Garmin Forerunner 310XT Giveaway

Because it’s almost Cherry Blossom time here in DC (one more week!).  Because you’re probably contemplating getting back outdoors for workouts (except you lucky fools in Hawaii, you don’t count).  Because it’s pretty…and maybe just a little bit because you know you want it…

So I’m giving away a brand new Garmin Forerunner 310XT.

Garmin 310XT with the blossoms

Here’s my in depth review if you aren’t familiar with the little orange device. Though, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll love it.

I’m going to do this giveaway a bit different than before – just to mix things up a bit.  Simply provide an answer to the below question and you’ll be entered:

What’s your funniest training moment to date?

Or, you can just say ‘Hi’.  Either way – one comment, one entry.

See, that’s pretty painless, right? If ya have technical questions, thoughts/comments/diatribes/poems regarding the FR310XT specifically, use that post page for those writings.

The contest will run until Monday March 28th, 2011 at 11:59PM Eastern Time, at which point I’ll close the entry period.  Like the all my giveaways there are no restrictions on where the goods go to – so no matter where in the world you are, I’ll send to you.  The winner will get a brand new Garmin Forerunner 310XT (with HR strap).

(Note: If you’re active duty military and deployed, and are unable to complete the entry method above, simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll get ya entered in.  For those curious on how the giveaways work, here’s the deets.  Thanks all!)


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  1. I think all mine involve failure to unclip on the bike.

  2. I remember this one time I accidentally the whole time during my run!!!


  3. Looking at the comments, I’ve forgotten my helmet, didn’t unclip in time while stopping, and I’ll just say hi.

  4. Ben

    I have only raced twice so no funny moments yet.

  5. Love your blog man!

  6. Riding with friends as each of us resited movie quotes like parts of the script from Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Shake and Bake!

  7. During my first snowless trail run of the season, I was listening to “Blinded Me with Science.” The line “She’s poetry in motion” came through my headphones just as I caught my foot on a tree root and skidded to a stop on my face. Thank you Thomas Dolby for supplying my life’s soundtrack.

  8. The time I had to take a leak along the hike and bike trail not knowing there was a driveway just on the other side of the short stretch of woods before a field. Surprise!

  9. I was biking some snowy singletrack, the trial was firm, but of the trail was two feet of soft snow. I was riding along and got off track, got bogged down in the deep snow, and slowly fell over sideways. My feet stayed on the pedals, and when I got back up, I had made a perfect snow biker angel!

  10. 46


    I had a trail trainning in Arrábida, Portugal, a month ago that I’ve organized for some of my friends. A lovely circuit with hard climbs, river crossing, mud… We where like kids :)

  11. Anonymous

    It was funny to see this on my running workout

    link to sports-tracker.com

  12. Multiple attempts at locating restroom facilities (e.g. a porta pot) in a suburban environment.

  13. First I am new to this blog but love it and read it everyday. Thanks.

    My funniest moments actually have been in races. First there was the time at the Mussleman Tri, where I was just coming out of T2, looking down attaching my number belt. All of a sudden I was flying sidways through the air ended up sprawled on the ground. I looked up and see this young woman all of about 115 lbs, she had run into me and sent me flying. After my embarrament I got up and began the run.

    Or there was the time at the North Face Challenge, a trail run at Bear Mountain State Park, where I somehow got off the well marked, designated race route and got lost, finally finishing an hr after the cutoff time. A search party was being formed to look for me…


  14. Me

    Hi Ray! Pick me, pick me!! haha

  15. realizing I was singing out loud during a treadmill run at the local fitness club. I got lots of funny stares.

  16. Riding my mountain bike on the road from the house to the trailhead, I passed a couple of teenage girls walking on the sidewalk, who are apparently terrified of the sound of Shimano shifters in action, as they both let out an ear-piercing scream as I shifted while passing them. Not good for the eardrum!

  17. Having, uh, intestinal issues on a training ride with no commercial facilities available and having to go to a random house to ask to use the bathroom…not so much funny as embarrassing!!

  18. Shane W

    I’d have to say my first time ever riding with proper bike shoes/pedals on my brand new tri bike. I probably spent almost as much time on the ground as in the saddle.

  19. Other than falling over b/c I forgot to unclip (seems like a common thing here)

    At the time I didn’t think it was funny but I had only been riding my bike for a month and I went on a ride on the moose man 70.3 course and went up a mountain….it was steep half way up this crazy hill my training partner say “you know how to stand and ride right”

    I learn best by doing and made it almost to the top and got off and walked the resr

  20. I drove 1 1/2 hours out to the Eastern Shore of Maryland for a long Sunday ride, only to realize I left my front wheel at home. Clearly I didn’t get a ride in that day.

  21. Matt D

    I was biking on the Cape Cod Rail Trail and a squirrel ran out in front of me. I tried to swerve around the squirrel but lost control on some sand. I had the tires slide out from under me and ended up skidding in the “turtle” position for a while. I had some road rash but no major injuries.

    Two weeks later, while riding with my brother on the CCRT, I slowed down to tell him that we were at the spot where I crashed. As I looked over at him to say “This is where I fell…”, I inadvertantly veered off the trail and ran straight into a tree. My brother swears that he saw a squirrel laughing at me.


  22. HI! I hope I win!!! :P

  23. nations this weekend!

  24. Here I go again. This time I will win, lol.

  25. During a recent trail run I had to stop and relieve myself. Hadn’t seen anyone on the trail yet so I just pulled right off the side of the trail. Well about that time a group of ladies come running down the trail. Only slightly awkward :)

  26. Running in Munich, Germany was a fantastic experience … until I got lost. When I would try and ask directions one of three things would happen; a) they did not speak english, b) they spoke english but I couldn’t understand their accent, or c) I could understand them but the pronounciation of their 12 syllable street names left me confused. GabelsbergerstraBe … how are you supposed to remember that name in you head?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Was finishing up a long run with my dog who pulled all the way out and dragged all the way back. When we finally got to the end of the run, she got a huge burst of energy when she spotted a ratty old sock along the sidewalk. I was tired, hot, and mad as the leash and my arm were flying everywhere to wrestle her away from the decomposing footwear. When we finally passed the sock and got ready to cross the intersection before us, I realized a cop had been sitting in his car watching the entire thing. He called out and asked if everything was “under control”…

    I don’t think my face has ever gotten that red again–to be hot, tired, boiling mad, and finish it off with a heavy dose of embarrassment.

  30. On an early morning run getting trapped in a cul-de-sac by a skunk.

  31. Hi, thanks for a great blog, I really enjoy reading every single post.

  32. My funniest moment was actually in a race. I thought I would be slick and clip my shoes in to the pedals for a quick T1. Once out of transition and to the mount line, I did my running mount and pedaled away. Once I got enough speed, I started to put my feet in and realized that I had clipped the shoes on the WRONG SIDE!

  33. SAC

    I’ve tripped and fallen face first while running multiple times. You would think I would learn….

  34. I don’t know if I have any funny training moments. I think that might say something about my training. That it’s boring. Better step it up a notch!

  35. Locked myself out of a rental car during a run in St. Paul in winter. (Stopped after a lap around a lake to change hats.) Alarm going off, keys and phone inside the car, getting really cold. Didn’t know any local phone #s, but actually found a nearby indoor pay phone–with a phone book!–and had $1 in my jacket, for which I got change. Ran around in circles to stay warm while I waited for the lockout service to get through rush hour traffic.

  36. Hi there!! A fun moment – when I was doing an adventure race, the first river we had to cross, I was jumping from rock to rock, trying not to get wet. By the end of the race, after hours and hours, I was crossing rivers neck deep. Who cares if you get wet? :)

    Love your blog!

  37. It was on a bike leg where I took a corner too fast and ended up going off road. Several expletives were voiced coupled with my bike filled with grass and mud. Live and learn.

  38. Hey, great review of the swimsense! Love mine and bought it after reading your blog!

  39. On an early morning run I got trapped in a cul-de-sac by a skunk.

  40. Tried to hotshot track stand it in front of some people crossing a road, obviously fell over. Ended up with a hole in the back of my shorts which proceed to reveal my right cheek over the next 25 miles.

  41. Funniest moment was blacking out and falling onto the floor after a crazy biking workout at my gym. It wasn’t super funny at the time, and my wife was a little embarrassed, but it’s all laughs now!

  42. Love the blog, ready to win a garmin!

  43. 1st ride on a road bike…did not know how to down-shift and got in the biggest gear on a downhill – only to struggle mightily on the subsequent uphill. Good strength training. ;-)

  44. GeeKay

    great contest, love the blog!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Running one morning on a street near my house. My husband was driving to work, and slowed down beside me to say hi. A cop then slowed down behind him, and asked me if he was bothering me. I almost said yes :-)

  47. Hi, count me in.

  48. quite a few years ago i was finishing up a training ride and had to stop at a raised lift bridge over a shipping canal. I slowly rolled past all the stopped cars and took my place at the front of the line. I unclipped my right foot, somehow lost my balance and fell over onto my left side – still clipped in! Quite embarassing for me, but i assume it was funny for everyone watching!

  49. As you said Hi !

  50. Tim B

    I was watching TV while riding on the rollers and started zoning out. Fortunately, I was facing the door to the room and it was open. I was able to grab the doorframe as my bike left the room (with me on it) at 20mph. A new 310XT could log my max heartrate spike if that ever happens again.

  51. Funniest training moment…My girl used an old swimsuit she hadn’t worn in years. Dove into the pool and started to swim, only to realize the elastic had all dry rotted and her suit wasn’t exactly covering everything it was intended to!

  52. My most embarrassing moments was bonking on my first 6 hour mountain bike race. I had it in the bag until the end of my 4th hour when my legs said go and my gut said NO. I had to casually walk back to my car and “re-center” myself. I was able to come back and ride one more lap but I missed the cut off. Oh well.

  53. When I first started riding, I came to a stop at an intersection and failed to unclip, resulting in a not so graceful tip and fall to the right. I spent the next few days teaching myself how to stop and unclip.

  54. B French

    So many moments… this one wasn’t funny as much as enjoyable – on a long ride, I went by a guy in full kilt marching up and down his driveway, playing bagpipes. I definitely slowed down for that one!

  55. Anonymous


    doron from tel aviv

  56. Was running along when I swear I stepped in a hole and fell. Except when I got myself dusted off, there was no hole.

  57. Snot rockets that end up on your face, shirt or anywhwere on you after a bad launch…

  58. My funniest moment was when, while running the same path as a group of very cute guys, I ran straight into a low-hanging tree branch. The pain to my head was *nothing* compared to my wounded ego.

  59. Ben


    Thanks again for the give-away!

    w1b888 at gmail dot com

  60. I like laughing at myself!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. can’t remember anything recently besides running the other day and spitting, but with the way the wind was blowing most of it smacked me right in my face. a van was headed down the street and saw it all. i waited until it passed to wipe my face with my sleeve :-/

  63. Jake Jendusa

    HI :)

  64. JRG

    Getting clotheslined by a tree branch while looking at the ground on a trail run…swept clean off of my feet, cartoon style. Ouch!

  65. I am an astronomer and I travel to high mountaintops several times a year, and I usually bring my racing bike with me. Last year I was working on Tenerife, and I went for a ride on one of the afternoons. While I was descending with 70 km/h on a straight steep road, a car came next to me in the other lane, so I got a bit nervous (what is he doing there? leave me alone!!!) and looked there, to realise that it is the guy from the reception of the “astronomers’ hotel” and he is just waving at me :D That was fun :)

  66. I fell during the most recent Shamrock half marathon. I tripped on a cone (stupid cones, coming out of nowhere, tripping people…), fell in slow motion, caught myself with my hands, and nimbly picked myself back up again. A voice from the crowd yelled, “I give it a 9.8!”

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Hi, your blog is the best! :-)

  69. Funniest moment was first time I used clip-in pedals. My brother and I went mountain biking on a fairly gnarly trail and I got high-centered on a log. Unfortunately, I forgot I had my feet clipped in and so my efforts to put a foot down to stabilize myself went for naught. I fell over sideways, in extreme slow motion, still seated on the bike in perfect form.

  70. I was on a treadmill at a gym thankfully far from home, and a DVD of Saturday Night Live Jeopardy skits was playing on the TV .. at some point I realized that I was laughing out loud while running on a treadmill surrounded by strangers.

  71. Well, it’s not really “funny,” but back in high school I got pulled over for speeding while out on a training ride…I was doing 50 in a 25…granted, it was a crazy steep downhill and I was in a full tuck. Looking back, it was a dumb move, but it’s a moment I’ll never forget!

  72. When my mom ran over a fish on her bike.

  73. Realizing a week before running my first half marathon, that the treadmill I had trained with was measuring miles while my training plan was in kilometers. I remember being frustrated that I ran slower on the treadmill – there are 1.6 kms in a mile. :)

  74. Tom

    When doing a Bike/Run brick getting halfway through the run part and realizing that I’m still wearing my helmet.

  75. Had to be the first time clipping in. Brand new bike was scratched on the first ride.

  76. Nina

    Went out with a friend for our first ride with clipless pedals….i laughed hysterically when she fell over basically a standstill and then I proceeded to eat my words when I did the exact same thing about 5 mins later.

  77. Doing a whole 10K run with my shirt inside out.

  78. Funniest training moment… biking through the woods, winding trail, kept running into a couple that was trying to have…relations.

  79. Hi! Great blog, always a pleasure to read.

  80. Erik Bakker

    Somebody I know during a cycle event farted, not realizing somebody was in his wheel. Quite embarrassing :-)

  81. While hunting in North Central South Dakota this fall I went for a 5am run but forgot my head lamp. Once I left the city limits it was so dark that I couldn’t see the road and got lost. I had to use my cell phone to find out where I was and wait til dawn to find my way back.

  82. Hmmm Funniest moment, going on a group ride, and choosing to ride the 36 miler because of time, missing the 36 mile / 56 mile fork in the road and riding 75 miles trying to back track and find the correct route. I managed to ride through the better part of 5 counties on this little ride, but still made it back in time for my appointment. Awesome!

  83. I’m still a newbie trainer (just a few 5ks under my belt and looking forward to my first 8k, 10k and Half this year), and I have no real funny moments. But my running friend was pooed on by a bird once, lol. :o)

  84. Falling off my new bike 6 times in the first week of owning it, all due to forgetting I was clipped in. Quite a common experience I think.

  85. Thanks for all the great info