New DC Rainmaker Partnership with Wiggle for Europe/Australia/New Zealand


I’m excited to announce a new partnership here on the site – this one primarily focused for Europeans, as well as Australian and New Zealand readers (and other places Wiggle delivers). A perfect fit for right now given I’ve spent the last week in Australia for the Tour Down Under, and of course I live in Europe. Combo-dish achievement unlocked!

Of course, many of you are familiar with Wiggle, and some of you may have noticed that over the last month or so I’ve been adding in links to Wiggle from product reviews as well as the sidebar. Plus, I’ve got their links covered in various sale postings and product recommendation round-ups. There isn’t a company in the European and AUS/NZ market that has as many of the sports tech products I review as Wiggle (nope, not even Amazon – where you oft won’t find trainers). Still, atop that, I’ll work with Wiggle to get missing sports tech products added to the lineup.

From trainers to GPS bike computers, watches to action cams, and plenty more! Aside from the massive selection. For you, here’s some of the biggest benefits:

  • Free shipping on everything over 9GBP for UK orders, and varying similar minimums for EU orders. For AUS/NZ orders, free trackable shipping for over $99.
  • Lowest price, and price matching. If you find a lower price, they’ll match it.
  • First time customer? You’ll get 10GBP off your first 50GBP order!
  • Repeat customer? Then you’ll save with their Wiggle Loyalty program!
  • If you spend 500GBP you’ll save 12% on qualifying items automatically (becoming a Wiggle Platinum customer), and if you spend 100GBP you’ll earn yourself 5% off qualifying items.
  • Free Haribo candy with every order
  • …and best of all: You help support the site and content here!

Many of you have asked about supporting the DCR site here, and certainly you can become a DCR Supporter. But, if you just wanna go about buying your cycling toys as normal, you can simply use the link on the sidebar or in any product review.

Oh – and as usual, no retailer/company/anything gets a say in what I write/post/etc. Nothing has changed there, just like it didn’t when I brought onboard Clever Training for the US side of the house back some 8 years ago. If a product sucks, I’ll say it (usually in painstaking detail). But if it’s good, I’ll tell you that too. You’re free to purchase either great or sucky products after reading a review. As long as you use the Wiggle link – I’m happy. ;)

Using Wiggle is easy! You’ll find a link on the sidebar (look to your right if on desktop), at the end of all product reviews, the floating sidebar on all product reviews, or this page right here. I’ve made it easy to remember too, just remember:!

As long as you use one of these links, then it’ll support the site! I appreciate it!

With that – thanks for reading!


Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.

Support DCRainMaker - Shop on Amazon

Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.


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  1. Robin

    Awesome, one pleased Kiwi. Thanks Ray (and Wiggle).

  2. gogo

    Good – but no Assioma power-meter on wiggle :-((((

    • I’m glad Ray’s onboard with Wiggle, hopefully this Assioma omission will soon now change. Ray is correct about Wiggle’s range too, it is comprehensive with good prices especially for Platinum customers.

      There are times, for example, when other retailers like Cotswold (UK) get priority stock for new watches yet at the same time Wiggle also often get the ‘exclusives’ (eg 530 IIRC).

    • Javi

      I have a £250 voucher waiting for the Assiomas… Currently the Vector 3 are £594,which I think it’s the lowest in the year but I’ve read so many bad things about them

  3. Marek

    The benefits you list are just the usual wiggle ones? Plus some kick back for referrals from Cool with that, just looking at whether your readership get’s any additional benefits as with Clever Training :)

    • At this point there aren’t specific Wiggle DCR benefits, though perhaps down the road. We’ll see…

      For US folks, Clever Training still has the 10% off most products, and 10% back in VIP points for everything else. Appreciate the support!

    • Adam

      Hi Ray – I initially thought the £9 threshold for free delivery was a DCR benefit (it’s usually £16).

      I just tried but even via your link it’s asking for a £16 spend for free delivery.

    • WorkOnSunday

      start with…TWO packs of Haribo :D

  4. DerLordBS

    Hi, is it save to buy as a European? The Brexit will take place soon. Do they will offer the same warranty services as an European company? How does it work, if there are any warranty problems after Brexit? Or are there any problems with the shipping the next two years? Do they offer an discount in Euro or only in GBP

    • Christie Malry

      The UK will (very very likely) leave the European Union in a week’s time, but under there will be a transition period lasting until the end of 2020 during which we will still follow EU rules – so for the time being you will still have the same consumer protections and there won’t be any extra import charges. What happens after the end of the year is anybody’s guess.

    • Marek

      Wiggle/CRC purchased a year or so back. That will probably be their channel to the EU market in the future.

    • usr

      …and apparently sold it back to previous owners not that much later. Bike24 isn’t their brexit counter.

  5. Matt

    What about us Canadians?! Haha.

    We have a serious lack of great sports/tech retailers.

    • John B

      While living in Alberta I bought items from Clever Training with the CBSA taking a their customs fee.

    • Matt

      I’ve done most of my purchasing through ChainReaction, though anything large, like trainers, etc is pretty prohibitive. It would be nice to have something like ChainReaction or Clever based in Canada to reduce shipping and customs fees.

  6. Mike

    As I spend most of my hard earned cash with Wiggle I will be sure to use your link Ray, always happy to support the best site on the internet

  7. Chris

    so is clever training for europe being wound down? I noticed a serious lack of products on the site and now this….

  8. Dave

    Just made a purchase this week using the affiliate link, which I had somehow found here:
    link to

    OK it was only some gels that I bought, and nothing expensive, but hopefully I’m doing my bit for the site.

    Even with the free delivery option, the parcel came in 2 days which I was very happy with.

  9. Edwin Aerts

    Hi Ray

    I’m from Belgium and a great fan of yours.
    I’ve always been a regular customer of Wiggle.
    What about the benefits after the Brexit: when buying cycling material you should pay taxes and apply to custom duties since delivery destination is outside UK, like for all Europeans buying in the UK?
    Thanks for considering this.


    • Like all businesses across Europe (in both directions), it’s mostly an unknown.

      However, what’s not an unknown is that Wiggle purchased another large retailer (Bike24) within Germany, which was largely seen as a Brexit hedge to guard against this sort of thing. Said differently – I wouldn’t worry about it at this point.

    • Wouter J

      I have been ordering at Bike24 (from The Netherlands) on multiple occasions and have positive experiences till now. Looking at some random examples, pricing seems to be more competitive compared to Wiggle (at least without having to reach a loyalty level). If one day a Bike24 link would become available, I would be happy to follow this one as well!

      Brings me to the question as well, any exprience with requesting Wiggle to match a power price?

    • Frank

      What is not unknown is that they sold it back last September
      link to

    • WorkOnSunday

      +1, i ordered two Colnago A1r for myself and my wife. Mine was through bike24 and her one is through another UK online retailer (she wanted a different colourway) and it was day and night different when it comes to build quality. bike24 has my vote!

  10. Sully

    Just confirming we should follow links to the UK site and not swap over to the Australian site.

    • So in theory the UK links localize to show you Australian products/pricing/etc. Be curious if you’re not seeing that. Thanks!

    • JD

      Just a heads up for Australians ordering through this link, I just noticed that despite all prices being in AUD, my credit card processed the expenses as foreign transactions and slapped a fee on them (3%). Not sure if using the au site normally does that, but I’m guessing not.

      So if you have a credit/debit card that doesn’t do foreign transaction fees, use that one!

  11. Nathan Budd

    This is cool!

    FYI, if the page is supposed to be a redirect, it takes you to this page, rather than the Wiggle website.

  12. I can’t believe you didn’t mention the word haribo in this post :D

  13. Mark Wheeler

    NOOOOOOO….. In my experience, Wiggle have become arrogant through their market growth. Customer service is just non-existent. @Ray, if you had something to moan about with Garmin, then only Wiggle beats them for just how poorly they treat customers. I know there will always be someone unhappy with a retailer or manufacturer, but really….. They’re customer service reps simply don’t care. You’ve married the devil… that is if you can be married twice ;-)

    • Mark

      Well, for balance I’ll counter that with the complete opposite, I’ve always found them to have excellent customer service and their returns policy is first class. Great loyalty discounts, with bonus up to 17% for Platinum a few times a year and price match have always been good too.

    • jww

      Agree with Mark #2, my customer service from Wiggle has been top notch. One year returns (seriously?), worked with me to ship a GIFTED product back from the States, and DHB is of great quality to begin with. Can’t say enough good things.

  14. Richard

    Sad so sad. I’ve been following a policy of buying from anyone but wiggle. My objection to them has been that they have largely abandoned their sponsorship of cycling events and activities both at grassroots level and at professional level within the Uk. This means that I now see them as sucking the life and money out of the sport without giving anything back. We are all poorer for it and may well leave the sport in a very bad place. Local events have long relied on support from their local bike shop but with wiggle causing the closure of many such shops many events are now struggling. We need to look at the sponsorship programs of those we spend our money with and encourage the likes of wiggle to invest some of their profits/marketing budget into supporting the sports and activities we love.

  15. Anders Majland

    I’ve bough from wiggle about once a year since i bought my road bike there in late 2015.

    Any way to link my wiggle account so that you get kickback on anything without having to hunt down a link on you site first ?

    • My understanding is that once you use a DCR Wiggle link, it ‘stays’ within you about 30 days I think. Otherwise, the best bet is simply hit up the DCR site and then tap the Wiggle logo on the sidebar. Boom!

      I appreciate it!

    • Anders Majland

      – Hit Wiggle logo on DCR
      – Change region language
      – Login to wiggle
      – Over 500DKK for free postage – good deals on Zero tabs 8×20 tablets
      – Hopefully a bit of kickpack to DCR

  16. Patrick

    Its unfortunate that wiggle are rubbish for garmin but otherwise one of my regulars so will have to remember to link through

  17. Christian Elfving

    Great news, congrats!
    Next challenge is to get a partner who does not leave the EU. That would be even more important!

  18. Ptux

    Great to hear of the new partnership with wiggle. I’m a regular customer and have experienced the offers, discounts and advertising. Delivery has always been good to Switzerland and never had any issues. Its my go to for sports kit… Now I will go via dcr.

  19. Jeffrey F.

    I don’t quite understand the article title with respect to “and anywhere Wiggle delivers”. They deliver pretty much everywhere on earth. I’m in Asia, and used them earlier this month… does your announcement not apply here?

  20. Tommy

    Anyone in the UK thinking of purchasing the 9.99 unlimited next day delivery (for 12 months), be warned, it’s with Hermes.

  21. Thomas G.R.

    Great news ! It’s my go-to website for a lot of bike related stuff !
    “Lowest price, and price matching. If you find a lower price, they’ll match it.”
    Any idea how that bit works ?

    • João

      Will also apreciate knowing how that work…

      Will contact customer support to see if I have any luck…

    • Tim

      Go to link to select price match request as the category and fill in the form with the details of the lower price. You can also do it over live chat if you can get hold of one of the operators

    • João

      Well, with Portugal as delivery country, no category of price match is available… this only shows if I select UK as delivery country.
      But I contacted customers service and saddly they only match a fews competitors…