Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx NEO Smart trainer


It is but a Star Wars aircraft.  The stabilizing wings fold up and down in place, making a solid clunk/click sound once locked securely in position. The design even exhausts out hot air out the back, just like a real aircraft.  Not to mention you can get on it and ride it for hours and hours on end.  Plus, it’s jet black.  All cool aircraft are jet black.

Of course in this case you’ve got what is probably the highest end consumer Star Wars aircraft trainer on the market today, which also might even make you a better cyclist.  Then again – it damn well better make you a better cyclist for the $1,600 it costs.  That’s like…well…one Ironman race registration with a handful of gel packets.  But, magic ain’t cheap – and Tacx NEO is full of magic.  Just stop eating those fries and it’ll all work out.

Giveaway Opens: 4:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 6:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: Hands-on with the Tacx NEO

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!  Oh, and Clever Training Europe is running their own crazy giveaway right now too!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.  If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. 8

    $1600 ??!!

  2. Kamil Lesiak

    Trainer in June ? Why not 😀

  3. Drew

    I would love this!

  4. Rene van der A

    This will make training indoors great!

  5. Tanner Daniels

    In the market for a new trainer. Would enjoy winning this bad Chad

  6. Rafael Olea

    I’ d like to became a better cyclist

  7. Ricardo do Canto

    This would also be lovely! 🙂

  8. Lex

    Going, without going…

  9. Larry

    What a wonderful trainer!

  10. Seth Dziengeleski

    Totally want this.

  11. But, what if I like those fries?!? 🙂 Still, for a Star Wars aircraft one must be prepared for sacrifices.

  12. Mitch Duggins

    Train me up, DC!

  13. Whitney M

    Yes, please!

  14. Mhb Mbn

    Tnx for that!

  15. David Bradway

    Rock some zwift

  16. Balazs Domonkos

    I think I need to drink a cup of coffee soon. 🙂

  17. Mark Ritupe

    Want want want

  18. Greg

    Pick me please

  19. Sarah

    This would be a miracle.

  20. ryan b

    pick me

  21. Leslie


  22. Pieter

    Superb giveaway!

  23. Elfar


  24. Russ Aaronson

    Yes – it’s jet black!

  25. Brian Q

    Yes please!

  26. Jonathan

    Me please

  27. Geoff Campbell

    A fancy looking trainer.


    Oh my god, my soul for this one

  29. Stephen

    This looks awesome!

  30. Peter St.

    Like a dream come true 😀

  31. Edvard Major

    Yes please

  32. Tomas


  33. John Macdonald

    In to win

  34. Patrick

    Well, that price comparison should specify just how many a handful of gels is. The total prices could be close…

  35. Jeff

    awesome sauce

  36. Dean


  37. jason mant

    Fun fun fun continues

  38. kevin

    I think I need this? Would this pedal my bike for me so my wife would stop yelling at me to move my bike? Sure would help…

  39. Charles

    a comment.

  40. Tarmo

    Oh my, yes please, thank you very much

  41. Felix

    More powaaaaaaa

  42. Sergey

    Let’s try!

  43. Thomas

    Winter will ne coming, so a trainer will be needed…

  44. Stephen M.

    I’d rather ride this trainer than go out in the Houston heat!

  45. Paul

    i could use a new trainer

  46. Andreas

    Love tacx

  47. Nick

    Choo choo! (Train-er… get it?)

  48. Mikkel If Hansen

    Yes please

  49. JoelP

    Sign me up

  50. Kevin Snow

    I’ll take it.

  51. Kaue Pepe

    Need this so much!

  52. Sandra

    Magic carpet ride.

  53. Tomek

    Oh yesss, that’s a good one.

  54. Jan Hawkins

    Thanks for offering this.

  55. Alex

    Instead of cessation of fry consumption, lets just use this and increase consumption.

  56. Hans

    Winter is coming

  57. dragos

    Nice. A lot of nice stuff 🙂

  58. Nataliia


  59. Alex

    I want this! Great prize.

  60. Sandi Gavin

    Yes indeed

  61. David Hunnisett

    in it

  62. Todd Thorsgaard

    Just what I need for long Minnesota winters!

  63. Nelson Zornitta

    Wow !

  64. Matt

    pretty please!

  65. Mike S.

    First! Damn!

    This will go nicely with my new bike. Whatever that is.

  66. Jocelyn Salada

    Me please!

  67. Train smart not hard.

  68. Daniel

    I’m in

  69. Ron M

    No whammies…no whammies

  70. Rob

    yes please

  71. Mariusz Luczak

    OK, last comment before bed time.

  72. Paul

    Ok I try to write an early comment this time. A Tacx with less noise than a kickr, yes please.

  73. Scott

    Thanks for doing this Ray, but my production is down because of all the cool stuff that you are giving away!

  74. Phil

    Yes please

  75. Michael Du Toit

    trainer time!

  76. Niklas

    Great replacement for my Tacx Satori

  77. Gabby

    Yes, please!!!!

  78. Marcin F

    Poland – Portugal 1:1 Go Poland, winter is coming 😉

  79. iain abernethy

    This for the classic season so you can train and watch? or just for the fair weather cyclist?

  80. Patrick OConnor

    I’ll take it!

  81. Keegan

    Would love a trainer

  82. Thomas McCarthy

    Thanks for your reviews!

  83. Johan W

    Ride like the wind!

  84. Nir Oren

    Well this one will be popular…

  85. Minda

    Its so beautiful. I want it! 🙂

  86. Gianna

    I need it for my training

  87. Tony Holewinski

    I would love a trainer!

  88. Alberto

    Please, I need it!

  89. Rudy


  90. likepend1

    Brace yourselves, winter is coming??

  91. Megan Granger

    Would love to win this

  92. Chris B

    thanks in advance

  93. Isaac Giesen

    new trainer!

  94. Carl

    Pretty please with a cherry on typ 🙂

  95. Ian Grant

    Why not, not doing much outdoors riding with the weather we’re having at the moment anyway…

  96. Brad Stalter

    I am in the market for a trainer this would be great.

  97. Paul

    Wow. This giveaway is heating up!! Sweet trainer.

  98. Martijn

    I need a trainer for the rainy days

  99. Antoine W

    This one, top !