A November Garmin (Fancy) Fenix3 Giveaway


It’s somehow already halfway through November, and we’ve lacked a giveaway this month.  Heck, did we even have a giveaway last month? That seems like eons ago.  My bad.

No worries though, I’m here to save the day.  Or at least, save Tuesday.  I’ll be giving you a Fenix3.  But not any Fenix3, one of their newfangled fancy looking Fenix3 watches.  Had I thought this post through a little bit more, I could have put it on Friday, and named it the ‘Fancy Fenix3 Friday Freebie’, but alas – I didn’t think of that until now as I write on the plane.  My mental schedule is set for the week, and here it is.

In any case, they released these ones back a few months ago.  One is more of a leather strap, and the other more womanly with swanky rose gold trimmings.  Though honestly, it’s still kinda a big watch for a woman – so if you’re more petite – I’ll let you downsize and pick some other GPS watch that Clever Training stocks, even if it might not look as pretty and be lacking the flower power.


Since I landed in a snowy place this evening, we’re going to get you thinking about winter. To enter, simply leave a quick comment with an answer to the following:

How do you adapt your training schedule for winter? Do you change sports altogether, or do you happen to be one of those lucky ducks living in Hawaii?

Giveaway closes Friday evening, November 20th at 11:59PM US Eastern Time.


Oh – and by the way – I’m piloting a bit of a new option for folks to support the blog.  Many of you have asked for a way to simply support more directly than via Amazon or Clever Training purchases.  Now you can!  If you become a DCR Supporter™ (no, not really trademarked) you’ll help support things around these parts.  More tangibly though, you’ll get a totally ad-free site.  Although you’ll still have to put up with my occasional rosé wine inspired tech rants.  And pictures of the food I eat.  And my travels.  None of those disappear.

I use PayPal as a processing provider, but you need not have a PayPal account (it takes any credit card).  I don’t store your credit card info, nor do I sell/giveaway your e-mail/info.  But obviously you’re creating an account here to sign-in (so you can be super-special going forward and skip the ads).  But to be SUPER CLEAR – you need not sign-up to enter the giveaway.  As will ALWAYS be the case, my regular giveaways are free to enter.

You can also sign-up for just my newsletter – which is a roughly once a week collection of my posts and a few additional tidbits.  Again, another thing that a gazillion of you have asked for for many years.  Simply hit up the checkbox at the bottom.

With that – thanks for reading, and the support!  And of course, as always, thanks to Clever Training for giving away some really pretty watches!  You can always save 10% with them via the DCR Coupon Code or VIP program.


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  1. Paul

    This winter will be hitting the gym more often to work on form / stability / flexibility.

    • Mike

      No need to change things up in sunny F-L-A

    • Rick Recker

      Just add layers.

    • Dave

      Warmer gear!

    • Torgeir Nes

      Due to rain I normally have to hit the treadmill way to often during the winter months.
      Really hard to get the mileage I want but itll have to do 🙁

    • Jake

      I just moved to Denver from Raleigh and I wasn’t planning on making any changes but the snow coming down outside is making me rethink that plan…

    • Adam Borah

      In Texas. A few more trainer rides. Less open water swimming.

    • simbie

      just more clothes

    • Fabrice

      Hi Ray,

      On winter I am adding at least 1 km to my warm up. and then here we go !!!


    • Tim

      While many in MSP ride outside through the winter, I do not. Swimming indoors is of course still ok, and running is ok with the right clothing and routes.

      So I suppose my adaption is by biking more inside and generally doing less training.

    • Chris

      I will start riding indoors on new Wahoo Kickr

    • Jake Walker

      This winter will bring on more calisthenics training in order to better manipulate my body weight. A lot of my friends are pushing strength training and heavy compound lifts, but fail miserably at repping out pull-ups or running sprints. I think it is important to first be able to maneuver your own body weight before throwing 250-300 lbs on your back and chest.

    • JR

      When the roads are icy and the tracks are covered with snow, I end up doing most of my quality sessions on a treadmill. With the amount of time necessary to change speed, and the top speed limitations of many treadmills, that means a lot of long intervals at 10k-HM pace.

    • K Barnes

      just put on a hat!

    • Daniel

      I throw on warmer clothes and welcome the snow. Central Park is more peaceful with fewer runners out and about, and you feel a sense of camaraderie with those who made it out there.

    • Matthew Dougherty

      Does sledding with kids every day count as training ?

    • steve mayo

      I’ll simply dress warmer and run in the snow. In the event of dangerous ice, I’ll run on the basement treadmill!

    • Jake Smith

      I try to be more flexible with my training. Spend more time in the gym so if the weather is bad it won’t throw me off schedule too much

    • Rich Moskowitz

      I mainly take my running indoors to the dreaded treadmill. I have all sorts of cold weather running gear but I just can’t get myself out the door anymore on those cold dark wet mornings. I give kudos to those who can get out but I’m ok with the treadmill, and occasionally an indoor track if I can get in.


    • Jon Western

      During winter, the treadmill becomes my best (and eventually worst) friend.

    • Kevin

      I switch from the biking to the running! But I would love to have this cool gadget to record my runs with! As now, I need to take my Garmin Edge with me… which is not that easy to savely put it away. #winterinBelgium

    • Alex

      I definitely push my morning running from 6am to 7-7:30am waiting for the sun to be up. I hope to run same 3-4 times a week with focus on strength and endurance, speed is tricky on slippery paths. Hopefully I will do some core strength…finally.

    • Gabe

      I swim less — if at all. 🙂 I instead spend that time on strength / weight work and plan to use a halo bench for some technique work. Focus the running and cycling on base-building, and the volume on cycling comes down. Try to just enjoy and reconnect with exercising just because I like it and like how it makes me feel — without a strict, structured routine.

    • Mike

      I just move to the trainer/treadmill inside and get bored staring at the wall or watching netflix.

    • Frazier

      I keep running outside but I move all of my strength work inside. Since I typically would slack off around the holidays, I participate in the Runners World Winter Streak and challenge my friends to do the same. I also find a fall race and sign up so I keep running and doing strength. Typically this is something like a Tough Mudder because it is a medium distance event and has plenty of strength training to stay fit.

    • Ken C

      My time on the bike moves from the road and trails to the Kickr. I also shift my focus from the bike to my skis (down hill and cross-country).

    • Jeff Tignor

      Basement trainer (new Tacx Vortex), pool, gym treadmill, and the occasional spin class

    • John H.

      After the racing season finished I took up running for the first time. I’ve found this very enjoyable so far and may even try a few duathlons next year. So my training for this winter will mostly consist of running and the turbo trainer.

    • Jared

      I put on slightly warmer clothing and hope for ice-free streets…. NYC.

    • David B

      Whilst I’m no lucky duck, I’m a close bird of flight living in Sydney! Need we say more – beautiful weather all year round and loads of great rides. But I also do drag out the Wahoo a bit more than the sunnier months and invest well in great lights! Thanks for all the brilliant work DC!

    • Willy

      Miami FL, winter is nice.

    • Chasqui Runner

      Winter is all I’ve known for the last year. Enjoyed wintered in CA, and moved quickly to South america to enjoy another set of winter (darn reversed seasons), by the time I move back state side, we’ll be back in winter again.
      I tent to overheat naturally, so winter running is in fact delightful. Don’t need that many layers just a good windbreaker every once in a while.

    • liftbigdata

      I live in Los Angeles, so no real ‘winter’. But on colder mornings, I increase my warmup times and throw on a vest and keep going.

    • Veny

      Not Hawaii, but Australia – weather is pretty good all year ’round and we’ve already come out of winter, of course. Didn’t change anything – kept up with running, gym & boxing training without changing very much. No need to even rug up any extra layers here – once you get going summery outfits just as good.

    • Nicholas Frenette

      Definitively more layers… I’m in Montreal !
      more running, less cycling

    • Olivier Leclercq

      Winter is on. X- country skiing for me after rollerski in summer.

    • Pete

      winter = lifting the weights

    • Paul

      Man up and apply the trainer when the weather is too bad. It is a shame my trainer is broken at the moment!

    • Emma

      It never gets that cold in Ireland and fortunately I love running in the rain (it is green for a reason!), so it’s just making sure I’ve got the hi-vis gear on so I can run in the dark!

    • nicholas

      A very good watch for training. I am looking forward to start training!!

    • Brit S

      I run trails with the help of my yaktrax and/or hit the slopes of Colorado for some skiing.

    • Adam

      More time in the gym focusing on strength and flexibility. And more time on the trainer focusing on strength and time in the aero position.

      Definitely love running outside in the fall. Briskness beats humidity any day.

  2. Russell Shaw

    Just bought a Kickr a few weeks ago. Planning on getting my money’s worth this winter.

  3. TomislavBl

    Having a nice climate in Croatia means not giving up on a regular outdoor trainings – just adding a layer or two of clothes 🙂

  4. Richard ODonnell

    I hit the indoor trainer and brave the outdoor weather as well

  5. Dr. D

    Dust down the Concept 2 rowing machine.

  6. David Campigotto

    Here in Colorado means trading the bike in (on most weekends) for the board and caving it up on the slopes.

  7. Davidc

    No need living in Australia

  8. Matthias

    Switch from biking to running and do more yoga during winter.

  9. skim1124

    The weather is mild enough that I don’t have to make any adjustments for winter other than putting on gloves once in a while.

  10. Harm

    Run more, less cycling

  11. runningtoy

    I’m going to learn cross-country skiing as an alternativ training. Hope to be safe and sound w/o a broken leg in spring

  12. MickyC

    I just put more clothes on. Lots more clothes on……

  13. Winter in Melbourne, Australia just means putting on more clothes and having to clean your wet gear more.

  14. Huy Tran

    I just suffer through the winter runs and do more weight training

  15. Mathieu D

    Less biking, more swimming (although it’s haaaaard to get up at 6am to go to the swimming pool during cold winter days) and still as much running but in warm clothes.

  16. I’m going to double down on swimming!

  17. Dirk

    I am a runner. In winter I normally trade my early morning runs either for late afternoon runs or treadmill workouts. And weekends I do a bit of mountain biking.

  18. Ricardo Lucas

    I make the most of it in winter time – I’m living in Oman and during summer training outside is impossible, so when I have cold wheather I start running more outside and less on the treadmill.

  19. Wojciech

    While I still will go out for runs, I tend to hit the gym more and work on some core and strength exercises.

  20. Kelsea

    I’m a South Jersey/Philly/DC runner, so each year is different depending on how the winter unfolds! Swimming is always a constant, but outdoor running and biking sometimes get taken indoors if it’s too nasty outside.

  21. Dan

    Winter time is trainer/ski season. Nuff said…?

  22. Bastiaan Ceuppens

    Take a warmer shower afterwards.

  23. Ron

    XC full on – classic and skating…favourite time of the year.

  24. Dylan

    Living in Phoenix and disliking the heat the winter means it’s finally time to get outside on the trails and mountains!

  25. Steve E.

    I wear heavier clothes for running, switch to mtb for outside, get on the trainer inside.
    …or just sit in front of the tv more.

  26. Micah Roberts

    looking forward to the newsletter

  27. Stefan

    No change in sports, just more out in the dark.

  28. Ráksi, Ádám

    Spend more time in fittnes center (treadmill), decrease the amount of hiking, increase the amount of weight excerscises.

  29. More swimming, more layers while running or biking.

  30. JC

    During winter I enjoy Christmas dinner and train more to compensate the weight gain but I don’t ride a bike…to much alchool 🙂

  31. Gus

    Run. Thats all. Just run.

  32. BartoszB

    I will run outdoors as long as possible. But when the real cold comes I will switch to a threadmill wrokouts.

  33. Jon

    Run every day but less long runs. Enjoy the light and warmth of the pool. Find somerhing good to watching on kickr. Tour of sufferlandria.

  34. Blake Gentner

    Live in the SF Bay Area, so I get to cycle pretty much year round, so that’s what I do.

  35. Swanee

    Outdoor sports such as tennis, golf, running in summer with more indoor gym work in winter.

  36. Rolando

    Run-Sauna-Indoor Cycling-Sauna

  37. Sion Edwards

    Lucky enough to live in Northern California, other then needing some cool weather gear I can still ride and run outside. Pool is another story though.

  38. Hannu

    I switch to cx skiiing if possible

  39. Bernhard

    I’ll be trying my Kickr and Zwift 🙂

  40. hubcaps

    Kickr and trainer road for biking, running with more layers (snow shoes on trails if needed), but swimming stays the same

  41. Lee Weikert

    Bought a fat bike and commuting to work daily (live in Anchorage, AK).

  42. Sascha Klesper

    Indoor TRX Training……

  43. Mikko

    I’m dreaming of fatbike for snowy mtb training. In real life more swimming in the pool than in the lake. ????

  44. As long as there is no snow here in Finland it’s just training as usual… once the tracks are ready it’s going to be less cycling and more cross-country skiing…

  45. Maurice

    It seems i don’t have to adapt at least in november. No winter here in northern switzerland. Feels more like spring. And if the winter comes i will enjoy my runs.

  46. Matt

    Love winter runs when the weather is decent enough plus more hiking. No cycling or outdoors swimming though :/
    Also using the Gym more often.

  47. Simon

    Here in northen Norway its treadmil and icehockey 🙂

  48. sny

    Cycling moves to indoors. If the conditions permit, ice-skating can be picked up for a while.

  49. Brian Trinh

    I workout in the morning more because I like the cold.

  50. Alan Torrigino

    Here in the Napa Valley winter training includes less open-water swimming, more time on the KICKR with TrainerRoad training plans, lots of trail runs and time on the alpine skiing slopes!

  51. Peter Gaboury

    Kickr is out and ready, more swimming as well.

  52. Ian Meikle

    I live in Norway, mostly we just put on more clothes !

  53. Daniel Aspinall

    Winter, you say? Here in Brisbane, Aus, I put on arm warmers and full finger gloves for cycling, possibly change from short to long sleeves for running. These are the considerations taken by a fairly average Qld triathlete.

  54. Atul godbole

    I believe in Brett Sutton’s philosophy that there is no such thing as bad weather (winter), only bad clothing. So I just put on layers, shut up and run (or cycle or swim!).

  55. Chris

    Recovering from car wreck so most workouts are going to be inside already. I still will try to go hike on the beach across the street in warm Florida.

  56. Stefan Gutehall

    Winter for me here in Hong Kong means cooler weather so that I can spend more time running outdoors, the hot summers I tend to spend more indoors on a trainer. I will add some more speed training as well and change my indoor sessions into strength/core training.

    A Fenix 3 would be perfect to track my more varied outdoor training 😉

  57. Strontal

    I switch from road/tt riding to intensive cyclo-cross and mtb rides (you never get cold with that)… If the weather is reaaally bad, less riding, more running. And if there is too much snow I’ll be ski-skating (though it is less easy cause it requires a 30 minutes drive from home).

  58. ilias varadas

    I must workout harder.

  59. Jeff Patrick

    meh, I live in Seattle so really – I just keep wearing my rain jacket and just layer up a bit more. 🙂

  60. Glenn

    Still run outdoors in the Philadelphia area, just wear lots of layers.

  61. sadewo

    I try to run outside if it’s not snowing or if the road isn’t deadly slippery. The next option is to hit the dread mill — with the occasional indoor track run at a nearby uni.

  62. Rene van der A

    This winter I’m starting to run instead of only riding on the turbo trainer. This so I get to be outdoors.

  63. Vivek

    Zwift is going to save my winter!

  64. Grant

    Wattbike – say no more

  65. Simon

    More gym, less biking but running remains the same

  66. Andrey Nikanorov

    No changes in sports. Little change in equipment and plan. More warm clothes, spikes and more long rather than speed runs.

  67. S-Go

    I live in Goa. ‘Winter’ here is the best weather so training ramps up.

  68. Thirumaran

    Need a Garmin on & off the bike !

  69. Ramsey

    Split my time between New Mexico and Houston. Running/biking in Houston, snowboarding in New Mexico!

  70. Allen

    I spend a lot of time on the treadmill. I watch and review bad movies for a blog to pass the time.

  71. Byron

    I find the rain almost a refreshing change, and running in the rain makes me feel all the more hardcore. So it’s running in the rain and eating an extra helping of winter food to get the extra layer for the early morning rides.

  72. DC runner

    Same runs, less cycling, and xc skiing when snow permits!

  73. Clair Stewart

    Living in the SW US our weather doesn’t get too bad but when wind hits the trainer beckons

  74. Sandeep

    Hiking and bush walking is my thing. Love the combination of cold external environment against a warm internal condition. However saying that I’m in Australia and summer is fast approaching.

  75. Marti

    I usually reduce milleage a do more swimming but staying in Arizona this winter will allow me to keep running. The swimming pools are freezing cold while the outside is perfect for running.

  76. Will

    I got myself a gym membership to continue running in the winter, but I still plan on doing long runs outside for my sanity sake…. that is, if the Chicago winter isn’t another polar vortex

  77. Nicholas

    Australia mate…. What’s winter?

  78. Olli

    More running (outdoors) and cycling indoors. Weather in Finland can be challenging if you like to get fresh air multiple times a week.

  79. Hubert

    Switching to the Turbo-Trainer in Winter. Gives my Training a steady manner in the winter.

  80. Kester Spindler

    Bundle up and go.

  81. Garrett

    I go to work earlier to get out and run before dark. Layers and sunsets! (colorado)

  82. Matt

    I’ll be spending a few weeks in Florida, so beach running it will be most probably. Other than that, back home, I’ll still be running regularly, with reduced mileage. Being winter, I’ll be doing ski mountaineering and nordic skiing to keep in motion and enjoy the mountains.

  83. Paul Reed

    Here in Canada you’ve gotta do what you can to survive. Colder weather = trainer and treadmill time. Lots of Trainerroad and Netflix helps the hours indoors pass quickly.

  84. Richard

    Long slow Runs with short hard peaks once a week.
    In Hawai i would do the same, course of the planing of future races in 2016.

  85. joel

    California and day light savings just means more midday workouts.

  86. Chris Fisher

    Road bikes are in the cellar, but I’d rather be outside than indoors on the trainer. Nothing beats a run outside or a bit of mountain biking in the snow

  87. gunther

    some cross country skiing , more running , run and bike in the snow…

  88. Eric M

    It’s not Hawaii but Houston finally cools down enough you can run while the sun is up. Training is ramping up now! Oh yeah, and some times I throw on a long sleeve shirt…

  89. Vershawn

    Winter training plan:
    1: Eat good
    2: Fitness Kickboxing
    3: Ordering a smart turbo trainer with your review help!

  90. Kyle

    In a normal year, I ride less and run more once the days get shorter. This year I’m dealing with a foot injury by swimming more and hoping I can run soon.

  91. Brad

    Still running before work, but now I’ve got to wait until first light to get started.

  92. Brendan Watt

    Here in Brisbane, Australia I swap the training singlet for a training t-shirt come winter. That is the only change in my training.

  93. Barrett

    Studded tires go on the bike with a stronger light. Add skating if the lakes freeze over.

  94. wintertraining means cleaning the bike and putting it on my Kurt Kinetic for some high-intensive vo2max-training. When there is some sunshine I’ll have a run in the park – and therefore I really like to have a fenix3 to replace my FR305

  95. Heiti Hallikma

    More skiing (hopefully) and less bike during winter.

  96. Rob

    My workout does not change … Just hit the Trails !

  97. sandeep

    Bush walking & hiking is my thing. Love the combination of cold external environment against a warm internal condition. However saying that I’m in Australia and summer is fast approaching.

  98. Frank

    Bundle up, but mix up a bit more with running, core work and the trainer

  99. Stijn

    Not really needed to adapt to the weather here in Belgium either. Although group rides on the bike are a bit more scarce 😉

  100. Christophe

    i’m running in altitude, before a day of alpine skiing.

    It’s the beginning of my running hill season