Tag Archives: YouTube

YouTube Music now on Garmin Watches: Quick How-To Guide

 Garmin has rolled out support for offline YouTube Music on their watches. This allows you to download music and podcasts from YouTube Music in exactly the same way you would for Spotify, Amazon Music, and others. Like those, this … Read More Here

Unboxing the YouTube 100,000 Subscriber Award

It’s Friday, and late Friday for me in particular. Heck, it’s already Saturday for those of you on the other side of the globe. As such, it’s quickie post time.  Usually I just include my various YouTube videos in the … Read More Here

Behind the Scenes: Spending the day at YouTube

When I was still working in the tech industry, one of the things that was cool about my job was that I was ‘required’ to squeeze in 4 weeks of training per year.  I say required in air quotes because … Read More Here

Understanding Live Streaming Video Options for Action Cams: GoPro, Sony and HTC

The ability to stream in real time (live) video footage from action cams remains a bit of the holy grail of sports action.  Today, 99.99% of what you see on TV is done via broadcast quality cameras and equipment, with … Read More Here