Let’s see, what’s been going on in the Rainmaker world…
Well, first, I fixed my RSS feed. There was an ‘issue’, resulting from the otherwise massive size of the 310XT review post (68 pages in Word, in case you’re wondering), which caused Feedburner, and in turn Google Reader to go broke. Doh. But now all is well, and everything is back to normal. :)
This week has been rather heavy from a training perspective. Lots and lots of time with my ass planted to my bike seat. I think I’ve been on the trainer the last three days now, which was after getting back into the swing of 20 mile runs on Mondays.
The run went fairly well, especially given I think it’s the longest I have run since IMC (three weeks prior) was 6.2 miles. Usually the next day I have no soreness, but this time there was a bit of soreness – but I suppose that’s to be expected given the distance jump. I was thinking how it’s completely whacky that my run base is high enough currently that I can get away with that.
This upcoming Monday, the run gets a kick in the ass (or a kick in the something else…) when instead of just being a standalone run of 20 miles, it’s got about 1hr 45m on the trainer first..then I get to run. You know, just to make it a nice solid 4+ hour Monday evening training-fest. Time to pull Mr. Run Blinky thing out of the closet again for night-time running.
But before we get to that bit of joyfulness…I’ve gotta get through Saturday.
See, I signed up for the Aqua-velo race as part of the Chesapeake Man triathlon (as a side note, do NOT put a .com instead of a .org after that address…just found that out) as a bit of a test run for doing flatter courses. Anyway…it’s a non-MDot Ironman race. Except, I don’t have to run. Well, run far anyway. I still have to run about 4 miles off the Bike as part of training, but then I get to sit back and laugh at watch everyone else still running. :)
It was funny, this race has a whole slew of categories:
1) Swimfest – just swim 2.4 miles
2) Aquavelo – Swim 2.4 miles, then Bike 112 (what I’m doing)
3) Ironman – The full dance – Swim 2.4, Bike 112, Run 26.2 miles
4) Relay – You get to find some other sucker to do the event(s) you don’t like
Now, I was personally looking for the fifth option
5) Transition Fest – The horn goes off and you run away from the pack/water to/through transition, go to the mount line, mount your bike, turn around, dismount your bike, and run back into transition. Call it a day.
Regrettably, this option wasn’t offered. Shame.
So anyway, I’ll be out there Saturday for that action, so if you see me, say Hi! I’m just training straight through the race, so it’s just a training day for me and not a race. No taper, no nuttin. Just a typical Saturday long bike with some water action in the beginning.
I’ve got all sorts of interesting posts lined up for the next few weeks. With all the new consumer products coming out for the holiday season I’ve got a slew of fun reviews coming up. Some cool gadgets and gizmos. And juice. Yup – Pom sent me some juice, and I’ve been having lots of fun cooking up recipes and smoothies. Glorious food pictures to follow soon!
Finally, as an aside, I just figured out how to make Blizzards (the ice cream creation at Dairy Queen) using my blender. This has been a significant achievement in my life. Likely not ideal for training, but pure brilliance otherwise. Just sayin’…
Have a good weekend all!
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You should go for the fastest t1 award. Sprint through T1 grab your bag and bike and sprint to the bike start line…and then put everything on; then you can amaze people by telling them you had the fastest T1 :-)
or…you could make it a hammerfest training day and go for the bike split!
Good luck at Chessyman….its definitely a whole lotta flat. And the conditions this year sure beat last year’s – wheel deep sections of the bike course covered in water due to torrential rains.
And you just know I had to find out what the .com version of that site was. Thanks for sharing!
do you have another long-distance race coming up? i had no idea. good luck this swimming. smash the aqua velo.
Hey, Pom sent me some juice as well! I have smoothie pics to post next week.
The day I do a 2.4 mile swim and 112 bike (plus a few run miles) just for training is the day you can look for the pod and alert whatever gov’t agencies are in charge of that kind of thing. But you go boy! (And since you pretty much double dog dared us to look at the .com, I did. Ha ha! Wonder what the tri club organizers think of that!) Have a great training weekend.
Good luck out there! I like the new Spot. Been thinking about getting one, but was hoping they’d release a smaller version. Now I don’t have an excuse.
Oh, and how do you make the Blizzard? Been trying to figure that one out for years.
…hope you like company, ’cause I love BLIZZARDS!!!!
Blizzards at home?! I probably need a better blender for that…
I would have gone with option 5 as well. Making blizzards with your blender is no laughing feat…that is awesome!
Damn! You WON YOUR AGE GROUP on a training ride?
Good to run into you, albeit briefly! And good for you for getting in that run, too!