TdF 2015: Comprehensive list of Strava & TrainingPeaks pro uploads by stage


Over the last few weeks the folks at both Strava and TrainingPeaks have been sending me occasional (or daily in some cases) updates of each file upload to their respective services for all riders in the Tour de France that have made the data public.  Many times this includes power data, while other times it’s just GPS & speed/heart rate/cadence data.

But fear not – no matter what data is there, pretty much all of the files will make you feel lazy.  I’ve taken all of the data they’ve sent over and consolidated together into a comprehensive list.  Note that this only includes full second by second data (no ‘total average’ type stuff).

If folks know of other links to full rider files not listed here for the 2015 Tour de France, just drop a note in the comments and I’ll try and update the list accordingly.  I figure it’d be kinda neat to have a one-stop-shop for all activities from this year.  Perhaps it’ll be useful to someone.

Note that the titles are as-is by the rider as was uploaded to Strava or TrainingPeaks.  Here’s a couple of things worthy of checking out:

– All of the file names that Koen de Kort gives his Strava rides. Hilarious stuff.
– The last entry in each section is the TrainingPeaks ride uploaded for that stage. These all have power data for them.  You can find short TrainingPeaks analysis blurbs of each one within these three posts: Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3.
– The mountain stages (Pyrenees in the middle, Alps towards the ends). Riders such as Paul Voss and Paul Martens do have power data in theirs as well.
– The fact that some of the riders rest day rides are still 2 hours long.
– The files of stage winners Andre Greipel, Romain Bardet and Thibaut Pinot on their respective wins.

With that – let’s dive into it!

Note: All stage profile images from the LeTour.fr site.

TdF Stage 1:


Laurens ten Dam Crazy crowds. Unforgettabe!
Robert Gesink
Tour De France, Timetrail #Utrecht, The Netherlands. One of the best experiences ever on a bike! #CrazyCrowds
Steven Kruijswijk
2015-07-04 15:13:21
Koen de Kort
TT Tour de France, absolutely loved it despite not going very fast. Best experience in my life. AWESOME AWESOME
Paul Martens
TdF TT, teamclassification 1st, Bam!!!
Paul Voss
Tour de France/1.Stage (TT)
Luke DurbridgeStage 1

TdF Stage 2:


Koen de Kort Nice start, bit of a storm and a nice sunny final. Unfortunately I had to change my shoe after someone rode into it just when it all happened. I’m annoyed
Laurens ten Dam
Data till crash. Than Pioneer was on top of car.
Paul Martens –
2nd stage TDF, bad luck for the team
Jeremy Roy
TDF #2
Steven Kruijswijk –
TdF 2 #wind & rain #i want mountains;)
Thibaut Pinot
Tour de France – Etape 2
Damiano Caruso – 07/05/2015 Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Emanuel Buchmann
Tour de France Stage 2
Georg Preidler –
TdF Stage 2… didnt expect that much stress :O
Jacques Janse van Rensburg –
07/05/2015 Tour de France Stage 2
Marcel Wyss –
2. Etappe TdF, Wind & Regen aber kein Sturz
Michal Kwiatkowski –
07/05/2015 Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Luke RoweStage 2

TdF Stage 3:


Robert Gesink – Tour de France, Hectic Stage 3. Mur de Huy. 14th.
Alex Dowsett –
07/06/2015 Antwerpen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Michael Kwiatkowski –
07/06/2015 Boechout, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Damiano Caruso –
07/06/2015 Boechout, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Jacques Janse van Rensburg –
Tour de France Stage 3
Koen de Kort –
2015-07-06 13:12:39
Marcel Wyss –
3. Etappe TdF, Mur du Huy, scheiss Tag fürs Team!
Paul Martens –
3rd stage TdF , totally crazy here
Steven Kruijswijk –
TdF 3 #deja vu #crashes #still in one piece
Emmanuel Buchmann –
Tour de France Stage 3
Roy Jeremy –
TDF #3 Bon retablissement William
Paul Voss
Tour de France/3.Stage
Luke RoweStage 3

TdF Stage 4:


Koen de Kort – Cobbles in the Tour. Really good legs but a wrong decision in the final and no champagne for us. Disappointed!
Paul Voss –
Thibaut Pinot – http://www.strava.com/activities/341119973
Andre Greipel https://www.strava.com/activities/341114575
Steven Kruijswijk – https://www.strava.com/activities/341020170
Georg Preidler – https://www.strava.com/activities/341014407
Jeremy Roy – https://www.strava.com/activities/341087878
Paul Martens – https://www.strava.com/activities/341039065
Marcel Wyss – https://www.strava.com/activities/341054972
Michal Kwiatkowski – https://www.strava.com/activities/341022292
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – https://www.strava.com/activities/341075109
Emanuel Buchmann – https://www.strava.com/activities/341208042
Damiano Caruso – https://www.strava.com/pros/4084289
Laurens ten Dam – https://www.strava.com/activities/341019365
Luke RoweStage 4

TdF Stage 5:


Andre Greipel07/08/2015 Arras, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Alex Dowsett07/08/2015 Arras, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Robert Gesink – Tour de France Stage 5. This probably looked like an easy day on TV… IT WASN’T.
Koen de Kort – Lots of wind, very stressful but no echelons, all GC teams wanted to avoid time loss rather than cause it. We tried a leadout in the bunch sprint but we need a little bit of fine tuning. We’ll get there!
Laurens ten Dam – 2015-07-08 12:45:31
Michal Kwiatkowski – 07/08/2015 Marœuil, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Paul Voss – Tour de France/5.Stage
Damiano Caruso – 07/08/2015 Sainte-Catherine, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 5
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 5
Roman Bardet – TDF #4 : du stress en veux tu en voilà.
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 5
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 5
Svein TuftStage 5

TdF Stage 6:


Robert GesinkTour de France, Stage 6! Easy day with hard final!
Alex Dowsett – 07/09/2015 Abbeville, Picardie, France
Andre Greipel – 07/09/2015 Abbeville, Picardie, France
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 6
Georg Preidler – TdF Stage 6…chasing all day
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 6
Koen de Kort – Less stressful stage until the last 50km, tried hard to set John up for another sprint, we’ll keep trying until we succeed.
Marcel Wyss – 6. Etappe TdF, ein ruhiger Tag im Kraftsparmodus
Michal Kwiatkowski – 07/09/2015 Yonval, Picardie, France
Paul Martens – Stage 6 tdF , finallly a little bit less stress
Paul Voss – Tour de France/6.Stage
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 6
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 6
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 6
Luke DurbridgeStage 6

TdF Stage 7:


Reinardt Janse van RensburgTour de France stage 7
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 7
Alex Dowsett – 07/10/2015 Livarot, Basse-Normandie, France
Andre Greipel – 07/10/2015 Livarot, Basse-Normandie, France
Emanuel Buchman – Tour de France Stage 7
Georg Preidler – TdfF Stage 7 #niceday!!
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 7
Koen de Kort – Again some small mistakes in the final. Still feeling very strong personally but hasn’t translated to a Dege win. Yet!
Laurens ten Dam – This was a nice day
Marcel Wyss – 7. Etappe TdF, von der Normandie in die Bretagne
Michal Kwiatkowski – 07/10/2015 Sainte-Marguerite-des-Loges, Basse-Normandie, France
Paul Martens – 7th stage Tdf, already before kilometer 0 i tpuched the ground
Paul Voss – Tour de France/7.Stage
Robert Gesink – Tour de France, Stage 7. Bunchsprint. Hot day!
Jeremy Roy – TDF #7
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 7 #sunny friday #relax
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 7
Luke RoweStage 7

TdF Stage 8:


Laurens ten Dam – The Mur did hurt.
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 8
Alex Dowsett – 07/11/2015 Rennes, Bretagne, France
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 8
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 8
Koen de Kort – A day of rolling hills and from the intermediate sprint very high pace. Came into an accidental breakaway after the sprint when some guys kept going and when the bunch came back it was on. Didn’t stop until the finish line
Marcel Wyss – 8. Etappe TdF, erst Bummelfahrt, dann voll Gas!
Michal Kwiatkowski – 07/11/2015 Montgermont, Bretagne, France
Paul Martens – 8th stage TdF Mur de Bretagne
Paul Voss – Tour de France/8.Stage
Robert Gesink – TourDeFrance Stage8, Mur de Bretagne
Jeremy Roy – TDF #8 ..REnnes – mûr de Bretagne
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 8
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 8
Arnaud Demare #8 Tour de France, Mur de Bretagne!
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg Tour de France Stage 8
Luke RoweStage 8

TdF Stage 9 (Team Time Trial):


Team LottoNL- Jumbo:
Robert Gesink – Team Time Trail Tour De France 2015
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 9 #TTT
Paul Martens – Stage 9, TTT
Luke RoweStage 9

TdF Rest Day #1:

(No official stage this day, just rest day rides)

LottoNL-Jumbo Rest Day Rides

Robert Gesink – Tour de France, First Restday Ride!
Laurens ten Dam – Restday ride
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF #restday

TdF Stage 10:


Robert Gesink – Tour de France, Jippie!!!! Great day! 4th.
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 10
Alex Dowsett – 07/14/2015 Tarbes, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Arnaud Demare – #10 Tour de France, La pierre saint Martin
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage10
Jacques van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 10
Laurens ten Dam –
Mountainfinish #1!
Marcel Wyss – 10. Etappe, TdF, krank :-(
Michal Kwiatkowski – 10. Etappe, TdF, krank :-(
Paul Martens – 10th stage, first Hc mountain,
Paul Voss – Tour de France/10.Stage
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 10 – First Mountain stage
Jeremy Roy – TDF #10 Tarbes-Pierre St Martin
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 10 #first Mountain
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 10
Steve Morabito – TDF_Etape 10_Pierre Saint Martin
Luke DurbridgeStage 10

TdF Stage 11:


Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 11
Robert Gesink – Tour de France Stage11. Hard start! Hard Tourmalet and Hard finish! So, hard day in general… ;)
Andre Greipel – 07/15/2015 Pau, Aquitaine, France
Michal Kwiatkowski07/15/2015 Meillon, Aquitaine, France
Laurens ten Dam – 2015-07-15 11:46:52
Alex Dowsett – 07/15/2015 Pau, Aquitaine, France
Georg PreidlerTdF Stage 11 even more dehydrated
Arnaud Demare#11 Tour de France, Aspin, Tourmalet, Echappé
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 11
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France Etape 11
Koen de KortThat was a stage I’ll definitely remember after the Tour. Full gas all day in incredible heat but at least I had some good legs!
Marcel Wyss11. Etappe TdF, Col d’Aspin & Col de Tourmalet
Steven KruijswijkTdF 11 #not good enough
Simon Yates15/07/2015 Pau, Aquitaine, France
Steve Morabito15/07/2015 Pau, Aquitaine, France
Paul VossTour de France/11.Stage
Paul Martens11th stage Cauterets, full gas in the heat
Jeremy RoyTDF#11 Pau Cauterets
Warren Barguil
2015-07-15 10:46:34
Luke DurbridgeStage 11

TdF Stage 12:


Michal Kwiatkowski – 07/16/2015 Lannemezan, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Georg Preidler – TdfF Stage 12….breakaway day! #outch
Jeremy Roy – TDF#12 Lannemezan – Plateau de Beille
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 12 #hard stage
Arnaud Demare – #12 Tour de France, PLateau de Beille , KO
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 12
Koen de Kort – Hot and sunny at the start, rain and cold at the finish with lots of mountains in between
Laurens ten Dam – Hot. Hotter. Rain and cold. Last Pyrenees done
Marcel Wyss – 12. Etappe TdF, Königsetappe, immer noch keine Kraft
Paul Martens – 12th stage, pressed start too late.
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 12
Robert Gesink – Hard but good day @Letour. Unlucky flat tire at the start of Plateau de Beille. Changed bikes.
Simon Yates – 16/07/2015 Lannemezan, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 12
Steve Morabito – TDF_Etape 12_Plateau de Beille
Alexandre Geniez – TDF etape 12 porter aspet la core port de l’hers et bielle
Luke RoweStage 12

TdF Stage 13:


Paul Martens – 13th stage, cooked, but good finish for me
Robert Gesink – TDF, a day in the oven. #HotHotHot
Michael Kwiatkowski – 07/17/2015 Venerque, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Emanuel BuchmannTour de France Stage 13
Jacques Janse van RensburgTour de France Stage 13 – Must have been about 40C out there today + melting road made for a really tough day…
Laurens ten Dam2015-07-17 12:20:54
Paul VossTour de France/13.Stage
Steven KruijswijkTdF 13 #roasted
Thibaut Pinot17/07/2015 Muret, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Adam YatesTDF STAGE 13
Arnaud Demare#13 Tour de France , Rodez , CHAUD!!!!!!
Reinardt Janse van RensburgTour de France – Stage 13 – No easy days in the Tour!! Strong break and full gas chase all day. Scorching hot and iritated riders
Luke RoweStage 13

TdF Stage 14:


Thomas De Gendt – 18-07-15 Rodez, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 14
Armaud Demare – #14 Tour de France, Rodez—> Mende
Emmanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 14
Georg Preidler – TdF Stage 14…
Koen de Kort – Day in the break, hard to get into the break but alright once I was there. Unfortunately the finish climb was way too hard! 15th
Laurens ten Dam – Some time you’re in the flow. Some time you’re not
Marcel Wyss – 14. Etappe TdF, schöne Landschaft aber keine Zeit zum geniessen…
Michal Kwiatkowski – 07/18/2015 Le Monastère, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Paul Martens – Stage 14 Mende
Paul Voss – Tour de France/14.Stage
Robert Gesink – TDF Stage to Mende.
Simon Yates – 18/07/2015 Rodez, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 14
Luke DurbridgeStage 14

TdF Stage 15:


Paul Voss – Tour de France/15.Stage
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 15
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 15
Georg Preidler – TdF Stage 15…#vroem, vroem
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 15
Koen de Kort – What a day, high pace from the start and it never slowed down, somehow ended in a bunch sprint and we did all we could for Dege again. So close…
Laurens ten Dam – Kind of horrorday. Suffered with the big S
Marcel Wyss – 15. Etappe TdF, FAST! Den ganzen Tag in den Lenker gebissen
Michal Kwiarowski – 07/19/2015 Mende, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Paul Martens – 15th stage, really fast ride
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 15
Robert Gesink – TDF, Fast day!
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 15 #fastttt
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 15
Luke DurbridgeStage 15

TdF Stage 16:


Robert Gesink – TDF, Bonjour Gap!
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 16
Laurens ten Dam – See tweet. Gap is no nice to me. Hopefully tomorrow it is.
Marcel Wyss – 16. Etappe TdF, herzlich willkommen Ruhetag!
Michal Kwiatkowski – 07/20/2015 Romans-sur-Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France
Paul Martens – 16th stage Gap
Paul Voss – Tour de France/16.Stage
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 16
Romain Bardet – Gap #TDF
Jeremy Roy – TDF #16 Bourg-de-Péage / GAP
Simon Yates – 20/07/2015 Bourg-de-Péage, Rhône-Alpes, France
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 16 #…..
Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 16
Luke RoweStage 16

TdF Rest Day #2:

(No official stage this day, just rest rides)

Robert GesinkTDF Restday Ride

TdF Stage 17:


Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 17
Robert Gesink – TDF stage 17!
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 17
Arnaud Demare – #17 Tour de france, Pra Loup
Emanuel Buchmann – #17 Tour de france, Pra Loup
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 17
Laurens ten Dam – 2015-07-22 12:45:28
Marcel Wyss – 17. Etappe TdF, erste Alpen Bergetappe
Paul Martens – 17th stage Pra Loup.
Paul Voss – Tour de France/17.Stage
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 17
Jeremy Roy – TDF #17 Digne-les-Bains, Pra Loup
Simon Yates – 22/07/2015 Digne-les-Bains, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 17 #breakaway
Luke RoweStage 17

TdF Stage 18:


Romain Bardet – Victoire sur le Tour. #happiestriderever
Robert Gesink – TDF Stage 18!
Arnaud Demare – TDF Stage 18!
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 18
Jacques Janse van Rensberg – Tour de France Stage 18
Koen de Kort – Rode on the front in a TdF mountain stage for the first time in my life. I liked it!
Laurens ten Dam – 2015-07-23 12:11:33
Marcel Wyss – 18. Etappe TdF, harte Bergetappe
Paul Martens – 18th stage glandon, what a mo… F…er
Paul Voss – Tour de FranceTour de France Stage 18/18.Stage
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 18
Jeremy Roy – TDF#18 GAP – St Jean Maurienne
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 18
Luke DurbridgeStage 18

TdF Stage 19:


Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 19
Arnaud Demare – #19 Tour de France, Chaussy, Croix de Fer, Mollard, Toussuire
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 19
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 19
Koen de Kort – Bad day to have a bad day. Made the time cut so all is good!
Laurens ten Dam – More than tired
Marcel Wyss – 19. Etappe TdF, Gruppetto… Paris ist das Ziel…
Paul Martens – 19th stage. NOT normal .
Paul Voss – Tour de France/19.Stage
Robert Gesink – TDF Stage 19!
Jeremy Roy – TDF #20 St Jean – Toussuire via Chaussy , Croix de Fer, Mollard !!!
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 19 #hard stage
Luke DurbridgeStage 19

TdF Stage 20:


Thibaut Pinot – Tour de France – Etape 20… MAGIQUE!
Adam Yates – TDF STAGE 20
Arnaud Demare – #20, Tour de France, Alpes d’Huez!!!
Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 20
Marcel Wyss – Was für eine Leistung von Mathias Frank nach 2x Radwechsel und Sturz an der Alpe d’Huez!
Paul Voss – Tour de France/20.Stage
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 20
Jeremy Roy – TDF #20 Alpe d’Huez .ohhhhhhhh YESSSSSSSSSS
Steven Kruijswijk – TdF 20 #AlpedHuez #Ambiance!
Alexandre Geniez – Etape 20 dans l’échappée vers l’alpes
Luke DurbridgeStage 20

TdF Stage 21:


Emanuel Buchmann – Tour de France Stage 21
Laurens ten Dam – 2015-07-26 16:18:46
Georg Preidler – TdF Stage 21over and out
Jacques Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 21 Champs-Elysees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reinardt Janse van Rensburg – Tour de France Stage 20 – Wow, so happy to arrive in Paris and finish. I can definitely tell you I am pretty empty and relieved to make it to the finish now.
Steven Kruijswijk – 2015-07-26 16:46:05
Marcel Wyss – 21. Etappe TdF, Paris Champs-Elysees!
Thomas de Gendt – 26-07-15 Meudon, Île-de-France, France

Go forth and enjoy! Thanks for reading!


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  1. simon

    brilliant – interesting to see some team sky stuff on there :)

    PS – problem with the stage 10 link
    Michal Kwiatkowski – 10. Etappe, TdF, krank :-(
    links to Marcel Wyss ride

  2. Claus

    still would have liked to see that entire datafile from Froome’s win at stage 10 and not that BS they came up with at the pressconf. – Anyone could make those claims when they aren’t backing it up with the real datafile. I dont really think he cheats, but i really dont like it when management then goes on a limb to tell what has been done without any kind of proof. That just makes it even more suspicious.

    But this is definately cool. – Also if anyone is into MTB’ing, Nino used to use strava as well and we could see a lot of his training workouts, and an occasional WC run.

  3. great post – nice to have many riders data into one single place

  4. Graeme

    Jacques Janse van Rensburg actually posted every stage on Strava, so there his links are missing from a few of your stages:
    link to strava.com

  5. Gesink stage4
    link to strava.com
    Greetings from blog zitaSport

    Gesink stage2
    link to strava.com

    Why not Thomas De Gendt? (Stage4)
    link to strava.com

    All stages of Thomas De Gendt are in STRAVA
    link to strava.com

    Romain Bardet
    Stage 14
    link to strava.com

    Romain Bardet
    Stage 12
    link to strava.com

    Romain Bardet
    link to strava.com

    Marcel Wyss (IAM Cycling)
    All stages in STRAVA
    link to strava.com

    Dylan van Baarle (Cannondale)
    link to strava.com

    (Edit from Ray: Just consolidated all your contributions/finds into a single comment – greatly appreciate them!)

    • Awesome – thanks ZitaSport! Just consolidated your comments into a single post just to make it easier to read.

      I’ll be rounding up all of the additions in a little bit here and adding them to the main post. Thanks again!

    • gabriel

      sorry Ray
      i found and i comment
      excuse me please
      great job…
      i am going to use the data for an article about critical power in pros and an antidoping system

  6. corey

    Will these be posted from the worlds??

    • While Strava did send me over a list of everyone who is racing worlds from a Pro standpoint (and their Strava profiles), I’m not quite sure I’ll tackle consolidating them again.

  7. Fran

    would love to see something similar for Kona