Heads up: Summer Event Schedule–Outdoor Retailer, Eurobike, Interbike, and the ANT+ Symposium


It’s now August, and as a result so begins a sweep of various sports and fitness conventions and conferences.  Each of these conventions serves a slightly different audience, and as a result – draws a slightly different group of exhibitors.  So while major companies (i.e. Garmin), would be present at both Interbike and Eurobike, a slightly more European focused company might only show up at Eurobike and not Interbike (and vice versa).

The purpose of this post is twofold:

First, as a heads up to regular readers in the event you hear of things you want me to check out.  Either post them below, or if at the last minute during show-days, Twitter is best.

And Second, it’s a reminder for the industry folks for announcements.  The vast majority of you I talk with on a regular basis, so you’re likely already covered.  But if you’re a startup and I haven’t chatted with you and you plan to announce something, then it’s best to shoot me a note ahead of the event.  My posts are far more interesting and useful to your future consumers if I’m able to play with a device outside the show floor – even just for a morning pre-show run/ride/swim/hike/whatever, than they are if I have bland shots from the show floor with crappy lighting and no real use.

So here’s what I’ve got on my docket over the next eight weeks:

Outdoor Retailer: August 5th-8th (next week)


This will be my first time attending Outdoor Retailer (aka OR), which is held in Salt Lake City. It has an outdoor demo day, followed by a few days of indoor retailer time.  I’ll be skipping the outdoor demo day and in its place stopping by a company to do a ‘behind the scenes’ post.  More on that later.

As for Outdoor Retailer, by the looks of things it’s shaping up to be a solid show for new products – especially for the runners in the crowd, which is one of the core markets the show targets.  The show also targets hiking and more outdoorsy stuff like camping, etc…

Stay tuned, it’s gonna be a surprisingly busy week (more so than I would have expected actually)!

Eurobike: August 27th-29th


I’ve been going to Eurobike in Germany for a number of years now, and this continues to be Europe’s premier bike show, and the largest bike show on the planet.  Of course, it’s more than just bikes – but rather anything that can be attached to a bike.

In the sports technology world I don’t expect significant new activity as far as new head units go.  Rather, I think we’ll see some further clarity on a few outstanding announced but not yet available power meters, as well as the usual sweep of new offerings from the bike trainer companies.  Trainer companies always announce their products around this time – just prior to the Northern Hemisphere fall season.

You can get a feel for things from all my past Eurobike posts here.

Interbike: September 9th-12th


Interbike is the slightly smaller sibling to Eurobike, taking place just 10 days later.  The show tends to differ from Eurobike in that it attracts more North American companies than Eurobike would.  In most cases a smaller North American company would typically announce products at Interbike.  Whereas a global company would typically announce products at Eurobike.  There are always odd exceptions to this, but usually not too many.

When it comes to Interbike, I think we’ll only see a handful of new bike-specific products on those dates.  But sometimes we see non-bike-specific products from companies that are at the show, to take advantage of the available press and retailers.  For example, last year Polar announced the Polar Loop the same week as Interbike, just as Garmin announced the FR220 & FR620 the same week.

For a look at all past Interbike posts, your magic link is here.

ANT+ Symposium: September 24th-25th


Rounding up things we’ve got the ANT+ Symposium the last week of September.  This event brings in all the ANT+ players, so companies like SRAM/Quarq, Wahoo Fitness, CycleOps/PowerTap, Garmin, and many others.  Basically, if you make an ANT+ device (which is most companies in the space) – then you’re likely to be there.

In general you won’t find too many announcements here, though there are usually a number of interesting tidbits – and oftentimes companies will share sneak peeks at upcoming concepts that I can post about.  In some ways this is somewhat one of my favorite events because I’m talking with all the lead engineers at all these companies so the feedback tends to get directly to the right place.  And, it also lets them explain some of their thinking in a more relaxed setting than a conference call or e-mail chain.

Of course, also of note is that I’ll be delivering a keynote again this year.  Here’s the agenda description:

“As one of the most trusted bloggers in sport and fitness, Ray goes beyond what is currently happening and shares his views on the proverbial crystal ball, what consumers are asking for, and what will keep companies in the game. Is it the smart phone your device needs to talk to or the smart watch – or both?
Ray will end his informative session with a no holds barred Q&A.  Get your questions ready!”

You can hit up all my past ANT+ Symposium posts, including my previous three years of keynotes there via these links.

With that – hope everyone has a great weekend ahead!  I should have my Alpe d’Huez Race Report (the race was Thursday) all set by then.  Unfortunately the interwebs are a wee bit slow up here, so that’s putting the brakes on stuff.  Plus, The Girl and I are going to enjoy the weekend hiking around in the mountains.

Thanks for reading!


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  1. Brian

    Hey, if you need someone to run circles around in SLC next week, let me know!

  2. Joe

    As abit disgruntled garmin user I’d really like to know what te scoop is with:
    4iiii and updated functionality/support of viiiiva
    When SRM’s new power control unit will be out
    A brim-brothers zone update
    Info on wahoos third hr monitor with memory (the run x I think it was called) and if the will release a dual mode acceleration based speed sensor for cycling (like garmin’s new one that goes on the hub)

    I think those are the big ones for me. Have fun at the shows!

  3. Stepan

    -Garmin fr920xt release date ;)
    -Polar V800 update on FW updates


    PS: You rule

  4. Hans

    I don’t know if you are interested in it, but road bikes with disk brakes seam to be the new hype. If they are any good, and if they are easy to maintain. And even more importantly if the frames are resistent enough in the long term.


  5. Gregory

    Not sure if it can be answered on ANT+ Symposium, but maybe. Will Google give access to ANT+ chip in Nexus 5 without rooting the phone? Quite annoying having development handset which does not allow to use hardware.

    • Megan

      I have an HTC One, but I have the same question. And in general why is there so little smartphone support of ANT+?

    • Gregory

      Same with LG G2, difference is that Nexus 5 is officially marketed as development handset, but no development with ANT+ can be done.

  6. Jeremy Churcher

    Info from Tacx with respect to their timeline / plans for adoption of the ANT+ trainer control profile on Bushido and other units, based on their assertions last year.

    Many thanks in anticipation.

    • Scott E

      +1 on Tacx timeline on Ant+, plus their next update on the iPad app – they stopped at v1.01 last year, and the known bugs and lack of live videos have been languishing like a stale loaf of bread – Thank you Ray

    • Scott E

      Whoops, just noted that they put out an update to the app last week. Guess you get to a point where you lose hope before finally being thrown a bone

    • Yeah, I’m working to put something together on their new trainers – pretty cool actually. Though, they won’t have the ANT+ Trainer Profile initially. They’re watching for user demand there, unfortunately.

  7. likepend1

    I’m interested, if there will be any updates on non-gps watches? Like rcx5 update …. a v800 without gps (just activity tracking + BT). Because i love the battery-life of 8-11 Months & slim design.

    many thanks!

    • I honestly think we’ve probably seen the end of non-GPS watches in their current form (aka: watches that need a separate pod for GPS). I think we’ll continue to see the rise/expansion of smart watches (where the phone drives the entire interaction). But I don’t think we’ll see any non-GPS watches that aren’t heavily phone dependent.

      The reason is simple: The number of endurance focused consumers interested in such is incredibly small. Note, I’m not talking about regular watches, but rather watches like the RCX3 and RCX5.

  8. Dave F

    *IF* Garmin were to announce a new 910xt replacement, based on past history is it likely it would happen at any of these events?

  9. Bob Goodman

    1. Garmin’s reaction to the Edge 1000 experience (released too early, advertised functions not available or working correctly, your fairly negative review) and whether they have any lessons learned to admit to.
    2. Quarq is about to release a new firmware for magnetless operation…..
    3. New Di2/Ant integration or features (intelligent shifting, extending the new XTR programmed shifting to road groups, new functionality or improvements on existing devices that use the di2 private Ant)

    • Richard

      I second the Di2 improvements and I’d also like to see that between Shimano and Garmin that they could try to utilize the flight deck buttons on the brifters as a remote with similar functions to the edge and o-sync remotes.

      Also functions to perhaps reconfigure shifting without needing the e-tube software.

      Battery range “estimate” would also be cool rather than just a percentage along with a pop up warning similar to power meters etc that warn of low battery.

  10. Gunnar

    It will be interesting to hear what the movers and shakers at the ANT+ symposium think about the increased use of Bluetooth in sports technology.

  11. SteveT

    Any inside perspectives on the Apple iWatch or other “invaders” into the sports/health device space?

    Enjoy the outdoors and your family!


    • Yup, I’d say everyone is thinking/talking about it – and will be one of the key areas I discuss in my keynote – which will be the week prior to the supposed iWatch announcement.

      Ultimately, the core things that will impact the GPS watch maker market is whether or not the iWatch is fully waterproofed and whether or not it has GPS in it. Further, if sensors are integrated into it like we saw with Samsung, that could also be a huge impact. Companies will have to start realizing more and more that just having GPS is no longer going to be competitive.

    • Eli

      Apple will make the iwatch very dependent on the iPhone. So why would the watch have a gps if it expects the user to have their phone with them?

    • Exactly my point. ;)

      If it doesn’t have GPS, then I think it’ll have far less an impact to today’s sport device watches than if it does.

  12. Rocking Rob

    I am in the market for a power meter. Are you anticipating any news regarding power meters for less than $1200?
    Thanks for your awesome site!

  13. Myria

    Any clues as to what changes are coming to The Echo? Magellan has been hinting at what looks like a new version, possibly a firmware update for step counting, to be announced this week.

    It’s Friday and no official announcement yet that I’ve seen.

  14. paul furniss

    I heard from a tri store owner that the 920 will be out before Christmas, is that true?

  15. David Nicolau

    I would like any new news from SRAM on thiers new wireless shifting or anything SRAM


  16. Jason

    Any rumbling you’ve heard on the new Apple Watch?

  17. Earl VEALE

    Hey Ray.
    Do the electronic gear-shifters output any data that can be captured and tracked along side speed, cadence, heart-rate, etc? And if yes, does Garmin (or anyone else) plan to integrate this data into their cycling products in the future?

    • Yup, Di2 does that (with the correct adapter). Today the Garmin Edge 1000 and Mio Cyclo 505 units support recording Di2 information. Though, there’s not really anyone out there actually displaying said information afterwards on a site.

  18. Christian

    All news on polar v650 and keo power BTLE update would be much appreciated. Both from Polar and Look – not sure they talk together :)

  19. Andrew

    If you like Mexican food then Salt Lake City has some great spots- right near the convention center is a place called Blue Iguana, which is good, and a little further away is Red Iguana, which is excellent. Try the mole’ or enchiladas at either.
    Also, if you’re looking for running spots around the city, there is a series of trails on the east edge of town that connect to a long running trail called the Bonneville Shoreline trail. Nice views and you could do about any distance you want.
    Have fun.

  20. I grew up in Calgary and spent most of my time in Kananaskis. There is some great cycling along highway 40, great trails run and hikes all over as well. Enjoy.

  21. Jonas S.

    Will you be attending the Eurobike during the public day or any of the other days?

    • Current plan is Weds/Thurs, so not the public day. If for some reason I need to stay till Friday to cover leftover items – I can delay. But I’d prefer to be home by sometime Friday since I’m back on a plane Monday.

  22. Eli

    Any plans to post on some of the newer types of technology that isn’t really main stream yet?

    For example you had a short blurb about Omegawave with how they do more with HR data at the beginning of the year but nothing since. Or electromyography technology like what LEO uses. Or optical like the O2 Moxy sensor and Insight (link to kickstarter.com)

  23. Eric

    What happened to the 4iiii pods that seemed so revolutionary when announced but now can’t be found on their website? Thanks!

  24. Steve

    I’d like to know what new stuff Lemond has planned for their Revolution trainer (sound dampening/ new trainers) and also if Elite have any plans for updates to their Turbo Muin.

  25. Darrin kinney

    Are there tire pressure sensors?
    The worst ride is after you’ve changed a tire and your constantly thinking your pushing more than you are paranoid the pressure is low or another flat coming. Ya stupid I know just me I guess. A flat makes me paranoid for a couple weeks at least

  26. Darrin kinney

    Are there tire pressure sensors?
    The worst ride is after you’ve changed a tire and your constantly thinking your pushing more than you are paranoid the pressure is low or another flat coming. Ya not very smart I know just me I guess. A flat makes me paranoid for a couple weeks at least

  27. BartW

    Looking for technical news on navigation during swinning in the watches.
    At the moment i believe they only got GPS.
    Are there companies working on the combination of GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo making a watch that does do correct speed and tracks durring the short moments the satelites are visible. More systems should at least make it a factor X better.

    • Eli

      BeiDou isn’t so useful outside china and surrounding countries and Galileo isn’t really operational yet. So I’m going to guess the answer is no. (plus any new gps chipsets are unlikely to show up in a swim watch first anyway)

  28. Chris Thompson

    I’ve got a trivial one. Ordering a larger wrist band for my Mio Link without jumping through hoops. I measured my wrist, ordered the medium size, then found out it needs to be on my forearm. I called them and its a three step process to order the next size up!

  29. matt b

    Interesting — Timex is spilling the beans a little bit on their new watches on the exhibitor website: link to n2b.goexposoftware.com

    Timex Ironman RunX50+
    Your fitness apps, your tunes and your texts on your wrist. Connects with Fitness Apps, Workout & Interval Timing, Music Control, Caller ID & Texts, Heart Rate Included or Compatible (version dependent), 50 Meter Water Resistance, and INDIGLO* Night-Light.

    Timex Ironman RunX20 GPS

    Your speed and distance with a GPS that fits like a sports watch. GPS Speed & Distance, Calories Burned, Workout & Interval Timing, 50 Meter Water Resistance, and INDIGLO* Night-Light.

    Timex Ironman Move X20

    Your texts, your activity, your sleep and your goals 24/7. Distance, Steps & Calories, Sleep Time & Quality, Workout Tracking, Caller ID & Texts, and Phone Finder.
    Price: $129.95

  30. Ryan


    could you look into Swiss side Hadron aero claims at the Eurobike. Allegedly they’re challenging other wheel manufacturers re aerobility.

    Thank you

  31. Flo

    Update schedule for Polar V800
    Will they be presenting their bluetooth enabled pedals?
    How well will other BTLE-Power meters (i.e. stages) be supported? Cadence?

  32. Mayhem

    Wahoo – Pretty please more BT/ANT+ combo sensors, in particular hub based speed!
    Stages – Any plans to release meters based on Sram Rival 22 or other crank arms?
    TrainerRoad – What’s going on with the iOS version, will it be ready in time for winter?
    Tacx – Adopt ANT+ trainer profile and make iOS software compatible with other trainers.

  33. James

    I think it was announced 6 months ago but only now about to ship (allegedly!)… would love to see review of Cateye Strada Smart Speed Cadence Sensor (BTLE) and compatibility with e.g. Polar V800, SG5 etc.

  34. MikeB

    Curious if Infocrank has a presence at Eurobike, and if so what your thoughts/impressions are. Would it be too bold to ask them how do they expect us to take them seriously if you haven’t had a chance to publish an in-depth review of their product? Yeah, probably a bit obnoxiously, but nonetheless . . .

    Hope the shows are a lot of fun.

    • Yup, they’ll be there. Though, a unit should be shoping up on my doorstop before then. The delay was mostly mine, not theirs (they asked a while back). Trying to rate-limit a bit so that units don’t sit on my desk for months when I know I’m backlogged with other units.

  35. Brian

    Maybe while at OR you can ask Suunto if they plan on getting Movescount back up ever.

    I kid.

  36. Eli

    At Eurobike any chance you’ll look at NEMS devices? (Compex and Globus seem to be the big companies)

    • I haven’t looked – are Compex and Globus at Eurobike?

    • Eli

      Compex: Hall A1 Booth 203
      link to m.eurobike-show.de

      Can’t find globus or slendertone (the other two competitors)

      I’m sure your BS detecting will detect how much BS is in their product, but does seem to have some basis in reality based on some medical studies. General reviews I find online tend to be crappy, seems like all the positive ones are sponsored by the company and all the negative ones seem to just think the idea can’t work so no point in trying it to give it a shot or they tried cheaper versions of the devices that are sort of the same except don’t produce anywhere near the same amount of power to the muscle.

    • Sweet. I’ll swing by!

  37. Eli

    For the Ant+ conference I see there is a working group meeting for the FIT file format. Seems like someone should bring up there should be a way to make it easier to merge files of the same activity. So if you have more then one device recording an activity then post activity it should be possible to see everything together. This is important for all the new devices that record new information like the LEO band, runScribe, sensoria (socks with pressure sensors in them), moxy, so correlations between what a watch records and what the new device records can be made.

    Maybe a heartbeat (not actual heart rate) stored in the file so time can be more easily used to merge files (i.e. 5 mins into an activity correlates to 5 min into another), should not depend on start times of different files to be the same or depend on laps.