The Because It’s Almost St. Patrick’s Day…Giveaway


While I was enjoying the umpteenth day straight of mind-bogglingly sunny weather here in the ‘City of Light’, it occurred to my that St. Patrick’s day is Monday.  Despite the French fondness for any reason to take the day off, it is not considered a national holiday here.  Not that it would matter anyway, I get to spend some 12-14 hours on a plane bouncing across the ocean.

So for no other reason than it’s (almost) St. Patrick’s day, and sorta-spring like (lucky charms and all), it’s time for a giveaway.


The prize is simple: A $400 credit to to Clever Training to buy anything from the site you’d like.  You can use it on anything they offer, from a Garmin/Polar/Suunto watch to a PowerBeam trainer, or a Quarq power meter.  If the item is over $400US, you’ll simply pay the difference, shipping is free either way.  The giveaway is open to all readers – including international folks.

To enter yourself in, simply leave a comment below with the following:

To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans.  Simple as that!

Got it?

Entries will be accepted through Monday night, 11:59PM Eastern time (March 17th, 2014).  I’ll be you giving one device worth up to $400US from Clever Training.   Winner will be chosen at random and announced on roughly Tuesday, depending on how tired I am after flying to Mexico City on Monday.  One entry per person.  The winner can decide on which device after they win.  For devices/gadgets/gizmos over $400, the winner can pay the difference.

This giveaway is sponsored by Clever Training, which I’ve got a great partnership with.  As you probably remember, by picking up sports technology gadgets from Clever Training you support the site.  And on top of that, all DC Rainmaker readers get an exclusive 10% off all products they sell (basically every sports tech company/gadget/device) using coupon code DCR10BTF.  Even spring running or cycling gear.  And most of all, you support the site in a big way – so I appreciate it!

Note, if you’re US Active Duty Military – you can submit your entry via e-mail.   No leprechauns allowed via this method.  Mmmkay?  Thanks all!


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  1. Bobo

    Hi Ray,
    Cette semaine, le 7mn workout de l’ tous les jours, mardi une sortie running de 45mn, jeudi seance fractionnés, et ce weekend 10 heures de randos en raquettes dans les Alpes. Merci pour ton site.

  2. Troy

    Flew out of Noosa, Queensland back to Adelaide on Saturday, but managed to squeeze in a return run to Hell’s Gate at sunrise. Sunday was a planned 75ish km ride with friends through classic hill segments of Adelaide… Norton, Lofty and Montacute.

  3. MJJ

    After a hard couple of weeks training i needed to taper. So that ment two days of recovery runs and sunday i also added 45 minutes of easy swimming.


  4. davidCagle

    first duathlon Saturday!!!
    recovery ride Sunday

  5. Nancy

    12 mi run on Sat. 5 mi recovery on Sun.

  6. Pat Connolly

    I was planning on a brick workout: shots of Jameson followed by a Guinness and then running home.

  7. Olly

    Friday evening 3.5km swim.

    Saturday morning 4hr bike ride & 5km swim.

    Sunday 2hr bike with 1hr run off it.

  8. Albert

    Weekend workout plans? Recovery

  9. luis

    Tapering :)

  10. Richard C.

    This weekend, I biked 52 miles in the hills, ran 14.75 in the hills, and took a swim lesson.

    Loved it.


  11. Justin

    too late!?

  12. Murray

    Sat: KICKR session
    Sun: MTB session
    Mon: Guinness session

  13. Saturday I swam 2300 and Sunday I lifted weights and ran 6 miles.

  14. Adam Johnson

    Saturday: 9 mile easy pace
    Sunday: 1 hour bike in Dallas!

  15. Chad

    Saturday: rained out
    Sunday: 4 mile easy morning run, followed by a mid-afternoon 8 mile race pace run with a friend

  16. Jan Knyttl

    I had friday hill running for 60min, saturday free time and sunday 80min long run

  17. Hugo

    I have been Run-Biking with my GF on saturday and simply training for 10K on sunday

  18. jeffrey schmidt

    did 16 miles on the bike Friday
    today I walked 50 minutes around the neighborhood

  19. Alberto Alkaraz

    Skiing both days in Candanchu (the Pyrinees).

  20. Néstor Rodríguez

    Hi. Saturday-20 minutes soft running.
    Sunday-Barcelona Marathon.

  21. Dsoler

    Training plans!? Give me a break! I’m traying to recover from Sunday’s marathon! :-)

  22. Robin Black

    60 min hilly trail run

  23. Jan

    You have said to enter: Give me your weekend workout plans. Simple as that! ;-). Well. 40k short bike hills, 1h swim, 1h gym and 1h run. ;-)

  24. Jan-Roger Brokstad

    Friday: footbal
    Saturday: strenght
    Sunday: easy spinn on tt bike

  25. Travis

    Run, run, & run.

  26. Jan-Roger Brokstad

    Friday: football
    Saturday: gym work out
    Sunday: easy spinn on tt bike

  27. D. Smith

    Lots of home projects

  28. Josh S

    just ran a lot and hit the sauna for some heat acclimatization training!

  29. Abdullah Khan

    Awesome contest!

    My workoutplan
    Sat Morning: Running
    Sun Morning: Running

  30. Maria Clara Soares

    I just walk 5 miles on sunday to get back in shape!

  31. Joel

    Work out plan, gardening.

  32. Nicos loucaides

    Saturday testing my new bike setup on a 13 km course
    Sunday going for 60-80 km uphill ride

  33. Jakob Claffey

    Saturday: 2000m swim & 8km run
    Sunday: 1.5 hr trainer ride

  34. Jón

    Saturday there was a half-marathon on the plan but moving house put a dent in that…

  35. Jim S

    5km run today; Been sick for the last three weeks.

  36. Pieter V.

    Running the Zion Half Marathon on Saturday. Easy run the day before and after.

  37. Diane Paietta

    Taking my beagle on a hike after work.

  38. Jim S

    5km run today. Good to be out since I have been sick for the last 3 weeks.

  39. Matthew Fox

    This weekend I’m going to ride my bike to the rec center (22 miles round trip) and swim 1500 meters. Then I’m going to pedal home and run a 5k. Then I’ll cap it off with some gluten free beer that actually taste like beer.

  40. Mike C

    To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans. Simple as that!

    Saturday: Run around chasing my toddler, eating pizza
    Sunday: 45 min Cycle Trainer, eating more pizza

  41. laq

    To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans. Simple as that!

    well after running around all st. paddy’s day cooking and cleaning and sitting in a car last weekend to watch my daughter irish dance.. next weekend is “serious” workout day. my daughter will be home from college so while she sleeps off mid-terms i plan on doing a 3 mile walk – a big step in my new fitness life that i am determined to keep up (3 weeks and going strong)

    then add in doing wash, and running around with an active teen, and you have my weekend.

  42. Phil R

    Swim on Saturday, then over did it on a Sunday morning 15 mile run and slept all afternoon.

  43. Michael Jones

    Saturday morning 1 hour on the treadmill at the gym. Then Trainer Road / Kickr. 90 minutes Saturday (Mist) + 2 hours Sunday (Perkins), week 5 of a Century training plan.

  44. Shawn

    Saturday easy 10k. Sunday Encinitas Mile race.

  45. Keith

    Run Saturday easy. 1 hour on the trainer in the afternoon.

    Sunday 2hrs on the bike and hot-tub later.

  46. George

    Saturday went on a 20 mile easy bike ride on road bike

    Sunday started an easy neighborhood bike ride with my girlfriend and her daughter but had a family emergency and had to cut it short.

    Monday Gym Workout

  47. Ponder

    Saturday: 5k swim, 10k run
    Sunday: 8 mi hike

  48. Eric

    Sat: 2hr TrainerRoad, 1hr tempo, 1hr sweet spot; 30min run
    Sun: 1hr swim, 3x 5×200

  49. Saturday: 16 mile long run – 8 miles easy – 4 miles @ 8:45 pace – 4 miles easy
    Sunday: Recover from a long week of running

  50. Dennis

    Training for half marathon and a triathalon the following month. Friday p90x3 core work, Saturday my long run -6miles and Sunday I will swim for an hour at the gym pool.

  51. Karen Krause

    2.5 hour bike on saturday, 45 min swim and recovery 1 hour run on sunday!

  52. Jacob

    I plan to do a 5 mile run as part of training for my first half marathon in August and first 10k in May!

  53. Jay

    Marathon here I come

  54. Jason

    Plan to do a 3 mile run along The Strip while on vacation in Vegas on Saturday and Sunday. And then do some core/weight work in the hotel gym to start the day out right.

  55. Vien

    A 7-mile hikes on Friday and Sunday, followed by all day in bed with a cold. This really happened!

  56. Benjamin S

    Well…the weekend here in Oz has just finished however here is what I did:

    – 35min pre-race bike workout
    – Sprint Triathlon Race

    2nd in Age Group – 10th overall and 6th fastest bike split of the day

  57. Scott Gill

    Busy weekend… I have a 7:30AM flight on Sunday that doesn’t reach my destination (San Antonio) until 5:00PM… As soon as I get to my hotel, I will be lacing up and heading out the door for a ‘run until I can no longer see’ workout. Saturday is the St. Patricks Day parade!!! I will need to hop on the trainer for a couple hours in the weeee morning in order to prepare for a full day of drinking heavy beers and consuming pound upon pound of corned beef.

  58. Jeremy

    Swim 2500m friday
    Run 20miles saturday
    Run 4 miles Sunday

  59. John P

    Brick, hour ride and half hour run

  60. Mia

    Sat – 4 hr ride (outdoors hopefully)
    Sun – 2 hr run in AM, 30 min easy spin PM

    Thanks Ray!

  61. steven v w

    Saturday, I was inspired to go for a ride up the summit, short but all up hill, after seeing this post. Sunday, Cheered my ‘girl’ on during a 5k as part of her half marathon training. This will be the last ride for awhile, shoulder surgery Wednesday. Thanks for a great website 4,719 Frenchmen can’t be wrong.

  62. Marcus Lee

    Sat: Bike 25 mi
    Sun: Swim 45 min

  63. Running Dog

    ACL rehab on a stationary bike

  64. Alex


  65. Paul

    Just made it! Long run and short ride! Beautiful weather!

  66. Jef Vachon

    Sunday’s my first 20min run!

  67. Paul

    Just made it! Long run and short ride! Great weather!

  68. Thomas Z

    22 mile run

  69. Mary

    Saturday: 1:10 long run
    Sunday: Group Computrainer ride!

  70. Omar


    5 min dynamic warm up
    5 min run 60% VO2 max
    30 run 85% VO2 max
    5 min run 50% VO2 max
    5 min static stretch


    5 min dynamic warm up
    45 min 60% VO2 max (Recovery)
    5 min static stretch

    75 min whole body strength workout.

    • Luke Majewski

      Saturday and Sunday: Training Camp!

      103 miles and 11k feet on Saturday, 50 miles and some snow falling at the finish on Sunday.

  71. Brad Kwok

    Sat: 10km easy run
    Sun: 30km trail running competition, elavation 1800m+

  72. Kyle G

    1 mile run with the Airedale (and then a few more sans the pup, he insists long-runs are hard)

  73. Mike Rivera

    Sat: Short training ride
    Sun: Rest…recovering from running injury.

  74. Andrew Fraser

    A slow 12 mile run on Saturday, followed by a faster 12 mile run on Sunday.

  75. Vivek

    Hot yoga Friday
    30 miles on the bike sat
    5 mile run Sunday.

  76. Jonfucius

    Lake Superior is still frozen off my backyard. Ice trekkers, running shoes and the dog for an otherworldly diversion that counts as a workout!

  77. Chris

    Saturday was a slow 10k run and Sunday was a fast 10k. Everyday includes a simple at home workout. 50 pushups, 50 chin ups, 50 squats and 5 mins worth of handstands.

  78. Whatever my coach tries to kill me with….

    20 mile run plus some riding…..

  79. Chris H

    Saturday, a slow 10k run. Sunday, a fast 10k. Everyday includes a simple workout. 50 pushups, 50 chin ups, 50 squats and 5 mins worth of handstands.

  80. German Merino

    To Enter: Give me your weekend workout plans. Simple as that!

  81. Scott in CA

    hiking in the Tien Shan mountains, starting at 1800m