October Timex Global Trainer Giveaway

There’s no better way to kick the fall running season into high gear than giving something away.  So in an effort to mix things up a little bit, this month I’m going to giveaway a brand new Timex Global Trainer (In Depth Review here).


Like the last four giveaways, there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you (heck, with all my travel as of late, I might just simply drop it at your front door myself!).  I’m going about this like a random raffle drawing, except that you can get multiple ‘entries’.  Here’s the usual skinny on how:

One Entry: Simply place a comment below on this page, that’s it!  No lyrics to create, or poems to make.  No stories to tell, or anything complex.  Only comments on this page count (nope, comments from 2 years ago on a post about pasta don’t count).

Two Entries: Three different ways to double up here.  In addition to the comment below, just put a link on your blog (if you have one) to this contest page.  Or the second option is adding your Twitter account as a follower of DCRAINMAKERBLOG and retweeting the contest announcement.  By simply spreading the word, ya get an extra entry.  (Note: If you’re already a follower, simply re-tweet and you get credit!).  The final third option for non-Twitter/Blog peeps is to Share this on FaceBook instead. Surely you have FaceBook, right?  There’s a handy button below the post for doing it automagically.

Three Entries: Triple-time baby!  This is easy – just do all three of the above!  Twitter (or FaceBook), Blog/Site, and Comment.  Ya max out at three entries though…no quadruple dipping here!

See, that’s pretty painless, right?

Please let me know in your comment below how many entries you’ve qualified for if more than one, as it’s super-difficult for me to lineup a Twitter account named “AwesomeRunner28” to a blog named “RunnerGuy” to a comment listed from “RunningCowTippers!”, and I certainly want you to get all your entries.  I don’t need to know your account names, just how many entries.  Also, if ya have technical questions/thoughts/comments/diatribes/poems regarding the TGT specifically, use that post page for those writings.

The winner will get a brand new Timex Global Trainer (including HR strap).

The contest will run until Thursday October 14th, 2010 at 11:59PM Eastern Time when I’ll close the entry period.  Baring any major travel snafu’s, I’ll announce the winner the following day.

For those curious on how the giveaways work (like the part about how these are funded by me…), here’s the full deets.  Thanks all!

(Note: If you’re active duty US Military and deployed – simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya counted for all three.  Just like that…magic.  Thanks!)


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  1. Albiedawg

    Awesome blog man… keep it coming!

  2. Guillermo

    Lucky post #503 will win this time!
    1 for me, thanks!


  3. Count me 3 (comment, facebook, and twitter).

    thanks! I read the blog everyday!

    cmt268 (twitter and facebook)

  4. Thanks for all the Interbike info. Two entries: Comment and blog post.

  5. Count me in for 2, here and twitter.

  6. Please sign me up!

  7. Benjamin

    /me crosses fingers.

  8. Great giveaway, and please keep up the great writing/blogging!

  9. Sorry – meant to add to that I tweeted/fb’d a link too…

  10. great writeup on the device

    yours are the best

  11. Make it two for me with a retweet :)

  12. I had no idea you deliver internationally. Imagine all the goodies I could have won by now!

    Anyway, there’s the comment, the blog and facebook (link to facebook.com).

  13. jp

    Great blog, keep the posts flowing!

  14. Cool blog! Cool giveaway too!
    I have posted an ad for this (1) on my blog at http://scottcanrun.blogspot.com
    , (2) on my Facebook, and (3) On Twitter.

    Scott Gressel

  15. Garts

    Count me in for a single – great blog

  16. DC Rainmaker strikes again! Put me down for 3, por favor. Comment, check. Blog (ofurtadsadventures.blogspot.com), check. FB, check.

    Thanks again, Ray!

  17. another one…you are awesome..thx

  18. Count me in for 2. This comment a retweet by “mreams!”

  19. Tons

    Sign me up x3!

  20. I could do with a new toy!

  21. Big money, no Whammies!

  22. I’m a new follower!!!

  23. I tweeted the giveaway ~ windyrunner

  24. I posted the link on Facebook.

  25. Rich S

    Count me in for one entry.

  26. Heres my comment. Count me in for two. one on facebook too.

    thanks for the review, in depth one really sets out all the pro’s and con’s

  27. Two for me please! Comment + Facebook.

  28. Pick me, that way I can shut up my husband and his bragging about his forerunner 305. :)

  29. Entry two. Tweeted on twitter.

  30. Entry three. Facebooked.

  31. Great web site.

    Count me with 2 entries: tweet and this comment

  32. I’m in for all 3! I retweeted and posted on FB as well!

  33. Scott G
    Thanks for the blog. I have posted your contest on my Facebook (scottgressel@facebook.com), twitter(link to twitter.com), and on my blog (scottcanrun@blogspot.com).

  34. Hi. Me likey free fun stuff.

  35. Count me in! Looks like an awesome device!

    Three entries too!
    – Blog comment
    – Tweet (@GYROnova)
    – Shared on Facebook

  36. Paul

    Love the blog, but I don’t know how you travel so much and still train!

  37. put me in for 3! thx. aj

  38. put me in for 3! thx. aj

  39. 1. Retweeted as moment_uhms and
    2. blogged at link to momentum.subtlehints.net
    3. oh, and commented ;)

  40. Fox

    I entered 3 times, website, twitter and this comment!

    Good luck to all!

  41. Fox

    I entered 3 times, website, twitter and this comment!

    Good luck to all!

  42. 3 for me! FB, Blog and comment

  43. I’ll take 3. Thanks

  44. Great blog, awesome reviews. I’m in for 2 (linked on Facebook)

  45. Jim

    Ray – Put me down for two. Posting here and gave you props on FB.


  46. 2 for me! Comment plus RT (and facebook). Thanks.

  47. X3 for me please, I have been itching to get my hands on one of these to see how I can stretch functionality. Perhaps this is the way. link to outsidesd.com @outsidesd

  48. Count me in for two. One here and one RT on Twitter. Thanks again for another great competition.

  49. 3 for me

    1. comment *waves*
    2. I RT’d your contest tweet using the RT fuction link to twitter.com
    3. I posted on Facebook link to facebook.com

    thanks for the opportunity :)

  50. You’ve got the best tri gear reviews on the web! Keep up the great work!

  51. MAJ

    You have the best giveaways! I’m down for the RT and the comment . . .

  52. Count me in please, appreciate the reader giveaway.

  53. Timex….more data, more data

  54. Hej hej Ray,

    Thaaaaaaaaaaaank you for your giveaway and the greaaaaaaat job!

    One entry with this.

    Have a magical day :)

  55. JohnnyMack

    I want in!!!

  56. Count me in .. 1 comment.

  57. Love the blog & read it daily! Count me for 2 @jasondc

  58. I have retweeted, blogged and facebooked it!

  59. 2 entries for me. One for this comment and the second for the retweet from @jandercito

  60. Count me for 3 please !
    retweet, blog and comment

  61. Katie Mc

    Please count me for two (here & @Katie140). I just started triathlons (okay, I’ve done one but it was love at first sight) and stubmled across your blog just before that. It’s fantastic, thank you.

  62. jake26648@mypacks.net

    I think that things like altitude and distance would be very helpful to have at your fingertips (wrist-tip?) while hiking, and the ability to download your route and use with Google Earth would be a very cool way to display any pictures you took en route.

  63. I’m back for another shot at the giveaway. Two entries for me, this comment and Facebook.

  64. Commenting…

    Love the site. Thanks!!

  65. I like Timex Ironman, I will love this Global Trainer.

  66. 3 Points !

  67. hello great job,
    please not me for 2 entrence
    1 FB and one opst
    see you
    Marc (Brazil)

  68. wow, that’s alotta comments. I’m adding mine here. w00t! hope I win, that’s a cool watch!

  69. I posted a comment here and retweeted (@triblogcarol) and posted on facebook. so, i get three, please. If I win, I’m giving it to my co-worker who is a veteran and works two jobs to support wife and two small children. :-)

  70. Hi there – cool blog! Trying my hand at the contest here. Have also retweeted you, so put me down for 2 :)

  71. Whoops – forgot to say my RT was under my twitter name of muklowd :)

  72. Gene

    Awesome blog. Carol S sent me.

  73. mo

    Arrghhh, my garmin died on me.

  74. mfealing@yahoo.com

    Love your blog. Fun and educational for me the newbie…

  75. Anonymous

    Great offer – many thanks. Pls count me in with one entry! Damien

  76. Count me as one, Fabio

  77. Great giveaway! Three for me please (comment, posted on blog, facebook). Thanks!

  78. Great blog and product reviews.

    Two for me please; facebook and comment.

  79. In for two (flatpacked)

  80. Nice looking gps unit

  81. Ben

    Just under the wire. Please count me in for 2 entries! I will tweet this as we speak.
    Thanks Ray!

  82. bike99

    Wicked blog! Count me in for 3 (blog, retweet,and comment).

  83. Pick me! Pick me! Just got one for the bf’s birthday, now I need one to train with him! BTW – thanks for the awesome blog!

  84. Link from my web site: link to rodrigoloureiro.com

    also posted on FB and retweeted it !!!

  85. Anonymous

    New to your blog… checking it out now!


  86. Thanks for the opportunity…just finished a 6.42 mi run while slugging my DroidX as my GPS. Would love a GPS watch! Tweeting shortly.