And by world domination, I mean the worldly domination of the endurance sports technology segment. Which based on our detailed multi-pronged collaborative research study is 12 people (8 if you don’t count both our parents). No worries, we’re going to make those 12 people very happy.
TRS Triathlon (aka The Real Starky) has been ramping up totally awesome detailed triathlon content, especially over the last month or two – and I’m jazzed to be part of it. Plus, since my awesome editor Randy has started working for the dark side as well writing full posts, I figured this would just make it a giant threesome (like swim/bike/run…get your mind out of the gutter).
Next week we’ll be launching our first podcast together. Well, technically we already hooked up ahead of our first date, back this winter. You’ll remember that podcast here (episode #12). But next week with the first episode we’ll tackle the flood of questions from readers such as yourself. The format will be a simple 30-minute weekly podcast covering everything from sports technology to the randomness of endurance sports and probably my life in general. It’s really whatever you ask about. Be it sports tech or something else entirely different.
Yup, you heard that right – what you ask! We’ll hear directly from you – your questions. You’ll leave a simple voice-mail question through the service below and then I’ll respond to them in the podcast, with plenty of TRS-style humor and probably a wee bit of snark. I’m a fair bit more sarcastic in real life than when writing, so hopefully that’ll keep it hilariously awesome. And when all else fails, wine is cheap here in France and can be applied easily.
Get your questions in ahead of next week, when we’ll be recording the first episode. To do so, just use the simple voice-mail gizmo below. I won’t see/hear the questions until answered live on the air.
So with that – go forth and get your questions in!
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Awesome, can’t wait to subscribe. I assume you’ll be posting here once you publish the first episode to make it easy for us to follow you?
Yup, absolutely!
This is going to be pretty awesome! Now I just a microphone…and questions.
Awesome! Will you be launching on iTunes!? It’ll make subscribing and syncing for my long runs nice and easy. Right… Time to think of some questions! :)
Add yet another fun dimension to the unexpected questioning!
Live stream your heart rate so that we can polygraph the answers you give to the questions whilst you try not to throw vendors under the bus, or let slip upcoming secret products.
You know you want to ;-)
Looking forward to listening. Good luck.
I am a bit hesitant of leaving messages as I have a too strong Italian accent.
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to listening to it!
Euh… what day is it today already?
This was posted yesterday. ;)
You mean it’s serious? Or, rather, real? ;-)
Is this an april fools’ prank? Because I really hope not
No joke! Definitely for realz!
Yay! Looking forward to it.
Ray – I hope you got my question/comment via the ‘Pipe’ app
as you may already know there’s a long history of TRS/Ben acting out regarding his inability to get his workouts off his 920xt.
Given the plethora of options (wifi, hard cable, app via bluetooth) clearly the man needs your help with this
my motivation was 50% for humor and 50% just so we could stop hearing about it (via twitter or in his podcast)
thanks for helping TRS Triathlon out – clearly he brings a fresh voice and some much needed love to the triathlon scene – and after all, you’re only one man, so we need something to enjoy on weeks when you only post 3 small items to the interwebs
Thanks Josh!
I don’t know if the question came in (I don’t hear them till TRS selects them for air), but I’m sure it’ll come up at some point!
Wasn’t this going to be released last week?
It was planned to be released this past Monday. Some logistical stuff in setting up the feed got delayed a bit. But should be good to go for next week. In the meantime, if you join the TRS Triathlon Patreaon program, you can actually listen to the first episode now: link to