessions to keep me ticking over.

  50. Rob

    no major changes just add layers

  51. Rado M

    Southern UK – running all year long.

  52. Paul

    Changing sports to running and swimming more and more.

  53. Onto the turbo trainer. Trail shoes and a head torch for evening runs

  54. Gavin Macgregor-Skinner

    For winter training, it’s layers and layers and then I slip over in the snow and ice, but with some protection.

  55. Martin K

    Time to get muddy. Hope to do some mountain biking this winter.

  56. jonasBR

    Doing a bit less of running, and a bit more of indoor swimming.

  57. cc

    No adaptation, lucky with almost 365 days of sunshine

  58. Wendy

    Winter means hats, gloves, trainer, more pool time, and weights!

  59. Jesse Kerzman

    I pick up the running (versus both with biking) during the winter and run my marathon(s) in the Spring then! :)

  60. Adam Simek

    Umm, I just moved to San Francisco from Prague to live my dream. That “might” change my attitude to winter training:)
    However in general II do running no matter what is the weather and when snow comes, I simply switch my bike for skis. Both xc and backcountry. Simple as that.

  61. Annelies

    A warming up before i start running and i start a bit slower than in the summer time.

  62. molly

    I wear extra layers and I add extra lights and reflective tape to my running gear, but otherwise nothing changes!

  63. 3underscore

    I do most my running indoors anyway, so the adaptation there isn’t really necessary. I try to see outdoor running as a more enjoyable benefit of summer to try and sort out my pacing. That makes winter less miserable.

  64. Garrett

    I mostly just wear warmer clothes and don’t work out as late/early. On really cold days I change my routine and keep things inside.

  65. Marc Marple

    I actually like running in the cold better. Took a couple years, but my clothing is now situated to keep me from sweating which makes all the difference. No change in running for me, but the bike gathers dust.

  66. Chris Calderon

    For cold winter months, I use my winter apparel and layer up! I don’t change my run training at all. The winter also opens up the times of day that I can run w my dog since it’s much cooler!

  67. Josh

    I bundle up and plow through the dark

  68. Sjur

    Since I live in Norway where it is incredibly cold all winter , I’m going to continue to ride ATVs on fine days , otherwise I’m going to focus on swimming, running and strength training. If there is snow (about 100 % probability ) then I am going to have some nice days doing cross-country skiing.

  69. Anton

    In winter I quit cycling and run twice as much. Also I try to keep running so my legs don’t get cold. I don’t like wearing too many clothes while running so I have to keep moving :-)

  70. Gaute

    Studded tires on my cyclocross to keep riding throughout winter. Hakkapeliitta w240s are fantastic. I live in Norway, so temperatures will drop well below zero. Warm clothes makes all the difference. Not much daylight so I also mount a 800 lumen LED to the handlebar.

  71. xun

    I play indoor sports. Even though I enjoy ourdoor workout more, doing my workout at gyms makes seasonable changes a non-issue for me.

  72. John Mah

    Just keeping running in the snow (just a bit slower…)!

  73. Jens

    I switch from road running/cycling in summer to MTB/trail running in winter. Still looking for my upgrade of the 310XT so that Fenix 3 would be the perfect replacement!

  74. Griff

    It’s all about making the most of whats around you ;). I’m currently lucky enough to have amazing trails for both snow shoeing and a some rather uncoordinated but incredibly rewarding x country skiing. Mixing it up with indoor trainer work and finishing off with the occasional fondue helps keep it interesting.

  75. Pausanius

    Winters here are pretty mild — it’s simply a matter of adding gloves and long sleeves… but shorts stay on, because really, who wants to run in pants?


    Don’t really have too much of a winter here in San Diego! Keep on riding and running!

  77. Gene S

    I live in NYC – not very ideal for winter training. My change consists of putting my bike on a trainer and spinning. Then changing as quick as possible and going for a run to keep by triathlon base up. All the while praying that I don’t get sick because of the temperate changes. I also hike on the weekends.

  78. sebastien houillot

    basement + trainerroad + endless queue of TV shows!

  79. Michael

    No change in training schedule. I am in Florida, not Hawai’i, so the weather change is not enough to alter my training. Summer is another story.

  80. Aixa Medina

    My name is Aixa I recently bought a FENIX 3 Sappire is has everything I want and is a fancy watch

    BUT I am too small and it looks too big on me plus it weighs to much for me … after 6 miles I will like to throw it away,

    My husband is kind enough to keep it (uhuuu!!) and I still need a new watch … for swimming, running and Bike mainly

    Please your recommendation are appreciate.


  81. Olivier Caza-Lapointe

    I live in Canada, so you ideally, gore-tex shoes, warm running clothes, and most importantly, find a few good training buddies, who will go outside with you on a cold Sunday morning for a 20km run, before coming back home and enjoying a massive brunch, with a warm coffee, and nice warm comfortable clothes! :) It’s all part of the journey.

  82. Jacob Sunbeam

    We have all kind of seasons here. So I adapt to winter sports training with snowboard, ice skating or running in the white woods.

  83. Sheet metal screws in my shoes for icy Canadian roads, and and blue trainer tires on my Cannondale to ride the rollers in the basement.

  84. Byron

    I’m lucky. In the Pacific Northwest we just keep doing what we do. Ok, rain jacket and heavier run tights, but that’s it.

  85. Zach

    No change, I’m in California

  86. Motociclista

    I radically change sports to Tennis.

  87. Tim

    More indoor sports, unfortunately less workouts overall.

  88. Shekhar Damle

    I am lucky to be at Batumi by the Black Sea. Can rotate between Cycling, Running, Trekking any time of the year – well almost.

  89. Kelly

    I’m lucky and live in Southern California where I don’t really have to make any changes. I do put on some gloves when I run outdoors so my hands don’t get all dry and cracked.

  90. Riccardo

    Add some layer and keep on running, some pool if the weather became really bad, cycling in the weekends.

  91. Rasmus Aabo

    I replace my outdoor biking with spin classes and bkool sessions

  92. Jo

    I live in Belgium, gets pretty cold in winter. I’m doing the following:
    – swimming: indoor pool (20m length, way to small – usually swim outdoors in summer)
    – cycling: maintain fitness on indoor trainer
    – running: I run all winter long, no problem at all

  93. John Guernsey

    The Fenix 3 would be a great replacement for my 310xt.

  94. Juri

    I use the winter for restorative practice. Lots of yoga and strength training.

  95. Claudia Chapa

    Actually, I’m pretty lucky I can flip back and forth. I live in Houston, TX so we really don’t get winter weather like up north. I don’t care to ride when it’s cold and cold for me is below 60. Hey, I did say I live in Houston where we average 80-90+ weather from April to the beginning of October. Running I can do year round. By the way, still use my 310XT like your wife a while back love that watch! But the new Fenix is finally something I’m willing to upgrade to.

  96. Scott

    In the spring and summer I race endurance races. In the fall and winter, I play hockey. Keeps me interested and not burned out on one sport.

  97. risto

    Outdoors only at weekends, gymnastics hall exercises with mates.
    Oh its dark and cold here.

  98. Joseph Crawford

    I move the bike inside onto the trainer, and I start focusing on shorter higher quality workouts.

  99. Steven

    Train indoors on my Kickr. Also planning on trying cross country skiing this year too.

  100. Andrew

    Carb loading for next season :)