A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Miriam

    Swimming and triathlon.

  2. Shane Sullivan

    The women’s Rugby Sevens has been fantastic!

  3. Sergio De La Garza

    Every Mexican out there competing!

  4. Jonathan


  5. Amy H

    Swimming, diving, gymnastics, track & field

  6. Peter

    Lots of swimming and track cycling! And of course the road races.

  7. Rebecca

    I’ve been watching a bit of everything, but mostly swimming since that was my primary sport growing up and one of my old teammates was competing!

  8. Ben

    Swimming is the best

  9. Tony Marcus

    Swimming, Cycling. Oh well, just about everything.

  10. Lawrence

    opening ceremonies and swimming

  11. Kyle Pennell

    Handball, volleyball, and the marathons

  12. Jim Hansen

    I watched as much cycling as I could, and always love to watch swimming and track and field.

  13. Charlie

    Literally everything. It’s not easy.

  14. Jitendra

    Hockey / Archery / Swimming

  15. Tobias

    Cycling , athletics

  16. John M

    Gymnastics, swimming, running!

  17. Chris J

    Swimming and track

  18. Stephen Makin

    Road cycling, track cycling, tennis, golf, and dancing horses.

  19. Johnny

    Seems like field hockey is all that’s ever on when I’m able to watch. Weird sport, field hockey.

  20. Patty Clements

    Gymnastics, heptathlon, swimming

  21. Buzz

    Swimming. Track.
    Limited coverage at home. :(

  22. Thomas


  23. Aaron B

    Enjoying the Track cycling … had to Google the rules for most of them (Omnium is crazy!)

  24. David L.

    Swimming, track, gymnastics aka all of it!

  25. Nacho

    Road cycling and swimming!

  26. Zachary

    I’ve been watching very little, mostly swimming and running online clips.

  27. Lisalisadc


  28. Jeff Votteler

    Track all the way!

  29. Roy

    Track cycling.

  30. Duncan

    Obviously the cycling, track and field and the swimming

  31. Paul

    Swimming, beach volley-ball and of course the 100 meters

  32. Ian McQ

    Pretty much everything I can, but cycling is the priority!

  33. Charles Nicholas

    Cycling & track & field.

  34. Juris

    Cycling, beach volleyand weightlifting, – so far. Bmx to come.

  35. Arturo

    Women tennis gold medal match, first gold for PUR!

  36. James Q

    Watching the track cycling

  37. Mike Kazuro

    Road race, rugby, v-ball, badminton, so far.

  38. Lewis Cooper

    Track cycling every time.

  39. Kevin Bradnick

    Weight lifting, track cycling, gymnastics

  40. Marc Milner

    I’ve enjoyed the swimming.

  41. JK

    Cycling, T&F, diving , Gymnastics, archery, rugby, rowing, wightwater ?

  42. Michael


  43. Tim

    Track cycling

  44. Jill

    Women’s field hockey and of course triathlon!

  45. Crispin

    All of the cycling. The men’s omnium second half and women’s omnium first half today were insane. And that crazy wall riding over the weekend!

  46. Soccer, track, and swimming.

  47. James Stevenson

    Just finish women’s marathon swim. More tackling than water polo.

  48. Josh

    Swimming and running.

  49. Chris

    Swimming, track, road cycling, rugby

  50. Gareth jones

    Any cycling event

  51. Kalei

    Swimming, gymnastics, track and field, cycling rowing! I love it all!

  52. TM

    Absolutely every event I can!

  53. Struan Lownie

    Bits and pieces of swimming cycling and sailing

  54. Chris

    All the cycling. Road and track and looking forward to the MTB and BMX. Plus Canadian women’s soccer.

  55. S. Wall

    Cycling, swimming, track and field

  56. Bearded_cyclist

    Hockey, cycling, diving, golf and track and field.

  57. Simon

    Cycling and soccer

  58. AJ


  59. Matthew Hunt


  60. Julian

    Track cycling all day long….

  61. Kathy Rivera

    Women’s Tennis- Proud to be a puertorrican, PR got the gold!! And track & field!! Javier Culson& Eric Alejandro, PR

  62. James

    Synchronized Swimming!

  63. Libby


  64. Jaymeth Maddox

    Swimming, cycling, track and field, gymnastics, synchronized swimming, etc., etc. The Olympics are the greatest things ever.

  65. Eric

    Swimming and beach volleyball

  66. Mick Collins

    Cycling, tennis, golf, hockey, pommel, bit of horse dancing and Beach volleyball! *coughs”

  67. Ariel

    All of them. Or at least everything NBC televises in their primetime coverage.

  68. David Laganière

    Gymnastics, athletics, trampoline! Also watching our Canadian athletes closely!

  69. Eduardo Jimenez

    Swimming, track & field, basketball.

  70. Marty

    Swimming mostly

  71. Erik Hash

    As many events as I can.

  72. John

    Beach volleyball!

  73. Broward Maryan

    Please! Watching road and time trial, and pretty much every track event that doesn’t have me up at 2 am here in Singapore.

  74. Patrick

    Mostly track and swimming. But everything! Love the Olympics.

  75. Anna

    All the track and field events.

  76. Steve Hodge

    Track cycling?

  77. Dan Paris

    It’s all about the track cycling!

  78. Nate t

    trying to watch as much track as possible

  79. Sandy Jung


  80. Mostly cycling, crazy action by Cav.

  81. Gary Hill

    Everything in the Velodrome!

  82. Eli Selzer

    Almost missed this one! I’ve been watching a little bit of everything, but really enjoyed learning about Rugby Sevens.

  83. Megan

    Cycling (road and track), athletics and a bit of gymnastics

  84. Mike Diotte

    All the running and gymnastics. Now just waiting for the triathlon races!

  85. Dan

    Swimming,Beach Volley and now Track and Filed

  86. Scheherazade

    All the cycling! And waiting for the triathlon.

  87. Simon

    As U’m in Spain generally what they want to watch – did like the spanish No. 1 women’s badminton player as she made it look tooo easy

  88. Vernon Lee

    Everything that comes on! Wrestling,basketball, volleyball, swimming, handball, kayaking, even walking!

  89. Nadia Fry

    Road racing

  90. Michael Watkins

    Lots of swimming and running. Looking forward to triathlon soon!

  91. Cherryl Ellison


  92. neil williams

    Been watching Cycling and fencing

  93. Rodrigo Valle Teixeira

    Anything with Portuguese athletes…. and all Athletics I can find.

  94. Chris Dunn

    Track cycling and time trial, sailing, rowing and looking forward to open water swim and triathlon

  95. Adam Toledo

    EVERYTHING! Cycling, gymnastics, all track events…. this is better than Netflix lol….

  96. LT Thompson

    Everything I can

  97. Steve

    Swimming, gymnastics and supporting my town’s own Olympic medalist Ibtihaj Muhammad!

  98. Megan James


  99. John Ziemba

    I’ll be watching triathlon, all the swimming events and any cycling events that I’m able to see.

  100. Clare Tan

    Swimming, Diving, Athletics are my favourite sports to watch!