The April $500 DCR Gadget Giveaway!


This could alternatively be titled – ‘Pre-Sea Otter Cycling Event $500 Gadget Giveaway!’  Or, it could be titled ‘Crap, I meant to post this on Friday and therefore this is your consolation prize for it being a Monday…nobody likes Mondays.

Except, the second one is too long for the title.  And the first one is confusing for those that don’t know what Sea Otter is.  Thankfully, everyone knows what April is, so we’ll just go with it.

So here’s the deal – this giveaway gets you $500 worth of gadget goodness from Clever Training, my always excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  And they’ll even let you wait till the end of the month to take advantage of any upcoming new devices in the next week or so (such as those announced this week at Sea Otter). It’s like having stock market options, without any real downside.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of an athletic adventure from this weekend. If you did a ‘recovery’ weekend…then…well…think of something vaguely athleticish.

The reason you need a short description of ‘why’ is that if you just put a single word (e.g. run), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of stale SPAM.  Got all that?

By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on almost anything they sell (or get points instead).  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the GoPro Hero6 Black, to a Suunto Spartan Ultra, to a random pair of socks, to the Garmin Vector 3 power meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat (note: they don’t sell kayaks).  Also note, your credit is in US dollars, not some other funky Canadian currency or something – otherwise you’d get less.  Nobody wants less.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Thursday, April 19th, 2018 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.

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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.



  1. Jasper

    On the rollers watching the classics.

  2. lovemyway

    On Saturday I’ve done 120km’s somewhere I’ve never been before, the sun was high and the sky was clear 🙂

  3. Chris Rodriguez

    This weekend was the Belgian Waffle Ride in San Diego California, 130miles with 50 miles of dirt climbs and decents. Real epic race and tons of fun. Waffles in the morning, beers at the end who can ask for more.

  4. Tom

    Busted my ankle this weekend so a new gadget will help distract me while I mend myself back together 🙂

  5. Travis Brassington

    5 laps around the 1km pond here in Cochrane AB… before the snow hit again!

  6. José

    I planned to bike/run, but the visit to the doctor stopped that idea. Sigh.

  7. FrankJ

    Dide a nice ride to the world famous Grebbeberg near Rhenen! 121 km.

  8. Tommy N

    I ran up the stairs of the Utah State Capitol on Sunday, does that count?! Lol

  9. Jose Martin Suarez Sanchez

    I did a long 3 hours ride on Saturday. Followed with 2 easy hours on Sunday.
    Thanks for the chance to participate!!

  10. R

    Strength Training (aka moving houses)

  11. Joel

    Surfed 35 degree Lake Erie

  12. Josh

    Easy miles

  13. mark

    Rode 40 miles Saturday and a Zwift race on Sunday

  14. Mark Wells

    Did a longer run and shorter ride at the weekend. Needs to long run and long ride next weekend!

  15. Magnus

    20k trail prepping for my marathon in Stockholm.

  16. Chris S

    Did a 40 mile hilly ride.

  17. Joe

    Short 17 mile run

  18. Matt

    13.1mi Run Saturday Morning on the Swamp Rabbit Trail in Greenville, SC before tailgating, taking in the spring football game in Clemson and capping off the evening with the Clemson Baseball game.

  19. Marc Simkin

    Since it hit 80s in NYC on Friday, I decide to ride to work. Couldn’t resist the warm weather. I took Saturday as a rest day, and Sunday was time for some steady state intervals on the Kickr. I’m hoping the coming weekend is nice so I can get outside some more when it’s warm, instead of being bundled in layers upon layers of cycling clothes.

  20. Wolfgang

    Saturday: did a 22km jog (pace was really slow) and on Sunday I went out with the Boys from the cycling club for a 100k ride.

  21. Mike McGuirk

    Went for a 10 mile row on the Potomac R.

  22. Flemming Vind

    I did a 25k run in the woods as training for my 50miles end of the month

  23. Jakob

    Writing on my thesis is very athletic right?

  24. michael bells

    I didn’t run this weekend… because here in Southern Ontario (Orillia) we got dumped on with 40+cm of snow & ice pellets & freezing rain… just about everything got cancelled… if I won… it would go towards a bike trainer or a treadmill

  25. Sean Runnette

    Zwifted for an hour. Adventure!

  26. David Chrisman

    20 mile recovery ride trying to avoid the wind that was blowing in a storm

  27. Olli

    First 100k of the year, spring is finally here.

  28. Jeff Loisel

    A little 18k run on sunday under freezing rain/ice pellets in Montreal. Not the nicest spring so far for outdoors activities in north-eastern America thus far.

  29. James

    I ran three times around a 2 mile track nearby in east Texas. The wind was so forceful on the back half that I was more or less running in place.

  30. Eric Boyd

    Rode the 70.3 Chattanooga erg file from best bike split on TrainerRoad. Pretty cool how technology keeps advancing

  31. Josh K.

    Played in a weekend hockey tournament, call it a cross-training marathon

  32. Rob Fogle

    40 minute ride on my trainer while watching Netflix.

  33. John Fuhrman

    Doing the Mayors bike ride for trails

  34. Drucik

    On Saturday morning run and bike. Evening was weight lifting.
    Sunday nice 2h bike ride.

  35. Pascal D.

    2nd longest ride of the year, now with a decent speed.

  36. Nicholas Forsyth

    Great group ride, flat and fast!

  37. Hylke

    preparing for Liege Bastogne Liege…

  38. Nick

    Easy ride Saturday. Sunday funday chilling with the family.

  39. Chris

    I “ran” a lot of errands this weekend trying to catch up. Hope that counts?

  40. TC

    25K Rattler Trail Race

  41. Sam

    I went for a run and a bike ride. I turned the wrong direction out of my driveway on my ride and ended up having to ride uphill with a headwind the entire way back. I also witnessed a man attacking someone else but the assailant gave up when he saw me slowing down and watching, prepared to call the cops if need be.

  42. We are having a delightful snow and ice storm in Northern Ontario and I’m stuck inside on the trainer

  43. Darren S

    A fast 50 mile road ride with fast friends

  44. Kellie Stapleton

    Every day’s a recovery day; I’m only 3 months post-op from a hip replacement. So…. a walk of 45 min. on the trainer?

  45. Martin

    I went for a good 150km ride but terrible headache stopped be way earlier..

  46. Linda

    Did a little running around in between doing taxes.

  47. Piotr

    Great little bike trip with kids.

  48. Javier Biscontin

    Rock climbing weekend for me!

  49. Andrew Murdoch

    Walking around Singapore in the humidity.

  50. Krys

    Good ol’ 10k run with flowers blooming everywhere. Love my hometown in April.


  51. Joe R

    X-C skiing season just ended, so got back in the pool for a 50 minute swim.

  52. Jurgen

    Just did two outside!! Nice weather

  53. GeorgeH

    Currently running hobbled but a couple of short 5 milers on Saturday and Sunday.

  54. Mike

    Windy bike ride that was supposed to be easy. It wasn’t.

  55. Laurent

    Did an intervals session on Saturday morning. First repetitions went ok but last 3 were a nightmare.

  56. J.

    Just a long run on Sunday

  57. Johan

    Short bike ride despite my pollen allergies… :-/

  58. Mike

    Ran 32k through the deep snow. At I kept the 90 km/h wind to my back and took the train back home.

  59. Daniel Sherman

    10 mile trail run on a no carb diet. So hard…

  60. Matt Watson

    Speed work (Chasing my daughters and her soccer team (6U) up and down the sideline.)

  61. Brian Harris

    I went skiing. It was great.

  62. John Pimentel

    recovery Yoga weekend

  63. Lucas Gourley

    Nice easy weekend spending time with the family.

  64. Joe M.

    My first run of the year in shorts instead of tights. Spring at last!

  65. Shay

    Saturday was a 60 mike ride through Marin that turned into an 80 mike ride and 4500 feet of elevation!!

  66. Andris

    Mountain biking with new tubeless setup, and fighting air leaks…

  67. Garden Spot Village Half Marathon in New Holland, PA(near Lancaster)

  68. Bruno Medeiros

    I did a hard interval training as preparation to a 5k race in two weeks.

  69. Greg

    Morgan Territory and Mt. Diablo yesterday. Recovery day today 🙂

  70. Joe M

    1st outdoor cycle of 2018 in the northeast, before 4 days of rain

  71. Tim Stevens

    I was able to get in a good, hard 40 miles in the windy, but sunny and warm weather here in Georgia on Saturday. Then, I was in recovery mode all day Sunday pretty much…

  72. Kyle

    Rode indoors on my wahoo

  73. Saturday hiked old rag and Sunday ran 16 miles. Kinda sore today.

  74. Chris Larson

    Visited family in Dallas. Only athletic stuff I did was help walk their new born around the block a couple times to get her to sleep. Absolutely beautiful weather.

  75. MikeS

    Indoor trainer session followed by my first short brick run of the season.

  76. Keith Chant

    Ran Brighton Marathon in the UK – and had a good dose of cramp!

  77. Hans Zwickler

    First long ride for this season (100k+)- ended in a real disaster, suffering a lot.

  78. Simon Jackson

    I ran 7 miles up and down the Seine while in Paris for work

  79. Andre Santos

    This weekend it was first time with nice weather in a long time so it was nice to return to the road…until I was facing a 10% climb! Thats when I realize I am still in winter shape.

    Good luck everyone

  80. Olivier

    I went trail running, but it turned out it was closer to ice skating than running

  81. Steve O

    I did laps on the booty loop!

  82. Robert T

    I did an awesome round of Leg and LISS training, legs totally destroyed!

  83. Carter Terry

    It was in fact a recovery weekend, after taking an 8 hour exam all day Friday. But I did go for a hike with my wife and my two little girls on Saturday, not a lot of TSS, but it was great fun!

  84. Richard McCulloch

    Ran 8km around Bergen Airport

  85. Eric

    Racing the London Marathon

  86. Eric Jones

    I took the weekend off after alot of Zwift riding over the last few weeks.

  87. Tim

    Minnesota Masters SCY State Swim Meet

  88. Goncalo

    Did a return-from-a-crash ride. I was a little stressed in the beginning, but the good sensations returned after a couple of Km’s. Pretty happy 🙂

  89. Todd T

    Shoveled over 20 inches of snow in an April blizzard in Minnesota!

  90. John C.

    Battling unseasonably cold weather and a stiff wind on a ride out in the country.

  91. Mike

    3 hour trail run with friends

  92. Kostas

    Nothing really special since I’m on tapering period for a coming race in two week.
    Wish me good luck!!! (for the Giveaway 😀 )

  93. Josh

    I hit the slopes to get in a possible last weekend of boarding.

  94. Amelia

    Some friends and I did a 200 km round trip ride to visit a fantastic bakery and eat multiple slices of cake each!

  95. corresponsal

    My first short loop in the Santa Monica Mountains – beautiful! Looking forward to discover more…

  96. Rick

    Ran a double marathon chasing a new puppy around the house!

  97. Jonathan Hughes

    Looking after our 10 month old child – physically more tiring than any workout!

  98. Russell Aaronson

    Pool time on Saturday. Sunday was lower body resistance, stepper and rower at the gym. Two more weeks of Plantar’s PT before running resumes – fingers crossed!

  99. Paul Freeman

    With the first days of sunny, warm(ish) weather here in Scotland I was out on my bike; club run followed by lazy Sunday ride. Lovely

  100. Kyle J

    Ran through the woods as it was finally dry enough to make it through somewhat cleanly