The Because It’s Almost St. Patrick’s Day…Giveaway


While I was enjoying the umpteenth day straight of mind-bogglingly sunny weather here in the ‘City of Light’, it occurred to my that St. Patrick’s day is Monday.  Despite the French fondness for any reason to take the day off, it is not considered a national holiday here.  Not that it would matter anyway, I get to spend some 12-14 hours on a plane bouncing across the ocean.

So for no other reason than it’s (almost) St. Patrick’s day, and sorta-spring like (lucky charms and all), it’s time for a giveaway.


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin/Polar/Suunto watch to a PowerBeam trainer, or a Quarq power meter.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans.  Simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 17th, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on how tired I am after flying to Mexico City on Monday.  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  For devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even spring running or cycling gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail.   No leprechauns allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Beau

    25 miles on the scenic C&O towpath. Couple lazy miles on the other day just to get out.

  2. Sean Gillen

    Saturday hike to the top of the nearby mountain then run down to work on leg turnover speed.
    Sunday upper body strength session after work

  3. Alan B

    Sat 6 mi run/30 min swim/1 hr bike
    Sun 16-18 mi run

  4. Saturday: 6 reps of 200m and 2 reps of 400m, both at max. speed!!
    Sunday: 13K at 5:20 pace.
    I’m near to Santiago Running 10K!!!

  5. Grzesiek

    Friday 5k sprint (9pm)
    Saturday rest
    Sunday 21.1k (NYC Half)

  6. Matthew VanDeventer

    I’m doing a long run (10 miles) on Saturday and a spin class on Sunday

  7. Andrew

    I have 12 miles this weekend gearing up for my half marathon.

  8. Jeremy

    14 mile steady paced run with a few hills on Saturday, then a 3 hour (indoor) bike ride on Sunday. Pushing that endurance up!

  9. Kasey

    Pilates and T25!

  10. Rohan H

    800m race
    1hr run

  11. mike

    dust off the bike and get out for some slow, easy miles

  12. alex

    riding the loop a few times on sunday after the half marathon is over

  13. Charlie D.

    5k Shamrock shuffle tomorrow and 8 miles on Sunday.

  14. DM

    100km ride on Saturday (including 60km with a ‘spirited’ bunch) and an hour in the gym on Sunday with a legs session.

  15. Eric

    Building up endurance for my first sprint triathlon. Hopefully bike outside (finally) this Sat and try out my new tri shorts. Then swim/run Sun.

  16. Dan Lipsher

    Recently moved from Denver to LA and plan to join a couple of groups for road rides. Looking for that Goldilocks group like I had in Denver: not too fast, not too slow, but just right. Been fighting an ankle injury for several weeks that has kept me from running, so I’ve gotten a lot of good use out of my way cool BKool trainer, which I picked up from Clever Training.

    Erin go bragh, bra!

  17. tnk

    sat 20km
    sun 30km

  18. Adam

    Training for my first half marathon in May so I’ve got a 7 mile run on Saturday and another 3 on Sunday.

  19. tom

    been nursing an ankle sprain. gonna try to do 5K Sunday.

  20. Peter C.

    sat: power cycling class in the morning followed by weight training in the afternoon
    Sun: 2.5 hour mountain hike with the dog in the morning followed by an hour+ base on the trainer in the afternoon

  21. Elena Hake

    5 mile race Sat morning
    8 mile training run Sunday

  22. Brandon

    4 mile run Saturday. Lilith league coaches clinics 8-1200, baseball practice 100-300, in between take one kid to gymnastics and another to swim

  23. Tami

    Started the weekend off with a 6 mile run that didn’t leave me freezing, it’s been a rough winter here in New Hampshire

    Long spin class Saturday and a 5 mile st Patrick’s day race on Sunday then pizza, lots of pizza

  24. A ride in the hills.

  25. Rick Wright

    A Run/Bike/Run Brick in preparation for the Guthrie Super Sprint Duathlon. Just need Garmin Support to fix my Garmin Connect upload issues.

  26. Alex

    Rest day on Saturday and then an 18km run or so on Sunday morning. Still working my way back from a knee injury.

  27. Darren

    No training this weekend, it’s race weekend. Running the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in DC this weekend.

  28. giorgitd

    Taxes and rain this weekend – ugh. Likely an indoor deal both days. Probably a long day on the trainer and a fast run. Or maybe Sufferfest. Yes. Sufferfest.

  29. Karel Citroen

    30 min run followed by 30 min swim while at YMCA Saturday morning where my kids will have swim lessons. Then 60min bike trainer at night and 90min track run on Sunday with another 60min bike trainer Sunday night watching F1 tape delayed.

  30. Adam F

    This weekend I have a long 2.5 hour run with 30 minute spinning prior on saturday and a 4 hour bike on sunday. Long but low intensity.

  31. JasminTH

    – 45min run EZ, for the recovery of a though week
    – 2hours skiing (for the fun of it)
    Sunday, its swim day
    – 1hour dry-land training + 1hour crawl technique
    – 1hour Endurance Swim (Sets of 100 and 200meters)

  32. Osman Mir

    Going for saturday interval work out 3×2 miles with 800 m recovery and going for long run on Sunday 10 miles.

  33. Jarred S

    Wow so many entries!
    Saturday: 5km moderate run
    Sunday: 5km tempo if the calf muscles are up to speed

  34. Mike Nininger

    I’m kicking off the triathlon season with a sprint distance race, Parris Island Triathlon, SC. It’s always a favorite of mine since I started my military service there some 28 years ago…Semper Fi.

  35. Stacy

    What I will be doing this weekend for my workout…..Saturday going on a long bike ride…Sunday a short run 4 miles.

  36. Mike

    One swim, one short run and possibly first ride of year.

  37. Cecilia

    10k run

  38. Jeremy

    It’s the easy week for me, so all I have planned is a hard one mile tempo time trial run. Nothing difficult at all.

  39. Dan Benton

    Injured coach so I will just go for a swim and bike in our Club Championships. No running for this little black duck.

  40. Sean C

    Gentle 3 mile run
    10 pints of export strength lager

    Head clearing 8 mile hilly run

  41. Zen

    Saturday: 40 min indoor spinning.
    Sunday: 12 miles hill running.

  42. Mike Q

    I’ll be spending January 74th and 75th, 2014 snowshoeing again.

  43. Kevin K

    60m cycle
    In the high wind of the UK :(

  44. DanL

    Thanks for the chance!

    It’s spring break for the rest of the house, so hopefully the entire family peloton will make it to the farmer’s market — and dad might sneak in a couple sweatier hour rides Sat-Sun also.

  45. frank d

    My weekend plans (for the foreseeable future) are to try to continue recovery from serious injury. Was doing great, but slipped back a bit due to over exertion in physical therapy :-/

  46. ron w

    20 mile run Saturday followed by a nice relaxed run sunday, two weeks to the marathon.

  47. Keith Rousseau

    Skiing 2 feet of fresh snow!

  48. Phil

    Sat: 14.5km easy
    Sun: 28km with last 8 at marathon pace.

  49. jezza

    Saturday 90 minute ride with one x 20 min at FTP
    Sunday 1 Hour ride with 40 minute run off bike

  50. Dwight

    6 miler Saturday, 9 miler Sunday. Training for Mayor’s Marathon in Alaska

  51. Brian

    Enjoying the outdoors of sunny San Diego! Swim, Bike, Run!!!

  52. Robert

    A trail run on Saturday. Then follow that with a trail run on Sunday.

  53. Joe

    Sat: road ride at tempo
    Sun: soccer and mtb ride

  54. Duncan

    Sat – 15min W/U, 45min Tempo, 15min C/D
    Sun – 4mi. Easy, 45min Bike Ride

  55. Adrian Cora Decunto

    10k easy run and 1 hour bike

  56. Yoeri Geerits

    Saturday: 2.5hr ride with 4x20min Sweetspot intervals
    Sunday: 1.5hr easy aerobic run

  57. Javier

    Saturday: 1.5hs easy run
    Sunday: 3hs easy ride

  58. Sai To

    Sat: 90 minutes trainer
    Sun: 100 minute treadmill

  59. rpk

    Saturday, 3.77 mile course near the Capital Dome nicknamed “Modified Horse’s Head.” Sunday, 10-mile trail race in Wakefield, VA, attempting to improve on the most recent third-to-last effort. Train to NY, brisk walk around the L.E.S.

  60. clinton fisher

    2 hour ride then kid soccer games on Saturday, repeat Sunday.

  61. Corey T Brannum

    Saturday: 90 min computrainer
    Sunday: 60 swim followed by 50 min run @10k pace.

  62. Andrew

    I’ll be riding next to my wife while she runs 14 miles, then it’s trainer rides on Sunday with a friend or two.

  63. Christina

    Sat: 1-2hrs hills train run
    Sun: 15miles LSD run

  64. Steve

    3 hours of racquetball Saturday. 4 mile run Sunday

  65. Tim Elliott

    My weekend is Friday and Saturday. After being holed up 75% of the time on a trainer for the last 4 months, I am going to thoroughly enjoy riding my CX bike through as much muddy thawing gravel I can possibly ride to celebrate not having to bundle up to go for a ride. That started today with 41 miles of 20+ mph wind and loops of gravel and mud riding, which was pure joy. For Saturday I am planning on either a longer road ride (50-80 miles or another go at some new gravel roads on the cx which would be another 40+ mile day. The goal more than physical fitness this weekend is to strengthen mental fitness with fun in the mud and sun!

  66. Charles

    Just got off a 6 hour flight myself…after I have breakfast with my kids, I am off on a 15 miles run. I plan on running 2 or 3 x3 mile race pace tempo sessions and stay easy on the rest. Should be a great time!

  67. Declan Jones

    Complete the 17 mile harbour 2 harbour walk on Saturday 15th to support charity in Dublin. Then pop in to the parade in Dublin on St Patrick’s day to celebrate my countries big day

  68. Jennifer Cook

    9 mi run on Saturday and two hour ride on Sunday

  69. Neil

    Sat – 4 mile easy
    Sun – 10×100, then 4×800, 4×400, 1 mile cool down.

  70. Carrie

    Swim and bike!

  71. Brian Spencer

    Saturday: indoor swim then give the kids a ride in the burley. Sunday: solo ride

  72. DJAntero

    Testing some new routes to run in vicinity of our new home.

  73. Fearn

    Recently reinjured my back (herniated discs). So, what was going to be training for a century next month is now reduced to traction and watching other people cycling and running in this gorgeous Las Vegas weather.

  74. Mark Chico

    Sunday: 21K run preparation for my very 1st 80Km Ultramarathon.
    Tuesday: Recovery run of 5-8K

  75. Gibbo

    Strength training today. Circuit tomorrow. Rowing Monday.

  76. Jake

    bootcamp class … burns as many calories as a 4 mile run

  77. Kent

    doing my usual run at the public park, a minimum of 10km (and more pending the race ahead)

  78. John

    Nice long run on Sunday followed by some corned beef and cabbage

  79. Mike

    Rest day on Saturday, Long Run on Sunday.

  80. Chris Cronin

    Torn groin has me limited. 20 minutes on the treadmill both Saturday and Sunday. Sad.

  81. Julia

    Awesome giveaway! I’m running 10 miles on the treadmill on Saturday and then I’m supposed to run 2-4 miles on Sunday. I’m training for my 4th half-marathon in April. I’m slow, but I’m proud of how well my training is going so far.

  82. Kyle

    10 mile run tomorrow. 40 miles on the bike Sunday

  83. Shaunak

    a 30K run on Sunday

  84. nicolas

    climbing up corcovado on sunday

  85. MelanieH

    22 mile group ride, a swim, and 5 mile trail race.

  86. D smith

    Ski. Ski. Ski. Lunch+beer. Ski. Ski. Ski. Beer. Beer. Beer.

  87. Adam Halabi

    Rest Saturday
    20km Hard Run Sunday
    5/10km Recovery Run

  88. Megan Goodwin

    Sat – long slow ride
    Sun – local sprint triathlon

  89. Tyler Pake

    I’m doing an easy 6 miles Saturday morning at 8:15 pace then Sunday I am planning 22-23 miles on a lot of hills. It will be my peak long run for Boston. Last time I did 23 I gained 1,500+ feet and plan on doing the same route.

  90. JimmyP

    2000m Open Water Swim on Saturday, 60 mile bike and a 6 mile run on Sunday

  91. Mike Lin

    26k long run, last one before Around the Bay 30k

  92. Brandon L.

    Saturday – hit the pool for some technique drills and some easy intervals. Up Sunday is (hopefully) a long run, weather permitting.

  93. Xavier Poirier

    I am planning for a 15km cross country ride on saturday and a 10km run on sunday!

  94. Stephen Harding

    This is a recovery week for me. 12 miles tomorrow (Sat.), then 4 or 5 on Sunday.

  95. Mikey T

    An easy day. Then a longer treadmill run on Sunday.

  96. Matt

    40min run Sat, 2h run Sun. Squeezing my runs in around my sons’s hockey tournament.

  97. J S N

    Mountain biking loops at the local bike park

  98. Simon B

    Hey all,

    Parkrun curl curl, in sydney, then run home (11-12km)
    Tennis match
    Swim in the ocean

    Bronze medallion training (life guard course)
    10km run in the afternoon

  99. JNW

    8 mile run on Saturday, trainer run on Sunday.

  100. Julien R.

    Simple: Saturday 2xCinnamon buns
    60min nap
    Sunday French crepes repeat

    Does it show much that I am off training?

    Thanks for all that you do