She said ‘Yes!’


Oh – and because all you girls will say “Show us the ring!”…here ya go:


And with that…The Girl (or perhaps now, The Fiancee!) and I are off camping for the rest of the week.  Enjoy!


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  1. Bo

    Wow…great news. Congrats to both of you.

  2. Anonymous

    Congrats man! Way to go!

  3. brucelan


    At the risk of being called a nitpicker, YOU are the Fiancé. SHE is the Fiancée.

    Together you are a wonderful couple (and cherished friends).

  4. finally, we meet “the Girl” and she isn’t “the girl” anymore”

    Congratulations Ray & The Fiancee

  5. paul in kirkland

    I eagerly await your in-depth Fiancee review :)

  6. Rob

    Congrats to te both great news.

  7. Geez … a girl’s got to marry you to get her face pictured on your blog? Kind of a steep cost of entry.

    Huge congrats to both of you! Many happy years ahead.

  8. And there she is! Congratulations to the both of you.

  9. Congratulations!
    We have seen “The Girl” slowly creeping up in your posts recently…
    …we were all waiting for that moment…

  10. Congrats mate! About time she made an honest bloke of you… ;-)



  11. Congratulations to both of you! I wish you all the best & wellcome to the club ;-)

  12. Congratulations! Beautiful ring too. :)

  13. Congratulations and u did good the ring is beautiful :)

  14. sweet, little rainmakers on tri bikes.

  15. Dan

    Could not have happened to a nicer couple. Congrats!

  16. Wow, look at the size of this rock :-)
    Congratulations. I wish you many happy years of working out and racing together.

  17. Good man. Congratulations to you and the lady.

  18. Congratulations!!
    It’s the best thing I ever did, I know you two will be happy. Those who train together stay together! My wife and I do the same!
    Nice job!

  19. Congrats from Spain!!!.

    If you want to come to visit this country during your honeymoon, you have a place to stay. ;-)

    Just email me.

  20. SSB

    Congrats to both of you. You make a cute couple. And very nice ring.

    I’m just wondering, is she going to make the wedding cake?

  21. Lovely stuff! Congratulations to both of you! :-)

  22. Congratulations to both of you!


  23. Congrats to you both and best of luck!

  24. Congratulations to both of you!

  25. Best Wishes to you both…that’s very awesome!!

  26. Kim

    Oh my! Hurray!!!! Congratulations!
    What a cute couple I must say!!!

  27. Tim

    Wow we finally get to meet “the girl”. Mrs Rainmaker will make a lovely bride!! Congrats!!

  28. Wow! Congratulations!!! I married my training partner too :)

    Nothing is better in life than the person you love UNDERSTANDING your sport. Things are so much easier for me that way haha!

    Have a nice trip!

  29. Congrats you both! And to “the girl” for saying yes to the guy with the best blog on the net. :-)

    Good luck to you both?

    PS – Where was that picture taken? Beautiful spot.

  30. Oops… that’s “good luck to you both!!”

    Not with a question mark. :-)

  31. How very exciting for both of you! Congrats! And how very pretty the girl is too!

  32. Congrats! “The girl” and you look so happy! The ring is beautiful!

  33. Congratulations to both of you!

  34. Congratulations!!! Now we can put a face with the stories! Best wishes to you both! :)

  35. congrats to mr. and future mrs. rainmaker!!! haha!

    good luck to both of you!!!!

  36. Congratulations…and Paul, great line:
    I eagerly await your in-depth Fiancee review :)

    too funny.

  37. Congrats and best wishes!!!!

  38. Congrats! Nice job on the girl and the ring.

  39. Congratulations to the both of you. Here’s to many many years of tris together

  40. Congrats Ray… so happy for you and the Fiance!

  41. Congrats!! Very exciting news. She’s adorable. So nice to finally be able to put a face to, well… not a name exactly. :)

  42. Not only did she say yes, we even get to see her properly for the first time! Congratulations to both of you!

  43. Congratulations to both of you !!! Finally we get to meet The Girl

  44. Congratulations! What a beautiful ring!

  45. Congrats to the both of you!!! Nice ring ;)

  46. Congratulations!

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful news.

  47. Here is my second Congratulations!

    You and Bertie look so happy. Have a great camping trip.

  48. We finally get to see her!

  49. Congratulations to you two! Thanks for thinking of all of us girls and showing the ring. It is beautiful. Have a great camping trip!

  50. Congrats, nice to finally meet “the girl”, wishing you both the very best life has got to offer.

  51. That is fabulous! Congratulations to you both! I hope you enjoy a long and successful marriage!

    FYI, love the ring!

  52. Congratulations to both of you!!

  53. @realmarkgc

    Congrats, there were always a few “stayed tuned for tomorrows/the next post” where I wondered if this was what you were going to do

  54. About time dude! lol!

    Congrats and enjoy the camping trip!

  55. That is great! Congrats to you both!

  56. Yayyyy! Congrats!

    Good luck with the wedding planning (I’ve found it’s not nearly as bad as everyone says)


  57. Congrats to both of you! How wonderful!!

  58. Congratulations! What great news!

  59. Congratulations! That’s awesome!

  60. Congratulations to you both!!!

  61. congrats! Beautiful ring!

  62. Oh awesome! Congrats to you both!!!!!

  63. nice work, sir…congrats to you!

  64. Joe


  65. Anonymous

    Congrats man!

  66. But did I win a Garmin?

    JK…CONGRATS to both of you!

  67. Wow! Congratulations and best wishes for your new life together!

  68. Chris


  69. Congrats to you both. I hope you have a long, healthy, and happy life together.

  70. Been following your blog a very long time and never have posted. This I couldn’t pass up. Congrats to you both!

  71. Anonymous

    congrats to both of you! it was about time we met the girl, was starting to believe you made her up and was taking pictures of random women at races

  72. Dan

    Congrats to you both!

  73. Congratulations! Beautiful ring and beautiful couple.

  74. Wes

    Congratulations! Does she REALLY know what she is getting herself into? :-)

  75. That’s terrific, congratulations!!

  76. Congrats! I wish you many years of happiness and bliss.

  77. Anonymous

    She’s beautiful Ray!

    Congrats! Many happy transitions and finishes to the both of you!


  78. Wow! Congrats! Marriage is a wonderful thing. And I must say, she is gorgeous! Nice job on the ring. :o)

  79. don

    Thats awesome Ray. Congratulations to both of you.

  80. Congrats to both of you. By chance, are you in Newfoundland or Quebec? Looks familiar.

  81. Timmy p

    AWESOME – Congrats to you both- all the best in the years and races to come.

    Pretty spot to pop the question !

  82. Fantastic!!! Congratulations and best wishes. And so “the Girl” is revealed.

    Nice job on the ‘ice’; you have good taste.

  83. Congrats to you both!

  84. Woot! Congratulations!

  85. Many congratulations – I feel very certain, from the glimpses you give now and again here into your life together, that you will have a long and wonderful official partnership!

  86. Congratulations!

  87. She’s beautiful, congrats!

  88. Kim

    CONGRATS RAY AND THE GIRL! :) beautiful girl, beautiful ring. yay!

  89. NC Kate

    Congratulations! Guest post from the Fiancee coming soon…?

  90. Congratulations! The best to both of you.

  91. Congratulations!!!!

  92. Congratulations to both of you! Honeymoon in Kona?

  93. Great News, Congratulations to you both..And great job on the ring DC,,It’s beatiful..!

  94. Pia

    Congratulations to you both!

  95. Congratulations and best wishes to both of you! :D

  96. Wonderful news, Ray! I was wondering how long that was going to take. ;^D

    Congratulations to both of you.

  97. Congrats! Wishing you both a lifetime of hapiness!

  98. Who cares about the ring?? We finally got to see a picture of THE GIRL!!!! Congratulations to you both – seems like you have a crazy adventurous happy life together ahead – best wishes!! Hmm, now what sort of wedding will Rainmaker have? Vows inside a shark cage? At the top of a mountain? Jumping out of a plane? Or buying out a whole restaurant and eating to your hearts content for the day? Hmmm….


  100. Awesome news, ring and photo!

    Now we have a face to put with all those butt shots!

  101. Many congratulations!

  102. congrats! getting married was one of the best things i ever did. :) enjoy!

  103. Congrats! Hope you’ll have a lovely time!

  104. Wow! Let me first say that I found your blog by searching for Garmin Forerunner 305 reviews, and boy am I glad. What a wealth of information on your site! I also saw your bio – particularly the part about 2006 and it inspired me. Every blogger or daily miler I know is already in shape and it’s hard to motivate yourself when you start from at 14 minute mile and you walk the run during your first triathlon. However, I like your honesty and your openness. I travel too so your travel tips are fantastic. Keep up the good work.

    Now, most importantly, Congratulations!

  105. Kaves

    Congratulations! That’s great news!

    “P.S. – You won’t want to miss tomorrows news…so keep your RSS reader programs pealed…” I actually guessed your big news yesterday – was stoked to find out I was right!

  106. Congratulations to both of you!! Wishing you a long life full of happiness and many dual podium finishes.

  107. Congratulations Ray! My impression through your blog posts is that you two are a perfect fit.

  108. Congratulations Ray! I must admit though that back when you did your surprise skydiving trip post and you kind of built the suspense up without telling us what you did in the post leading up to it I thought you were going to announce that you two were engaged. Funny how you could do such a good job of keeping The Fiancée (formerly known as The Girl) relatively anonymous for so long and yet I had a feeling this was going to happen. Wonderful news.

  109. Congrats to you and THE Girl! Wonderful news!!

  110. Anonymous

    Congrats to you both!

    How about some details? Knowing you, if only through your blog, it must have been a unique proposal.

  111. Jen

    Yay! Been hoping that we would see this post someday.

    Congrats, R&B, as you enter the transition zone to wedded bliss.

  112. Luc

    wow, you made it ! This is a big achievement you know!

  113. Virginia

    Congrats guys! Always good to read about your adventures together!

  114. Congratulations to both of you!

  115. mo

    Congrats! Now you can swim-bike-run off into the sunset!

  116. Anonymous

    Congrats Ray.

  117. Jan

    Awesome! Congrats to you both!!!

  118. Congraturation!!!! This is a good news :)

  119. Ahhh…how wonderful! Congrats :)

  120. congrats! great news! you should get married at IMC, right on the lake.

  121. Awesome news. Congratulations and my best to you both!

  122. Awesome news. Congratulations and my best to you both!

  123. Congratulations!!

  124. Jen

    So awesome to know that she DOES exist and she said YES!

  125. CONGRATULATION!! Health, Happiness and life long training..

  126. Hey Ray

    Ur a lucky guy. She is really beautiful and I must say the girl is very happy, I can see that in the snap. I hope she gradually takes the triathlon spirit and joins u as well.

    Congrats and many happy returns of the day.

  127. A BIG congratulations to the two of you!

  128. So I am a little late to the party but:


    She is beautiful. Time to change the Girl into the wife.

    I stole the Mrs. and JT stole THE BRIDE, so I guess the Wife/fiancee it is…When is the date?

    Beautiful ring by the way.

  129. Bob

    Awesome! Sorry I’m late, we were on vacation. Congratulations and best wishes to you both!

  130. Sorry I’m late as well, but congrats!!

  131. CONGRATULATIONS! Marriage is a wonderful thing… if you can get through the wedding planning then you are good to go :-)

  132. Congrats to both of you! How wonderful!!

  133. Magman

    Do we get an in depth review of wearing this ring for the past 13 years? :) :) :)