A special message from The Girl

Yesterday after getting home from work, The Girl had a little present all wrapped up for me.  After I delicately opened (read: tore open without regard) the carefully wrapped package, I found myself a new t-shirt – designed and imported exclusively from The Girl’s own single-item clothing line (she actually makes really impressive dresses too…but I don’t generally wear them).  She had mentioned earlier in the summer that she was going to work on a t-shirt that I had to wear while up at IMC this year, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  But, after seeing presented it to me last night – it’s pretty kick-ass.

Thus, I give you – my official t-shirt:

IMG_1101 On the front it features a moose, with the a maple leaf outline in red.  And on the back it features…well, it’s pretty obvious what it features…me (and 140.6 miles, the distance of the Ironman race).

IMG_1102 On the two sleeves we’ve got more cool stuff.  First up – my right sleeve – offering a pictorial of all three sports:

IMG_1103 And on my left sleeve, our Coach’s logo (we both have the same tri coach):

IMG_1104Awesome, huh?


She also made a t-shirt for herself – and hers is pretty rockin’ too!  Here she is modeling it off this morning:

IMG_1098 That’s my bib number on the front, traced in the outline of…well…a bib.  Along with the prerequisite Ironman Canada text.

And on the back:

IMG_1100Well, I’ll let ya read the text for yourself. :)

And the good news is she got the OK from work last night to be able to come along for the full trip. Woohoo – road trip! So her and I are bailing out to Seattle later this evening and then up to Penticton (the race site) early Thursday morning with the rest of the family.  Catch ya on the flip side!


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  1. Awesome! Good luck!

  2. don

    You two should be easy to spot in Pentiton then. Heh heh

    See you there!

  3. Awesome shirts! Hers is adorable! Have a safe trip.

  4. Kim

    those are great shirts! the girl is super creative!

  5. With these t-shirts, what could possibly go wrong?

    All the best!

  6. Each day, the girl reveals herself more and more in photographs. Cute shirts, you guys are perfect for eachother!

  7. Great shirts, creative girl! Enjoy your trip, look forward to some posts from the road…

  8. Very cool shirts! Like Kelly said, it appears that The Girl is slowly getting sucked into your blog vortex – it can’t be much longer until the big reveal. Or you could keep her like Wilson on Home Improvement, and always show her with her face partially obscured. So many possibilities.

    Oh, yeah .. good luck with that race thing.

  9. Awesome shirts!!! Good luck!

  10. Cool shirts. Keep the post coming during the build up to race day!

  11. Rock out man! Look forward to hearing about the race. Good luck!

  12. wow, y’all are secritive.. :-)

    GOOD LUCK, but also – have fun.

    Can’t wait to hear about it.

  13. Great shirts! And cool that she could come along too. Best of luck to you!!!

  14. Dude, I love the back of her shirt :) Have fun up north!!!! TAKE NAMES!!!

  15. Awesome! Good Luck.

  16. Good luck. I bet you are going to kill it! I’m up here doing some training and providing support to some folks. I’m sure I will see you here. I guess I just have to look for the shirts.

  17. That is very cool! Everyone will be very jealous that they do not have shirts just like them!

    Good Luck and be safe!!!

  18. Fantastic! I like the shirt :)

  19. Bob

    Great shirts! Looking forward to your successful race and the race report. Love reading your updates!

  20. can we talk about how awesome those two shirts are….

    kick-ass Ray!!!

  21. dude! highly approve of the Girl. you’re a superstar.

  22. Have a fantastic time and an even better race! Not that you wouldn’t though since Canada is the best (no bias here, haha.)

  23. I love it! Now you don’t have a choice but to do great!!!

    Best of luck, you will be strong!