The April $500 DCR Gadget Giveaway!


This could alternatively be titled – ‘Pre-Sea Otter Cycling Event $500 Gadget Giveaway!’  Or, it could be titled ‘Crap, I meant to post this on Friday and therefore this is your consolation prize for it being a Monday…nobody likes Mondays.

Except, the second one is too long for the title.  And the first one is confusing for those that don’t know what Sea Otter is.  Thankfully, everyone knows what April is, so we’ll just go with it.

So here’s the deal – this giveaway gets you $500 worth of gadget goodness from Clever Training, my always excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  And they’ll even let you wait till the end of the month to take advantage of any upcoming new devices in the next week or so (such as those announced this week at Sea Otter). It’s like having stock market options, without any real downside.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of an athletic adventure from this weekend. If you did a ‘recovery’ weekend…then…well…think of something vaguely athleticish.

The reason you need a short description of ‘why’ is that if you just put a single word (e.g. run), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of stale SPAM.  Got all that?

By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on almost anything they sell (or get points instead).  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the GoPro Hero6 Black, to a Suunto Spartan Ultra, to a random pair of socks, to the Garmin Vector 3 power meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat (note: they don’t sell kayaks).  Also note, your credit is in US dollars, not some other funky Canadian currency or something – otherwise you’d get less.  Nobody wants less.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Thursday, April 19th, 2018 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.

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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.



  1. Omar A

    I went for 6 mile trail run.

  2. Bogdan

    First mtb enduro trail this year… and broke my fox fork :(

  3. The winter finally told me goodbye so that this was a time to put on my running shoes and go out. I did trail running as well as enjoyed nature. The distance I have made this week is around 40 kilometers.

  4. Chris Sohn

    Boston Marathon. Hypothermia. Not so much athleticish, more dumb-ish! :P

  5. Bob

    I spent two days on the water, kayaking!

  6. Patrik Akselsson

    We did a 60 km fun run up and between five ski areas I Stockholm.

  7. Sjors Stevens

    A nice and easy swim on Saturday, a run-bike pre-race test on Sunday in the eastern part of your new home country, Arnhem, the Netherlands. You should definitely come over once!

  8. Walter Tsui

    50 mike ride to celebrate the one good day of weather that weekend — Sunday was snow/rain and mid-30s here in Boston (you may have heard about the weather Monday for the marathon…). Thanks!

  9. Christopher Spogis

    Biking with Bison in Yellowstone National Park before the roads open for automobiles

  10. Frank V

    63 mi Devils Backbone Mtn Cross with 6.8K of climbing 1/3 on gravel. A mini east coast BWR. Great weather and great folks on the Blue Ridge in Virginia.

  11. Tako Horsley

    Sunday I ran a 10K race nearby Amsterdam in Hilversum.

  12. steve

    This past weekend I continued training for a half marathon – long run and hill work.

  13. Doug

    My athletic adventure was moving my Mom 500 miles into a new place

  14. Carl

    First LSD-ish run for a long time

  15. Oriol Bertran Pardo

    I run over an awesome park over and over

  16. marie

    I biked, I run. Almost a biathlon!

  17. Edwin

    I went on a 115km bike ride which turned out to be delightful as the weather was cloudy and remained cool throughout most of the ride, on an otherwise hot and dry climate area.

    I was descending a hill when the water bidon mounted to the seat tube just ejected itself Leroy Jenkins style. Made a pit stop for water refueling. A girl doggo started chasing me near the point of highest elevation which triggered a climbing sprint and high HR bpm’s.

    The rest of the day was spent doing laundry and folding clothes along some tunes with the Lady at home.

  18. Cameron E Taylor

    The taper begins for the April 28th running of the Whiskey Off-road Mtn bike race in Prescott, AZ. So this weekend includes to easy’ish rides in the 25-35 mile range,

  19. Matthew Balogh

    I was supposed to race the Hoosier Half Marathon in Bloomington Indiana with my club team as part of the NIRCA National Championships. The race was cancelled due to thunderstorms, so we drove back to Pennsylvania and ran a half as a team the next day (Sunday). It was still raining and the lack of crowds/race mentality did not setup many for PRs, but I enjoyed seeing where my fitness was at.

  20. Remy Meeuwse

    Rode the Col de la Madone with friends this weekend. Hell of a climb but great to get at the top first

  21. Aaron Perry

    Spent my weekend working around the house due to bad weather. Made up for it on Tuesday with a nice 32mi ride before work.

  22. qanic

    Ran a dry and hot Boston Marathon.

  23. DaveG

    Got in a nice 43 mile bike ride in PA. Nice and warm. Now it’s back to freezing…

  24. Jim

    Still cold for riding this weekend here is Cleveland. I may go for a 5k race Saturday, weather permitting. Wish it would be summer already!

  25. goseigirl

    Gym workouts — weights and treadmill. Bike trainer session — too windy to hit the road.

  26. Esteban

    Running with my girlfriend and Dog

  27. Villegas

    Waking at the beach

  28. revans

    I went for a ride with my kids :)

  29. Brian K

    Easy workouts to get back into swing. 1 hr on Zwift. Easy run.

  30. Laura

    swimming in Cartagena

  31. Wojciech Gluszak

    Recovery day…did yoga for the first time!

  32. Paul

    First day of the year with sunshine so went for an ‘easy’ ride with my buddies and ended up hitting 1000 watts!

  33. Robert P

    Kicked off training for my marathon in the fall!

  34. Bo Lively

    I hit the gym and played at the park.


  35. datrotta

    Ran 10mi in Chicago fake spring, then played some squash with friends!

  36. Ryan Richard

    7 mile run in the rain/snow and wind on Saturday and 6.5 on the treadmill on Sunday because on day in those conditions was enough.

  37. Gary Hampson

    The weather in NJ was finally nice enough to get the bike out of the garage. Took a ride along the shore from Sea Girt to Sandy Hook and back.

  38. Lka

    Got myself into an hospital :-( Doing some recovery walks around the hospital grounds.

  39. Robin Hermann

    100 km Ride with friends, finishing with some fine rhubarb cake ?

  40. Edwin

    I did some training for my first marathon next Sunday!

  41. Alexey Sh

    Going to run 10km on road

  42. Eli Goode

    40 mile road ride up and over the mountains and back again!

  43. John Wilson

    Last weekend consisted of a 9 mile run, a 20 mile Zwift and adult beverages…

  44. Sean Peffer

    Doing a Charity challenge with my son to run as many loops up Table Mountain in Cape Town as we can.

  45. raf

    Backcountry skiing in the french alps. Full day!

  46. Stephen

    A run with the Luanda Hash House Harriers!

  47. Niko

    had to take a cold-induced break, but might be back on bike tomorrow!

  48. Josh

    I tried to stand up a few times as I am down with a cold.

  49. Chris

    Very cruisey swim after sleeping in and missing squad Sunday morning

  50. Krishna Dayanidhi

    Ran 6.2 miles on Sunday. Felt awesome. Been a while since I ran 6 miles. Cheers!!

  51. Matt Mccullough

    I had a rather epic ride on Saturday in the hills of Texas with sustained 20 mph winds. It made for a long ride going north and very quick ride heading back south.

  52. Carlos

    I went for the first outside ride of the season, which felt great after many weeks riding on the trainer

  53. Jurassic

    First 5k parkrun of the year, followed by Belgian bun, so a big adventure

  54. Charles

    I rode 130 miles (split over two day) recoverying from the Paris-Roubaix 90 mile Grand Fondo. It was awsome to have smooth roades

  55. Candos

    I started biking last month and looking forward of getting nice equipment:)

  56. dave

    running, running, & more running

  57. Luc

    Didn’t do much last weekend, beside a 35 hour training ride. Got a 170km race planned on sunday trough the western part of The Netherlands.

  58. Nels

    Weather in Chicago not conducive to outdoor training. Went to Jiu Jitsu class Saturday and Sunday.

  59. Craen Frank

    A run for 16k. Training for marathon Antwerp

  60. Rien

    First, an easy 60km ride in D1 on Saterday and then on Sunday I did a 40km ride in D4.

  61. Simon

    Just a long run

  62. Rich KM

    A lekker cycling trip along the Rhein

  63. SushiB

    Dragging my 3 year round our local Park in a running stroller.

  64. Minion

    I ran 60km this week!!

  65. Thomas P.

    Fixed the bike on the weekend, but been using it every day since.

  66. chris

    just walk

  67. Markus Graf

    Last weekend I took the opportunity to go for a ride on my bike and enjoyed rock climbing.

  68. Richard W

    Sadly indoor biking for me!

  69. Michael

    Last weekend I ran 10km in the Parc de Marly. First time for me there.

  70. Eric

    Does a recovery 40k MTB trip followed by moving 3,5 tons of stones at a friend’s house count ;)

  71. Dylan Hopwood

    Spent the weekend doing some strength sessions.

  72. Miklos BARTA

    did some fitness training and judo.

  73. Chris K

    Err I was visiting the in law’s in a very wet countryside. Gave up on the idea of a bike ride but I did spend a lot of time chasing and/or carrying my 3 yo son around various venues.

  74. Louis

    I did my first sea swim of the year, in the North Sea. Could have been warmer

  75. Sarah

    Drove the kids to their swim practices over the weekend … I take it as my recovery weekend. :)

  76. Holger

    Did a bike ride on the beautiful island Mallorca.

  77. Aaron S

    Planned on running a 20 mile training run Saturday morning but instead shoveled +24 inches of snow… Got my strength workout!

  78. Enoch Palmer

    10 miles getting ready for brooklyn half!

  79. Peter

    Going for 10k sun run here!

  80. Michael

    Hopefully Im not to late, just returned from a hot 50k mtb tour

  81. Mark Southam

    Ran a half marathon race Saturday, followed by short (1000 yds) cool off swim. Sunday was my normal 7 mile group trail run – a bit tougher than normal…

  82. David Hernandez

    Desperate to get back on the run. Recovery time is boring. Good luck everyone!

  83. Steve

    I did a 4 mile bike/run with my kids. They bike, I run. MUCH STOPPING!

  84. Nicholas

    I didn’t get to do too much with the last minute snow. Quick ride on the trainer, though!

  85. Scot Walker

    Went out for a 2 hour hilly ride on Saturday and then doubled up with a 7.6 mile run and a 2k swim on Sunday.

  86. Karthik Subramanyam

    Between diaper changes for a 4 month old newborn, I’m hoping to go on a 90 minute hammerfest on Sunday! Barring that, I might try out the Cyclops Hammer that’s due to arrive on Friday.

  87. Craig

    Rode my favourite lumpy loop using quad lock for the first time.

  88. Damian

    A 30k progressive run, start of taper.

  89. Maureen

    Explored Busan, South Korea on foot.

  90. KW Lee

    Did my 3km run after leg injuries a year back!

  91. Chris W

    The everlasting adventure of balancing training time with family time…

  92. AndyH34

    Working my way back from L5-S1 microdiscectomy by walking for a few miles. Hope to get back on the bike soon, but for now taking it week by week.

  93. CedricGH

    Was busy with a physiotherapy continuing education course this week end. I managed to bring my bike trainer with me to Toronto in order to complete “Tour of Watopia – Stage 5”.

  94. Ian Christianson

    Strength and swimming in a hotel pool. A short hotel pool.

  95. Justin B

    Just a nice and easy 9 miler

  96. LLH

    Swam/biked/ran on Saturday and then ran and swam on Sun. Ready for some spring weather and no more snow!

  97. Niklas

    Easy 16 k run. Preparing for half marathon run in Gothenburg, Sweden, in May.

  98. lori

    Enjoyed the nice weather and went on a hike in my local park

  99. MAFletch

    Going snorkeling tomorrow. Does that count?

  100. Pete

    A little run outside after the snow melts!