Sorry about the site outage, was not a day late on SOPA


Just a quick note to apologize for the DC Rainmaker outage earlier today.  For reasons a bit unclear to me, BlogSpot/Blogger decided that it wanted me removed from the universe.  Perhaps my recent request for WordPress developers to assist with a new site design agitated the well oiled machine.


Now, to be fair, as I’ve always said – BlogSpot has been good to me for the past four years, so I can’t complain too much about 2 hours of mysterious (and heart attack inducing) downtime.  Of course, the fact that my blog was flat out removed was of a wee bit bigger concern.

Nonetheless, a few e-mails through a few folks seems to have quickly resolved the issue and brought DCR back to life!  So I’m greatly appreciative to those behind the scenes made some magic happen, and brought back some happy.

Speaking of happy, all of your various SOPA related jokes Tweeted to me during the time period were pretty funny – and at least made the experience a bit light hearted.  Plus, as a bonus – for those two short hours, the ratio of inbound e-mail to outbound e-mail was finally in balance.  Short lived that was…


Again – thanks to everyone who e-mailed, texted, Tweeted, FaceBooked and just about every other method on earth to let me know it was down, I really do appreciate it!  And – for those curious, I have indeed got a ton of awesome WordPress developers that came forward with some really cool portfolios, and am working through them all now.

Have a great weekend!  And as always, thanks for reading!


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  1. Oh my, that would have been heart attack inducing! I’m assuming you write everything out of blogger and copy and paste, but having to repost everything would be a part time job for a few weeks :-)

  2. I don’t know if you need it but in case you do my job is to do take care of all kind of high performance websites so feel free to contact me if you need some help (ie: linux system administration)

  3. Hey, I know that guy! (I work with Tim)

  4. David

    Ray, I hope you come out against SOPA/PIPA. You and your website are potential targets should legislation like this come to pass.

    New Balance supports SOPA. I was shocked by this as I’ve enjoyed running in their shoes for years. But I’ll be writing to New Balance to explain why I won’t be buying any more New Balance products until they withdraw their support from SOPA. I hope you do the same.


  5. Anonymous

    hey i just wanted to clarify about new balance, since i was shocked and appaled when i read their name on the list.. i did some research and..
    link to


    thank god, i use their shoes every year.